/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
"use strict";
const Cc = Components.classes;
const Ci = Components.interfaces;
const Cu = Components.utils;
const URI_EXTENSION_STRINGS = "chrome://mozapps/locale/extensions/extensions.properties";
const STRING_TYPE_NAME = "type.%ID%.name";
const LIST_UPDATED_TOPIC = "plugins-list-updated";
const FLASH_MIME_TYPE = "application/x-shockwave-flash";
const LOGGER_ID = "addons.plugins";
// Create a new logger for use by the Addons Plugin Provider
// (Requires AddonManager.jsm)
let logger = Log.repository.getLogger(LOGGER_ID);
function getIDHashForString(aStr) {
// return the two-digit hexadecimal code for a byte
function toHexString(charCode)
("0" + charCode.toString(16)).slice(-2);
let hasher = Cc["@mozilla.org/security/hash;1"].
let stringStream = Cc["@mozilla.org/io/string-input-stream;1"].
stringStream.data = aStr ? aStr : "null";
hasher.updateFromStream(stringStream, -1);
// convert the binary hash data to a hex string.
let binary = hasher.finish(false);
let hash = [toHexString(binary.charCodeAt(i)) for (i in binary)].join("").toLowerCase();
return "{" + hash.substr(0, 8) + "-" +
hash.substr(8, 4) + "-" +
hash.substr(12, 4) + "-" +
hash.substr(16, 4) + "-" +
hash.substr(20) + "}";
var PluginProvider = {
get name() "PluginProvider",
// A dictionary mapping IDs to names and descriptions
plugins: null,
startup: function PL_startup() {
Services.obs.addObserver(this, LIST_UPDATED_TOPIC, false);
Services.obs.addObserver(this, AddonManager.OPTIONS_NOTIFICATION_DISPLAYED, false);
* Called when the application is shutting down. Only necessary for tests
* to be able to simulate a shutdown.
shutdown: function PL_shutdown() {
this.plugins = null;
Services.obs.removeObserver(this, AddonManager.OPTIONS_NOTIFICATION_DISPLAYED);
Services.obs.removeObserver(this, LIST_UPDATED_TOPIC);
observe: function(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
switch (aTopic) {
this.getAddonByID(aData, function PL_displayPluginInfo(plugin) {
if (!plugin)
let libLabel = aSubject.getElementById("pluginLibraries");
libLabel.textContent = plugin.pluginLibraries.join(", ");
let typeLabel = aSubject.getElementById("pluginMimeTypes"), types = [];
for (let type of plugin.pluginMimeTypes) {
let extras = [type.description.trim(), type.suffixes].
filter(function(x) x).join(": ");
types.push(type.type + (extras ? " (" + extras + ")" : ""));
typeLabel.textContent = types.join(",\n");
let showProtectedModePref = canDisableFlashProtectedMode(plugin);
.setAttribute("collapsed", showProtectedModePref ? "" : "true");
if (this.plugins)
* Creates a PluginWrapper for a plugin object.
buildWrapper: function PL_buildWrapper(aPlugin) {
return new PluginWrapper(aPlugin.id,
* Called to get an Addon with a particular ID.
* @param aId
* The ID of the add-on to retrieve
* @param aCallback
* A callback to pass the Addon to
getAddonByID: function PL_getAddon(aId, aCallback) {
if (!this.plugins)
if (aId in this.plugins)
* Called to get Addons of a particular type.
* @param aTypes
* An array of types to fetch. Can be null to get all types.
* @param callback
* A callback to pass an array of Addons to
getAddonsByTypes: function PL_getAddonsByTypes(aTypes, aCallback) {
if (aTypes && aTypes.indexOf("plugin") < 0) {
if (!this.plugins)
let results = [];
for (let id in this.plugins) {
this.getAddonByID(id, function(aAddon) {
* Called to get Addons that have pending operations.
