// Tests that we reset to the default system add-ons correctly when switching // application versions const PREF_SYSTEM_ADDON_SET = "extensions.systemAddonSet"; BootstrapMonitor.init(); const updatesDir = FileUtils.getDir("ProfD", ["features"]); // Build the test sets var dir = FileUtils.getDir("ProfD", ["sysfeatures", "app1"], true); do_get_file("data/system_addons/system1_1.xpi").copyTo(dir, "system1@tests.mozilla.org.xpi"); do_get_file("data/system_addons/system2_1.xpi").copyTo(dir, "system2@tests.mozilla.org.xpi"); dir = FileUtils.getDir("ProfD", ["sysfeatures", "app2"], true); do_get_file("data/system_addons/system1_2.xpi").copyTo(dir, "system1@tests.mozilla.org.xpi"); do_get_file("data/system_addons/system3_1.xpi").copyTo(dir, "system3@tests.mozilla.org.xpi"); dir = FileUtils.getDir("ProfD", ["sysfeatures", "app3"], true); do_get_file("data/system_addons/system1_1_badcert.xpi").copyTo(dir, "system1@tests.mozilla.org.xpi"); do_get_file("data/system_addons/system3_1.xpi").copyTo(dir, "system3@tests.mozilla.org.xpi"); const distroDir = FileUtils.getDir("ProfD", ["sysfeatures", "app0"], true); registerDirectory("XREAppFeat", distroDir); createAppInfo("xpcshell@tests.mozilla.org", "XPCShell", "0"); function makeUUID() { let uuidGen = AM_Cc["@mozilla.org/uuid-generator;1"]. getService(AM_Ci.nsIUUIDGenerator); return uuidGen.generateUUID().toString(); } function* check_installed(conditions) { for (let i = 0; i < conditions.length; i++) { let condition = conditions[i]; let id = "system" + (i + 1) + "@tests.mozilla.org"; let addon = yield promiseAddonByID(id); if (!("isUpgrade" in condition) || !("version" in condition)) { throw Error("condition must contain isUpgrade and version"); } let isUpgrade = conditions[i].isUpgrade; let version = conditions[i].version; let expectedDir = isUpgrade ? updatesDir : distroDir; if (version) { // Add-on should be installed do_check_neq(addon, null); do_check_eq(addon.version, version); do_check_true(addon.isActive); do_check_false(addon.foreignInstall); do_check_true(addon.hidden); do_check_true(addon.isSystem); do_check_false(hasFlag(addon.permissions, AddonManager.PERM_CAN_UPGRADE)); if (isUpgrade) { do_check_true(hasFlag(addon.permissions, AddonManager.PERM_CAN_UNINSTALL)); } else { do_check_false(hasFlag(addon.permissions, AddonManager.PERM_CAN_UNINSTALL)); } // Verify the add-ons file is in the right place let file = expectedDir.clone(); file.append(id + ".xpi"); do_check_true(file.exists()); do_check_true(file.isFile()); let uri = addon.getResourceURI(null); do_check_true(uri instanceof AM_Ci.nsIFileURL); do_check_eq(uri.file.path, file.path); if (isUpgrade) { do_check_eq(addon.signedState, AddonManager.SIGNEDSTATE_SYSTEM); } // Verify the add-on actually started BootstrapMonitor.checkAddonStarted(id, version); } else { if (isUpgrade) { // Add-on should not be installed do_check_eq(addon, null); } else { // Either add-on should not be installed or it shouldn't be active do_check_true(!addon || !addon.isActive); } BootstrapMonitor.checkAddonNotStarted(id); if (addon) BootstrapMonitor.checkAddonInstalled(id); else BootstrapMonitor.checkAddonNotInstalled(id); } } } // Test with a missing features directory add_task(function* test_missing_app_dir() { startupManager(); let conditions = [ { isUpgrade: false, version: null }, { isUpgrade: false, version: null }, { isUpgrade: false, version: null }, ]; yield check_installed(conditions); do_check_false(updatesDir.exists()); yield promiseShutdownManager(); }); // Add some features in a new version add_task(function* test_new_version() { gAppInfo.version = "1"; distroDir.leafName = "app1"; startupManager(); let conditions = [ { isUpgrade: false, version: "1.0" }, { isUpgrade: false, version: "1.0" }, { isUpgrade: false, version: null }, ]; yield check_installed(conditions); do_check_false(updatesDir.exists()); yield promiseShutdownManager(); }); // Another new version swaps one feature and upgrades another add_task(function* test_upgrade() { gAppInfo.version = "2"; distroDir.leafName = "app2"; startupManager(); let conditions = [ { isUpgrade: false, version: "2.0" }, { isUpgrade: false, version: null }, { isUpgrade: false, version: "1.0" }, ]; yield check_installed(conditions); do_check_false(updatesDir.exists()); yield promiseShutdownManager(); }); // Downgrade add_task(function* test_downgrade() { gAppInfo.version = "1"; distroDir.leafName = "app1"; startupManager(); let conditions = [ { isUpgrade: false, version: "1.0" }, { isUpgrade: false, version: "1.0" }, { isUpgrade: false, version: null }, ]; yield check_installed(conditions); do_check_false(updatesDir.exists()); yield promiseShutdownManager(); }); // Fake a mid-cycle install add_task(function* test_updated() { // Create a random dir to install into let dirname = makeUUID(); FileUtils.getDir("ProfD", ["features", dirname], true); updatesDir.append(dirname); // Copy in the system add-ons let file = do_get_file("data/system_addons/system2_2.xpi"); file.copyTo(updatesDir, "system2@tests.mozilla.org.xpi"); file = do_get_file("data/system_addons/system3_2.xpi"); file.copyTo(updatesDir, "system3@tests.mozilla.org.xpi"); // Inject it into the system set let addonSet = { schema: 1, directory: updatesDir.leafName, addons: { "system2@tests.mozilla.org": { version: "2.0" }, "system3@tests.mozilla.org": { version: "2.0" }, } }; Services.prefs.setCharPref(PREF_SYSTEM_ADDON_SET, JSON.stringify(addonSet)); startupManager(false); let conditions = [ { isUpgrade: false, version: "1.0" }, { isUpgrade: true, version: "2.0" }, { isUpgrade: true, version: "2.0" }, ]; yield check_installed(conditions); yield promiseShutdownManager(); }); // Entering safe mode should disable the updated system add-ons and use the // default system add-ons add_task(function* safe_mode_disabled() { gAppInfo.inSafeMode = true; startupManager(false); let conditions = [ { isUpgrade: false, version: "1.0" }, { isUpgrade: false, version: "1.0" }, { isUpgrade: false, version: null }, ]; yield check_installed(conditions); yield promiseShutdownManager(); }); // Leaving safe mode should re-enable the updated system add-ons add_task(function* normal_mode_enabled() { gAppInfo.inSafeMode = false; startupManager(false); let conditions = [ { isUpgrade: false, version: "1.0" }, { isUpgrade: true, version: "2.0" }, { isUpgrade: true, version: "2.0" }, ]; yield check_installed(conditions); yield promiseShutdownManager(); }); // An additional add-on in the directory should be ignored add_task(function* test_skips_additional() { // Copy in the system add-ons let file = do_get_file("data/system_addons/system4_1.xpi"); file.copyTo(updatesDir, "system4@tests.mozilla.org.xpi"); startupManager(false); let conditions = [ { isUpgrade: false, version: "1.0" }, { isUpgrade: true, version: "2.0" }, { isUpgrade: true, version: "2.0" }, ]; yield check_installed(conditions); yield promiseShutdownManager(); }); // Missing add-on should revert to the default set add_task(function* test_revert() { manuallyUninstall(updatesDir, "system2@tests.mozilla.org"); // With the add-on physically gone from disk we won't see uninstall events