/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef __nsMenu_h__ #define __nsMenu_h__ #include "mozilla/Attributes.h" #include "mozilla/UniquePtr.h" #include "nsCOMPtr.h" #include "nsDbusmenu.h" #include "nsMenuContainer.h" #include "nsMenuObject.h" #include <glib.h> class nsIAtom; class nsIContent; class nsITimer; class nsStyleContext; #define NSMENU_NUMBER_OF_POPUPSTATE_BITS 2U #define NSMENU_NUMBER_OF_FLAGS 4U // This class represents a menu class nsMenu final : public nsMenuContainer { public: nsMenu(nsMenuContainer* aParent, nsIContent* aContent); ~nsMenu(); nsMenuObject::EType Type() const override; bool IsBeingDisplayed() const override; bool NeedsRebuild() const override; // Tell the desktop shell to display this menu void OpenMenu(); // Normally called via the shell, but it's public so that child // menuitems can do the shells work. Sigh.... void OnClose(); private: friend class nsMenuContentInsertedEvent; friend class nsMenuContentRemovedEvent; enum EPopupState { ePopupState_Closed, ePopupState_Showing, ePopupState_Open, ePopupState_Hiding }; void SetPopupState(EPopupState aState); static void DoOpenCallback(nsITimer* aTimer, void* aClosure); static void menu_event_cb(DbusmenuMenuitem* menu, const gchar* name, GVariant* value, guint timestamp, gpointer user_data); // We add a placeholder item to empty menus so that Unity actually treats // us as a proper menu, rather than a menuitem without a submenu void MaybeAddPlaceholderItem(); // Removes a placeholder item if it exists and asserts that this succeeds void EnsureNoPlaceholderItem(); void OnOpen(); void Build(); void InitializePopup(); void RemoveChildAt(size_t aIndex); void RemoveChild(nsIContent* aChild); void InsertChildAfter(mozilla::UniquePtr<nsMenuObject> aChild, nsIContent* aPrevSibling); void AppendChild(mozilla::UniquePtr<nsMenuObject> aChild); bool IsInBatchedUpdate() const; void StructureMutated(); bool CanOpen() const; void HandleContentInserted(nsIContent* aContainer, nsIContent* aChild, nsIContent* aPrevSibling); void HandleContentRemoved(nsIContent* aContainer, nsIContent* aChild); void InitializeNativeData() override; void Update(nsStyleContext* aStyleContext) override; nsMenuObject::PropertyFlags SupportedProperties() const override; void OnAttributeChanged(nsIContent* aContent, nsIAtom* aAttribute) override; void OnContentInserted(nsIContent* aContainer, nsIContent* aChild, nsIContent* aPrevSibling) override; void OnContentRemoved(nsIContent* aContainer, nsIContent* aChild) override; void OnBeginUpdates(nsIContent* aContent) override; void OnEndUpdates() override; bool mNeedsRebuild; bool mNeedsUpdate; DbusmenuMenuitem* mPlaceholderItem; EPopupState mPopupState; enum EBatchedUpdateState { eBatchedUpdateState_Inactive, eBatchedUpdateState_Active, eBatchedUpdateState_DidMutate }; EBatchedUpdateState mBatchedUpdateState; nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> mPopupContent; nsCOMPtr<nsITimer> mOpenDelayTimer; }; #endif /* __nsMenu_h__ */