/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#include "nsView.h"

#include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
#include "mozilla/BasicEvents.h"
#include "mozilla/DebugOnly.h"
#include "mozilla/IntegerPrintfMacros.h"
#include "mozilla/Likely.h"
#include "mozilla/Poison.h"
#include "nsIWidget.h"
#include "nsViewManager.h"
#include "nsIFrame.h"
#include "nsPresArena.h"
#include "nsXULPopupManager.h"
#include "nsIWidgetListener.h"
#include "nsContentUtils.h" // for nsAutoScriptBlocker
#include "mozilla/TimelineConsumers.h"
#include "mozilla/CompositeTimelineMarker.h"

using namespace mozilla;

nsView::nsView(nsViewManager* aViewManager, nsViewVisibility aVisibility)

  mVis = aVisibility;
  // Views should be transparent by default. Not being transparent is
  // a promise that the view will paint all its pixels opaquely. Views
  // should make this promise explicitly by calling
  // SetViewContentTransparency.
  mVFlags = 0;
  mViewManager = aViewManager;
  mDirtyRegion = nullptr;
  mWidgetIsTopLevel = false;

void nsView::DropMouseGrabbing()
  nsIPresShell* presShell = mViewManager->GetPresShell();
  if (presShell)


  while (GetFirstChild())
    nsView* child = GetFirstChild();
    if (child->GetViewManager() == mViewManager) {
    } else {
      // just unhook it. Someone else will want to destroy this.

  if (mViewManager)

    nsView *rootView = mViewManager->GetRootView();

    if (rootView)
      // Root views can have parents!
      if (mParent)

      if (rootView == this)
        // Inform the view manager that the root view has gone away...
    else if (mParent)

    mViewManager = nullptr;
  else if (mParent)

  if (mPreviousWindow) {

  // Destroy and release the widget

  delete mDirtyRegion;

class DestroyWidgetRunnable : public Runnable {

  explicit DestroyWidgetRunnable(nsIWidget* aWidget) : mWidget(aWidget) {}

  nsCOMPtr<nsIWidget> mWidget;

NS_IMETHODIMP DestroyWidgetRunnable::Run()
  mWidget = nullptr;
  return NS_OK;

void nsView::DestroyWidget()
  if (mWindow)
    // If we are not attached to a base window, we're going to tear down our
    // widget here. However, if we're attached to somebody elses widget, we
    // want to leave the widget alone: don't reset the client data or call
    // Destroy. Just clear our event view ptr and free our reference to it.
    if (mWidgetIsTopLevel) {
    else {

      nsCOMPtr<nsIRunnable> widgetDestroyer =
        new DestroyWidgetRunnable(mWindow);

      // Don't leak if we happen to arrive here after the main thread
      // has disappeared.
      nsCOMPtr<nsIThread> mainThread = do_GetMainThread();
      if (mainThread) {
        mainThread->Dispatch(widgetDestroyer.forget(), NS_DISPATCH_NORMAL);

    mWindow = nullptr;

nsView* nsView::GetViewFor(nsIWidget* aWidget)
  NS_PRECONDITION(nullptr != aWidget, "null widget ptr");

  nsIWidgetListener* listener = aWidget->GetWidgetListener();
  if (listener) {
    nsView* view = listener->GetView();
    if (view)
      return view;

  listener = aWidget->GetAttachedWidgetListener();
  return listener ? listener->GetView() : nullptr;

void nsView::Destroy()
  mozWritePoison(this, sizeof(*this));
  nsView::operator delete(this);

void nsView::SetPosition(nscoord aX, nscoord aY)
  mDimBounds.x += aX - mPosX;
  mDimBounds.y += aY - mPosY;
  mPosX = aX;
  mPosY = aY;

  NS_ASSERTION(GetParent() || (aX == 0 && aY == 0),
               "Don't try to move the root widget to something non-zero");