BootstrapMonitor.clear("system2@tests.mozilla.org"); startupManager(false); // With system add-on 2 gone the updated set is now invalid so it reverts to // the default set which is system add-ons 1 and 2. let conditions = [ { isUpgrade: false, version: "1.0" }, { isUpgrade: false, version: "1.0" }, { isUpgrade: false, version: null }, ]; yield check_installed(conditions); yield promiseShutdownManager(); }); // Putting it back will make the set work again add_task(function* test_reuse() { let file = do_get_file("data/system_addons/system2_2.xpi"); file.copyTo(updatesDir, "system2@tests.mozilla.org.xpi"); startupManager(false); let conditions = [ { isUpgrade: false, version: "1.0" }, { isUpgrade: true, version: "2.0" }, { isUpgrade: true, version: "2.0" }, ]; yield check_installed(conditions); yield promiseShutdownManager(); }); // Making the pref corrupt should revert to the default set add_task(function* test_corrupt_pref() { Services.prefs.setCharPref(PREF_SYSTEM_ADDON_SET, "foo"); startupManager(false); let conditions = [ { isUpgrade: false, version: "1.0" }, { isUpgrade: false, version: "1.0" }, { isUpgrade: false, version: null }, ]; yield check_installed(conditions); yield promiseShutdownManager(); }); // An add-on with a bad certificate should cause us to use the default set add_task(function* test_bad_profile_cert() { let file = do_get_file("data/system_addons/system1_1_badcert.xpi"); file.copyTo(updatesDir, "system1@tests.mozilla.org.xpi"); // Inject it into the system set let addonSet = { schema: 1, directory: updatesDir.leafName, addons: { "system1@tests.mozilla.org": { version: "2.0" }, "system2@tests.mozilla.org": { version: "1.0" }, "system3@tests.mozilla.org": { version: "1.0" }, } }; Services.prefs.setCharPref(PREF_SYSTEM_ADDON_SET, JSON.stringify(addonSet)); startupManager(false); let conditions = [ { isUpgrade: false, version: "1.0" }, { isUpgrade: false, version: "1.0" }, { isUpgrade: false, version: null }, ]; yield check_installed(conditions); yield promiseShutdownManager(); }); // Switching to app defaults that contain a bad certificate should still work add_task(function* test_bad_app_cert() { gAppInfo.version = "3"; distroDir.leafName = "app3"; startupManager(); // Add-on will still be present let addon = yield promiseAddonByID("system1@tests.mozilla.org"); do_check_neq(addon, null); do_check_eq(addon.signedState, AddonManager.SIGNEDSTATE_NOT_REQUIRED); let conditions = [ { isUpgrade: false, version: "1.0" }, { isUpgrade: false, version: null }, { isUpgrade: false, version: "1.0" }, ]; yield check_installed(conditions); yield promiseShutdownManager(); }); // A failed upgrade should revert to the default set. add_task(function* test_updated() { // Create a random dir to install into let dirname = makeUUID(); FileUtils.getDir("ProfD", ["features", dirname], true); updatesDir.append(dirname); // Copy in the system add-ons let file = do_get_file("data/system_addons/system2_2.xpi"); file.copyTo(updatesDir, "system2@tests.mozilla.org.xpi"); file = do_get_file("data/system_addons/system_failed_update.xpi"); file.copyTo(updatesDir, "system_failed_update@tests.mozilla.org.xpi"); // Inject it into the system set let addonSet = { schema: 1, directory: updatesDir.leafName, addons: { "system2@tests.mozilla.org": { version: "2.0" }, "system_failed_update@tests.mozilla.org": { version: "1.0" }, } }; Services.prefs.setCharPref(PREF_SYSTEM_ADDON_SET, JSON.stringify(addonSet)); startupManager(false); let conditions = [ { isUpgrade: false, version: "1.0" }, ]; yield check_installed(conditions); yield promiseShutdownManager(); });