/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.

function run_test() {

  // Verify write access to the custom app dir
  debugDump("testing write access to the application directory");
  let testFile = getCurrentProcessDir();
  testFile.create(Ci.nsIFile.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, PERMS_FILE);
  Assert.ok(testFile.exists(), MSG_SHOULD_EXIST);
  Assert.ok(!testFile.exists(), MSG_SHOULD_NOT_EXIST);


  if (IS_WIN) {
    // Create a mutex to prevent being able to check for or apply updates.
    debugDump("attempting to create mutex");
    let handle = createMutex(getPerInstallationMutexName());
    Assert.ok(!!handle, "the update mutex should have been created");

    // Check if available updates cannot be checked for when there is a mutex
    // for this installation.
    Assert.ok(!gAUS.canCheckForUpdates, "should not be able to check for " +
              "updates when there is an update mutex");

    // Check if updates cannot be applied when there is a mutex for this
    // installation.
    Assert.ok(!gAUS.canApplyUpdates, "should not be able to apply updates " +
              "when there is an update mutex");

    debugDump("destroying mutex");

  // Check if available updates can be checked for
  Assert.ok(gAUS.canCheckForUpdates, "should be able to check for updates");
  // Check if updates can be applied
  Assert.ok(gAUS.canApplyUpdates, "should be able to apply updates");

  if (IS_WIN) {
    // Attempt to create a mutex when application update has already created one
    // with the same name.
    debugDump("attempting to create mutex");
    let handle = createMutex(getPerInstallationMutexName());

    Assert.ok(!handle, "should not be able to create the update mutex when " +
              "the application has created the update mutex");


 * Determines a unique mutex name for the installation.
 * @return Global mutex path.
function getPerInstallationMutexName() {
  if (!IS_WIN) {
    do_throw("Windows only function called by a different platform!");

  let hasher = Cc["@mozilla.org/security/hash;1"].

  let exeFile = Services.dirsvc.get(XRE_EXECUTABLE_FILE, Ci.nsILocalFile);

  let converter = Cc["@mozilla.org/intl/scriptableunicodeconverter"].
  converter.charset = "UTF-8";
  let data = converter.convertToByteArray(exeFile.path.toLowerCase());

  hasher.update(data, data.length);
  return "Global\\MozillaUpdateMutex-" + hasher.finish(true);

 * Closes a Win32 handle.
 * @param  aHandle
 *         The handle to close.
function closeHandle(aHandle) {
  if (!IS_WIN) {
    do_throw("Windows only function called by a different platform!");

  let lib = ctypes.open("kernel32.dll");
  let CloseHandle = lib.declare("CloseHandle",
                                ctypes.int32_t, /* success */
                                ctypes.void_t.ptr); /* handle */

 * Creates a mutex.
 * @param  aName
 *         The name for the mutex.
 * @return The Win32 handle to the mutex.
function createMutex(aName) {
  if (!IS_WIN) {
    do_throw("Windows only function called by a different platform!");

  const INITIAL_OWN = 1;
  let lib = ctypes.open("kernel32.dll");
  let CreateMutexW = lib.declare("CreateMutexW",
                                 ctypes.void_t.ptr, /* return handle */
                                 ctypes.void_t.ptr, /* security attributes */
                                 ctypes.int32_t, /* initial owner */
                                 ctypes.char16_t.ptr); /* name */

  let handle = CreateMutexW(null, INITIAL_OWN, aName);
  let alreadyExists = ctypes.winLastError == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS;
  if (handle && !handle.isNull() && alreadyExists) {
    handle = null;

  if (handle && handle.isNull()) {
    handle = null;

  return handle;