  ResetWidgetBounds(true, false);

void nsView::ResetWidgetBounds(bool aRecurse, bool aForceSync)
  if (mWindow) {
    if (!aForceSync) {
      // Don't change widget geometry synchronously, since that can
      // cause synchronous painting.
    } else {
      DoResetWidgetBounds(false, true);

  if (aRecurse) {
    // reposition any widgets under this view
    for (nsView* v = GetFirstChild(); v; v = v->GetNextSibling()) {
      v->ResetWidgetBounds(true, aForceSync);

bool nsView::IsEffectivelyVisible()
  for (nsView* v = this; v; v = v->mParent) {
    if (v->GetVisibility() == nsViewVisibility_kHide)
      return false;
  return true;

LayoutDeviceIntRect nsView::CalcWidgetBounds(nsWindowType aType)
  int32_t p2a = mViewManager->AppUnitsPerDevPixel();

  nsRect viewBounds(mDimBounds);

  nsView* parent = GetParent();
  nsIWidget* parentWidget = nullptr;
  if (parent) {
    nsPoint offset;
    parentWidget = parent->GetNearestWidget(&offset, p2a);
    // make viewBounds be relative to the parent widget, in appunits
    viewBounds += offset;

    if (parentWidget && aType == eWindowType_popup &&
        IsEffectivelyVisible()) {
      // put offset into screen coordinates. (based on client area origin)
      LayoutDeviceIntPoint screenPoint = parentWidget->WidgetToScreenOffset();
      viewBounds += nsPoint(NSIntPixelsToAppUnits(screenPoint.x, p2a),
                            NSIntPixelsToAppUnits(screenPoint.y, p2a));

  // Compute widget bounds in device pixels
  LayoutDeviceIntRect newBounds =

#if defined(XP_MACOSX) || (MOZ_WIDGET_GTK == 3)
  // cocoa and GTK round widget coordinates to the nearest global "display
  // pixel" integer value. So we avoid fractional display pixel values by
  // rounding to the nearest value that won't yield a fractional display pixel.
  nsIWidget* widget = parentWidget ? parentWidget : mWindow.get();
  uint32_t round;
  if (aType == eWindowType_popup && widget &&
      ((round = widget->RoundsWidgetCoordinatesTo()) > 1)) {
    LayoutDeviceIntSize pixelRoundedSize = newBounds.Size();
    // round the top left and bottom right to the nearest round pixel
    newBounds.x = NSToIntRoundUp(NSAppUnitsToDoublePixels(viewBounds.x, p2a) / round) * round;
    newBounds.y = NSToIntRoundUp(NSAppUnitsToDoublePixels(viewBounds.y, p2a) / round) * round;
    newBounds.width =
      NSToIntRoundUp(NSAppUnitsToDoublePixels(viewBounds.XMost(), p2a) / round) * round - newBounds.x;
    newBounds.height =
      NSToIntRoundUp(NSAppUnitsToDoublePixels(viewBounds.YMost(), p2a) / round) * round - newBounds.y;
    // but if that makes the widget larger then our frame may not paint the
    // extra pixels, so reduce the size to the nearest round value
    if (newBounds.width > pixelRoundedSize.width) {
      newBounds.width -= round;
    if (newBounds.height > pixelRoundedSize.height) {
      newBounds.height -= round;

  // Compute where the top-left of our widget ended up relative to the parent
  // widget, in appunits.
  nsPoint roundedOffset(NSIntPixelsToAppUnits(newBounds.x, p2a),
                        NSIntPixelsToAppUnits(newBounds.y, p2a));

  // mViewToWidgetOffset is added to coordinates relative to the view origin
  // to get coordinates relative to the widget.
  // The view origin, relative to the parent widget, is at
  // (mPosX,mPosY) - mDimBounds.TopLeft() + viewBounds.TopLeft().
  // Our widget, relative to the parent widget, is roundedOffset.
  mViewToWidgetOffset = nsPoint(mPosX, mPosY)
    - mDimBounds.TopLeft() + viewBounds.TopLeft() - roundedOffset;

  return newBounds;

void nsView::DoResetWidgetBounds(bool aMoveOnly,
                                 bool aInvalidateChangedSize) {
  // The geometry of a root view's widget is controlled externally,
  // NOT by sizing or positioning the view
  if (mViewManager->GetRootView() == this) {

  NS_PRECONDITION(mWindow, "Why was this called??");

