/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, results: Cr} = Components; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Task.jsm"); const MSG_PROMISE_REQUEST = "WebAPIPromiseRequest"; const MSG_PROMISE_RESULT = "WebAPIPromiseResult"; const MSG_INSTALL_EVENT = "WebAPIInstallEvent"; const MSG_INSTALL_CLEANUP = "WebAPICleanup"; const MSG_ADDON_EVENT_REQ = "WebAPIAddonEventRequest"; const MSG_ADDON_EVENT = "WebAPIAddonEvent"; class APIBroker { constructor(mm) { this.mm = mm; this._promises = new Map(); // _installMap maps integer ids to DOM AddonInstall instances this._installMap = new Map(); this.mm.addMessageListener(MSG_PROMISE_RESULT, this); this.mm.addMessageListener(MSG_INSTALL_EVENT, this); this._eventListener = null; } receiveMessage(message) { let payload = message.data; switch (message.name) { case MSG_PROMISE_RESULT: { if (!this._promises.has(payload.callbackID)) { return; } let resolve = this._promises.get(payload.callbackID); this._promises.delete(payload.callbackID); resolve(payload); break; } case MSG_INSTALL_EVENT: { let install = this._installMap.get(payload.id); if (!install) { let err = new Error(`Got install event for unknown install ${payload.id}`); Cu.reportError(err); return; } install._dispatch(payload); break; } case MSG_ADDON_EVENT: { if (this._eventListener) { this._eventListener(payload); } } } } sendRequest(type, ...args) { return new Promise(resolve => { let callbackID = APIBroker._nextID++; this._promises.set(callbackID, resolve); this.mm.sendAsyncMessage(MSG_PROMISE_REQUEST, { type, callbackID, args }); }); } setAddonListener(callback) { this._eventListener = callback; if (callback) { this.mm.addMessageListener(MSG_ADDON_EVENT, this); this.mm.sendAsyncMessage(MSG_ADDON_EVENT_REQ, {enabled: true}); } else { this.mm.removeMessageListener(MSG_ADDON_EVENT, this); this.mm.sendAsyncMessage(MSG_ADDON_EVENT_REQ, {enabled: false}); } } sendCleanup(ids) { this.setAddonListener(null); this.mm.sendAsyncMessage(MSG_INSTALL_CLEANUP, { ids }); } } APIBroker._nextID = 0; // Base class for building classes to back content-exposed interfaces. class APIObject { init(window, broker, properties) { this.window = window; this.broker = broker; // Copy any provided properties onto this object, webidl bindings // will only expose to content what should be exposed. for (let key of Object.keys(properties)) { this[key] = properties[key]; } } /** * Helper to implement an asychronous method visible to content, where * the method is implemented by sending a message to the parent process * and then wrapping the returned object or error in an appropriate object. * This helper method ensures that: * - Returned Promise objects are from the content window * - Rejected Promises have Error objects from the content window * - Only non-internal errors are exposed to the caller * * @param {string} apiRequest The command to invoke in the parent process. * @param {array<cloneable>} apiArgs The arguments to include with the * request to the parent process. * @param {function} resultConvert If provided, a function called with the * result from the parent process as an * argument. Used to convert the result * into something appropriate for content. * @returns {Promise<any>} A Promise suitable for passing directly to content. */ _apiTask(apiRequest, apiArgs, resultConverter) { let win = this.window; let broker = this.broker; return new win.Promise((resolve, reject) => { Task.spawn(function*() { let result = yield broker.sendRequest(apiRequest, ...apiArgs); if ("reject" in result) { let err = new win.Error(result.reject.message); // We don't currently put any other properties onto Errors // generated by mozAddonManager. If/when we do, they will // need to get copied here. reject(err); return; } let obj = result.resolve; if (resultConverter) { obj = resultConverter(obj); } resolve(obj); }).catch(err => { Cu.reportError(err); reject(new win.Error("Unexpected internal error")); }); }); } } class Addon extends APIObject { constructor(...args) { super(); this.init(...args); } uninstall() { return this._apiTask("addonUninstall", [this.id]); } setEnabled(value) { return this._apiTask("addonSetEnabled", [this.id, value]); } } class AddonInstall extends APIObject { constructor(window, broker, properties) { super(); this.init(window, broker, properties); broker._installMap.set(properties.id, this); } _dispatch(data) { // The message for the event includes updated copies of all install // properties. Use the usual "let webidl filter visible properties" trick. for (let key of Object.keys(data)) { this[key] = data[key]; } let event = new this.window.Event(data.event); this.__DOM_IMPL__.dispatchEvent(event); } install() { return this._apiTask("addonInstallDoInstall", [this.id]); } cancel() { return this._apiTask("addonInstallCancel", [this.id]); } } class WebAPI extends APIObject { constructor() { super(); this.allInstalls = []; this.listenerCount = 0; } init(window) { let mm = window .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIDocShell) .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIContentFrameMessageManager); let broker = new APIBroker(mm); super.init(window, broker, {}); window.addEventListener("unload", event => { this.broker.sendCleanup(this.allInstalls); }); } getAddonByID(id) { return this._apiTask("getAddonByID", [id], addonInfo => { if (!addonInfo) { return null; } let addon = new Addon(this.window, this.broker, addonInfo); return this.window.Addon._create(this.window, addon); }); } createInstall(options) { return this._apiTask("createInstall", [options], installInfo => { if (!installInfo) { return null; } let install = new AddonInstall(this.window, this.broker, installInfo); this.allInstalls.push(installInfo.id); return this.window.AddonInstall._create(this.window, install); }); } eventListenerWasAdded(type) { if (this.listenerCount == 0) { this.broker.setAddonListener(data => { let event = new this.window.AddonEvent(data.event, data); this.__DOM_IMPL__.dispatchEvent(event); }); } this.listenerCount++; } eventListenerWasRemoved(type) { this.listenerCount--; if (this.listenerCount == 0) { this.broker.setAddonListener(null); } } QueryInterface(iid) { if (iid.equals(WebAPI.classID) || iid.equals(Ci.nsISupports) || iid.equals(Ci.nsIDOMGlobalPropertyInitializer)) { return this; } return Cr.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE; } } WebAPI.prototype.classID = Components.ID("{8866d8e3-4ea5-48b7-a891-13ba0ac15235}"); this.NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([WebAPI]);