/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#ifndef nsPrintSettingsImpl_h__
#define nsPrintSettingsImpl_h__

#include "nsIPrintSettings.h"  
#include "nsMargin.h"  
#include "nsString.h"
#include "nsWeakReference.h"  

#define NUM_HEAD_FOOT 3

//***    nsPrintSettings

class nsPrintSettings : public nsIPrintSettings

  nsPrintSettings(const nsPrintSettings& aPS);

  nsPrintSettings& operator=(const nsPrintSettings& rhs);

  virtual ~nsPrintSettings();

  // May be implemented by the platform-specific derived class                       
  virtual nsresult _Clone(nsIPrintSettings **_retval);
  virtual nsresult _Assign(nsIPrintSettings *aPS);
  typedef enum {
  } nsHeaderFooterEnum;

  nsresult GetMarginStrs(char16_t * *aTitle, nsHeaderFooterEnum aType, int16_t aJust);
  nsresult SetMarginStrs(const char16_t * aTitle, nsHeaderFooterEnum aType, int16_t aJust);

  // Members
  nsWeakPtr     mSession; // Should never be touched by Clone or Assign
  // mMargin, mEdge, and mUnwriteableMargin are stored in twips
  nsIntMargin   mMargin;
  nsIntMargin   mEdge;
  nsIntMargin   mUnwriteableMargin;

  int32_t       mPrintOptions;

  // scriptable data members
  int16_t       mPrintRange;
  int32_t       mStartPageNum; // only used for ePrintRange_SpecifiedRange
  int32_t       mEndPageNum;
  double        mScaling;
  bool          mPrintBGColors;  // print background colors
  bool          mPrintBGImages;  // print background images

  int16_t       mPrintFrameTypeUsage;
  int16_t       mPrintFrameType;
  int16_t       mHowToEnableFrameUI;
  bool          mIsCancelled;
  bool          mPrintSilent;
  bool          mPrintPreview;
  bool          mShrinkToFit;
  bool          mShowPrintProgress;
  int32_t       mPrintPageDelay;

  nsString      mTitle;
  nsString      mURL;
  nsString      mPageNumberFormat;
  nsString      mHeaderStrs[NUM_HEAD_FOOT];
  nsString      mFooterStrs[NUM_HEAD_FOOT];

  nsString      mPaperName;
  int16_t       mPaperData;
  double        mPaperWidth;
  double        mPaperHeight;
  int16_t       mPaperSizeUnit;

  bool          mPrintReversed;
  bool          mPrintInColor; // a false means grayscale
  int32_t       mOrientation;  // see orientation consts
  int32_t       mResolution;
  int32_t       mDuplex;
  int32_t       mNumCopies;
  nsXPIDLString mPrinter;
  bool          mPrintToFile;
  nsString      mToFileName;
  int16_t       mOutputFormat;
  bool          mIsInitedFromPrinter;
  bool          mIsInitedFromPrefs;

#endif /* nsPrintSettings_h__ */