/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
 * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/

const AM_Cc = Components.classes;
const AM_Ci = Components.interfaces;

const XULAPPINFO_CONTRACTID = "@mozilla.org/xre/app-info;1";
const XULAPPINFO_CID = Components.ID("{c763b610-9d49-455a-bbd2-ede71682a1ac}");

const PREF_EM_CHECK_UPDATE_SECURITY   = "extensions.checkUpdateSecurity";
const PREF_EM_STRICT_COMPATIBILITY    = "extensions.strictCompatibility";
const PREF_EM_MIN_COMPAT_APP_VERSION      = "extensions.minCompatibleAppVersion";
const PREF_EM_MIN_COMPAT_PLATFORM_VERSION = "extensions.minCompatiblePlatformVersion";
const PREF_GETADDONS_BYIDS               = "extensions.getAddons.get.url";
const PREF_GETADDONS_BYIDS_PERFORMANCE   = "extensions.getAddons.getWithPerformance.url";

// Forcibly end the test if it runs longer than 15 minutes
const TIMEOUT_MS = 900000;


Services.prefs.setBoolPref("toolkit.osfile.log", true);

// We need some internal bits of AddonManager
let AMscope = Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm");
let AddonManager = AMscope.AddonManager;
let AddonManagerInternal = AMscope.AddonManagerInternal;
// Mock out AddonManager's reference to the AsyncShutdown module so we can shut
// down AddonManager from the test
let MockAsyncShutdown = {
  hook: null,
  status: null,
  profileBeforeChange: {
    addBlocker: function(aName, aBlocker, aOptions) {
      do_print("Mock profileBeforeChange blocker for '" + aName + "'");
      MockAsyncShutdown.hook = aBlocker;
      MockAsyncShutdown.status = aOptions.fetchState;
  // We can use the real Barrier
  Barrier: AsyncShutdown.Barrier

AMscope.AsyncShutdown = MockAsyncShutdown;

var gInternalManager = null;
var gAppInfo = null;
var gAddonsList;

var gPort = null;
var gUrlToFileMap = {};

var TEST_UNPACKED = false;

function isNightlyChannel() {
  var channel = "default";
  try {
    channel = Services.prefs.getCharPref("app.update.channel");
  catch (e) { }

  return channel != "aurora" && channel != "beta" && channel != "release" && channel != "esr";

function createAppInfo(id, name, version, platformVersion) {
  gAppInfo = {
    // nsIXULAppInfo
    vendor: "Mozilla",
    name: name,
    ID: id,
    version: version,
    appBuildID: "2007010101",
    platformVersion: platformVersion ? platformVersion : "1.0",
    platformBuildID: "2007010101",

    // nsIXULRuntime
    inSafeMode: false,
    logConsoleErrors: true,
    OS: "XPCShell",
    XPCOMABI: "noarch-spidermonkey",
    invalidateCachesOnRestart: function invalidateCachesOnRestart() {
      // Do nothing

    // nsICrashReporter
    annotations: {},

    annotateCrashReport: function(key, data) {
      this.annotations[key] = data;

    QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([AM_Ci.nsIXULAppInfo,

  var XULAppInfoFactory = {
    createInstance: function (outer, iid) {
      if (outer != null)
        throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_AGGREGATION;
      return gAppInfo.QueryInterface(iid);
  var registrar = Components.manager.QueryInterface(AM_Ci.nsIComponentRegistrar);
  registrar.registerFactory(XULAPPINFO_CID, "XULAppInfo",
                            XULAPPINFO_CONTRACTID, XULAppInfoFactory);

 * Tests that an add-on does appear in the crash report annotations, if
 * crash reporting is enabled. The test will fail if the add-on is not in the
 * annotation.
 * @param  aId
 *         The ID of the add-on
 * @param  aVersion
 *         The version of the add-on
function do_check_in_crash_annotation(aId, aVersion) {
  if (!("nsICrashReporter" in AM_Ci))

  if (!("Add-ons" in gAppInfo.annotations)) {

  let addons = gAppInfo.annotations["Add-ons"].split(",");
  do_check_false(addons.indexOf(encodeURIComponent(aId) + ":" +
                                encodeURIComponent(aVersion)) < 0);

 * Tests that an add-on does not appear in the crash report annotations, if
 * crash reporting is enabled. The test will fail if the add-on is in the
 * annotation.
 * @param  aId
 *         The ID of the add-on
 * @param  aVersion
 *         The version of the add-on
function do_check_not_in_crash_annotation(aId, aVersion) {
  if (!("nsICrashReporter" in AM_Ci))

  if (!("Add-ons" in gAppInfo.annotations)) {

  let addons = gAppInfo.annotations["Add-ons"].split(",");
  do_check_true(addons.indexOf(encodeURIComponent(aId) + ":" +
                               encodeURIComponent(aVersion)) < 0);

 * Returns a testcase xpi
 * @param  aName
 *         The name of the testcase (without extension)
 * @return an nsIFile pointing to the testcase xpi
function do_get_addon(aName) {
  return do_get_file("addons/" + aName + ".xpi");

function do_get_addon_hash(aName, aAlgorithm) {
  let file = do_get_addon(aName);
  return do_get_file_hash(file);

function do_get_file_hash(aFile, aAlgorithm) {
  if (!aAlgorithm)
    aAlgorithm = "sha1";

  let crypto = AM_Cc["@mozilla.org/security/hash;1"].
  let fis = AM_Cc["@mozilla.org/network/file-input-stream;1"].
  fis.init(aFile, -1, -1, false);
  crypto.updateFromStream(fis, aFile.fileSize);

  // return the two-digit hexadecimal code for a byte
  function toHexString(charCode)
    ("0" + charCode.toString(16)).slice(-2);

  let binary = crypto.finish(false);
  return aAlgorithm + ":" + [toHexString(binary.charCodeAt(i)) for (i in binary)].join("")

 * Returns an extension uri spec
 * @param  aProfileDir
 *         The extension install directory
 * @return a uri spec pointing to the root of the extension
function do_get_addon_root_uri(aProfileDir, aId) {
  let path = aProfileDir.clone();
  if (!path.exists()) {
    path.leafName += ".xpi";
    return "jar:" + Services.io.newFileURI(path).spec + "!/";
  else {
    return Services.io.newFileURI(path).spec;

function do_get_expected_addon_name(aId) {
    return aId;
  return aId + ".xpi";

