// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tests that the InstallTrigger callback can redirect to a relative url. function test() { Harness.installConfirmCallback = confirm_install; Harness.installEndedCallback = install_ended; Harness.installsCompletedCallback = finish_test; Harness.finalContentEvent = "InstallComplete"; Harness.setup(); var pm = Services.perms; pm.add(makeURI("http://example.com/"), "install", pm.ALLOW_ACTION); gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.addTab(); gBrowser.loadURI(TESTROOT + "triggerredirect.html"); } function confirm_install(window) { var items = window.document.getElementById("itemList").childNodes; is(items.length, 1, "Should only be 1 item listed in the confirmation dialog"); is(items[0].name, "XPI Test", "Should have seen the name"); is(items[0].url, TESTROOT + "amosigned.xpi", "Should have listed the correct url for the item"); is(items[0].icon, TESTROOT + "icon.png", "Should have listed the correct icon for the item"); is(items[0].signed, "false", "Should have listed the item as unsigned"); return true; } function install_ended(install, addon) { install.cancel(); } function finish_test(count) { is(count, 1, "1 Add-on should have been successfully installed"); Services.perms.remove(makeURI("http://example.com"), "install"); var doc = gBrowser.contentDocument; is(gBrowser.currentURI.spec, TESTROOT + "triggerredirect.html#foo", "Should have redirected"); gBrowser.removeCurrentTab(); Harness.finish(); }