/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "Keyboard" #include "cutils_log.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <limits.h> #include "Keyboard.h" #include "KeycodeLabels.h" #include "KeyLayoutMap.h" #include "KeyCharacterMap.h" #include "InputDevice.h" #include <utils/Errors.h> #include <cutils/properties.h> namespace android { // --- KeyMap --- KeyMap::KeyMap() { } KeyMap::~KeyMap() { } status_t KeyMap::load(const InputDeviceIdentifier& deviceIdenfifier, const PropertyMap* deviceConfiguration) { // Use the configured key layout if available. if (deviceConfiguration) { String8 keyLayoutName; if (deviceConfiguration->tryGetProperty(String8("keyboard.layout"), keyLayoutName)) { status_t status = loadKeyLayout(deviceIdenfifier, keyLayoutName); if (status == NAME_NOT_FOUND) { ALOGE("Configuration for keyboard device '%s' requested keyboard layout '%s' but " "it was not found.", deviceIdenfifier.name.string(), keyLayoutName.string()); } } String8 keyCharacterMapName; if (deviceConfiguration->tryGetProperty(String8("keyboard.characterMap"), keyCharacterMapName)) { status_t status = loadKeyCharacterMap(deviceIdenfifier, keyCharacterMapName); if (status == NAME_NOT_FOUND) { ALOGE("Configuration for keyboard device '%s' requested keyboard character " "map '%s' but it was not found.", deviceIdenfifier.name.string(), keyLayoutName.string()); } } if (isComplete()) { return OK; } } // Try searching by device identifier. if (probeKeyMap(deviceIdenfifier, String8::empty())) { return OK; } // Fall back on the Generic key map. // TODO Apply some additional heuristics here to figure out what kind of // generic key map to use (US English, etc.) for typical external keyboards. if (probeKeyMap(deviceIdenfifier, String8("Generic"))) { return OK; } // Try the Virtual key map as a last resort. if (probeKeyMap(deviceIdenfifier, String8("Virtual"))) { return OK; } // Give up! ALOGE("Could not determine key map for device '%s' and no default key maps were found!", deviceIdenfifier.name.string()); return NAME_NOT_FOUND; } bool KeyMap::probeKeyMap(const InputDeviceIdentifier& deviceIdentifier, const String8& keyMapName) { if (!haveKeyLayout()) { loadKeyLayout(deviceIdentifier, keyMapName); } if (!haveKeyCharacterMap()) { loadKeyCharacterMap(deviceIdentifier, keyMapName); } return isComplete(); } status_t KeyMap::loadKeyLayout(const InputDeviceIdentifier& deviceIdentifier, const String8& name) { String8 path(getPath(deviceIdentifier, name, INPUT_DEVICE_CONFIGURATION_FILE_TYPE_KEY_LAYOUT)); if (path.isEmpty()) { return NAME_NOT_FOUND; } status_t status = KeyLayoutMap::load(path, &keyLayoutMap); if (status) { return status; } keyLayoutFile.setTo(path); return OK; } status_t KeyMap::loadKeyCharacterMap(const InputDeviceIdentifier& deviceIdentifier, const String8& name) { String8 path(getPath(deviceIdentifier, name, INPUT_DEVICE_CONFIGURATION_FILE_TYPE_KEY_CHARACTER_MAP)); if (path.isEmpty()) { return NAME_NOT_FOUND; } status_t status = KeyCharacterMap::load(path, KeyCharacterMap::FORMAT_BASE, &keyCharacterMap); if (status) { return status; } keyCharacterMapFile.setTo(path); return OK; } String8 KeyMap::getPath(const InputDeviceIdentifier& deviceIdentifier, const String8& name, InputDeviceConfigurationFileType type) { return name.isEmpty() ? getInputDeviceConfigurationFilePathByDeviceIdentifier(deviceIdentifier, type) : getInputDeviceConfigurationFilePathByName(name, type); } // --- Global functions --- bool isEligibleBuiltInKeyboard(const InputDeviceIdentifier& deviceIdentifier, const PropertyMap* deviceConfiguration, const KeyMap* keyMap) { if (!keyMap->haveKeyCharacterMap() || keyMap->keyCharacterMap->getKeyboardType() == KeyCharacterMap::KEYBOARD_TYPE_SPECIAL_FUNCTION) { return