 * Check that an array of actual add-ons is the same as an array of
 * expected add-ons.
 * @param  aActualAddons
 *         The array of actual add-ons to check.
 * @param  aExpectedAddons
 *         The array of expected add-ons to check against.
 * @param  aProperties
 *         An array of properties to check.
function do_check_addons(aActualAddons, aExpectedAddons, aProperties) {
  do_check_neq(aActualAddons, null);
  do_check_eq(aActualAddons.length, aExpectedAddons.length);
  for (let i = 0; i < aActualAddons.length; i++)
    do_check_addon(aActualAddons[i], aExpectedAddons[i], aProperties);

 * Check that the actual add-on is the same as the expected add-on.
 * @param  aActualAddon
 *         The actual add-on to check.
 * @param  aExpectedAddon
 *         The expected add-on to check against.
 * @param  aProperties
 *         An array of properties to check.
function do_check_addon(aActualAddon, aExpectedAddon, aProperties) {
  do_check_neq(aActualAddon, null);

  aProperties.forEach(function(aProperty) {
    let actualValue = aActualAddon[aProperty];
    let expectedValue = aExpectedAddon[aProperty];

    // Check that all undefined expected properties are null on actual add-on
    if (!(aProperty in aExpectedAddon)) {
      if (actualValue !== undefined && actualValue !== null) {
        do_throw("Unexpected defined/non-null property for add-on " +
                 aExpectedAddon.id + " (addon[" + aProperty + "] = " +
                 actualValue.toSource() + ")");

    else if (expectedValue && !actualValue) {
      do_throw("Missing property for add-on " + aExpectedAddon.id +
        ": expected addon[" + aProperty + "] = " + expectedValue);

    switch (aProperty) {
      case "creator":
        do_check_author(actualValue, expectedValue);

      case "developers":
      case "translators":
      case "contributors":
        do_check_eq(actualValue.length, expectedValue.length);
        for (let i = 0; i < actualValue.length; i++)
          do_check_author(actualValue[i], expectedValue[i]);

      case "screenshots":
        do_check_eq(actualValue.length, expectedValue.length);
        for (let i = 0; i < actualValue.length; i++)
          do_check_screenshot(actualValue[i], expectedValue[i]);

      case "sourceURI":
        do_check_eq(actualValue.spec, expectedValue);

      case "updateDate":
        do_check_eq(actualValue.getTime(), expectedValue.getTime());

      case "compatibilityOverrides":
        do_check_eq(actualValue.length, expectedValue.length);
        for (let i = 0; i < actualValue.length; i++)
          do_check_compatibilityoverride(actualValue[i], expectedValue[i]);

      case "icons":
        do_check_icons(actualValue, expectedValue);

        if (remove_port(actualValue) !== remove_port(expectedValue))
          do_throw("Failed for " + aProperty + " for add-on " + aExpectedAddon.id +
                   " (" + actualValue + " === " + expectedValue + ")");

 * Check that the actual author is the same as the expected author.
 * @param  aActual
 *         The actual author to check.
 * @param  aExpected
 *         The expected author to check against.
function do_check_author(aActual, aExpected) {
  do_check_eq(aActual.toString(), aExpected.name);
  do_check_eq(aActual.name, aExpected.name);
  do_check_eq(aActual.url, aExpected.url);

 * Check that the actual screenshot is the same as the expected screenshot.
 * @param  aActual
 *         The actual screenshot to check.
 * @param  aExpected
 *         The expected screenshot to check against.
function do_check_screenshot(aActual, aExpected) {
  do_check_eq(aActual.toString(), aExpected.url);
  do_check_eq(aActual.url, aExpected.url);
  do_check_eq(aActual.width, aExpected.width);
  do_check_eq(aActual.height, aExpected.height);
  do_check_eq(aActual.thumbnailURL, aExpected.thumbnailURL);
  do_check_eq(aActual.thumbnailWidth, aExpected.thumbnailWidth);
  do_check_eq(aActual.thumbnailHeight, aExpected.thumbnailHeight);
  do_check_eq(aActual.caption, aExpected.caption);

 * Check that the actual compatibility override is the same as the expected
 * compatibility override.
 * @param  aAction
 *         The actual compatibility override to check.
 * @param  aExpected
 *         The expected compatibility override to check against.
function do_check_compatibilityoverride(aActual, aExpected) {
  do_check_eq(aActual.type, aExpected.type);
  do_check_eq(aActual.minVersion, aExpected.minVersion);
  do_check_eq(aActual.maxVersion, aExpected.maxVersion);
  do_check_eq(aActual.appID, aExpected.appID);
  do_check_eq(aActual.appMinVersion, aExpected.appMinVersion);
  do_check_eq(aActual.appMaxVersion, aExpected.appMaxVersion);

function do_check_icons(aActual, aExpected) {
  for (var size in aExpected) {
    do_check_eq(remove_port(aActual[size]), remove_port(aExpected[size]));

// Record the error (if any) from trying to save the XPI
// database at shutdown time
let gXPISaveError = null;

 * Starts up the add-on manager as if it was started by the application.
 * @param  aAppChanged
 *         An optional boolean parameter to simulate the case where the
 *         application has changed version since the last run. If not passed it
 *         defaults to true
function startupManager(aAppChanged) {
  if (gInternalManager)
    do_throw("Test attempt to startup manager that was already started.");

  if (aAppChanged || aAppChanged === undefined) {
    if (gExtensionsINI.exists())

  gInternalManager = AM_Cc["@mozilla.org/addons/integration;1"].

  gInternalManager.observe(null, "addons-startup", null);

  // Load the add-ons list as it was after extension registration

 * Helper to spin the event loop until a promise resolves or rejects
function loopUntilPromise(aPromise) {
  let done = false;
    () => done = true,
    err => {
      done = true;

  let thr = Services.tm.mainThread;

  while (!done) {

 * Restarts the add-on manager as if the host application was restarted.
 * @param  aNewVersion
 *         An optional new version to use for the application. Passing this
 *         will change nsIXULAppInfo.version and make the startup appear as if
 *         the application version has changed.
function restartManager(aNewVersion) {

function promiseRestartManager(aNewVersion) {
  return promiseShutdownManager()
    .then(null, err => do_report_unexpected_exception(err))
    .then(() => {
      if (aNewVersion) {
        gAppInfo.version = aNewVersion;
      else {

function shutdownManager() {

function promiseShutdownManager() {
  if (!gInternalManager) {
    return Promise.resolve(false);

  let hookErr = null;
  Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "quit-application-granted", null);
  return MockAsyncShutdown.hook()
    .then(null, err => hookErr = err)
    .then( () => {
      gInternalManager = null;

