// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Tests that closing the initiating page during the install cancels the install
// to avoid spoofing the user.
function test() {
  Harness.downloadProgressCallback = download_progress;
  Harness.installEndedCallback = install_ended;
  Harness.installsCompletedCallback = finish_test;

  var pm = Services.perms;
  pm.add(makeURI("http://example.com/"), "install", pm.ALLOW_ACTION);

  var triggers = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify({
    "Unsigned XPI": TESTROOT + "unsigned.xpi"
  gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.addTab();
  gBrowser.loadURI(TESTROOT + "installtrigger.html?" + triggers);

function download_progress(addon, value, maxValue) {

function install_ended(install, addon) {
  ok(false, "Should not have seen installs complete");

function finish_test(count) {
  is(count, 0, "No add-ons should have been successfully installed");

  Services.perms.remove("example.com", "install");
