/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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#include "nsIWebProgressListener.idl"

 * An extended version of nsIWebProgressListener.
[scriptable, uuid(dde39de0-e4e0-11da-8ad9-0800200c9a66)]
interface nsIWebProgressListener2 : nsIWebProgressListener {
   * Notification that the progress has changed for one of the requests
   * associated with aWebProgress.  Progress totals are reset to zero when all
   * requests in aWebProgress complete (corresponding to onStateChange being
   * called with aStateFlags including the STATE_STOP and STATE_IS_WINDOW
   * flags).
   * This function is identical to nsIWebProgressListener::onProgressChange,
   * except that this function supports 64-bit values.
   * @param aWebProgress
   *        The nsIWebProgress instance that fired the notification.
   * @param aRequest
   *        The nsIRequest that has new progress.
   * @param aCurSelfProgress
   *        The current progress for aRequest.
   * @param aMaxSelfProgress
   *        The maximum progress for aRequest.
   * @param aCurTotalProgress
   *        The current progress for all requests associated with aWebProgress.
   * @param aMaxTotalProgress
   *        The total progress for all requests associated with aWebProgress.
   * NOTE: If any progress value is unknown, then its value is replaced with -1.
   * @see nsIWebProgressListener2::onProgressChange64
  void onProgressChange64(in nsIWebProgress aWebProgress,
                          in nsIRequest aRequest,
                          in long long aCurSelfProgress,
                          in long long aMaxSelfProgress,
                          in long long aCurTotalProgress,
                          in long long aMaxTotalProgress);

   * Notification that a refresh or redirect has been requested in aWebProgress
   * For example, via a <meta http-equiv="refresh"> or an HTTP Refresh: header
   * @param aWebProgress
   *        The nsIWebProgress instance that fired the notification.
   * @param aRefreshURI
   *        The new URI that aWebProgress has requested redirecting to.
   * @param aMillis
   *        The delay (in milliseconds) before refresh.
   * @param aSameURI
   *        True if aWebProgress is requesting a refresh of the
   *        current URI.
   *        False if aWebProgress is requesting a redirection to
   *        a different URI.
   * @return True if the refresh may proceed.
   *         False if the refresh should be aborted.
  boolean onRefreshAttempted(in nsIWebProgress aWebProgress,
                             in nsIURI aRefreshURI,
                             in long aMillis,
                             in boolean aSameURI);