      // Load the add-ons list as it was after application shutdown

      // Clear any crash report annotations
      gAppInfo.annotations = {};

      // Force the XPIProvider provider to reload to better
      // simulate real-world usage.
      let XPIscope = Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm");
      // This would be cleaner if I could get it as the rejection reason from
      // the AddonManagerInternal.shutdown() promise
      gXPISaveError = XPIscope.XPIProvider._shutdownError;
      do_print("gXPISaveError set to: " + gXPISaveError);
      if (hookErr) {
        throw hookErr;

function loadAddonsList() {
  function readDirectories(aSection) {
    var dirs = [];
    var keys = parser.getKeys(aSection);
    while (keys.hasMore()) {
      let descriptor = parser.getString(aSection, keys.getNext());
      try {
        let file = AM_Cc["@mozilla.org/file/local;1"].
        file.persistentDescriptor = descriptor;
      catch (e) {
        // Throws if the directory doesn't exist, we can ignore this since the
        // platform will too.
    return dirs;

  gAddonsList = {
    extensions: [],
    themes: [],
    mpIncompatible: new Set()

  if (!gExtensionsINI.exists())

  var factory = AM_Cc["@mozilla.org/xpcom/ini-parser-factory;1"].
  var parser = factory.createINIParser(gExtensionsINI);
  gAddonsList.extensions = readDirectories("ExtensionDirs");
  gAddonsList.themes = readDirectories("ThemeDirs");
  var keys = parser.getKeys("MultiprocessIncompatibleExtensions");
  while (keys.hasMore()) {
    let id = parser.getString("MultiprocessIncompatibleExtensions", keys.getNext());

function isItemInAddonsList(aType, aDir, aId) {
  var path = aDir.clone();
  var xpiPath = aDir.clone();
  xpiPath.append(aId + ".xpi");
  for (var i = 0; i < gAddonsList[aType].length; i++) {
    let file = gAddonsList[aType][i];
    if (!file.exists())
      do_throw("Non-existant path found in extensions.ini: " + file.path)
    if (file.isDirectory() && file.equals(path))
      return true;
    if (file.isFile() && file.equals(xpiPath))
      return true;
  return false;

function isItemMarkedMPIncompatible(aId) {
  return gAddonsList.mpIncompatible.has(aId);

function isThemeInAddonsList(aDir, aId) {
  return isItemInAddonsList("themes", aDir, aId);

function isExtensionInAddonsList(aDir, aId) {
  return isItemInAddonsList("extensions", aDir, aId);

function check_startup_changes(aType, aIds) {
  var ids = aIds.slice(0);
  var changes = AddonManager.getStartupChanges(aType);
  changes = changes.filter(function(aEl) /@tests.mozilla.org$/.test(aEl));

  do_check_eq(JSON.stringify(ids), JSON.stringify(changes));

 * Escapes any occurances of &, ", < or > with XML entities.
 * @param   str
 *          The string to escape
 * @return  The escaped string
function escapeXML(aStr) {
  return aStr.toString()
             .replace(/&/g, "&amp;")
             .replace(/"/g, "&quot;")
             .replace(/</g, "&lt;")
             .replace(/>/g, "&gt;");

function writeLocaleStrings(aData) {
  let rdf = "";
  ["name", "description", "creator", "homepageURL"].forEach(function(aProp) {
    if (aProp in aData)
      rdf += "<em:" + aProp + ">" + escapeXML(aData[aProp]) + "</em:" + aProp + ">\n";

  ["developer", "translator", "contributor"].forEach(function(aProp) {
    if (aProp in aData) {
      aData[aProp].forEach(function(aValue) {
        rdf += "<em:" + aProp + ">" + escapeXML(aValue) + "</em:" + aProp + ">\n";
  return rdf;

 * Creates an update.rdf structure as a string using for the update data passed.
 * @param   aData
 *          The update data as a JS object. Each property name is an add-on ID,
 *          the property value is an array of each version of the add-on. Each
 *          array value is a JS object containing the data for the version, at
 *          minimum a "version" and "targetApplications" property should be
 *          included to create a functional update manifest.
 * @return  the update.rdf structure as a string.
function createUpdateRDF(aData) {
  var rdf = '<?xml version="1.0"?>\n';
  rdf += '<RDF xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"\n' +
         '     xmlns:em="http://www.mozilla.org/2004/em-rdf#">\n';

  for (let addon in aData) {
    rdf += '  <Description about="urn:mozilla:extension:' + escapeXML(addon) + '"><em:updates><Seq>\n';

    for (let versionData of aData[addon]) {
      rdf += '    <li><Description>\n';

      for (let prop of ["version", "multiprocessCompatible"]) {
        if (prop in versionData)
          rdf += "      <em:" + prop + ">" + escapeXML(versionData[prop]) + "</em:" + prop + ">\n";

      if ("targetApplications" in versionData) {
        for (let app of versionData.targetApplications) {
          rdf += "      <em:targetApplication><Description>\n";
          for (let prop of ["id", "minVersion", "maxVersion", "updateLink", "updateHash"]) {
            if (prop in app)
              rdf += "        <em:" + prop + ">" + escapeXML(app[prop]) + "</em:" + prop + ">\n";
          rdf += "      </Description></em:targetApplication>\n";

      rdf += '    </Description></li>\n';

    rdf += '  </Seq></em:updates></Description>\n'
  rdf += "</RDF>\n";

  return rdf;

function createInstallRDF(aData) {
  var rdf = '<?xml version="1.0"?>\n';
  rdf += '<RDF xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"\n' +
         '     xmlns:em="http://www.mozilla.org/2004/em-rdf#">\n';
  rdf += '<Description about="urn:mozilla:install-manifest">\n';

