# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # LOCALIZATION NOTE(closeButton.title): Used as the close button text for web notifications on OS X. # This should ideally match the string that OS X uses for the close button on alert-type # notifications. OS X will truncate the value if it's too long. closeButton.title = Close # LOCALIZATION NOTE(actionButton.label): Used as the button label to provide more actions on OS X notifications. OS X will truncate this if it's too long. actionButton.label = … # LOCALIZATION NOTE(webActions.disableForOrigin.label): %S is replaced # with the hostname origin of the notification. webActions.disableForOrigin.label = Disable notifications from %S # LOCALIZATION NOTE(source.label): Used to show the URL of the site that # sent the notification (e.g., "via mozilla.org"). "%1$S" is the source host # and port. source.label=via %1$S webActions.settings.label = Notification settings # LOCALIZATION NOTE(doNotDisturb.label): %S is replaced with the # brandShortName of the application. doNotDisturb.label = Do not disturb me until I restart %S