"use strict";

/* globals docShell */

var Ci = Components.interfaces;


XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "WebNavigationFrames",

function loadListener(event) {
  let document = event.target;
  let window = document.defaultView;
  let url = document.documentURI;
  let windowId = WebNavigationFrames.getWindowId(window);
  let parentWindowId = WebNavigationFrames.getParentWindowId(window);
  sendAsyncMessage("Extension:DOMContentLoaded", {windowId, parentWindowId, url});

addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", loadListener);
addMessageListener("Extension:DisableWebNavigation", () => {
  removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", loadListener);

var FormSubmitListener = {
  QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIObserver,
  init() {
    this.formSubmitWindows = new WeakSet();
    Services.obs.addObserver(FormSubmitListener, "earlyformsubmit", false);

  uninit() {
    Services.obs.removeObserver(FormSubmitListener, "earlyformsubmit", false);
    this.formSubmitWindows = new WeakSet();

  notify: function(form, window, actionURI) {
    try {
    } catch (e) {
      Cu.reportError("Error in FormSubmitListener.notify");

  hasAndForget: function(window) {
    let has = this.formSubmitWindows.has(window);
    return has;

var WebProgressListener = {
  init: function() {
    // This WeakMap (DOMWindow -> nsIURI) keeps track of the pathname and hash
    // of the previous location for all the existent docShells.
    this.previousURIMap = new WeakMap();

    // Populate the above previousURIMap by iterating over the docShells tree.
    for (let currentDocShell of WebNavigationFrames.iterateDocShellTree(docShell)) {
      let win = currentDocShell.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
      let {currentURI} = currentDocShell.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIWebNavigation);

      this.previousURIMap.set(win, currentURI);

    // This WeakSet of DOMWindows keeps track of the attempted refresh.
    this.refreshAttemptedDOMWindows = new WeakSet();

    let webProgress = docShell.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
    webProgress.addProgressListener(this, Ci.nsIWebProgress.NOTIFY_STATE_WINDOW |
                                          Ci.nsIWebProgress.NOTIFY_REFRESH |

  uninit() {
    if (!docShell) {
    let webProgress = docShell.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)

  onRefreshAttempted: function onRefreshAttempted(webProgress, URI, delay, sameURI) {

    // If this function doesn't return true, the attempted refresh will be blocked.
    return true;

  onStateChange: function onStateChange(webProgress, request, stateFlags, status) {
    let {originalURI, URI: locationURI} = request.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIChannel);

    // Prevents "about", "chrome", "resource" and "moz-extension" URI schemes to be
    // reported with the resolved "file" or "jar" URIs. (see Bug 1246125 for rationale)
    if (locationURI.schemeIs("file") || locationURI.schemeIs("jar")) {
      let shouldUseOriginalURI = originalURI.schemeIs("about") ||
                                 originalURI.schemeIs("chrome") ||
                                 originalURI.schemeIs("resource") ||

      locationURI = shouldUseOriginalURI ? originalURI : locationURI;

    this.sendStateChange({webProgress, locationURI, stateFlags, status});

    // Based on the docs of the webNavigation.onCommitted event, it should be raised when:
    // "The document  might still be downloading, but at least part of
    // the document has been received"
    // and for some reason we don't fire onLocationChange for the
    // initial navigation of a sub-frame.
    // For the above two reasons, when the navigation event is related to
    // a sub-frame we process the document change here and
    // then send an "Extension:DocumentChange" message to the main process,
    // where it will be turned into a webNavigation.onCommitted event.
    // (see Bug 1264936 and Bug 125662 for rationale)
    if ((webProgress.DOMWindow.top != webProgress.DOMWindow) &&
        (stateFlags & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_IS_DOCUMENT)) {
      this.sendDocumentChange({webProgress, locationURI, request});

  onLocationChange: function onLocationChange(webProgress, request, locationURI, flags) {
    let {DOMWindow} = webProgress;

    // Get the previous URI loaded in the DOMWindow.
    let previousURI = this.previousURIMap.get(DOMWindow);

    // Update the URI in the map with the new locationURI.
    this.previousURIMap.set(DOMWindow, locationURI);

    let isSameDocument = (flags & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.LOCATION_CHANGE_SAME_DOCUMENT);