  ["id", "version", "type", "internalName", "updateURL", "updateKey",
   "optionsURL", "optionsType", "aboutURL", "iconURL", "icon64URL",
   "skinnable", "bootstrap", "strictCompatibility", "multiprocessCompatible"].forEach(function(aProp) {
    if (aProp in aData)
      rdf += "<em:" + aProp + ">" + escapeXML(aData[aProp]) + "</em:" + aProp + ">\n";

  rdf += writeLocaleStrings(aData);

  if ("targetPlatforms" in aData) {
    aData.targetPlatforms.forEach(function(aPlatform) {
      rdf += "<em:targetPlatform>" + escapeXML(aPlatform) + "</em:targetPlatform>\n";

  if ("targetApplications" in aData) {
    aData.targetApplications.forEach(function(aApp) {
      rdf += "<em:targetApplication><Description>\n";
      ["id", "minVersion", "maxVersion"].forEach(function(aProp) {
        if (aProp in aApp)
          rdf += "<em:" + aProp + ">" + escapeXML(aApp[aProp]) + "</em:" + aProp + ">\n";
      rdf += "</Description></em:targetApplication>\n";

  if ("localized" in aData) {
    aData.localized.forEach(function(aLocalized) {
      rdf += "<em:localized><Description>\n";
      if ("locale" in aLocalized) {
        aLocalized.locale.forEach(function(aLocaleName) {
          rdf += "<em:locale>" + escapeXML(aLocaleName) + "</em:locale>\n";
      rdf += writeLocaleStrings(aLocalized);
      rdf += "</Description></em:localized>\n";

  rdf += "</Description>\n</RDF>\n";
  return rdf;

 * Writes an install.rdf manifest into a directory using the properties passed
 * in a JS object. The objects should contain a property for each property to
 * appear in the RDF. The object may contain an array of objects with id,
 * minVersion and maxVersion in the targetApplications property to give target
 * application compatibility.
 * @param   aData
 *          The object holding data about the add-on
 * @param   aDir
 *          The directory to add the install.rdf to
 * @param   aId
 *          An optional string to override the default installation aId
 * @param   aExtraFile
 *          An optional dummy file to create in the directory
 * @return  An nsIFile for the directory in which the add-on is installed.
function writeInstallRDFToDir(aData, aDir, aId, aExtraFile) {
  var id = aId ? aId : aData.id

  var dir = aDir.clone();

  var rdf = createInstallRDF(aData);
  if (!dir.exists())
    dir.create(AM_Ci.nsIFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE, FileUtils.PERMS_DIRECTORY);
  var file = dir.clone();
  if (file.exists())
  var fos = AM_Cc["@mozilla.org/network/file-output-stream;1"].
           FileUtils.MODE_WRONLY | FileUtils.MODE_CREATE | FileUtils.MODE_TRUNCATE,
           FileUtils.PERMS_FILE, 0);
  fos.write(rdf, rdf.length);

  if (!aExtraFile)
    return dir;

  file = dir.clone();
  file.create(AM_Ci.nsIFile.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, FileUtils.PERMS_FILE);
  return dir;

 * Writes an install.rdf manifest into an extension using the properties passed
 * in a JS object. The objects should contain a property for each property to
 * appear in the RDF. The object may contain an array of objects with id,
 * minVersion and maxVersion in the targetApplications property to give target
 * application compatibility.
 * @param   aData
 *          The object holding data about the add-on
 * @param   aDir
 *          The install directory to add the extension to
 * @param   aId
 *          An optional string to override the default installation aId
 * @param   aExtraFile
 *          An optional dummy file to create in the extension
 * @return  A file pointing to where the extension was installed
function writeInstallRDFForExtension(aData, aDir, aId, aExtraFile) {
    return writeInstallRDFToDir(aData, aDir, aId, aExtraFile);
  return writeInstallRDFToXPI(aData, aDir, aId, aExtraFile);

 * Writes an install.rdf manifest into a packed extension using the properties passed
 * in a JS object. The objects should contain a property for each property to
 * appear in the RDF. The object may contain an array of objects with id,
 * minVersion and maxVersion in the targetApplications property to give target
 * application compatibility.
 * @param   aData
 *          The object holding data about the add-on
 * @param   aDir
 *          The install directory to add the extension to
 * @param   aId
 *          An optional string to override the default installation aId
 * @param   aExtraFile
 *          An optional dummy file to create in the extension
 * @return  A file pointing to where the extension was installed
function writeInstallRDFToXPI(aData, aDir, aId, aExtraFile) {
  var id = aId ? aId : aData.id

  if (!aDir.exists())
    aDir.create(AM_Ci.nsIFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE, FileUtils.PERMS_DIRECTORY);

  var file = aDir.clone();
  file.append(id + ".xpi");
  writeInstallRDFToXPIFile(aData, file, aExtraFile);

  return file;

 * Writes an install.rdf manifest into an XPI file using the properties passed
 * in a JS object. The objects should contain a property for each property to
 * appear in the RDF. The object may contain an array of objects with id,
 * minVersion and maxVersion in the targetApplications property to give target
 * application compatibility.
 * @param   aData
 *          The object holding data about the add-on
 * @param   aFile
 *          The XPI file to write to. Any existing file will be overwritten
 * @param   aExtraFile
 *          An optional dummy file to create in the extension
function writeInstallRDFToXPIFile(aData, aFile, aExtraFile) {
  var rdf = createInstallRDF(aData);
  var stream = AM_Cc["@mozilla.org/io/string-input-stream;1"].
  stream.setData(rdf, -1);
  var zipW = AM_Cc["@mozilla.org/zipwriter;1"].
  zipW.open(aFile, FileUtils.MODE_WRONLY | FileUtils.MODE_CREATE | FileUtils.MODE_TRUNCATE);
  zipW.addEntryStream("install.rdf", 0, AM_Ci.nsIZipWriter.COMPRESSION_NONE,
                      stream, false);
  if (aExtraFile)
    zipW.addEntryStream(aExtraFile, 0, AM_Ci.nsIZipWriter.COMPRESSION_NONE,
                        stream, false);

let temp_xpis = [];
 * Creates an XPI file for some manifest data in the temporary directory and
 * returns the nsIFile for it. The file will be deleted when the test completes.
 * @param   aData
 *          The object holding data about the add-on
 * @return  A file pointing to the created XPI file
function createTempXPIFile(aData) {
  var file = gTmpD.clone();
  do {
    file.leafName = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000) + ".xpi";
  } while (file.exists());

  writeInstallRDFToXPIFile(aData, file);
  return file;

