/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#ifndef _nsXREDirProvider_h__
#define _nsXREDirProvider_h__

#include "nsIDirectoryService.h"
#include "nsIProfileMigrator.h"
#include "nsIFile.h"

#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
#include "nsCOMArray.h"
#include "mozilla/Attributes.h"

class nsXREDirProvider final : public nsIDirectoryServiceProvider2,
                               public nsIProfileStartup
  // we use a custom isupports implementation (no refcount)
  NS_IMETHOD QueryInterface(REFNSIID aIID, void** aInstancePtr) override;
  NS_IMETHOD_(MozExternalRefCountType) AddRef(void) override;
  NS_IMETHOD_(MozExternalRefCountType) Release(void) override;



  // if aXULAppDir is null, use gArgv[0]
  nsresult Initialize(nsIFile *aXULAppDir,
                      nsIFile *aGREDir,
                      nsIDirectoryServiceProvider* aAppProvider = nullptr);

  static nsXREDirProvider* GetSingleton();

  nsresult GetUserProfilesRootDir(nsIFile** aResult,
                                  const nsACString* aProfileName,
                                  const nsACString* aAppName,
                                  const nsACString* aVendorName);
  nsresult GetUserProfilesLocalDir(nsIFile** aResult,
                                   const nsACString* aProfileName,
                                   const nsACString* aAppName,
                                   const nsACString* aVendorName);

  // We only set the profile dir, we don't ensure that it exists;
  // that is the responsibility of the toolkit profile service.
  // We also don't fire profile-changed notifications... that is
  // the responsibility of the apprunner.
  nsresult SetProfile(nsIFile* aProfileDir, nsIFile* aProfileLocalDir);

  void DoShutdown();

  static nsresult GetUserAppDataDirectory(nsIFile* *aFile) {
    return GetUserDataDirectory(aFile, false, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
  static nsresult GetUserLocalDataDirectory(nsIFile* *aFile) {
    return GetUserDataDirectory(aFile, true, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);

  // By default GetUserDataDirectory gets profile path from gAppData,
  // but that can be overridden by using aProfileName/aAppName/aVendorName.
  static nsresult GetUserDataDirectory(nsIFile** aFile, bool aLocal,
                                       const nsACString* aProfileName,
                                       const nsACString* aAppName,
                                       const nsACString* aVendorName);

  /* make sure you clone it, if you need to do stuff to it */
  nsIFile* GetGREDir() { return mGREDir; }
  nsIFile* GetGREBinDir() { return mGREBinDir; }
  nsIFile* GetAppDir() {
    if (mXULAppDir)
      return mXULAppDir;
    return mGREDir;

   * Get the directory under which update directory is created.
   * This method may be called before XPCOM is started. aResult
   * is a clone, it may be modified.
  nsresult GetUpdateRootDir(nsIFile* *aResult);

   * Get the profile startup directory as determined by this class or by
   * mAppProvider. This method may be called before XPCOM is started. aResult
   * is a clone, it may be modified.
  nsresult GetProfileStartupDir(nsIFile* *aResult);

   * Get the profile directory as determined by this class or by an
   * embedder-provided XPCOM directory provider. Only call this method
   * when XPCOM is initialized! aResult is a clone, it may be modified.
  nsresult GetProfileDir(nsIFile* *aResult);

  nsresult GetFilesInternal(const char* aProperty, nsISimpleEnumerator** aResult);
  static nsresult GetUserDataDirectoryHome(nsIFile* *aFile, bool aLocal);
  static nsresult GetSysUserExtensionsDirectory(nsIFile* *aFile);
#if defined(XP_UNIX) || defined(XP_MACOSX)
  static nsresult GetSystemExtensionsDirectory(nsIFile** aFile);
  static nsresult EnsureDirectoryExists(nsIFile* aDirectory);

  // Determine the profile path within the UAppData directory. This is different
  // on every major platform.
  static nsresult AppendProfilePath(nsIFile* aFile,
                                    const nsACString* aProfileName,
                                    const nsACString* aAppName,
                                    const nsACString* aVendorName,
                                    bool aLocal);

  static nsresult AppendSysUserExtensionPath(nsIFile* aFile);

  // Internal helper that splits a path into components using the '/' and '\\'
  // delimiters.
  static inline nsresult AppendProfileString(nsIFile* aFile, const char* aPath);

#if (defined(XP_WIN) || defined(XP_MACOSX)) && defined(MOZ_CONTENT_SANDBOX)
  // Load the temp directory for sandboxed content processes
  nsresult LoadContentProcessTempDir();

  // Calculate and register extension and theme bundle directories.
  void LoadExtensionBundleDirectories();

#ifdef MOZ_B2G
  // Calculate and register app-bundled extension directories.
  void LoadAppBundleDirs();

  void Append(nsIFile* aDirectory);

  nsCOMPtr<nsIDirectoryServiceProvider> mAppProvider;
  // On OSX, mGREDir points to .app/Contents/Resources
  nsCOMPtr<nsIFile>      mGREDir;
  // On OSX, mGREBinDir points to .app/Contents/MacOS
  nsCOMPtr<nsIFile>      mGREBinDir;
  // On OSX, mXULAppDir points to .app/Contents/Resources/browser
  nsCOMPtr<nsIFile>      mXULAppDir;
  nsCOMPtr<nsIFile>      mProfileDir;
  nsCOMPtr<nsIFile>      mProfileLocalDir;
  bool                   mProfileNotified;
#if (defined(XP_WIN) || defined(XP_MACOSX)) && defined(MOZ_CONTENT_SANDBOX)
  nsCOMPtr<nsIFile>      mContentTempDir;
  nsCOMPtr<nsIFile>      mContentProcessSandboxTempDir;
  nsCOMArray<nsIFile>    mAppBundleDirectories;
  nsCOMArray<nsIFile>    mExtensionDirectories;
  nsCOMArray<nsIFile>    mThemeDirectories;
