"use strict"; var { interfaces: Ci, classes: Cc, utils: Cu, results: Cr } = Components; var {WebNavigation} = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/WebNavigation.jsm", {}); const BASE = "http://example.com/browser/toolkit/modules/tests/browser"; const URL = BASE + "/file_WebNavigation_page1.html"; const FRAME = BASE + "/file_WebNavigation_page2.html"; const FRAME2 = BASE + "/file_WebNavigation_page3.html"; const EVENTS = [ "onBeforeNavigate", "onCommitted", "onDOMContentLoaded", "onCompleted", "onErrorOccurred", "onReferenceFragmentUpdated", ]; const REQUIRED = [ "onBeforeNavigate", "onCommitted", "onDOMContentLoaded", "onCompleted", ]; var expectedBrowser; var received = []; var completedResolve; var waitingURL, waitingEvent; var rootWindowID; function gotEvent(event, details) { if (!details.url.startsWith(BASE)) { return; } info(`Got ${event} ${details.url} ${details.windowId} ${details.parentWindowId}`); is(details.browser, expectedBrowser, "correct <browser> element"); received.push({url: details.url, event}); if (typeof(rootWindowID) == "undefined") { rootWindowID = details.windowId; } if (details.url == URL) { is(details.windowId, rootWindowID, "root window ID correct"); } else { is(details.parentWindowId, rootWindowID, "parent window ID correct"); isnot(details.windowId, rootWindowID, "window ID probably okay"); } isnot(details.windowId, undefined); isnot(details.parentWindowId, undefined); if (details.url == waitingURL && event == waitingEvent) { completedResolve(); } } function loadViaFrameScript(url, event, script) { // Loading via a frame script ensures that the chrome process never // "gets ahead" of frame scripts in non-e10s mode. received = []; waitingURL = url; waitingEvent = event; expectedBrowser.messageManager.loadFrameScript("data:," + script, false); return new Promise(resolve => { completedResolve = resolve; }); } add_task(function* webnav_ordering() { let listeners = {}; for (let event of EVENTS) { listeners[event] = gotEvent.bind(null, event); WebNavigation[event].addListener(listeners[event]); } gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.addTab(); let browser = gBrowser.selectedBrowser; expectedBrowser = browser; yield BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(browser); yield loadViaFrameScript(URL, "onCompleted", `content.location = "${URL}";`); function checkRequired(url) { for (let event of REQUIRED) { let found = false; for (let r of received) { if (r.url == url && r.event == event) { found = true; } } ok(found, `Received event ${event} from ${url}`); } } checkRequired(URL); checkRequired(FRAME); function checkBefore(action1, action2) { function find(action) { for (let i = 0; i < received.length; i++) { if (received[i].url == action.url && received[i].event == action.event) { return i; } } return -1; } let index1 = find(action1); let index2 = find(action2); ok(index1 != -1, `Action ${JSON.stringify(action1)} happened`); ok(index2 != -1, `Action ${JSON.stringify(action2)} happened`); ok(index1 < index2, `Action ${JSON.stringify(action1)} happened before ${JSON.stringify(action2)}`); } checkBefore({url: URL, event: "onCommitted"}, {url: FRAME, event: "onBeforeNavigate"}); checkBefore({url: FRAME, event: "onCompleted"}, {url: URL, event: "onCompleted"}); yield loadViaFrameScript(FRAME2, "onCompleted", `content.frames[0].location = "${FRAME2}";`); checkRequired(FRAME2); yield loadViaFrameScript(FRAME2 + "#ref", "onReferenceFragmentUpdated", "content.frames[0].document.getElementById('elt').click();"); info("Received onReferenceFragmentUpdated from FRAME2"); gBrowser.removeCurrentTab(); for (let event of EVENTS) { WebNavigation[event].removeListener(listeners[event]); } });