 * Sets the last modified time of the extension, usually to trigger an update
 * of its metadata. If the extension is unpacked, this function assumes that
 * the extension contains only the install.rdf file.
 * @param aExt   a file pointing to either the packed extension or its unpacked directory.
 * @param aTime  the time to which we set the lastModifiedTime of the extension
 * @deprecated Please use promiseSetExtensionModifiedTime instead
function setExtensionModifiedTime(aExt, aTime) {
  aExt.lastModifiedTime = aTime;
  if (aExt.isDirectory()) {
    let entries = aExt.directoryEntries
    while (entries.hasMoreElements())
      setExtensionModifiedTime(entries.nextFile, aTime);
function promiseSetExtensionModifiedTime(aPath, aTime) {
  return Task.spawn(function* () {
    yield OS.File.setDates(aPath, aTime, aTime);
    let entries, iterator;
    try {
      let iterator = new OS.File.DirectoryIterator(aPath);
      entries = yield iterator.nextBatch();
    } catch (ex if ex instanceof OS.File.Error) {
    } finally {
      if (iterator) {
    for (let entry of entries) {
      yield promiseSetExtensionModifiedTime(entry.path, aTime);

 * Manually installs an XPI file into an install location by either copying the
 * XPI there or extracting it depending on whether unpacking is being tested
 * or not.
 * @param aXPIFile
 *        The XPI file to install.
 * @param aInstallLocation
 *        The install location (an nsIFile) to install into.
 * @param aID
 *        The ID to install as.
function manuallyInstall(aXPIFile, aInstallLocation, aID) {
    let dir = aInstallLocation.clone();
    dir.create(AM_Ci.nsIFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE, FileUtils.PERMS_DIRECTORY);
    let zip = AM_Cc["@mozilla.org/libjar/zip-reader;1"].
    let entries = zip.findEntries(null);
    while (entries.hasMore()) {
      let entry = entries.getNext();
      let target = dir.clone();
      entry.split("/").forEach(function(aPart) {
      zip.extract(entry, target);

    return dir;
  else {
    let target = aInstallLocation.clone();
    target.append(aID + ".xpi");
    aXPIFile.copyTo(target.parent, target.leafName);
    return target;

 * Manually uninstalls an add-on by removing its files from the install
 * location.
 * @param aInstallLocation
 *        The nsIFile of the install location to remove from.
 * @param aID
 *        The ID of the add-on to remove.
function manuallyUninstall(aInstallLocation, aID) {
  let file = getFileForAddon(aInstallLocation, aID);

  // In reality because the app is restarted a flush isn't necessary for XPIs
  // removed outside the app, but for testing we must flush manually.
  if (file.isFile())
    Services.obs.notifyObservers(file, "flush-cache-entry", null);


 * Gets the nsIFile for where an add-on is installed. It may point to a file or
 * a directory depending on whether add-ons are being installed unpacked or not.
 * @param  aDir
 *         The nsIFile for the install location
 * @param  aId
 *         The ID of the add-on
 * @return an nsIFile
function getFileForAddon(aDir, aId) {
  var dir = aDir.clone();
  return dir;

function registerDirectory(aKey, aDir) {
  var dirProvider = {
    getFile: function(aProp, aPersistent) {
      aPersistent.value = true;
      if (aProp == aKey)
        return aDir.clone();
      return null;

    QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([AM_Ci.nsIDirectoryServiceProvider,

var gExpectedEvents = {};
var gExpectedInstalls = [];
var gNext = null;

function getExpectedEvent(aId) {
  if (!(aId in gExpectedEvents))
    do_throw("Wasn't expecting events for " + aId);
  if (gExpectedEvents[aId].length == 0)
    do_throw("Too many events for " + aId);
  let event = gExpectedEvents[aId].shift();
  if (event instanceof Array)
    return event;
  return [event, true];

function getExpectedInstall(aAddon) {
  if (gExpectedInstalls instanceof Array)
    return gExpectedInstalls.shift();
  if (!aAddon || !aAddon.id)
    return gExpectedInstalls["NO_ID"].shift();
  let id = aAddon.id;
  if (!(id in gExpectedInstalls) || !(gExpectedInstalls[id] instanceof Array))
    do_throw("Wasn't expecting events for " + id);
  if (gExpectedInstalls[id].length == 0)
    do_throw("Too many events for " + id);
  return gExpectedInstalls[id].shift();

const AddonListener = {
  onPropertyChanged: function(aAddon, aProperties) {
    do_print(`Got onPropertyChanged event for ${aAddon.id}`);
    let [event, properties] = getExpectedEvent(aAddon.id);
    do_check_eq("onPropertyChanged", event);
    do_check_eq(aProperties.length, properties.length);
    properties.forEach(function(aProperty) {
      // Only test that the expected properties are listed, having additional
      // properties listed is not necessary a problem
      if (aProperties.indexOf(aProperty) == -1)
        do_throw("Did not see property change for " + aProperty);
    return check_test_completed(arguments);

  onEnabling: function(aAddon, aRequiresRestart) {
    do_print(`Got onEnabling event for ${aAddon.id}`);
    let [event, expectedRestart] = getExpectedEvent(aAddon.id);
    do_check_eq("onEnabling", event);
    do_check_eq(aRequiresRestart, expectedRestart);
    if (expectedRestart)
      do_check_true(hasFlag(aAddon.pendingOperations, AddonManager.PENDING_ENABLE));
    do_check_false(hasFlag(aAddon.permissions, AddonManager.PERM_CAN_ENABLE));
    return check_test_completed(arguments);

  onEnabled: function(aAddon) {
    do_print(`Got onEnabled event for ${aAddon.id}`);
    let [event, expectedRestart] = getExpectedEvent(aAddon.id);
    do_check_eq("onEnabled", event);
    do_check_false(hasFlag(aAddon.permissions, AddonManager.PERM_CAN_ENABLE));
    return check_test_completed(arguments);

  onDisabling: function(aAddon, aRequiresRestart) {
    do_print(`Got onDisabling event for ${aAddon.id}`);
    let [event, expectedRestart] = getExpectedEvent(aAddon.id);
    do_check_eq("onDisabling", event);
    do_check_eq(aRequiresRestart, expectedRestart);
    if (expectedRestart)
      do_check_true(hasFlag(aAddon.pendingOperations, AddonManager.PENDING_DISABLE));
    do_check_false(hasFlag(aAddon.permissions, AddonManager.PERM_CAN_DISABLE));
    return check_test_completed(arguments);

  onDisabled: function(aAddon) {
    do_print(`Got onDisabled event for ${aAddon.id}`);
    let [event, expectedRestart] = getExpectedEvent(aAddon.id);
    do_check_eq("onDisabled", event);
    do_check_false(hasFlag(aAddon.permissions, AddonManager.PERM_CAN_DISABLE));
    return check_test_completed(arguments);