false; } if (deviceConfiguration) { bool builtIn = false; if (deviceConfiguration->tryGetProperty(String8("keyboard.builtIn"), builtIn) && builtIn) { return true; } } return strstr(deviceIdentifier.name.string(), "-keypad"); } static int lookupValueByLabel(const char* literal, const KeycodeLabel *list) { while (list->literal) { if (strcmp(literal, list->literal) == 0) { return list->value; } list++; } return list->value; } static const char* lookupLabelByValue(int value, const KeycodeLabel *list) { while (list->literal) { if (list->value == value) { return list->literal; } list++; } return NULL; } int32_t getKeyCodeByLabel(const char* label) { return int32_t(lookupValueByLabel(label, KEYCODES)); } uint32_t getKeyFlagByLabel(const char* label) { return uint32_t(lookupValueByLabel(label, FLAGS)); } int32_t getAxisByLabel(const char* label) { return int32_t(lookupValueByLabel(label, AXES)); } const char* getAxisLabel(int32_t axisId) { return lookupLabelByValue(axisId, AXES); } int32_t getLedByLabel(const char* label) { return int32_t(lookupValueByLabel(label, LEDS)); } static int32_t setEphemeralMetaState(int32_t mask, bool down, int32_t oldMetaState) { int32_t newMetaState; if (down) { newMetaState = oldMetaState | mask; } else { newMetaState = oldMetaState & ~(mask | AMETA_ALT_ON | AMETA_SHIFT_ON | AMETA_CTRL_ON | AMETA_META_ON); } if (newMetaState & (AMETA_ALT_LEFT_ON | AMETA_ALT_RIGHT_ON)) { newMetaState |= AMETA_ALT_ON; } if (newMetaState & (AMETA_SHIFT_LEFT_ON | AMETA_SHIFT_RIGHT_ON)) { newMetaState |= AMETA_SHIFT_ON; } if (newMetaState & (AMETA_CTRL_LEFT_ON | AMETA_CTRL_RIGHT_ON)) { newMetaState |= AMETA_CTRL_ON; } if (newMetaState & (AMETA_META_LEFT_ON | AMETA_META_RIGHT_ON)) { newMetaState |= AMETA_META_ON; } return newMetaState; } static int32_t toggleLockedMetaState(int32_t mask, bool down, int32_t oldMetaState) { if (down) { return oldMetaState; } else { return oldMetaState ^ mask; } } int32_t updateMetaState(int32_t keyCode, bool down, int32_t oldMetaState) { switch (keyCode) { case AKEYCODE_ALT_LEFT: return setEphemeralMetaState(AMETA_ALT_LEFT_ON, down, oldMetaState); case AKEYCODE_ALT_RIGHT: return setEphemeralMetaState(AMETA_ALT_RIGHT_ON, down, oldMetaState); case AKEYCODE_SHIFT_LEFT: return setEphemeralMetaState(AMETA_SHIFT_LEFT_ON, down, oldMetaState); case AKEYCODE_SHIFT_RIGHT: return setEphemeralMetaState(AMETA_SHIFT_RIGHT_ON, down, oldMetaState); case AKEYCODE_SYM: return setEphemeralMetaState(AMETA_SYM_ON, down, oldMetaState); case AKEYCODE_FUNCTION: return setEphemeralMetaState(AMETA_FUNCTION_ON, down, oldMetaState); case AKEYCODE_CTRL_LEFT: return setEphemeralMetaState(AMETA_CTRL_LEFT_ON, down, oldMetaState); case AKEYCODE_CTRL_RIGHT: return setEphemeralMetaState(AMETA_CTRL_RIGHT_ON, down, oldMetaState); case AKEYCODE_META_LEFT: return setEphemeralMetaState(AMETA_META_LEFT_ON, down, oldMetaState); case AKEYCODE_META_RIGHT: return setEphemeralMetaState(AMETA_META_RIGHT_ON, down, oldMetaState); case AKEYCODE_CAPS_LOCK: return toggleLockedMetaState(AMETA_CAPS_LOCK_ON, down, oldMetaState); case AKEYCODE_NUM_LOCK: return toggleLockedMetaState(AMETA_NUM_LOCK_ON, down, oldMetaState); case AKEYCODE_SCROLL_LOCK: return toggleLockedMetaState(AMETA_SCROLL_LOCK_ON, down, oldMetaState); default: return oldMetaState; } } bool isMetaKey(int32_t keyCode) { switch (keyCode) { case AKEYCODE_ALT_LEFT: case AKEYCODE_ALT_RIGHT: case AKEYCODE_SHIFT_LEFT: case AKEYCODE_SHIFT_RIGHT: case AKEYCODE_SYM: case AKEYCODE_FUNCTION: case AKEYCODE_CTRL_LEFT: case AKEYCODE_CTRL_RIGHT: case AKEYCODE_META_LEFT: case AKEYCODE_META_RIGHT: case AKEYCODE_CAPS_LOCK: case AKEYCODE_NUM_LOCK: case AKEYCODE_SCROLL_LOCK: return true; default: return false; } } } // namespace android