<?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html xmlns:xul="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title>Mouse Capture Tests</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="chrome://global/skin/" type="text/css"/> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/> <script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js"></script> </head> <body id="body" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <p id="display"/><div id="content" style="display: none"/><pre id="test"/> <script><![CDATA[ SimpleTest.expectAssertions(6, 12); SimpleTest.waitForExplicitFinish(); var captureRetargetMode = false; var cachedMouseDown = null; var previousWidth = 0, originalWidth = 0; var loadInWindow = false; function splitterCallback(adjustment) { var newWidth = Number($("leftbox").width); // getBoundingClientRect().width; var expectedWidth = previousWidth + adjustment; if (expectedWidth > $("splitterbox").getBoundingClientRect().width) expectedWidth = $("splitterbox").getBoundingClientRect().width - $("splitter").getBoundingClientRect().width; is(newWidth, expectedWidth, "splitter left box size (" + adjustment + ")"); previousWidth = newWidth; } function selectionCallback(adjustment) { if (adjustment == 4000) { is(frames[0].getSelection().toString(), "This is some text", "selection after drag (" + adjustment + ")"); ok(frames[0].scrollY > 40, "selection caused scroll down (" + adjustment + ")"); } else { if (adjustment == 0) { is(frames[0].getSelection().toString(), ".", "selection after drag (" + adjustment + ")"); } is(frames[0].scrollY, 0, "selection scrollY (" + adjustment + ")"); } } function framesetCallback(adjustment) { var newWidth = frames[1].frames[0].document.documentElement.clientWidth; var expectedWidth = originalWidth + adjustment; if (adjustment == 0) expectedWidth = originalWidth - 12; else if (expectedWidth >= 4000) expectedWidth = originalWidth * 2 - 2; ok(Math.abs(newWidth - expectedWidth) <= 1, "frameset after drag (" + adjustment + "), new width " + newWidth + ", expected " + expectedWidth); } var otherWindow = null; function selectionScrollCheck() { var element = otherWindow.document.documentElement; var count = 0; function selectionScrollDone() { // wait for 6 scroll events to occur if (count++ < 6) return; otherWindow.removeEventListener("scroll", selectionScrollDone, false); var selectedText = otherWindow.getSelection().toString().replace(/\r/g, ""); is(selectedText, "One\n\nTwo", "text is selected"); // should have scrolled 20 pixels from the mousemove above and at least 6 // extra 20-pixel increments from the selection scroll timer. "At least 6" // because we waited for 6 scroll events but multiple scrolls could get // coalesced into a single scroll event, and paints could be delayed when // the window loads when the compositor is busy. As a result, we have no // real guarantees about the upper bound here, and as the upper bound is // not important for what we're testing here, we don't check it. var scrollY = otherWindow.scrollY; info(`Scrolled ${scrollY} pixels`); ok(scrollY >= 140, "selection scroll position after timer is at least 140"); ok((scrollY % 20) == 0, "selection scroll position after timer is multiple of 20"); synthesizeMouse(element, 4, otherWindow.innerHeight + 25, { type: "mouseup" }, otherWindow); disableNonTestMouseEvents(false); otherWindow.close(); if (loadInWindow) { SimpleTest.finish(); } else { // now try again, but open the page in a new window loadInWindow = true; synthesizeMouse(document.getElementById("custom"), 2, 2, { type: "mousedown" }); // check to ensure that selection dragging scrolls the right scrollable area otherWindow = window.open("data:text/html,<html><p>One</p><p style='margin-top: 200px;'>Two</p><p style='margin-top: 4000px'>This is some text</p></html>", "_blank", "width=200,height=200,scrollbars=yes"); SimpleTest.waitForFocus(selectionScrollCheck, otherWindow); } } SimpleTest.executeSoon(function () { disableNonTestMouseEvents(true); synthesizeMouse(element, 2, 2, { type: "mousedown" }, otherWindow); synthesizeMouse(element, 100, otherWindow.innerHeight + 20, { type: "mousemove" }, otherWindow); otherWindow.addEventListener("scroll", selectionScrollDone, false); }); } function runTests() { previousWidth = $("leftbox").getBoundingClientRect().width; runCaptureTest($("splitter"), splitterCallback); var