  onInstalling: function(aAddon, aRequiresRestart) {
    do_print(`Got onInstalling event for ${aAddon.id}`);
    let [event, expectedRestart] = getExpectedEvent(aAddon.id);
    do_check_eq("onInstalling", event);
    do_check_eq(aRequiresRestart, expectedRestart);
    if (expectedRestart)
      do_check_true(hasFlag(aAddon.pendingOperations, AddonManager.PENDING_INSTALL));
    return check_test_completed(arguments);

  onInstalled: function(aAddon) {
    do_print(`Got onInstalled event for ${aAddon.id}`);
    let [event, expectedRestart] = getExpectedEvent(aAddon.id);
    do_check_eq("onInstalled", event);
    return check_test_completed(arguments);

  onUninstalling: function(aAddon, aRequiresRestart) {
    do_print(`Got onUninstalling event for ${aAddon.id}`);
    let [event, expectedRestart] = getExpectedEvent(aAddon.id);
    do_check_eq("onUninstalling", event);
    do_check_eq(aRequiresRestart, expectedRestart);
    if (expectedRestart)
      do_check_true(hasFlag(aAddon.pendingOperations, AddonManager.PENDING_UNINSTALL));
    return check_test_completed(arguments);

  onUninstalled: function(aAddon) {
    do_print(`Got onUninstalled event for ${aAddon.id}`);
    let [event, expectedRestart] = getExpectedEvent(aAddon.id);
    do_check_eq("onUninstalled", event);
    return check_test_completed(arguments);

  onOperationCancelled: function(aAddon) {
    do_print(`Got onOperationCancelled event for ${aAddon.id}`);
    let [event, expectedRestart] = getExpectedEvent(aAddon.id);
    do_check_eq("onOperationCancelled", event);
    return check_test_completed(arguments);

const InstallListener = {
  onNewInstall: function(install) {
    if (install.state != AddonManager.STATE_DOWNLOADED &&
        install.state != AddonManager.STATE_AVAILABLE)
      do_throw("Bad install state " + install.state);
    do_check_eq(install.error, 0);
    do_check_eq("onNewInstall", getExpectedInstall());
    return check_test_completed(arguments);

  onDownloadStarted: function(install) {
    do_check_eq(install.state, AddonManager.STATE_DOWNLOADING);
    do_check_eq(install.error, 0);
    do_check_eq("onDownloadStarted", getExpectedInstall());
    return check_test_completed(arguments);

  onDownloadEnded: function(install) {
    do_check_eq(install.state, AddonManager.STATE_DOWNLOADED);
    do_check_eq(install.error, 0);
    do_check_eq("onDownloadEnded", getExpectedInstall());
    return check_test_completed(arguments);

  onDownloadFailed: function(install) {
    do_check_eq(install.state, AddonManager.STATE_DOWNLOAD_FAILED);
    do_check_eq("onDownloadFailed", getExpectedInstall());
    return check_test_completed(arguments);

  onDownloadCancelled: function(install) {
    do_check_eq(install.state, AddonManager.STATE_CANCELLED);
    do_check_eq(install.error, 0);
    do_check_eq("onDownloadCancelled", getExpectedInstall());
    return check_test_completed(arguments);

  onInstallStarted: function(install) {
    do_check_eq(install.state, AddonManager.STATE_INSTALLING);
    do_check_eq(install.error, 0);
    do_check_eq("onInstallStarted", getExpectedInstall(install.addon));
    return check_test_completed(arguments);

  onInstallEnded: function(install, newAddon) {
    do_check_eq(install.state, AddonManager.STATE_INSTALLED);
    do_check_eq(install.error, 0);
    do_check_eq("onInstallEnded", getExpectedInstall(install.addon));
    return check_test_completed(arguments);

  onInstallFailed: function(install) {
    do_check_eq(install.state, AddonManager.STATE_INSTALL_FAILED);
    do_check_eq("onInstallFailed", getExpectedInstall(install.addon));
    return check_test_completed(arguments);

  onInstallCancelled: function(install) {
    // If the install was cancelled by a listener returning false from
    // onInstallStarted, then the state will revert to STATE_DOWNLOADED.
    let possibleStates = [AddonManager.STATE_CANCELLED,
    do_check_true(possibleStates.indexOf(install.state) != -1);
    do_check_eq(install.error, 0);
    do_check_eq("onInstallCancelled", getExpectedInstall(install.addon));
    return check_test_completed(arguments);

  onExternalInstall: function(aAddon, existingAddon, aRequiresRestart) {
    do_check_eq("onExternalInstall", getExpectedInstall(aAddon));
    return check_test_completed(arguments);

function hasFlag(aBits, aFlag) {
  return (aBits & aFlag) != 0;

// Just a wrapper around setting the expected events
function prepare_test(aExpectedEvents, aExpectedInstalls, aNext) {

  gExpectedInstalls = aExpectedInstalls;
  gExpectedEvents = aExpectedEvents;
  gNext = aNext;

// Checks if all expected events have been seen and if so calls the callback
function check_test_completed(aArgs) {
  if (!gNext)
    return undefined;

  if (gExpectedInstalls instanceof Array &&
      gExpectedInstalls.length > 0)
    return undefined;
  else for each (let installList in gExpectedInstalls) {
    if (installList.length > 0)
      return undefined;

  for (let id in gExpectedEvents) {
    if (gExpectedEvents[id].length > 0)
      return undefined;

  return gNext.apply(null, aArgs);

// Verifies that all the expected events for all add-ons were seen
function ensure_test_completed() {
  for (let i in gExpectedEvents) {
    if (gExpectedEvents[i].length > 0)
      do_throw("Didn't see all the expected events for " + i);
  gExpectedEvents = {};
  if (gExpectedInstalls)
    do_check_eq(gExpectedInstalls.length, 0);

 * A helper method to install an array of AddonInstall to completion and then
 * call a provided callback.
 * @param   aInstalls
 *          The array of AddonInstalls to install
 * @param   aCallback
 *          The callback to call when all installs have finished
function completeAllInstalls(aInstalls, aCallback) {
  let count = aInstalls.length;

  if (count == 0) {

  function installCompleted(aInstall) {

    if (--count == 0)

  let listener = {
    onDownloadFailed: installCompleted,
    onDownloadCancelled: installCompleted,
    onInstallFailed: installCompleted,
    onInstallCancelled: installCompleted,
    onInstallEnded: installCompleted

  aInstalls.forEach(function(aInstall) {

function promiseCompleteAllInstalls(aInstalls) {
  return new Promise(resolve => {
    completeAllInstalls(aInstalls, resolve);