  // Hold this ref to make sure it stays alive.
  nsCOMPtr<nsIWidget> widget = mWindow;

  // Stash a copy of these and use them so we can handle this being deleted (say
  // from sync painting/flushing from Show/Move/Resize on the widget).
  LayoutDeviceIntRect newBounds;
  RefPtr<nsDeviceContext> dx = mViewManager->GetDeviceContext();

  nsWindowType type = widget->WindowType();

  LayoutDeviceIntRect curBounds = widget->GetClientBounds();
  bool invisiblePopup = type == eWindowType_popup &&
                        ((curBounds.IsEmpty() && mDimBounds.IsEmpty()) ||
                         mVis == nsViewVisibility_kHide);

  if (invisiblePopup) {
    // We're going to hit the early exit below, avoid calling CalcWidgetBounds.
  } else {
    newBounds = CalcWidgetBounds(type);

  bool curVisibility = widget->IsVisible();
  bool newVisibility = IsEffectivelyVisible();
  if (curVisibility && !newVisibility) {

  if (invisiblePopup) {
    // Don't manipulate empty or hidden popup widgets. For example there's no
    // point moving hidden comboboxes around, or doing X server roundtrips
    // to compute their true screen position. This could mean that WidgetToScreen
    // operations on these widgets don't return up-to-date values, but popup
    // positions aren't reliable anyway because of correction to be on or off-screen.

  bool changedPos = curBounds.TopLeft() != newBounds.TopLeft();
  bool changedSize = curBounds.Size() != newBounds.Size();

  // Child views are never attached to top level widgets, this is safe.

  // Coordinates are converted to desktop pixels for window Move/Resize APIs,
  // because of the potential for device-pixel coordinate spaces for mixed
  // hidpi/lodpi screens to overlap each other and result in bad placement
  // (bug 814434).
  DesktopToLayoutDeviceScale scale = dx->GetDesktopToDeviceScale();

  DesktopRect deskRect = newBounds / scale;
  if (changedPos) {
    if (changedSize && !aMoveOnly) {
      widget->ResizeClient(deskRect.x, deskRect.y,
                           deskRect.width, deskRect.height,
    } else {
      widget->MoveClient(deskRect.x, deskRect.y);
  } else {
    if (changedSize && !aMoveOnly) {
      widget->ResizeClient(deskRect.width, deskRect.height,
    } // else do nothing!

  if (!curVisibility && newVisibility) {

void nsView::SetDimensions(const nsRect& aRect, bool aPaint, bool aResizeWidget)
  nsRect dims = aRect;
  dims.MoveBy(mPosX, mPosY);

  // Don't use nsRect's operator== here, since it returns true when
  // both rects are empty even if they have different widths and we
  // have cases where that sort of thing matters to us.
  if (mDimBounds.TopLeft() == dims.TopLeft() &&
      mDimBounds.Size() == dims.Size()) {

  mDimBounds = dims;

  if (aResizeWidget) {
    ResetWidgetBounds(false, false);

void nsView::NotifyEffectiveVisibilityChanged(bool aEffectivelyVisible)
  if (!aEffectivelyVisible)


  if (nullptr != mWindow)
    ResetWidgetBounds(false, false);

  for (nsView* child = mFirstChild; child; child = child->mNextSibling) {
    if (child->mVis == nsViewVisibility_kHide) {
      // It was effectively hidden and still is
    // Our child is visible if we are

void nsView::SetVisibility(nsViewVisibility aVisibility)
  mVis = aVisibility;

void nsView::SetFloating(bool aFloatingView)
	if (aFloatingView)

void nsView::InvalidateHierarchy()
  if (mViewManager->GetRootView() == this)

  for (nsView *child = mFirstChild; child; child = child->GetNextSibling())

void nsView::InsertChild(nsView *aChild, nsView *aSibling)
  NS_PRECONDITION(nullptr != aChild, "null ptr");

  if (nullptr != aChild)
    if (nullptr != aSibling)
#ifdef DEBUG
      NS_ASSERTION(aSibling->GetParent() == this, "tried to insert view with invalid sibling");
      //insert after sibling
      mFirstChild = aChild;

