/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#include "nsIWebProgressListener2.idl"

interface nsIArray;
interface nsIURI;
interface nsICancelable;
interface nsIMIMEInfo;
interface nsIFile;

[scriptable, uuid(37ec75d3-97ad-4da8-afaa-eabe5b4afd73)]
interface nsITransfer : nsIWebProgressListener2 {

     * Initializes the transfer with certain properties.  This function must
     * be called prior to accessing any properties on this interface.
     * @param aSource The source URI of the transfer. Must not be null.
     * @param aTarget The target URI of the transfer. Must not be null.
     * @param aDisplayName The user-readable description of the transfer.
     *                     Can be empty.
     * @param aMIMEInfo The MIME info associated with the target,
     *                  including MIME type and helper app when appropriate.
     *                  This parameter is optional.
     * @param startTime Time when the download started (ie, when the first
     *                  response from the server was received)
     *                  XXX presumably wbp and exthandler do this differently
     * @param aTempFile The location of a temporary file; i.e. a file in which
     *                  the received data will be stored, but which is not
     *                  equal to the target file. (will be moved to the real
     *                  target by the caller, when the download is finished)
     *                  May be null.
     * @param aCancelable An object that can be used to abort the download.
     *                    Must not be null.
     *                    Implementations are expected to hold a strong
     *                    reference to this object until the download is
     *                    finished, at which point they should release the
     *                    reference.
     * @param aIsPrivate Used to determine the privacy status of the new transfer.
     *                   If true, indicates that the transfer was initiated from
     *                   a source that desires privacy.
    void init(in nsIURI aSource,
              in nsIURI aTarget,
              in AString aDisplayName,
              in nsIMIMEInfo aMIMEInfo,
              in PRTime startTime,
              in nsIFile aTempFile,
              in nsICancelable aCancelable,
              in boolean aIsPrivate);

     * Used to notify the transfer object of the hash of the downloaded file.
     * Must be called on the main thread, only after the download has finished
     * successfully.
     * @param aHash The SHA-256 hash in raw bytes of the downloaded file.
    void setSha256Hash(in ACString aHash);

     * Used to notify the transfer object of the signature of the downloaded
     * file.  Must be called on the main thread, only after the download has
     * finished successfully.
     * @param aSignatureInfo The nsIArray of nsIX509CertList of nsIX509Cert
     *        certificates of the downloaded file.
    void setSignatureInfo(in nsIArray aSignatureInfo);

     * Used to notify the transfer object of the redirects associated with the
     * channel that terminated in the downloaded file.  Must be called on the
     * main thread, only after the download has finished successfully.
     * @param aRedirects The nsIArray of nsIPrincipal of redirected URIs
     *        associated with the downloaded file.
    void setRedirects(in nsIArray aRedirects);

 * A component with this contract ID will be created each time a download is
 * started, and nsITransfer::Init will be called on it and an observer will be set.
 * Notifications of the download progress will happen via
 * nsIWebProgressListener/nsIWebProgressListener2.
 *   nsITransfer
 *   nsIWebProgressListener
 *   nsIWebProgressListener2
 * XXX move this to nsEmbedCID.h once the interfaces (and the contract ID) are
 * frozen.
#define NS_TRANSFER_CONTRACTID "@mozilla.org/transfer;1"