 * A helper method to install an array of files and call a callback after the
 * installs are completed.
 * @param   aFiles
 *          The array of files to install
 * @param   aCallback
 *          The callback to call when all installs have finished
 * @param   aIgnoreIncompatible
 *          Optional parameter to ignore add-ons that are incompatible in
 *          aome way with the application
function installAllFiles(aFiles, aCallback, aIgnoreIncompatible) {
  let count = aFiles.length;
  let installs = [];
  function callback() {
    if (aCallback) {
  aFiles.forEach(function(aFile) {
    AddonManager.getInstallForFile(aFile, function(aInstall) {
      if (!aInstall)
        do_throw("No AddonInstall created for " + aFile.path);
      do_check_eq(aInstall.state, AddonManager.STATE_DOWNLOADED);

      if (!aIgnoreIncompatible || !aInstall.addon.appDisabled)

      if (--count == 0)
        completeAllInstalls(installs, callback);

function promiseInstallAllFiles(aFiles, aIgnoreIncompatible) {
  let deferred = Promise.defer();
  installAllFiles(aFiles, deferred.resolve, aIgnoreIncompatible);
  return deferred.promise;


if ("nsIWindowsRegKey" in AM_Ci) {
  var MockRegistry = {

    getRoot: function(aRoot) {
      switch (aRoot) {
      case AM_Ci.nsIWindowsRegKey.ROOT_KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE:
        return MockRegistry.LOCAL_MACHINE;
      case AM_Ci.nsIWindowsRegKey.ROOT_KEY_CURRENT_USER:
        return MockRegistry.CURRENT_USER;
      case AM_Ci.nsIWindowsRegKey.ROOT_KEY_CLASSES_ROOT:
        return MockRegistry.CLASSES_ROOT;
        do_throw("Unknown root " + aRootKey);
        return null;

    setValue: function(aRoot, aPath, aName, aValue) {
      let rootKey = MockRegistry.getRoot(aRoot);

      if (!(aPath in rootKey)) {
        rootKey[aPath] = [];
      else {
        for (let i = 0; i < rootKey[aPath].length; i++) {
          if (rootKey[aPath][i].name == aName) {
            if (aValue === null)
              rootKey[aPath].splice(i, 1);
              rootKey[aPath][i].value = aValue;

      if (aValue === null)

        name: aName,
        value: aValue

   * This is a mock nsIWindowsRegistry implementation. It only implements the
   * methods that the extension manager requires.
  function MockWindowsRegKey() {

  MockWindowsRegKey.prototype = {
    values: null,

    // --- Overridden nsISupports interface functions ---
    QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([AM_Ci.nsIWindowsRegKey]),

    // --- Overridden nsIWindowsRegKey interface functions ---
    open: function(aRootKey, aRelPath, aMode) {
      let rootKey = MockRegistry.getRoot(aRootKey);

      if (!(aRelPath in rootKey))
        rootKey[aRelPath] = [];
      this.values = rootKey[aRelPath];

    close: function() {
      this.values = null;

    get valueCount() {
      if (!this.values)
        throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
      return this.values.length;

    getValueName: function(aIndex) {
      if (!this.values || aIndex >= this.values.length)
        throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
      return this.values[aIndex].name;

    readStringValue: function(aName) {
      for (let value of this.values) {
        if (value.name == aName)
          return value.value;
      return null;

  var WinRegFactory = {
    createInstance: function(aOuter, aIid) {
      if (aOuter != null)
        throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_AGGREGATION;

      var key = new MockWindowsRegKey();
      return key.QueryInterface(aIid);

  var registrar = Components.manager.QueryInterface(AM_Ci.nsIComponentRegistrar);
                            "Mock Windows Registry Implementation",
                            "@mozilla.org/windows-registry-key;1", WinRegFactory);

// Get the profile directory for tests to use.
const gProfD = do_get_profile();

const EXTENSIONS_DB = "extensions.json";
let gExtensionsJSON = gProfD.clone();

const EXTENSIONS_INI = "extensions.ini";
let gExtensionsINI = gProfD.clone();

// Enable more extensive EM logging
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("extensions.logging.enabled", true);

// By default only load extensions from the profile install location
Services.prefs.setIntPref("extensions.enabledScopes", AddonManager.SCOPE_PROFILE);

// By default don't disable add-ons from any scope
Services.prefs.setIntPref("extensions.autoDisableScopes", 0);

// By default, don't cache add-ons in AddonRepository.jsm
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("extensions.getAddons.cache.enabled", false);

// Disable the compatibility updates window by default
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("extensions.showMismatchUI", false);

// Point update checks to the local machine for fast failures
Services.prefs.setCharPref("extensions.update.url", "");
Services.prefs.setCharPref("extensions.update.background.url", "");
Services.prefs.setCharPref("extensions.blocklist.url", "");

// By default ignore bundled add-ons
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("extensions.installDistroAddons", false);

// By default use strict compatibility
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("extensions.strictCompatibility", true);

// By default, set min compatible versions to 0
Services.prefs.setCharPref(PREF_EM_MIN_COMPAT_APP_VERSION, "0");
Services.prefs.setCharPref(PREF_EM_MIN_COMPAT_PLATFORM_VERSION, "0");

// Register a temporary directory for the tests.
const gTmpD = gProfD.clone();
registerDirectory("TmpD", gTmpD);

// Write out an empty blocklist.xml file to the profile to ensure nothing
// is blocklisted by default
var blockFile = gProfD.clone();
var stream = AM_Cc["@mozilla.org/network/file-output-stream;1"].
stream.init(blockFile, FileUtils.MODE_WRONLY | FileUtils.MODE_CREATE | FileUtils.MODE_TRUNCATE,
            FileUtils.PERMS_FILE, 0);

var data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" +
           "<blocklist xmlns=\"http://www.mozilla.org/2006/addons-blocklist\">\n" +
stream.write(data, data.length);

// Copies blocklistFile (an nsIFile) to gProfD/blocklist.xml.
function copyBlocklistToProfile(blocklistFile) {
  var dest = gProfD.clone();
  if (dest.exists())
  blocklistFile.copyTo(gProfD, "blocklist.xml");
  dest.lastModifiedTime = Date.now();

