<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin" type="text/css"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" type="text/css"?>
  XUL Widget Test for scrollbars
<window title="Scrollbar"
  <script type="application/javascript" src="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"/>
  <script type="application/javascript" src="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js"/>

  <!-- test results are displayed in the html:body -->
  <body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"/>
      <scrollbar orient="horizontal"
  <!-- test code goes here -->
  <script type="application/javascript"><![CDATA[

/** Test for Scrollbar **/
var scrollbarTester = {
  scrollbar: null,
  middlePref: false,
  startTest: function() {
    this.scrollbar = $("scroller");
    this.middlePref = this.getMiddlePref();
    var self = this;
    [0, 1, 2].map(function(button) {
      [false, true].map(function(alt) {
        [false, true].map(function(shift) {
          self.testThumbDragging(button, alt, shift);
  testThumbDragging: function(button, withAlt, withShift) {
    var x = 160; // on the right half of the thumb
    var y = 5;
    var isMac = navigator.platform.indexOf("Mac") != -1;
    var runtime = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/xre/app-info;1"]
    var isGtk = runtime.widgetToolkit.indexOf("gtk") != -1;
    // Start the drag.
    this.mousedown(x, y, button, withAlt, withShift);
    var newPos = this.getPos();
    var scrollToClick = (newPos != 0);
    if (isMac || isGtk) {
      ok(!scrollToClick, "On Linux and Mac OS X, clicking the scrollbar thumb "+
                         "should never move it.");
    } else if (button == 0 && withShift) {
      ok(scrollToClick, "On platforms other than Linux and Mac OS X, holding "+
                        "shift should enable scroll-to-click on the scrollbar thumb.");
    } else if (button == 1 && this.middlePref) {
      ok(scrollToClick, "When middlemouse.scrollbarPosition is on, clicking the "+
                        "thumb with the middle mouse button should center it "+
                        "around the cursor.")
    // Move one pixel to the right.
    this.mousemove(x+1, y, button, withAlt, withShift);
    var newPos2 = this.getPos();
    if (newPos2 != newPos) {
      ok(newPos2 > newPos, "Scrollbar thumb should follow the mouse when dragged.");
      ok(newPos2 - newPos < 3, "Scrollbar shouldn't move further than the mouse when dragged.");
      ok(button == 0 || (button == 1 && this.middlePref) || (button == 2 && isGtk),
         "Dragging the scrollbar should only be possible with the left mouse button.");
    } else {
      // Dragging had no effect.
      if (button == 0) {
        ok(false, "Dragging the scrollbar thumb should work.");
      } else if (button == 1 && this.middlePref && (!isGtk && !isMac)) {
        ok(false, "When middlemouse.scrollbarPosition is on, dragging the "+
           "scrollbar thumb should be possible using the middle mouse button.");
      } else {
        ok(true, "Dragging works correctly.");

    // Release the mouse button.
    this.mouseup(x+1, y, button, withAlt, withShift);
    var newPos3 = this.getPos();
    ok(newPos3 == newPos2,
       "Releasing the mouse button after dragging the thumb shouldn't move it.");
  getMiddlePref: function() {
    // It would be better to test with different middlePref settings,
    // but the setting is only queried once, at browser startup, so
    // changing it here wouldn't have any effect
    var prefService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]
    var mouseBranch = prefService.getBranch("middlemouse.");
    return mouseBranch.getBoolPref("scrollbarPosition");
  setPos: function(pos) {
    this.scrollbar.setAttribute("curpos", pos);
  getPos: function() {
    return this.scrollbar.getAttribute("curpos");
  reset: function() {
  mousedown: function(x, y, button, alt, shift) {
    synthesizeMouse(this.scrollbar, x, y, { type: "mousedown", 'button': button,
                                                altKey: alt, shiftKey: shift });
  mousemove: function(x, y, button, alt, shift) {
    synthesizeMouse(this.scrollbar, x, y, { type: "mousemove", 'button': button,
                                                altKey: alt, shiftKey: shift });
  mouseup: function(x, y, button, alt, shift) {
    synthesizeMouse(this.scrollbar, x, y, { type: "mouseup", 'button': button,
                                                altKey: alt, shiftKey: shift });

function doTest() {
  setTimeout(function() { scrollbarTester.startTest(); }, 0);

