<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this - file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. --> <!ENTITY about.version "Version:"> <!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (about.credits.beforeLink): note that there is no space between this phrase and the linked about.credits.linkTitle phrase, so if your locale needs a space between words, add it at the end of this entity. --> <!ENTITY about.credits.beforeLink "See a list of "> <!ENTITY about.credits.linkTitle "contributors"> <!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (about.credits.afterLink): note that there is no space between the linked about.credits.linkTitle phrase and this phrase, so if your locale needs a space between words, add it at the start of this entity. --> <!ENTITY about.credits.afterLink " to the project."> <!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (about.license.beforeTheLink): note that there is no space between this phrase and the linked about.license.linkTitle phrase, so if your locale needs a space between words, add it at the end of this entity. --> <!ENTITY about.license.beforeTheLink "Read the "> <!ENTITY about.license.linkTitle "licensing information"> <!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (about.license.afterTheLink): note that there is no space between the linked about.license.linkTitle phrase and this phrase, so if your locale needs a space between words, add it at the start of this entity. --> <!ENTITY about.license.afterTheLink " for this product."> <!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (about.relnotes.beforeTheLink): note that there is no space between this phrase and the linked about.relnotes.linkTitle phrase, so if your locale needs a space between words, add it at the end of this entity. --> <!ENTITY about.relnotes.beforeTheLink "Read the "> <!ENTITY about.relnotes.linkTitle "release notes"> <!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (about.relnotes.afterTheLink): note that there is no space between the linked about.relnotes.linkTitle phrase and this phrase, so if your locale needs a space between words, add it at the start of this entity. --> <!ENTITY about.relnotes.afterTheLink " for this version."> <!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (about.buildconfig.beforeTheLink): note that there is no space between this phrase and the linked about.buildconfig.linkTitle phrase, so if your locale needs a space between words, add it at the end of this entity. --> <!ENTITY about.buildconfig.beforeTheLink "See the "> <!ENTITY about.buildconfig.linkTitle "build configuration"> <!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (about.buildconfig.afterTheLink): note that there is no space between the linked about.buildconfig.linkTitle phrase and this phrase, so if your locale needs a space between words, add it at the start of this entity. --> <!ENTITY about.buildconfig.afterTheLink " used for this version."> <!ENTITY about.buildIdentifier "Build identifier:"> <!ENTITY about.userAgent "User-agent:">