    // When a frame navigation doesn't change the current loaded document
    // (which can be due to history.pushState/replaceState or to a changed hash in the url),
    // it is reported only to the onLocationChange, for this reason
    // we process the history change here and then we are going to send
    // an "Extension:HistoryChange" to the main process, where it will be turned
    // into a webNavigation.onHistoryStateUpdated/onReferenceFragmentUpdated event.
    if (isSameDocument) {
      this.sendHistoryChange({webProgress, previousURI, locationURI, request});
    } else if (webProgress.DOMWindow.top == webProgress.DOMWindow) {
      // We have to catch the document changes from top level frames here,
      // where we can detect the "server redirect" transition.
      // (see Bug 1264936 and Bug 125662 for rationale)
      this.sendDocumentChange({webProgress, locationURI, request});

  sendStateChange({webProgress, locationURI, stateFlags, status}) {
    let data = {
      requestURL: locationURI.spec,
      windowId: webProgress.DOMWindowID,
      parentWindowId: WebNavigationFrames.getParentWindowId(webProgress.DOMWindow),

    sendAsyncMessage("Extension:StateChange", data);

  sendDocumentChange({webProgress, locationURI, request}) {
    let {loadType, DOMWindow} = webProgress;
    let frameTransitionData = this.getFrameTransitionData({loadType, request, DOMWindow});

    let data = {
      location: locationURI ? locationURI.spec : "",
      windowId: webProgress.DOMWindowID,
      parentWindowId: WebNavigationFrames.getParentWindowId(webProgress.DOMWindow),

    sendAsyncMessage("Extension:DocumentChange", data);

  sendHistoryChange({webProgress, previousURI, locationURI, request}) {
    let {loadType, DOMWindow} = webProgress;

    let isHistoryStateUpdated = false;
    let isReferenceFragmentUpdated = false;

    let pathChanged = !(previousURI && locationURI.equalsExceptRef(previousURI));
    let hashChanged = !(previousURI && previousURI.ref == locationURI.ref);

    // When the location changes but the document is the same:
    // - path not changed and hash changed -> |onReferenceFragmentUpdated|
    //   (even if it changed using |history.pushState|)
    // - path not changed and hash not changed -> |onHistoryStateUpdated|
    //   (only if it changes using |history.pushState|)
    // - path changed -> |onHistoryStateUpdated|

    if (!pathChanged && hashChanged) {
      isReferenceFragmentUpdated = true;
    } else if (loadType & Ci.nsIDocShell.LOAD_CMD_PUSHSTATE) {
      isHistoryStateUpdated = true;
    } else if (loadType & Ci.nsIDocShell.LOAD_CMD_HISTORY) {
      isHistoryStateUpdated = true;

    if (isHistoryStateUpdated || isReferenceFragmentUpdated) {
      let frameTransitionData = this.getFrameTransitionData({loadType, request, DOMWindow});

      let data = {
        isHistoryStateUpdated, isReferenceFragmentUpdated,
        location: locationURI ? locationURI.spec : "",
        windowId: webProgress.DOMWindowID,
        parentWindowId: WebNavigationFrames.getParentWindowId(webProgress.DOMWindow),

      sendAsyncMessage("Extension:HistoryChange", data);

  getFrameTransitionData({loadType, request, DOMWindow}) {
    let frameTransitionData = {};

    if (loadType & Ci.nsIDocShell.LOAD_CMD_HISTORY) {
      frameTransitionData.forward_back = true;

    if (loadType & Ci.nsIDocShell.LOAD_CMD_RELOAD) {
      frameTransitionData.reload = true;

    if (request instanceof Ci.nsIChannel) {
      if (request.loadInfo.redirectChain.length) {
        frameTransitionData.server_redirect = true;

    if (FormSubmitListener.hasAndForget(DOMWindow)) {
      frameTransitionData.form_submit = true;

    if (this.refreshAttemptedDOMWindows.has(DOMWindow)) {
      frameTransitionData.client_redirect = true;

    return frameTransitionData;

  QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([

var disabled = false;
addEventListener("unload", () => {
  if (!disabled) {
    disabled = true;
addMessageListener("Extension:DisableWebNavigation", () => {
  if (!disabled) {
    disabled = true;