    // If we just inserted a root view, then update the RootViewManager
    // on all view managers in the new subtree.

    nsViewManager *vm = aChild->GetViewManager();
    if (vm->GetRootView() == aChild)

void nsView::RemoveChild(nsView *child)
  NS_PRECONDITION(nullptr != child, "null ptr");

  if (nullptr != child)
    nsView* prevKid = nullptr;
    nsView* kid = mFirstChild;
    DebugOnly<bool> found = false;
    while (nullptr != kid) {
      if (kid == child) {
        if (nullptr != prevKid) {
        } else {
          mFirstChild = kid->GetNextSibling();
        found = true;
      prevKid = kid;
	    kid = kid->GetNextSibling();
    NS_ASSERTION(found, "tried to remove non child");

    // If we just removed a root view, then update the RootViewManager
    // on all view managers in the removed subtree.

    nsViewManager *vm = child->GetViewManager();
    if (vm->GetRootView() == child)

// Native widgets ultimately just can't deal with the awesome power of
// CSS2 z-index. However, we set the z-index on the widget anyway
// because in many simple common cases the widgets do end up in the
// right order. We set each widget's z-index to the z-index of the
// nearest ancestor that has non-auto z-index.
static void UpdateNativeWidgetZIndexes(nsView* aView, int32_t aZIndex)
  if (aView->HasWidget()) {
    nsIWidget* widget = aView->GetWidget();
    if (widget->GetZIndex() != aZIndex) {
  } else {
    for (nsView* v = aView->GetFirstChild(); v; v = v->GetNextSibling()) {
      if (v->GetZIndexIsAuto()) {
        UpdateNativeWidgetZIndexes(v, aZIndex);

static int32_t FindNonAutoZIndex(nsView* aView)
  while (aView) {
    if (!aView->GetZIndexIsAuto()) {
      return aView->GetZIndex();
    aView = aView->GetParent();
  return 0;

struct DefaultWidgetInitData : public nsWidgetInitData {
  DefaultWidgetInitData() : nsWidgetInitData()
    mWindowType = eWindowType_child;
    clipChildren = true;
    clipSiblings = true;

nsresult nsView::CreateWidget(nsWidgetInitData *aWidgetInitData,
                               bool aEnableDragDrop,
                               bool aResetVisibility)
  MOZ_ASSERT(!aWidgetInitData ||
             aWidgetInitData->mWindowType != eWindowType_popup,
             "Use CreateWidgetForPopup");

  DefaultWidgetInitData defaultInitData;
  bool initDataPassedIn = !!aWidgetInitData;
  aWidgetInitData = aWidgetInitData ? aWidgetInitData : &defaultInitData;
  defaultInitData.mListenForResizes =
    (!initDataPassedIn && GetParent() &&
     GetParent()->GetViewManager() != mViewManager);

  LayoutDeviceIntRect trect = CalcWidgetBounds(aWidgetInitData->mWindowType);

  nsIWidget* parentWidget =
    GetParent() ? GetParent()->GetNearestWidget(nullptr) : nullptr;
  if (!parentWidget) {
    NS_ERROR("nsView::CreateWidget without suitable parent widget??");
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  // XXX: using aForceUseIWidgetParent=true to preserve previous
  // semantics.  It's not clear that it's actually needed.
  mWindow = parentWidget->CreateChild(trect, aWidgetInitData, true);
  if (!mWindow) {
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  InitializeWindow(aEnableDragDrop, aResetVisibility);

  return NS_OK;

nsresult nsView::CreateWidgetForParent(nsIWidget* aParentWidget,
                                        nsWidgetInitData *aWidgetInitData,
                                        bool aEnableDragDrop,
                                        bool aResetVisibility)
  MOZ_ASSERT(!aWidgetInitData ||
             aWidgetInitData->mWindowType != eWindowType_popup,
             "Use CreateWidgetForPopup");
  MOZ_ASSERT(aParentWidget, "Parent widget required");

  DefaultWidgetInitData defaultInitData;
  aWidgetInitData = aWidgetInitData ? aWidgetInitData : &defaultInitData;