* @param aTypes
* An array of types to fetch. Can be null to get all types
* @param aCallback
* A callback to pass an array of Addons to
getAddonsWithOperationsByTypes: function PL_getAddonsWithOperationsByTypes(aTypes, aCallback) {
* Called to get the current AddonInstalls, optionally restricting by type.
* @param aTypes
* An array of types or null to get all types
* @param aCallback
* A callback to pass the array of AddonInstalls to
getInstallsByTypes: function PL_getInstallsByTypes(aTypes, aCallback) {
* Builds a list of the current plugins reported by the plugin host
* @return a dictionary of plugins indexed by our generated ID
getPluginList: function PL_getPluginList() {
let tags = Cc["@mozilla.org/plugin/host;1"].
let list = {};
let seenPlugins = {};
for (let tag of tags) {
if (!(tag.name in seenPlugins))
seenPlugins[tag.name] = {};
if (!(tag.description in seenPlugins[tag.name])) {
let plugin = {
id: getIDHashForString(tag.name + tag.description),
// XXX Flash name substitution like in browser-plugins.js, aboutPermissions.js, permissions.js
name: tag.name == "Shockwave Flash" ? "Adobe Flash" : tag.name,
description: tag.description,
tags: [tag]
seenPlugins[tag.name][tag.description] = plugin;
list[plugin.id] = plugin;
else {
return list;
* Builds the list of known plugins from the plugin host
buildPluginList: function PL_buildPluginList() {
this.plugins = this.getPluginList();
* Updates the plugins from the plugin host by comparing the current plugins
* to the last known list sending out any necessary API notifications for
* changes.
updatePluginList: function PL_updatePluginList() {
let newList = this.getPluginList();
let lostPlugins = [this.buildWrapper(this.plugins[id])
for each (id in Object.keys(this.plugins)) if (!(id in newList))];
let newPlugins = [this.buildWrapper(newList[id])
for each (id in Object.keys(newList)) if (!(id in this.plugins))];
let matchedIDs = [id for each (id in Object.keys(newList)) if (id in this.plugins)];
// The plugin host generates new tags for every plugin after a scan and
// if the plugin's filename has changed then the disabled state won't have
// been carried across, send out notifications for anything that has
// changed (see bug 830267).
let changedWrappers = [];
for (let id of matchedIDs) {
let oldWrapper = this.buildWrapper(this.plugins[id]);
let newWrapper = this.buildWrapper(newList[id]);
if (newWrapper.isActive != oldWrapper.isActive) {
AddonManagerPrivate.callAddonListeners(newWrapper.isActive ?
"onEnabling" : "onDisabling",
newWrapper, false);
// Notify about new installs
for (let plugin of newPlugins) {
AddonManagerPrivate.callInstallListeners("onExternalInstall", null,
plugin, null, false);
AddonManagerPrivate.callAddonListeners("onInstalling", plugin, false);
// Notify for any plugins that have vanished.
for (let plugin of lostPlugins)
AddonManagerPrivate.callAddonListeners("onUninstalling", plugin, false);
this.plugins = newList;
// Signal that new installs are complete
for (let plugin of newPlugins)
AddonManagerPrivate.callAddonListeners("onInstalled", plugin);
// Signal that enables/disables are complete
for (let wrapper of changedWrappers) {
AddonManagerPrivate.callAddonListeners(wrapper.isActive ?
"onEnabled" : "onDisabled",
// Signal that uninstalls are complete
for (let plugin of lostPlugins)
AddonManagerPrivate.callAddonListeners("onUninstalled", plugin);
function isFlashPlugin(aPlugin) {
for (let type of aPlugin.pluginMimeTypes) {
if (type.type == FLASH_MIME_TYPE) {
return true;
return false;
// Protected mode is win32-only, not win64
function canDisableFlashProtectedMode(aPlugin) {
return isFlashPlugin(aPlugin) && Services.appinfo.XPCOMABI == "x86-msvc";
* The PluginWrapper wraps a set of nsIPluginTags to provide the data visible to
* public callers through the API.