// Throw a failure and attempt to abandon the test if it looks like it is going
// to timeout
function timeout() {
  timer = null;
  do_throw("Test ran longer than " + TIMEOUT_MS + "ms");

  // Attempt to bail out of the test

var timer = AM_Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(AM_Ci.nsITimer);
timer.init(timeout, TIMEOUT_MS, AM_Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT);

// Make sure that a given path does not exist
function pathShouldntExist(aPath) {
  if (aPath.exists()) {
    do_throw("Test cleanup: path " + aPath.path + " exists when it should not");

do_register_cleanup(function addon_cleanup() {
  if (timer)

  for (let file of temp_xpis) {
    if (file.exists())

  // Check that the temporary directory is empty
  var dirEntries = gTmpD.directoryEntries
  var entry;
  while ((entry = dirEntries.nextFile)) {
    do_throw("Found unexpected file in temporary directory: " + entry.leafName);

  var testDir = gProfD.clone();

  testDir.leafName = "staged";

  testDir.leafName = "staged-xpis";


  // Clear commonly set prefs.
  try {
  } catch (e) {}
  try {
  } catch (e) {}

 * Handler function that responds with the interpolated
 * static file associated to the URL specified by request.path.
 * This replaces the %PORT% entries in the file with the actual
 * value of the running server's port (stored in gPort).
function interpolateAndServeFile(request, response) {
  try {
    let file = gUrlToFileMap[request.path];
    var data = "";
    var fstream = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/file-input-stream;1"].
    var cstream = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/intl/converter-input-stream;1"].
    fstream.init(file, -1, 0, 0);
    cstream.init(fstream, "UTF-8", 0, 0);

    let str = {};
    let read = 0;
    do {
      // read as much as we can and put it in str.value
      read = cstream.readString(0xffffffff, str);
      data += str.value;
    } while (read != 0);
    data = data.replace(/%PORT%/g, gPort);

  } catch (e) {
    do_throw("Exception while serving interpolated file.");
  } finally {
    cstream.close(); // this closes fstream as well

 * Sets up a path handler for the given URL and saves the
 * corresponding file in the global url -> file map.
 * @param  url
 *         the actual URL
 * @param  file
 *         nsILocalFile representing a static file
function mapUrlToFile(url, file, server) {
  server.registerPathHandler(url, interpolateAndServeFile);
  gUrlToFileMap[url] = file;

function mapFile(path, server) {
  mapUrlToFile(path, do_get_file(path), server);

 * Take out the port number in an URL
 * @param url
 *        String that represents an URL with a port number in it
function remove_port(url) {
  if (typeof url === "string")
    return url.replace(/:\d+/, "");
  return url;
// Wrap a function (typically a callback) to catch and report exceptions
function do_exception_wrap(func) {
  return function() {
    try {
      func.apply(null, arguments);
    catch(e) {

 * Change the schema version of the JSON extensions database
function changeXPIDBVersion(aNewVersion) {
  let jData = loadJSON(gExtensionsJSON);
  jData.schemaVersion = aNewVersion;
  saveJSON(jData, gExtensionsJSON);

 * Load a file into a string
function loadFile(aFile) {
  let data = "";
  let fstream = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/file-input-stream;1"].
  let cstream = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/intl/converter-input-stream;1"].
  fstream.init(aFile, -1, 0, 0);
  cstream.init(fstream, "UTF-8", 0, 0);
  let str = {};
  let read = 0;
  do {
    read = cstream.readString(0xffffffff, str); // read as much as we can and put it in str.value
    data += str.value;
  } while (read != 0);
  return data;

 * Raw load of a JSON file
function loadJSON(aFile) {
  let data = loadFile(aFile);
  do_print("Loaded JSON file " + aFile.path);

 * Raw save of a JSON blob to file
function saveJSON(aData, aFile) {
  do_print("Starting to save JSON file " + aFile.path);
  let stream = FileUtils.openSafeFileOutputStream(aFile);
  let converter = AM_Cc["@mozilla.org/intl/converter-output-stream;1"].
  converter.init(stream, "UTF-8", 0, 0x0000);
  // XXX pretty print the JSON while debugging
  converter.writeString(JSON.stringify(aData, null, 2));
  // nsConverterOutputStream doesn't finish() safe output streams on close()
  do_print("Done saving JSON file " + aFile.path);

 * Create a callback function that calls do_execute_soon on an actual callback and arguments
function callback_soon(aFunction) {
  return function(...args) {
    do_execute_soon(function() {
      aFunction.apply(null, args);
    }, aFunction.name ? "delayed callback " + aFunction.name : "delayed callback");

 * A promise-based variant of AddonManager.getAddonsByIDs.
 * @param {array} list As the first argument of AddonManager.getAddonsByIDs
 * @return {promise}
 * @resolve {array} The list of add-ons sent by AddonManaget.getAddonsByIDs to
 * its callback.
function promiseAddonsByIDs(list) {
  return new Promise(resolve => AddonManager.getAddonsByIDs(list, resolve));

 * A promise-based variant of AddonManager.getAddonByID.
 * @param {string} aId The ID of the add-on.
 * @return {promise}
 * @resolve {AddonWrapper} The corresponding add-on, or null.
function promiseAddonByID(aId) {
  return new Promise(resolve => AddonManager.getAddonByID(aId, resolve));

 * A promise-based variant of AddonManager.getAddonsWithOperationsByTypes
 * @param {array} aTypes The first argument to
 *                       AddonManager.getAddonsWithOperationsByTypes
 * @return {promise}
 * @resolve {array} The list of add-ons sent by
 *                  AddonManaget.getAddonsWithOperationsByTypes to its callback.
function promiseAddonsWithOperationsByTypes(aTypes) {
  return new Promise(resolve => AddonManager.getAddonsWithOperationsByTypes(aTypes, resolve));

 * Returns a promise that will be resolved when an add-on update check is
 * complete. The value resolved will be an AddonInstall if a new version was
 * found.
function promiseFindAddonUpdates(addon, reason = AddonManager.UPDATE_WHEN_PERIODIC_UPDATE) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      install: null,

      onUpdateAvailable: function(addon, install) {
        this.install = install;

      onUpdateFinished: function(addon, error) {
        if (error == AddonManager.UPDATE_STATUS_NO_ERROR)
    }, reason);