  LayoutDeviceIntRect trect = CalcWidgetBounds(aWidgetInitData->mWindowType);

  mWindow = aParentWidget->CreateChild(trect, aWidgetInitData);
  if (!mWindow) {
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  InitializeWindow(aEnableDragDrop, aResetVisibility);

  return NS_OK;

nsresult nsView::CreateWidgetForPopup(nsWidgetInitData *aWidgetInitData,
                                       nsIWidget* aParentWidget,
                                       bool aEnableDragDrop,
                                       bool aResetVisibility)
  MOZ_ASSERT(aWidgetInitData, "Widget init data required");
  MOZ_ASSERT(aWidgetInitData->mWindowType == eWindowType_popup,
             "Use one of the other CreateWidget methods");

  LayoutDeviceIntRect trect = CalcWidgetBounds(aWidgetInitData->mWindowType);

  // XXX/cjones: having these two separate creation cases seems ... um
  // ... unnecessary, but it's the way the old code did it.  Please
  // unify them by first finding a suitable parent nsIWidget, then
  // getting rid of aForceUseIWidgetParent.
  if (aParentWidget) {
    // XXX: using aForceUseIWidgetParent=true to preserve previous
    // semantics.  It's not clear that it's actually needed.
    mWindow = aParentWidget->CreateChild(trect, aWidgetInitData, true);
  else {
    nsIWidget* nearestParent = GetParent() ? GetParent()->GetNearestWidget(nullptr)
                                           : nullptr;
    if (!nearestParent) {
      // Without a parent, we can't make a popup.  This can happen
      // when printing
      return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

    mWindow = nearestParent->CreateChild(trect, aWidgetInitData);
  if (!mWindow) {
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  InitializeWindow(aEnableDragDrop, aResetVisibility);

  return NS_OK;

nsView::InitializeWindow(bool aEnableDragDrop, bool aResetVisibility)
  MOZ_ASSERT(mWindow, "Must have a window to initialize");


  if (aEnableDragDrop) {

  // propagate the z-index to the widget.
  UpdateNativeWidgetZIndexes(this, FindNonAutoZIndex(this));

  //make sure visibility state is accurate

  if (aResetVisibility) {

  mNeedsWindowPropertiesSync = true;
  if (mViewManager) {

// Attach to a top level widget and start receiving mirrored events.
nsresult nsView::AttachToTopLevelWidget(nsIWidget* aWidget)
  NS_PRECONDITION(nullptr != aWidget, "null widget ptr");
  /// XXXjimm This is a temporary workaround to an issue w/document
  // viewer (bug 513162).
  nsIWidgetListener* listener = aWidget->GetAttachedWidgetListener();
  if (listener) {
    nsView *oldView = listener->GetView();
    if (oldView) {

  // Note, the previous device context will be released. Detaching
  // will not restore the old one.

  mWindow = aWidget;

  mWidgetIsTopLevel = true;

  // Refresh the view bounds

  return NS_OK;

// Detach this view from an attached widget.
nsresult nsView::DetachFromTopLevelWidget()
  NS_PRECONDITION(mWidgetIsTopLevel, "Not attached currently!");
  NS_PRECONDITION(mWindow, "null mWindow for DetachFromTopLevelWidget!");

  nsIWidgetListener* listener = mWindow->GetPreviouslyAttachedWidgetListener();

  if (listener && listener->GetView()) {
    // Ensure the listener doesn't think it's being used anymore

  // If the new view's frame is paint suppressed then the window
  // will want to use us instead until that's done

  mPreviousWindow = mWindow;
  mWindow = nullptr;

  mWidgetIsTopLevel = false;

  return NS_OK;

void nsView::SetZIndex(bool aAuto, int32_t aZIndex)
  bool oldIsAuto = GetZIndexIsAuto();
  mVFlags = (mVFlags & ~NS_VIEW_FLAG_AUTO_ZINDEX) | (aAuto ? NS_VIEW_FLAG_AUTO_ZINDEX : 0);
  mZIndex = aZIndex;

  if (HasWidget() || !oldIsAuto || !aAuto) {
    UpdateNativeWidgetZIndexes(this, FindNonAutoZIndex(this));

void nsView::AssertNoWindow()
  // XXX: it would be nice to make this a strong assert
  if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(mWindow)) {
    NS_ERROR("We already have a window for this view? BAD");
    mWindow = nullptr;

