/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["WebRequestUpload"]; /* exported WebRequestUpload */ const Ci = Components.interfaces; const Cc = Components.classes; const Cu = Components.utils; const Cr = Components.results; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); var WebRequestUpload; function rewind(stream) { try { if (stream instanceof Ci.nsISeekableStream) { stream.seek(0, 0); } } catch (e) { // It might be already closed, e.g. because of a previous error. } } function parseFormData(stream, channel, lenient = false) { const BUFFER_SIZE = 8192; // Empirically it seemed a good compromise. let mimeStream = null; if (stream instanceof Ci.nsIMIMEInputStream && stream.data) { mimeStream = stream; stream = stream.data; } let multiplexStream = null; if (stream instanceof Ci.nsIMultiplexInputStream) { multiplexStream = stream; } let touchedStreams = new Set(); function createTextStream(stream) { let textStream = Cc["@mozilla.org/intl/converter-input-stream;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIConverterInputStream); textStream.init(stream, "UTF-8", 0, lenient ? textStream.DEFAULT_REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER : 0); if (stream instanceof Ci.nsISeekableStream) { touchedStreams.add(stream); } return textStream; } let streamIdx = 0; function nextTextStream() { for (; streamIdx < multiplexStream.count;) { let currentStream = multiplexStream.getStream(streamIdx++); if (currentStream instanceof Ci.nsIStringInputStream) { touchedStreams.add(multiplexStream); return createTextStream(currentStream); } } return null; } let textStream; if (multiplexStream) { textStream = nextTextStream(); } else { textStream = createTextStream(mimeStream || stream); } if (!textStream) { return null; } function readString() { if (textStream) { let textBuffer = {}; textStream.readString(BUFFER_SIZE, textBuffer); return textBuffer.value; } return ""; } function multiplexRead() { let str = readString(); if (!str) { textStream = nextTextStream(); if (textStream) { str = multiplexRead(); } } return str; } let readChunk; if (multiplexStream) { readChunk = multiplexRead; } else { readChunk = readString; } function appendFormData(formData, name, value) { if (name in formData) { formData[name].push(value); } else { formData[name] = [value]; } } function parseMultiPart(firstChunk, boundary = "") { let formData = Object.create(null); if (!boundary) { let match = firstChunk.match(/^--\S+/); if (!match) { return null; } boundary = match[0]; } let unslash = (s) => s.replace(/\\"/g, '"'); let tail = ""; for (let chunk = firstChunk; chunk || tail; chunk = readChunk()) { let parts; if (chunk) { chunk = tail + chunk; parts = chunk.split(boundary); tail = parts.pop(); } else { parts = [tail]; tail = ""; } for (let part of parts) { let match = part.match(/^\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="(.*)"\r\n(?:Content-Type: (\S+))?.*\r\n/i); if (!match) { continue; } let [header, name, contentType] = match; if (contentType) { let fileName; // Since escaping inside Content-Disposition subfields is still poorly defined and buggy (see Bug 136676), // currently we always consider backslash-prefixed quotes as escaped even if that's not generally true // (i.e. in a field whose value actually ends with a backslash). // Therefore in this edge case we may end coalescing name and filename, which is marginally better than // potentially truncating the name field at the wrong point, at least from a XSS filter POV. match = name.match(/^(.*[^\\])"; filename="(.*)/); if (match) { [, name, fileName] = match; } appendFormData(formData, unslash(name), fileName ? unslash(fileName) : ""); } else { appendFormData(formData, unslash(name), part.slice(header.length, -2)); } } } return formData; } function parseUrlEncoded(firstChunk) { let formData = Object.create(null); let tail = ""; for (let chunk = firstChunk; chunk || tail; chunk = readChunk()) { let pairs; if (chunk) { chunk = tail + chunk.trim(); pairs = chunk.split("&"); tail = pairs.pop(); } else { chunk = tail; tail = ""; pairs = [chunk]; } for (let pair of pairs) { let [name, value] = pair.replace(/\+/g, " ").split("=").map(decodeURIComponent); appendFormData(formData, name, value); } } return formData; } try { let chunk = readChunk(); if (multiplexStream) { touchedStreams.add(multiplexStream); return parseMultiPart(chunk); } let contentType; if (/^Content-Type:/i.test(chunk)) { contentType = chunk.replace(/^Content-Type:\s*/i, ""); chunk = chunk.slice(chunk.indexOf("\r\n\r\n") + 4); } else { try { contentType = channel.getRequestHeader("Content-Type"); } catch (e) { Cu.reportError(e); return null; } } let match = contentType.match(/^(?:multipart\/form-data;\s*boundary=(\S*)|application\/x-www-form-urlencoded\s)/i); if (match) { let boundary = match[1]; if (boundary) { return parseMultiPart(chunk, boundary); } return parseUrlEncoded(chunk); } } finally { for (let stream of touchedStreams) { rewind(stream); } } return null; } function createFormData(stream, channel) { try { rewind(stream); return parseFormData(stream, channel); } catch (e) { Cu.reportError(e); } finally { rewind(stream); } return null; } function convertRawData(outerStream) { let raw = []; let totalBytes = 0; // Here we read the stream up to WebRequestUpload.MAX_RAW_BYTES, returning false if we had to truncate the result. function readAll(stream) { let unbuffered = stream.unbufferedStream || stream; if (unbuffered instanceof Ci.nsIFileInputStream) { raw.push({file: "<file>"}); // Full paths not supported yet for naked files (follow up bug) return true; } rewind(stream); let binaryStream = Cc["@mozilla.org/binaryinputstream;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIBinaryInputStream); binaryStream.setInputStream(stream); const MAX_BYTES = WebRequestUpload.MAX_RAW_BYTES; try { for (let available; (available = binaryStream.available());) { let size = Math.min(MAX_BYTES - totalBytes, available); let bytes = new ArrayBuffer(size); binaryStream.readArrayBuffer(size, bytes); let chunk = {bytes}; raw.push(chunk); totalBytes += size; if (totalBytes >= MAX_BYTES) { if (size < available) { chunk.truncated = true; chunk.originalSize = available; return false; } break; } } } finally { rewind(stream); } return true; } let unbuffered = outerStream; if (outerStream instanceof Ci.nsIStreamBufferAccess) { unbuffered = outerStream.unbufferedStream; } if (unbuffered instanceof Ci.nsIMultiplexInputStream) { for (let i = 0, count = unbuffered.count; i < count; i++) { if (!readAll(unbuffered.getStream(i))) { break; } } } else { readAll(outerStream); } return raw; } WebRequestUpload = { createRequestBody(channel) { let requestBody = null; if (channel instanceof Ci.nsIUploadChannel && channel.uploadStream) { try { let stream = channel.uploadStream.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISeekableStream); let formData = createFormData(stream, channel); if (formData) { requestBody = {formData}; } else { requestBody = {raw: convertRawData(stream), lenientFormData: createFormData(stream, channel, true)}; } } catch (e) { Cu.reportError(e); requestBody = {error: e.message || String(e)}; } requestBody = Object.freeze(requestBody); } return requestBody; }, }; XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter(WebRequestUpload, "MAX_RAW_BYTES", "webextensions.webRequest.requestBodyMaxRawBytes");