================================= Mozilla Source Tree Documentation ================================= .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 {indexes} Python Packages =============== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 {python_packages} Managing Documentation ====================== This documentation is generated via the `Sphinx <http://sphinx-doc.org/>`_ tool from sources in the tree. To build the documentation, run ``mach doc``. Run ``mach help doc`` to see configurable options. Adding Documentation -------------------- To add new documentation, define the ``SPHINX_TREES`` and ``SPHINX_PYTHON_PACKAGE_DIRS`` variables in ``moz.build`` files in the tree and documentation will automatically get picked up. Say you have a directory ``featureX`` you would like to write some documentation for. Here are the steps to create Sphinx documentation for it: 1. Create a directory for the docs. This is typically ``docs``. e.g. ``featureX/docs``. 2. Create an ``index.rst`` file in this directory. The ``index.rst`` file is the root documentation for that section. See ``build/docs/index.rst`` for an example file. 3. In a ``moz.build`` file (typically the one in the parent directory of the ``docs`` directory), define ``SPHINX_TREES`` to hook up the plumbing. e.g. ``SPHINX_TREES['featureX'] = 'docs'``. This says *the ``docs`` directory under the current directory should be installed into the Sphinx documentation tree under ``/featureX``*. 4. If you have Python packages you would like to generate Python API documentation for, you can use ``SPHINX_PYTHON_PACKAGE_DIRS`` to declare directories containing Python packages. e.g. ``SPHINX_PYTHON_PACKAGE_DIRS += ['mozpackage']``. Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`