// internal window creation functions
void nsView::AttachWidgetEventHandler(nsIWidget* aWidget)
#ifdef DEBUG
  NS_ASSERTION(!aWidget->GetWidgetListener(), "Already have a widget listener");


void nsView::DetachWidgetEventHandler(nsIWidget* aWidget)
  NS_ASSERTION(!aWidget->GetWidgetListener() ||
               aWidget->GetWidgetListener()->GetView() == this, "Wrong view");

#ifdef DEBUG
void nsView::List(FILE* out, int32_t aIndent) const
  int32_t i;
  for (i = aIndent; --i >= 0; ) fputs("  ", out);
  fprintf(out, "%p ", (void*)this);
  if (nullptr != mWindow) {
    nscoord p2a = mViewManager->AppUnitsPerDevPixel();
    LayoutDeviceIntRect rect = mWindow->GetClientBounds();
    nsRect windowBounds = LayoutDeviceIntRect::ToAppUnits(rect, p2a);
    rect = mWindow->GetBounds();
    nsRect nonclientBounds = LayoutDeviceIntRect::ToAppUnits(rect, p2a);
    nsrefcnt widgetRefCnt = mWindow.get()->AddRef() - 1;
    int32_t Z = mWindow->GetZIndex();
    fprintf(out, "(widget=%p[%" PRIuPTR "] z=%d pos={%d,%d,%d,%d}) ",
            (void*)mWindow, widgetRefCnt, Z,
            nonclientBounds.x, nonclientBounds.y,
            windowBounds.width, windowBounds.height);
  nsRect brect = GetBounds();
  fprintf(out, "{%d,%d,%d,%d}",
          brect.x, brect.y, brect.width, brect.height);
  fprintf(out, " z=%d vis=%d frame=%p <\n",
          mZIndex, mVis, static_cast<void*>(mFrame));
  for (nsView* kid = mFirstChild; kid; kid = kid->GetNextSibling()) {
    NS_ASSERTION(kid->GetParent() == this, "incorrect parent");
    kid->List(out, aIndent + 1);
  for (i = aIndent; --i >= 0; ) fputs("  ", out);
  fputs(">\n", out);
#endif // DEBUG

nsPoint nsView::GetOffsetTo(const nsView* aOther) const
  return GetOffsetTo(aOther, GetViewManager()->AppUnitsPerDevPixel());

nsPoint nsView::GetOffsetTo(const nsView* aOther, const int32_t aAPD) const
  MOZ_ASSERT(GetParent() || !aOther || aOther->GetParent() || this == aOther,
             "caller of (outer) GetOffsetTo must not pass unrelated views");
  // We accumulate the final result in offset
  nsPoint offset(0, 0);
  // The offset currently accumulated at the current APD
  nsPoint docOffset(0, 0);
  const nsView* v = this;
  nsViewManager* currVM = v->GetViewManager();
  int32_t currAPD = currVM->AppUnitsPerDevPixel();
  const nsView* root = nullptr;
  for ( ; v != aOther && v; root = v, v = v->GetParent()) {
    nsViewManager* newVM = v->GetViewManager();
    if (newVM != currVM) {
      int32_t newAPD = newVM->AppUnitsPerDevPixel();
      if (newAPD != currAPD) {
        offset += docOffset.ScaleToOtherAppUnits(currAPD, aAPD);
        docOffset.x = docOffset.y = 0;
        currAPD = newAPD;
      currVM = newVM;
    docOffset += v->GetPosition();
  offset += docOffset.ScaleToOtherAppUnits(currAPD, aAPD);

  if (v != aOther) {
    // Looks like aOther wasn't an ancestor of |this|.  So now we have
    // the root-VM-relative position of |this| in |offset|.  Get the
    // root-VM-relative position of aOther and subtract it.
    nsPoint negOffset = aOther->GetOffsetTo(root, aAPD);
    offset -= negOffset;

  return offset;

nsPoint nsView::GetOffsetToWidget(nsIWidget* aWidget) const
  nsPoint pt;
  // Get the view for widget
  nsView* widgetView = GetViewFor(aWidget);
  if (!widgetView) {
    return pt;

