/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ // Checks that we don't migrate data from SQLITE if // the "extensions.databaseSchema" preference shows we've // already upgraded to JSON // Enable loading extensions from the user and system scopes Services.prefs.setIntPref("extensions.enabledScopes", AddonManager.SCOPE_PROFILE + AddonManager.SCOPE_USER + AddonManager.SCOPE_SYSTEM); var addon1 = { id: "addon1@tests.mozilla.org", version: "1.0", name: "Test 1", targetApplications: [{ id: "xpcshell@tests.mozilla.org", minVersion: "1", maxVersion: "1" }] }; createAppInfo("xpcshell@tests.mozilla.org", "XPCShell", "1", "1.9.2"); const profileDir = gProfD.clone(); profileDir.append("extensions"); function run_test() { writeInstallRDFForExtension(addon1, profileDir); // Write out a minimal database let dbfile = gProfD.clone(); dbfile.append("extensions.sqlite"); let db = AM_Cc["@mozilla.org/storage/service;1"]. getService(AM_Ci.mozIStorageService). openDatabase(dbfile); db.createTable("addon", "internal_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, " + "id TEXT, location TEXT, version TEXT, active INTEGER, " + "userDisabled INTEGER, installDate INTEGER"); db.createTable("targetApplication", "addon_internal_id INTEGER, " + "id TEXT, minVersion TEXT, maxVersion TEXT"); let stmt = db.createStatement("INSERT INTO addon VALUES (NULL, :id, :location, " + ":version, :active, :userDisabled, :installDate)"); let internal_ids = {}; let a = ["addon1@tests.mozilla.org", "app-profile", "1.0", "0", "1", "0"]; stmt.params.id = a[0]; stmt.params.location = a[1]; stmt.params.version = a[2]; stmt.params.active = a[3]; stmt.params.userDisabled = a[4]; stmt.params.installDate = a[5]; stmt.execute(); internal_ids[a[0]] = db.lastInsertRowID; stmt.finalize(); db.schemaVersion = 14; Services.prefs.setIntPref("extensions.databaseSchema", 14); db.close(); startupManager(); run_next_test(); } add_test(function before_rebuild() { AddonManager.getAddonByID("addon1@tests.mozilla.org", function check_before_rebuild (a1) { // First check that it migrated OK once // addon1 was disabled in the database do_check_neq(a1, null); do_check_true(a1.userDisabled); do_check_false(a1.appDisabled); do_check_false(a1.isActive); do_check_false(a1.strictCompatibility); do_check_false(a1.foreignInstall); run_next_test(); }); }); // now shut down, remove the JSON database, // start up again, and make sure the data didn't migrate this time add_test(function rebuild_again() { shutdownManager(); gExtensionsJSON.remove(true); startupManager(); AddonManager.getAddonByID("addon1@tests.mozilla.org", function check_after_rebuild(a1) { // addon1 was rebuilt from extensions directory, // so it appears enabled as a foreign install do_check_neq(a1, null); do_check_false(a1.userDisabled); do_check_false(a1.appDisabled); do_check_true(a1.isActive); do_check_false(a1.strictCompatibility); do_check_true(a1.foreignInstall); run_next_test(); }); });