/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const Cu = Components.utils; const Ci = Components.interfaces; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "NetUtil", "resource://gre/modules/NetUtil.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Services", "resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["MatchPattern", "MatchGlobs", "MatchURLFilters"]; /* globals MatchPattern, MatchGlobs */ const PERMITTED_SCHEMES = ["http", "https", "file", "ftp", "data"]; const PERMITTED_SCHEMES_REGEXP = PERMITTED_SCHEMES.join("|"); // This function converts a glob pattern (containing * and possibly ? // as wildcards) to a regular expression. function globToRegexp(pat, allowQuestion) { // Escape everything except ? and *. pat = pat.replace(/[.+^${}()|[\]\\]/g, "\\$&"); if (allowQuestion) { pat = pat.replace(/\?/g, "."); } else { pat = pat.replace(/\?/g, "\\?"); } pat = pat.replace(/\*/g, ".*"); return new RegExp("^" + pat + "$"); } // These patterns follow the syntax in // https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/match_patterns function SingleMatchPattern(pat) { if (pat == "<all_urls>") { this.schemes = PERMITTED_SCHEMES; this.hostMatch = () => true; this.pathMatch = () => true; } else if (!pat) { this.schemes = []; } else { let re = new RegExp(`^(${PERMITTED_SCHEMES_REGEXP}|\\*)://(\\*|\\*\\.[^*/]+|[^*/]+|)(/.*)$`); let match = re.exec(pat); if (!match) { Cu.reportError(`Invalid match pattern: '${pat}'`); this.schemes = []; return; } if (match[1] == "*") { this.schemes = ["http", "https"]; } else { this.schemes = [match[1]]; } // We allow the host to be empty for file URLs. if (match[2] == "" && this.schemes[0] != "file") { Cu.reportError(`Invalid match pattern: '${pat}'`); this.schemes = []; return; } this.host = match[2]; this.hostMatch = this.getHostMatcher(match[2]); let pathMatch = globToRegexp(match[3], false); this.pathMatch = pathMatch.test.bind(pathMatch); } } SingleMatchPattern.prototype = { getHostMatcher(host) { // This code ignores the port, as Chrome does. if (host == "*") { return () => true; } if (host.startsWith("*.")) { let suffix = host.substr(2); let dotSuffix = "." + suffix; return ({host}) => host === suffix || host.endsWith(dotSuffix); } return uri => uri.host === host; }, matches(uri, ignorePath = false) { return ( this.schemes.includes(uri.scheme) && this.hostMatch(uri) && (ignorePath || ( this.pathMatch(uri.cloneIgnoringRef().path) )) ); }, }; this.MatchPattern = function(pat) { this.pat = pat; if (!pat) { this.matchers = []; } else if (pat instanceof String || typeof(pat) == "string") { this.matchers = [new SingleMatchPattern(pat)]; } else { this.matchers = pat.map(p => new SingleMatchPattern(p)); } }; MatchPattern.prototype = { // |uri| should be an nsIURI. matches(uri) { return this.matchers.some(matcher => matcher.matches(uri)); }, matchesIgnoringPath(uri) { return this.matchers.some(matcher => matcher.matches(uri, true)); }, // Checks that this match pattern grants access to read the given // cookie. |cookie| should be an |nsICookie2| instance. matchesCookie(cookie) { // First check for simple matches. let secureURI = NetUtil.newURI(`https://${cookie.rawHost}/`); if (this.matchesIgnoringPath(secureURI)) { return true; } let plainURI = NetUtil.newURI(`http://${cookie.rawHost}/`); if (!cookie.isSecure && this.matchesIgnoringPath(plainURI)) { return true; } if (!cookie.isDomain) { return false; } // Things get tricker for domain cookies. The extension needs to be able // to read any cookies that could be read any host it has permissions // for. This means that our normal host matching checks won't work, // since the pattern "*://*.foo.example.com/" doesn't match ".example.com", // but it does match "bar.foo.example.com", which can read cookies // with the domain ".example.com". // // So, instead, we need to manually check our filters, and accept any // with hosts that end with our cookie's host. let {host, isSecure} = cookie; for (let matcher of this.matchers) { let schemes = matcher.schemes; if (schemes.includes("https") || (!isSecure && schemes.includes("http"))) { if (matcher.host.endsWith(host)) { return true; } } } return false; }, serialize() { return this.pat; }, }; // Globs can match everything. Be careful, this DOES NOT filter by allowed schemes! this.MatchGlobs = function(globs) { this.original = globs; if (globs) { this.regexps = Array.from(globs, (glob) => globToRegexp(glob, true)); } else { this.regexps = []; } }; MatchGlobs.prototype = { matches(str) { return this.regexps.some(regexp => regexp.test(str)); }, serialize() { return this.original; }, }; // Match WebNavigation URL Filters. this.MatchURLFilters = function(filters) { if (!Array.isArray(filters)) { throw new TypeError("filters should be an array"); } if (filters.length == 0) { throw new Error("filters array should not be empty"); } this.filters = filters; }; MatchURLFilters.prototype = { matches(url) { let uri = NetUtil.newURI(url); // Set uriURL to an empty object (needed because some schemes, e.g. about doesn't support nsIURL). let uriURL = {}; if (uri instanceof Ci.nsIURL) { uriURL = uri; } // Set host to a empty string by default (needed so that schemes without an host, // e.g. about, can pass an empty string for host based event filtering as expected). let host = ""; try { host = uri.host; } catch (e) { // 'uri.host' throws an exception with some uri schemes (e.g. about). } let port; try { port = uri.port; } catch (e) { // 'uri.port' throws an exception with some uri schemes (e.g. about), // in which case it will be |undefined|. } let data = { // NOTE: This properties are named after the name of their related // filters (e.g. `pathContains/pathEquals/...` will be tested against the // `data.path` property, and the same is done for the `host`, `query` and `url` // components as well). path: uriURL.filePath, query: uriURL.query, host, port, url, }; // If any of the filters matches, matches returns true. return this.filters.some(filter => this.matchURLFilter({filter, data, uri, uriURL})); }, matchURLFilter({filter, data, uri, uriURL}) { // Test for scheme based filtering. if (filter.schemes) { // Return false if none of the schemes matches. if (!filter.schemes.some((scheme) => uri.schemeIs(scheme))) { return false; } } // Test for exact port matching or included in a range of ports. if (filter.ports) { let port = data.port; if (port === -1) { // NOTE: currently defaultPort for "resource" and "chrome" schemes defaults to -1, // for "about", "data" and "javascript" schemes defaults to undefined. if (["resource", "chrome"].includes(uri.scheme)) { port = undefined; } else { port = Services.io.getProtocolHandler(uri.scheme).defaultPort; } } // Return false if none of the ports (or port ranges) is verified return filter.ports.some((filterPort) => { if (Array.isArray(filterPort)) { let [lower, upper] = filterPort; return port >= lower && port <= upper; } return port === filterPort; }); } // Filters on host, url, path, query: // hostContains, hostEquals, hostSuffix, hostPrefix, // urlContains, urlEquals, ... for (let urlComponent of ["host", "path", "query", "url"]) { if (!this.testMatchOnURLComponent({urlComponent, data, filter})) { return false; } } // urlMatches is a regular expression string and it is tested for matches // on the "url without the ref". if (filter.urlMatches) { let urlWithoutRef = uri.specIgnoringRef; if (!urlWithoutRef.match(filter.urlMatches)) { return false; } } // originAndPathMatches is a regular expression string and it is tested for matches // on the "url without the query and the ref". if (filter.originAndPathMatches) { let urlWithoutQueryAndRef = uri.resolve(uriURL.filePath); // The above 'uri.resolve(...)' will be null for some URI schemes // (e.g. about). // TODO: handle schemes which will not be able to resolve the filePath // (e.g. for "about:blank", 'urlWithoutQueryAndRef' should be "about:blank" instead // of null) if (!urlWithoutQueryAndRef || !urlWithoutQueryAndRef.match(filter.originAndPathMatches)) { return false; } } return true; }, testMatchOnURLComponent({urlComponent: key, data, filter}) { // Test for equals. // NOTE: an empty string should not be considered a filter to skip. if (filter[`${key}Equals`] != null) { if (data[key] !== filter[`${key}Equals`]) { return false; } } // Test for contains. if (filter[`${key}Contains`]) { let value = (key == "host" ? "." : "") + data[key]; if (!data[key] || !value.includes(filter[`${key}Contains`])) { return false; } } // Test for prefix. if (filter[`${key}Prefix`]) { if (!data[key] || !data[key].startsWith(filter[`${key}Prefix`])) { return false; } } // Test for suffix. if (filter[`${key}Suffix`]) { if (!data[key] || !data[key].endsWith(filter[`${key}Suffix`])) { return false; } } return true; }, serialize() { return this.filters; }, };