Mozilla ESLint Plugin


Checks that for every occurence of 'addEventListener' or 'on' there is an
occurence of 'removeEventListener' or 'off' with the same event name.


Checks the filename of imported files e.g. ``Cu.import("some/path/Blah.jsm")``
adds Blah to the global scope.


When included files from the main browser UI scripts will be loaded and any
declared globals will be defined for the current file. This is mostly useful for
browser-chrome mochitests that call browser functions.


Parses a file for globals defined in various unique Mozilla ways.

When a "import-globals-from <path>" comment is found in a file, then all globals
from the file at <path> will be imported in the current scope. This will also
operate recursively.

This is useful for scripts that are loaded as <script> tag in a window and rely
on each other's globals.

If <path> is a relative path, then it must be relative to the file being
checked by the rule.


Import globals from head.js and from any files that were imported by
head.js (as far as we can correctly resolve the path).

The following file import patterns are supported:

-  ``Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript(path)``
-  ``loader.loadSubScript(path)``
-  ``loadSubScript(path)``
-  ``loadHelperScript(path)``
-  ``import-globals-from path``

If path does not exist because it is generated e.g.
``testdir + "/somefile.js"`` we do our best to resolve it.

The following patterns are supported:

-  ``Cu.import("resource://devtools/client/shared/widgets/ViewHelpers.jsm");``
-  ``loader.lazyImporter(this, "name1");``
-  ``loader.lazyRequireGetter(this, "name2"``
-  ``loader.lazyServiceGetter(this, "name3"``
-  ``XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "setNamedTimeout", ...)``
-  ``loader.lazyGetter(this, "toolboxStrings"``
-  ``XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "clipboardHelper"``


Simply marks `test` (the test method) or `run_test` as used when in mochitests
or xpcshell tests respectively. This avoids ESLint telling us that the function
is never called.


Checks that function argument names don't start with lowercase 'a' followed by
a capital letter. This is to prevent the use of Hungarian notation whereby the
first letter is a prefix that indicates the type or intended use of a variable.


This rule checks if the file is a browser mochitest and, if so, checks for
possible CPOW usage by checking for the following strings:

- "gBrowser.contentWindow"
- "gBrowser.contentDocument"
- "gBrowser.selectedBrowser.contentWindow"
- "browser.contentDocument"
- "window.content"
- "content"
- "content."

Note: These are string matches so we will miss situations where the parent
object is assigned to another variable e.g.::

   var b = gBrowser;
   b.content // Would not be detected as a CPOW.


Rejects calls to "Cu.import" that do not supply a second argument (meaning they
add the exported properties into global scope).


Rejects calls to ``Cu.importGlobalProperties``.  Use of this function is
undesirable in some parts of the tree.


This takes an option, a regular expression.  Invocations of
``require`` with a string literal argument are matched against this
regexp; and if it matches, the ``require`` use is flagged.


Treats top-level assignments like ``this.mumble = value`` as declaring a global.

Note: These are string matches so we will miss situations where the parent
object is assigned to another variable e.g.::

   var b = gBrowser;
   b.content // Would not be detected as a CPOW.


Marks all var declarations that are not at the top level invalid.


| Possible values for all rules |
| Value | Meaning               |
| 0     | Deactivated           |
| 1     | Warning               |
| 2     | Error                 |

Example configuration::

   "rules": {
     "mozilla/balanced-listeners": 2,
     "mozilla/components-imports": 1,
     "mozilla/import-globals-from": 1,
     "mozilla/import-headjs-globals": 1,
     "mozilla/mark-test-function-used": 1,
     "mozilla/var-only-at-top-level": 1,
     "mozilla/no-cpows-in-tests": 1,