function PluginWrapper(aId, aName, aDescription, aTags) {
let safedesc = aDescription.replace(/<\/?[a-z][^>]*>/gi, " ");
let homepageURL = null;
if (/]*>/i.test(aDescription))
homepageURL = /"'\s]*)/i.exec(aDescription)[1];
this.__defineGetter__("id", function() aId);
this.__defineGetter__("type", function() "plugin");
this.__defineGetter__("name", function() aName);
this.__defineGetter__("creator", function() null);
this.__defineGetter__("description", function() safedesc);
this.__defineGetter__("version", function() aTags[0].version);
this.__defineGetter__("homepageURL", function() homepageURL);
this.__defineGetter__("isActive", function() !aTags[0].blocklisted && !aTags[0].disabled);
this.__defineGetter__("appDisabled", function() aTags[0].blocklisted);
this.__defineGetter__("userDisabled", function() {
if (aTags[0].disabled)
return true;
if ((Services.prefs.getBoolPref("plugins.click_to_play") && aTags[0].clicktoplay) ||
this.blocklistState == Ci.nsIBlocklistService.STATE_VULNERABLE_UPDATE_AVAILABLE ||
this.blocklistState == Ci.nsIBlocklistService.STATE_VULNERABLE_NO_UPDATE)
return AddonManager.STATE_ASK_TO_ACTIVATE;
return false;
this.__defineSetter__("userDisabled", function(aVal) {
let previousVal = this.userDisabled;
if (aVal === previousVal)
return aVal;
for (let tag of aTags) {
if (aVal === true)
tag.enabledState = Ci.nsIPluginTag.STATE_DISABLED;
else if (aVal === false)
tag.enabledState = Ci.nsIPluginTag.STATE_ENABLED;
else if (aVal == AddonManager.STATE_ASK_TO_ACTIVATE)
tag.enabledState = Ci.nsIPluginTag.STATE_CLICKTOPLAY;
// If 'userDisabled' was 'true' and we're going to a state that's not
// that, we're enabling, so call those listeners.
if (previousVal === true && aVal !== true) {
AddonManagerPrivate.callAddonListeners("onEnabling", this, false);
AddonManagerPrivate.callAddonListeners("onEnabled", this);
// If 'userDisabled' was not 'true' and we're going to a state where
// it is, we're disabling, so call those listeners.
if (previousVal !== true && aVal === true) {
AddonManagerPrivate.callAddonListeners("onDisabling", this, false);
AddonManagerPrivate.callAddonListeners("onDisabled", this);
// If the 'userDisabled' value involved AddonManager.STATE_ASK_TO_ACTIVATE,
// call the onPropertyChanged listeners.
if (previousVal == AddonManager.STATE_ASK_TO_ACTIVATE ||
aVal == AddonManager.STATE_ASK_TO_ACTIVATE) {
AddonManagerPrivate.callAddonListeners("onPropertyChanged", this, ["userDisabled"]);
return aVal;
this.__defineGetter__("blocklistState", function() {
let bs = Cc["@mozilla.org/extensions/blocklist;1"].
return bs.getPluginBlocklistState(aTags[0]);
this.__defineGetter__("blocklistURL", function() {
let bs = Cc["@mozilla.org/extensions/blocklist;1"].