custom = document.getElementById("custom"); runCaptureTest(custom); synthesizeMouseExpectEvent($("rightbox"), 2, 2, { type: "mousemove" }, $("rightbox"), "mousemove", "setCapture and releaseCapture"); custom.setCapture(); synthesizeMouseExpectEvent($("leftbox"), 2, 2, { type: "mousemove" }, $("leftbox"), "mousemove", "setCapture fails on non mousedown"); var custom2 = document.getElementById("custom2"); synthesizeMouse(custom2, 2, 2, { type: "mousedown" }); synthesizeMouseExpectEvent($("leftbox"), 2, 2, { type: "mousemove" }, $("leftbox"), "mousemove", "document.releaseCapture releases capture"); var custom3 = document.getElementById("custom3"); synthesizeMouse(custom3, 2, 2, { type: "mousedown" }); synthesizeMouseExpectEvent($("leftbox"), 2, 2, { type: "mousemove" }, $("leftbox"), "mousemove", "element.releaseCapture releases capture"); var custom4 = document.getElementById("custom4"); synthesizeMouse(custom4, 2, 2, { type: "mousedown" }); synthesizeMouseExpectEvent($("leftbox"), 2, 2, { type: "mousemove" }, custom4, "mousemove", "element.releaseCapture during mousemove before releaseCapture"); synthesizeMouseExpectEvent($("leftbox"), 2, 2, { type: "mousemove" }, $("leftbox"), "mousemove", "element.releaseCapture during mousemove after releaseCapture"); var custom5 = document.getElementById("custom5"); runCaptureTest(custom5); captureRetargetMode = true; runCaptureTest(custom5); captureRetargetMode = false; var custom6 = document.getElementById("custom6"); synthesizeMouse(custom6, 2, 2, { type: "mousedown" }); synthesizeMouseExpectEvent($("leftbox"), 2, 2, { type: "mousemove" }, $("leftbox"), "mousemove", "setCapture only works on elements in documents"); synthesizeMouse(custom6, 2, 2, { type: "mouseup" }); // test that mousedown on an image with setCapture followed by a big enough // mouse move does not start a drag (bug 517737) var image = document.getElementById("image"); image.scrollIntoView(); synthesizeMouse(image, 2, 2, { type: "mousedown" }); synthesizeMouseExpectEvent($("leftbox"), 2, 2, { type: "mousemove" }, image, "mousemove", "setCapture works on images"); synthesizeMouse(image, 2, 2, { type: "mouseup" }); window.scroll(0, 0); // save scroll var scrollX = parent ? parent.scrollX : 0; var scrollY = parent ? parent.scrollY : 0; var b = frames[0].document.getElementById("b"); // runCaptureTest(b, selectionCallback); // restore scroll if (parent) parent.scroll(scrollX, scrollY); // frames[0].getSelection().collapseToStart(); var body = frames[0].document.body; var fixed = frames[0].document.getElementById("fixed"); function captureOnBody() { body.setCapture() } body.addEventListener("mousedown", captureOnBody, true); synthesizeMouse(body, 8, 8, { type: "mousedown" }, frames[0]); body.removeEventListener("mousedown", captureOnBody, true); synthesizeMouseExpectEvent(fixed, 2, 2, { type: "mousemove" }, fixed, "mousemove", "setCapture on body retargets to root node", frames[0]); synthesizeMouse(body, 8, 8, { type: "mouseup" }, frames[0]); previousWidth = frames[1].frames[0].document.documentElement.clientWidth; originalWidth = previousWidth; runCaptureTest(frames[1].document.documentElement.lastChild, framesetCallback); // ensure that clicking on an element where the frame disappears doesn't crash synthesizeMouse(frames[2].document.getElementById("input"), 8, 8, { type: "mousedown" }, frames[2]); synthesizeMouse(frames[2].document.getElementById("input"), 8, 8, { type: "mouseup" }, frames[2]); var select = document.getElementById("select"); select.scrollIntoView(); synthesizeMouse(document.getElementById("option3"), 2, 2, { type: "mousedown" }); synthesizeMouse(document.getElementById("option3"), 2, 1000, { type: "mousemove" }); is(select.selectedIndex, 2, "scroll select"); synthesizeMouse(document.getElementById("select"), 2, 2, { type: "mouseup" }); window.scroll(0, 0); synthesizeMouse(custom, 2, 2, { type: "mousedown" }); // check to ensure that selection dragging scrolls the right scrollable area. // This should open the page in a new tab. var topPos = window.innerHeight; otherWindow = window.open("data:text/html,<html><p>One</p><p style='margin-top: " + topPos + "'>Two</p><p style='margin-top: 4000px'>This is some text</p></html>", "_blank"); SimpleTest.waitForFocus(selectionScrollCheck, otherWindow); } function runCaptureTest(element, callback) { var expectedTarget = null; var win = element.ownerDocument.defaultView; function mouseMoved(event) { is(event.originalTarget, expectedTarget, expectedTarget.id + " target for point " + event.clientX + "," + event.clientY); } win.addEventListener("mousemove", mouseMoved, false); expectedTarget = element; var basepoint = element.localName == "frameset" ? 