  // Get the offset to the widget view in the widget view's APD
  // We get the offset in the widget view's APD first and then convert to our
  // APD afterwards so that we can include the widget view's ViewToWidgetOffset
  // in the sum in its native APD, and then convert the whole thing to our APD
  // so that we don't have to convert the APD of the relatively small
  // ViewToWidgetOffset by itself with a potentially large relative rounding
  // error.
  pt = -widgetView->GetOffsetTo(this);
  // Add in the offset to the widget.
  pt += widgetView->ViewToWidgetOffset();

  // Convert to our appunits.
  int32_t widgetAPD = widgetView->GetViewManager()->AppUnitsPerDevPixel();
  int32_t ourAPD = GetViewManager()->AppUnitsPerDevPixel();
  pt = pt.ScaleToOtherAppUnits(widgetAPD, ourAPD);
  return pt;

nsIWidget* nsView::GetNearestWidget(nsPoint* aOffset) const
  return GetNearestWidget(aOffset, GetViewManager()->AppUnitsPerDevPixel());

nsIWidget* nsView::GetNearestWidget(nsPoint* aOffset, const int32_t aAPD) const
  // aOffset is based on the view's position, which ignores any chrome on
  // attached parent widgets.

  // We accumulate the final result in pt
  nsPoint pt(0, 0);
  // The offset currently accumulated at the current APD
  nsPoint docPt(0,0);
  const nsView* v = this;
  nsViewManager* currVM = v->GetViewManager();
  int32_t currAPD = currVM->AppUnitsPerDevPixel();
  for ( ; v && !v->HasWidget(); v = v->GetParent()) {
    nsViewManager* newVM = v->GetViewManager();
    if (newVM != currVM) {
      int32_t newAPD = newVM->AppUnitsPerDevPixel();
      if (newAPD != currAPD) {
        pt += docPt.ScaleToOtherAppUnits(currAPD, aAPD);
        docPt.x = docPt.y = 0;
        currAPD = newAPD;
      currVM = newVM;
    docPt += v->GetPosition();
  if (!v) {
    if (aOffset) {
      pt += docPt.ScaleToOtherAppUnits(currAPD, aAPD);
      *aOffset = pt;
    return nullptr;

  // pt is now the offset from v's origin to this view's origin.
  // We add the ViewToWidgetOffset to get the offset to the widget.
  if (aOffset) {
    docPt += v->ViewToWidgetOffset();
    pt += docPt.ScaleToOtherAppUnits(currAPD, aAPD);
    *aOffset = pt;
  return v->GetWidget();

bool nsView::IsRoot() const
  NS_ASSERTION(mViewManager != nullptr," View manager is null in nsView::IsRoot()");
  return mViewManager->GetRootView() == this;

nsView::GetBoundsInParentUnits() const
  nsView* parent = GetParent();
  nsViewManager* VM = GetViewManager();
  if (this != VM->GetRootView() || !parent) {
    return mDimBounds;
  int32_t ourAPD = VM->AppUnitsPerDevPixel();
  int32_t parentAPD = parent->GetViewManager()->AppUnitsPerDevPixel();
  return mDimBounds.ScaleToOtherAppUnitsRoundOut(ourAPD, parentAPD);

nsView::ConvertFromParentCoords(nsPoint aPt) const
  const nsView* parent = GetParent();
  if (parent) {
    aPt = aPt.ScaleToOtherAppUnits(
  aPt -= GetPosition();
  return aPt;

static bool
IsPopupWidget(nsIWidget* aWidget)
  return (aWidget->WindowType() == eWindowType_popup);

  return GetViewManager()->GetPresShell();

nsView::WindowMoved(nsIWidget* aWidget, int32_t x, int32_t y)
  nsXULPopupManager* pm = nsXULPopupManager::GetInstance();
  if (pm && IsPopupWidget(aWidget)) {
    pm->PopupMoved(mFrame, nsIntPoint(x, y));
    return true;

  return false;