return bs.getPluginBlocklistURL(aTags[0]);
this.__defineGetter__("size", function() {
function getDirectorySize(aFile) {
let size = 0;
let entries = aFile.directoryEntries.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDirectoryEnumerator);
let entry;
while ((entry = entries.nextFile)) {
if (entry.isSymlink() || !entry.isDirectory())
size += entry.fileSize;
size += getDirectorySize(entry);
return size;
let size = 0;
let file = Cc["@mozilla.org/file/local;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIFile);
for (let tag of aTags) {
if (file.isDirectory())
size += getDirectorySize(file);
size += file.fileSize;
return size;
this.__defineGetter__("pluginLibraries", function() {
let libs = [];
for (let tag of aTags)
return libs;
this.__defineGetter__("pluginFullpath", function() {
let paths = [];
for (let tag of aTags)
return paths;
this.__defineGetter__("pluginMimeTypes", function() {
let types = [];
for (let tag of aTags) {
let mimeTypes = tag.getMimeTypes({});
let mimeDescriptions = tag.getMimeDescriptions({});
let extensions = tag.getExtensions({});
for (let i = 0; i < mimeTypes.length; i++) {
let type = {};
type.type = mimeTypes[i];
type.description = mimeDescriptions[i];
type.suffixes = extensions[i];
return types;
this.__defineGetter__("installDate", function() {
let date = 0;
for (let tag of aTags) {
date = Math.max(date, tag.lastModifiedTime);
return new Date(date);
this.__defineGetter__("scope", function() {
let path = aTags[0].fullpath;
// Plugins inside the application directory are in the application scope
let dir = Services.dirsvc.get("APlugns", Ci.nsIFile);
if (path.startsWith(dir.path))
return AddonManager.SCOPE_APPLICATION;
// Plugins inside the profile directory are in the profile scope
dir = Services.dirsvc.get("ProfD", Ci.nsIFile);
if (path.startsWith(dir.path))
return AddonManager.SCOPE_PROFILE;
// Plugins anywhere else in the user's home are in the user scope,
// but not all platforms have a home directory.
try {
dir = Services.dirsvc.get("Home", Ci.nsIFile);
if (path.startsWith(dir.path))
return AddonManager.SCOPE_USER;
} catch (e if (e.result && e.result == Components.results.NS_ERROR_FAILURE)) {
// Do nothing: missing "Home".
// Any other locations are system scope
return AddonManager.SCOPE_SYSTEM;
this.__defineGetter__("pendingOperations", function() {
return AddonManager.PENDING_NONE;
this.__defineGetter__("operationsRequiringRestart", function() {
return AddonManager.OP_NEEDS_RESTART_NONE;
this.__defineGetter__("permissions", function() {
let permissions = 0;
if (aTags[0].isEnabledStateLocked) {
return permissions;
if (!this.appDisabled) {
if (this.userDisabled !== true)
permissions |= AddonManager.PERM_CAN_DISABLE;
let blocklistState = this.blocklistState;
let isCTPBlocklisted =
(blocklistState == Ci.nsIBlocklistService.STATE_VULNERABLE_NO_UPDATE ||
blocklistState == Ci.nsIBlocklistService.STATE_VULNERABLE_UPDATE_AVAILABLE);
if (this.userDisabled !== AddonManager.STATE_ASK_TO_ACTIVATE &&
(Services.prefs.getBoolPref("plugins.click_to_play") ||
isCTPBlocklisted)) {
permissions |= AddonManager.PERM_CAN_ASK_TO_ACTIVATE;
if (this.userDisabled !== false && !isCTPBlocklisted) {
permissions |= AddonManager.PERM_CAN_ENABLE;
return permissions;
this.__defineGetter__("optionsType", function() {
if (canDisableFlashProtectedMode(this)) {
return AddonManager.OPTIONS_TYPE_INLINE;
PluginWrapper.prototype = {
optionsURL: "chrome://mozapps/content/extensions/pluginPrefs.xul",
get updateDate() {
return this.installDate;
get isCompatible() {
return true;
get isPlatformCompatible() {
return true;
get providesUpdatesSecurely() {
return true;
get foreignInstall() {
return true;
isCompatibleWith: function(aAppVerison, aPlatformVersion) {
return true;
findUpdates: function(aListener, aReason, aAppVersion, aPlatformVersion) {
if ("onNoCompatibilityUpdateAvailable" in aListener)
if ("onNoUpdateAvailable" in aListener)
if ("onUpdateFinished" in aListener)
AddonManagerPrivate.registerProvider(PluginProvider, [
new AddonManagerPrivate.AddonType("plugin", URI_EXTENSION_STRINGS,
AddonManager.VIEW_TYPE_LIST, 6000,