/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
'use strict';

const { merge } = require('../util/object');
const { Class } = require('../core/heritage');
const { emit } = require('../event/core');
const { EventTarget } = require('../event/target');
const { getInnerId, getByInnerId } = require('../window/utils');
const { instanceOf, isObject } = require('../lang/type');
const system = require('../system/events');
const { when } = require('../system/unload');
const { WorkerSandbox } = require('./sandbox');
const { Ci } = require('chrome');
const { process, frames } = require('../remote/child');

const EVENTS = {
  'chrome-page-shown': 'pageshow',
  'content-page-shown': 'pageshow',
  'chrome-page-hidden': 'pagehide',
  'content-page-hidden': 'pagehide',
  'inner-window-destroyed': 'detach',

// The parent Worker must have been created (or an async message sent to spawn
// its creation) before creating the WorkerChild or messages from the content
// script to the parent will get lost.
const WorkerChild = Class({
  implements: [EventTarget],

  initialize(options) {
    merge(this, options);
    keepAlive.set(this.id, this);

    this.windowId = getInnerId(this.window);
    if (this.contentScriptOptions)
      this.contentScriptOptions = JSON.parse(this.contentScriptOptions);

    this.port = EventTarget();
    this.port.on('*', this.send.bind(this, 'event'));
    this.on('*', this.send.bind(this));

    this.observe = this.observe.bind(this);

    for (let topic in EVENTS)
      system.on(topic, this.observe);

    this.receive = this.receive.bind(this);
    process.port.on('sdk/worker/message', this.receive);

    this.sandbox = WorkerSandbox(this, this.window);

    // If the document has an unexpected readyState, its worker-child instance is initialized
    // as frozen until one of the known readyState is reached.
    let initialDocumentReadyState = this.window.document.readyState;
    this.frozen = [
      "loading", "interactive", "complete"
    ].includes(initialDocumentReadyState) ? false : true;

    if (this.frozen) {
      console.warn("SDK worker-child started as frozen on unexpected initial document.readyState", {
        initialDocumentReadyState, windowLocation: this.window.location.href,

    this.frozenMessages = [];
    this.on('pageshow', () => {
      this.frozen = false;
      this.frozenMessages.forEach(args => this.sandbox.emit(...args));
      this.frozenMessages = [];
    this.on('pagehide', () => {
      this.frozen = true;

  // messages
  receive(process, id, args) {
    if (id !== this.id)
    args = JSON.parse(args);

    if (this.frozen)

    if (args[0] === 'detach')

  send(...args) {
    process.port.emit('sdk/worker/event', this.id, JSON.stringify(args, exceptions));

  // notifications
  observe({ type, subject }) {
    if (!this.sandbox)

    if (subject.defaultView && getInnerId(subject.defaultView) === this.windowId) {
      emit(this, EVENTS[type]);

    if (type === 'inner-window-destroyed' &&
        subject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISupportsPRUint64).data === this.windowId) {

  get frame() {
    return frames.getFrameForWindow(this.window.top);

  // detach/destroy: unload and release the sandbox
  destroy(reason) {
    if (!this.sandbox)

    for (let topic in EVENTS)
      system.off(topic, this.observe);
    process.port.off('sdk/worker/message', this.receive);

    this.sandbox = null;

exports.WorkerChild = WorkerChild;

// Error instances JSON poorly
function exceptions(key, value) {
  if (!isObject(value) || !instanceOf(value, Error))
    return value;
  let _errorType = value.constructor.name;
  let { message, fileName, lineNumber, stack, name } = value;
  return { _errorType, message, fileName, lineNumber, stack, name };

// workers for windows in this tab
var keepAlive = new Map();

process.port.on('sdk/worker/create', (process, options, cpows) => {
  options.window = cpows.window;
  let worker = new WorkerChild(options);

  let frame = frames.getFrameForWindow(options.window.top);
  frame.port.emit('sdk/worker/connect', options.id, options.window.location.href);

when(reason => {
  for (let worker of keepAlive.values())