/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

"use strict";

module.metadata = {
  "stability": "unstable"

const { Cc, Ci, Cr, Cm, components: { classesByID } } = require('chrome');
const { registerFactory, unregisterFactory, isCIDRegistered } =

const { merge } = require('../util/object');
const { Class, extend, mix } = require('../core/heritage');
const { uuid } = require('../util/uuid');

// This is a base prototype, that provides bare bones of XPCOM. JS based
// components can be easily implement by extending it.
const Unknown = new function() {
  function hasInterface(component, iid) {
    return component && component.interfaces &&
      ( component.interfaces.some(id => iid.equals(Ci[id])) ||
        component.implements.some($ => hasInterface($, iid)) ||
        hasInterface(Object.getPrototypeOf(component), iid));

  return Class({
     * The `QueryInterface` method provides runtime type discovery used by XPCOM.
     * This method return queried instance of `this` if given `iid` is listed in
     * the `interfaces` property or in equivalent properties of objects in it's
     * prototype chain. In addition it will look up in the prototypes under
     * `implements` array property, this ways compositions made via `Class`
     * utility will carry interfaces implemented by composition components.
    QueryInterface: function QueryInterface(iid) {
      // For some reason there are cases when `iid` is `null`. In such cases we
      // just return `this`. Otherwise we verify that component implements given
      // `iid` interface. This will be no longer necessary once Bug 748003 is
      // fixed.
      if (iid && !hasInterface(this, iid))
        throw Cr.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;

      return this;
     * Array of `XPCOM` interfaces (as strings) implemented by this component.
     * All components implement `nsISupports` by default which is default value
     * here. Provide array of interfaces implemented by an object when
     * extending, to append them to this list (Please note that there is no
     * need to repeat interfaces implemented by super as they will be added
     * automatically).
    interfaces: Object.freeze([ 'nsISupports' ])
exports.Unknown = Unknown;

// Base exemplar for creating instances implementing `nsIFactory` interface,
// that maybe registered into runtime via `register` function. Instances of
// this factory create instances of enclosed component on `createInstance`.
const Factory = Class({
  extends: Unknown,
  interfaces: [ 'nsIFactory' ],
   * All the descendants will get auto generated `id` (also known as `classID`
   * in XPCOM world) unless one is manually provided.
  get id() { throw Error('Factory must implement `id` property') },
   * XPCOM `contractID` may optionally  be provided to associate this factory
   * with it. `contract` is a unique string that has a following format:
   * '@vendor.com/unique/id;1'.
  contract: null,
   * Class description that is being registered. This value is intended as a
   * human-readable description for the given class and does not needs to be
   * globally unique.
  description: 'Jetpack generated factory',
   * This method is required by `nsIFactory` interfaces, but as in most
   * implementations it does nothing interesting.
  lockFactory: function lockFactory(lock) {
    return undefined;
   * If property is `true` XPCOM service / factory will be registered
   * automatically on creation.
  register: true,
   * If property is `true` XPCOM factory will be unregistered prior to add-on
   * unload.
  unregister: true,
   * Method is called on `Service.new(options)` passing given `options` to
   * it. Options is expected to have `component` property holding XPCOM
   * component implementation typically decedent of `Unknown` or any custom
   * implementation with a `new` method and optional `register`, `unregister`
   * flags. Unless `register` is `false` Service / Factory will be
   * automatically registered. Unless `unregister` is `false` component will
   * be automatically unregistered on add-on unload.
  initialize: function initialize(options) {
    merge(this, {
      id: 'id' in options ? options.id : uuid(),
      register: 'register' in options ? options.register : this.register,
      unregister: 'unregister' in options ? options.unregister : this.unregister,
      contract: 'contract' in options ? options.contract : null,
      Component: options.Component

    // If service / factory has auto registration enabled then register.
    if (this.register)
   * Creates an instance of the class associated with this factory.
  createInstance: function createInstance(outer, iid) {
    try {
      if (outer)
      return this.create().QueryInterface(iid);
    catch (error) {
      throw error instanceof Ci.nsIException ? error : Cr.NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
  create: function create() {
    return this.Component();
exports.Factory = Factory;

// Exemplar for creating services that implement `nsIFactory` interface, that
// can be registered into runtime via call to `register`. This services return
// enclosed `component` on `getService`.
const Service = Class({
  extends: Factory,
  initialize: function initialize(options) {
    this.component = options.Component();
    Factory.prototype.initialize.call(this, options);
  description: 'Jetpack generated service',
   * Creates an instance of the class associated with this factory.
  create: function create() {
    return this.component;
exports.Service = Service;

function isRegistered({ id }) {
  return isCIDRegistered(id);
exports.isRegistered = isRegistered;

 * Registers given `component` object to be used to instantiate a particular
 * class identified by `component.id`, and creates an association of class
 * name and `component.contract` with the class.
function register(factory) {
  if (!(factory instanceof Factory)) {
    throw new Error("xpcom.register() expect a Factory instance.\n" +
                    "Please refactor your code to new xpcom module if you" +
                    " are repacking an addon from SDK <= 1.5:\n" +

  registerFactory(factory.id, factory.description, factory.contract, factory);

  if (factory.unregister)
    require('../system/unload').when(unregister.bind(null, factory));
exports.register = register;

 * Unregister a factory associated with a particular class identified by
 * `factory.classID`.
function unregister(factory) {
  if (isRegistered(factory))
    unregisterFactory(factory.id, factory);
exports.unregister = unregister;

function autoRegister(path) {
  // TODO: This assumes that the url points to a directory
  // that contains subdirectories corresponding to OS/ABI and then
  // further subdirectories corresponding to Gecko platform version.
  // we should probably either behave intelligently here or allow
  // the caller to pass-in more options if e.g. there aren't
  // Gecko-specific binaries for a component (which will be the case
  // if only frozen interfaces are used).

  var runtime = require("../system/runtime");
  var osDirName = runtime.OS + "_" + runtime.XPCOMABI;
  var platformVersion = require("../system/xul-app").platformVersion.substring(0, 5);

  var file = Cc['@mozilla.org/file/local;1']

  if (!(file.exists() && file.isDirectory()))
    throw new Error("component not available for OS/ABI " +
                    osDirName + " and platform " + platformVersion);

exports.autoRegister = autoRegister;

 * Returns registered factory that has a given `id` or `null` if not found.
function factoryByID(id) {
  return classesByID[id] || null;
exports.factoryByID = factoryByID;

 * Returns factory registered with a given `contract` or `null` if not found.
 * In contrast to `Cc[contract]` that does ignores new factory registration
 * with a given `contract` this will return a factory currently associated
 * with a `contract`.
function factoryByContract(contract) {
  return factoryByID(Cm.contractIDToCID(contract));
exports.factoryByContract = factoryByContract;