50 : 2; synthesizeMouse(element, basepoint, basepoint, { type: "mousedown" }, win); // in setCapture(true) mode, all events should fire on custom5. In // setCapture(false) mode, events can fire at a descendant if (expectedTarget == $("custom5") && !captureRetargetMode) expectedTarget = $("custom5spacer"); // releaseCapture should do nothing for an element which isn't capturing $("splitterbox").releaseCapture(); synthesizeMouse(element, basepoint + 2, basepoint + 2, { type: "mousemove" }, win); if (callback) callback(2); if (expectedTarget == $("custom5spacer") && !captureRetargetMode) expectedTarget = $("custom5inner"); if (element.id == "b") { var tooltip = document.getElementById("tooltip"); tooltip.openPopup(); tooltip.hidePopup(); } synthesizeMouse(element, basepoint + 25, basepoint + 25, { type: "mousemove" }, win); if (callback) callback(25); expectedTarget = element.localName == "b" ? win.document.documentElement : element; synthesizeMouse(element, basepoint + 4000, basepoint + 4000, { type: "mousemove" }, win); if (callback) callback(4000); synthesizeMouse(element, basepoint - 12, basepoint - 12, { type: "mousemove" }, win); if (callback) callback(-12); expectedTarget = element.localName == "frameset" ? element : win.document.documentElement; synthesizeMouse(element, basepoint + 30, basepoint + 30, { type: "mouseup" }, win); synthesizeMouse(win.document.documentElement, 2, 2, { type: "mousemove" }, win); if (callback) callback(0); win.removeEventListener("mousemove", mouseMoved, false); } SimpleTest.waitForFocus(runTests); ]]> </script> <xul:vbox xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul" align="start"> <tooltip id="tooltip"> <label value="Test"/> </tooltip> <hbox id="splitterbox" style="margin-top: 5px;" onmousedown="this.setCapture()"> <hbox id="leftbox" width="100" flex="1"/> <splitter id="splitter" height="5"/> <hbox id="rightbox" width="100" flex="1"/> </hbox> <vbox id="custom" width="10" height="10" onmousedown="this.setCapture(); cachedMouseDown = event;"/> <vbox id="custom2" width="10" height="10" onmousedown="this.setCapture(); document.releaseCapture();"/> <vbox id="custom3" width="10" height="10" onmousedown="this.setCapture(); this.releaseCapture();"/> <vbox id="custom4" width="10" height="10" onmousedown="this.setCapture();" onmousemove="this.releaseCapture();"/> <hbox id="custom5" width="40" height="40" onmousedown="this.setCapture(captureRetargetMode);"> <spacer id="custom5spacer" width="5"/> <hbox id="custom5inner" width="35" height="35"/> </hbox> <vbox id="custom6" width="10" height="10" onmousedown="document.createElement('hbox').setCapture();"/> </xul:vbox> <iframe width="100" height="100" src="data:text/html,%3Cbody style%3D'font-size%3A 40pt%3B'%3E.%3Cb id%3D'b'%3EThis%3C/b%3E is some text%3Cdiv id='fixed' style='position: fixed; left: 55px; top: 5px; width: 10px; height: 10px'%3E.%3C/div%3E%3C/body%3E"/> <iframe width="100" height="100" src="data:text/html,%3Cframeset cols='50%, 50%'%3E%3Cframe src='about:blank'%3E%3Cframe src='about:blank'%3E%3C/frameset%3E"/> <iframe width="100" height="100" src="data:text/html,%3Cinput id='input' onfocus='this.style.display = "none"' style='float: left;'>"/> <select id="select" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" size="4"> <option id="option1">One</option> <option id="option2">Two</option> <option id="option3">Three</option> <option id="option4">Four</option> <option id="option5">Five</option> <option id="option6">Six</option> <option id="option7">Seven</option> <option id="option8">Eight</option> <option id="option9">Nine</option> <option id="option10">Ten</option> </select> <img id="image" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" onmousedown="this.setCapture();" onmouseup="this.releaseCapture();" ondragstart="ok(false, 'should not get a drag when a setCapture is active');" src="%2BYKJA76jmUc2jmkc1U0EzACKcASfOgGoMAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC"/> </body> </html>