nsView::WindowResized(nsIWidget* aWidget, int32_t aWidth, int32_t aHeight)
  // The root view may not be set if this is the resize associated with
  // window creation
  if (this == mViewManager->GetRootView()) {
    RefPtr<nsDeviceContext> devContext = mViewManager->GetDeviceContext();
    // ensure DPI is up-to-date, in case of window being opened and sized
    // on a non-default-dpi display (bug 829963)
    int32_t p2a = devContext->AppUnitsPerDevPixel();
    mViewManager->SetWindowDimensions(NSIntPixelsToAppUnits(aWidth, p2a),
                                      NSIntPixelsToAppUnits(aHeight, p2a));

    nsXULPopupManager* pm = nsXULPopupManager::GetInstance();
    if (pm) {
      nsIPresShell* presShell = mViewManager->GetPresShell();
      if (presShell && presShell->GetDocument()) {

    return true;
  else if (IsPopupWidget(aWidget)) {
    nsXULPopupManager* pm = nsXULPopupManager::GetInstance();
    if (pm) {
      pm->PopupResized(mFrame, LayoutDeviceIntSize(aWidth, aHeight));
      return true;

  return false;

nsView::RequestWindowClose(nsIWidget* aWidget)
  if (mFrame && IsPopupWidget(aWidget) &&
      mFrame->GetType() == nsGkAtoms::menuPopupFrame) {
    nsXULPopupManager* pm = nsXULPopupManager::GetInstance();
    if (pm) {
      pm->HidePopup(mFrame->GetContent(), false, true, false, false);
      return true;

  return false;

nsView::WillPaintWindow(nsIWidget* aWidget)
  RefPtr<nsViewManager> vm = mViewManager;

nsView::PaintWindow(nsIWidget* aWidget, LayoutDeviceIntRegion aRegion)
  NS_ASSERTION(this == nsView::GetViewFor(aWidget), "wrong view for widget?");

  RefPtr<nsViewManager> vm = mViewManager;
  bool result = vm->PaintWindow(aWidget, aRegion);
  return result;

  RefPtr<nsViewManager> vm = mViewManager;

nsView::DidCompositeWindow(uint64_t aTransactionId,
                           const TimeStamp& aCompositeStart,
                           const TimeStamp& aCompositeEnd)
  nsIPresShell* presShell = mViewManager->GetPresShell();
  if (presShell) {
    nsAutoScriptBlocker scriptBlocker;

    nsPresContext* context = presShell->GetPresContext();
    nsRootPresContext* rootContext = context->GetRootPresContext();
    MOZ_ASSERT(rootContext, "rootContext must be valid.");
    rootContext->NotifyDidPaintForSubtree(nsIPresShell::PAINT_COMPOSITE, aTransactionId,

    // If the two timestamps are identical, this was likely a fake composite
    // event which wouldn't be terribly useful to display.
    if (aCompositeStart == aCompositeEnd) {

    nsIDocShell* docShell = context->GetDocShell();
    RefPtr<TimelineConsumers> timelines = TimelineConsumers::Get();

    if (timelines && timelines->HasConsumer(docShell)) {
        MakeUnique<CompositeTimelineMarker>(aCompositeStart, MarkerTracingType::START));
        MakeUnique<CompositeTimelineMarker>(aCompositeEnd, MarkerTracingType::END));

  nsIPresShell* presShell = mViewManager->GetPresShell();
  if (presShell) {

nsView::HandleEvent(WidgetGUIEvent* aEvent,
                    bool aUseAttachedEvents)
  NS_PRECONDITION(nullptr != aEvent->mWidget, "null widget ptr");

  nsEventStatus result = nsEventStatus_eIgnore;
  nsView* view;
  if (aUseAttachedEvents) {
    nsIWidgetListener* listener = aEvent->mWidget->GetAttachedWidgetListener();
    view = listener ? listener->GetView() : nullptr;
  else {
    view = GetViewFor(aEvent->mWidget);

  if (view) {
    RefPtr<nsViewManager> vm = view->GetViewManager();
    vm->DispatchEvent(aEvent, view, &result);

  return result;

  return mFrame ? mFrame->PresContext()->PresShell()->IsPaintingSuppressed() : false;