<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin" type="text/css"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" type="text/css"?>
  XUL Widget Test for deck
<window title="Deck Test"
        onload="setTimeout(run_tests, 0);"
  <script type="application/javascript"
  <script type="application/javascript"

<deck id="deck1" style="padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 12px;">
  <button id="d1b1" label="Button One"/>
  <button id="d1b2" label="Button Two is larger" height="80" style="margin: 1px;"/>
<deck id="deck2" selectedIndex="1">
  <button id="d2b1" label="Button One"/>
  <button id="d2b2" label="Button Two"/>
<deck id="deck3" selectedIndex="1">
  <button id="d3b1" label="Remove me"/>
  <button id="d3b2" label="Keep me selected"/>
<deck id="deck4" selectedIndex="5">
  <button id="d4b1" label="Remove me"/>
  <button id="d4b2" label="Remove me"/>
  <button id="d4b3" label="Remove me"/>
  <button id="d4b4" label="Button 4"/>
  <button id="d4b5" label="Button 5"/>
  <button id="d4b6" label="Keep me selected"/>
  <button id="d4b7" label="Button 7"/>
<deck id="deck5" selectedIndex="2">
  <button id="d5b1" label="Button 1"/>
  <button id="d5b2" label="Button 2"/>
  <button id="d5b3" label="Keep me selected"/>
  <button id="d5b4" label="Remove me"/>
  <button id="d5b5" label="Remove me"/>
  <button id="d5b6" label="Remove me"/>
  <!-- test results are displayed in the html:body -->
  <body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="height: 300px; overflow: auto;"/>

  <!-- test code goes here -->
  <script type="application/javascript"><![CDATA[


function run_tests() {

function test_deck()
  var deck = $("deck1");
  ok(deck.selectedIndex === '0', "deck one selectedIndex");
  // this size is the button height, 80, plus the button padding of 1px on each side,
  // plus the deck's 5px top padding and the 12px bottom padding.
  var rect = deck.getBoundingClientRect();
  is(Math.round(rect.bottom) - Math.round(rect.top), 99, "deck size of largest child");
  synthesizeMouseExpectEvent(deck, 12, 12, { }, $("d1b1"), "click", "mouse on deck one");

  // change the selected page of the deck and ensure that the mouse click goes
  // to the button on that page
  deck.selectedIndex = 1;
  ok(deck.selectedIndex === '1', "deck one selectedIndex after change");
  synthesizeMouseExpectEvent(deck, 9, 9, { }, $("d1b2"), "click", "mouse on deck one after change");

  deck = $("deck2");
  ok(deck.selectedIndex === '1', "deck two selectedIndex");
  synthesizeMouseExpectEvent(deck, 9, 9, { }, $("d2b2"), "click", "mouse on deck two");

function test_deck_child_removal()
  // Start with a simple case where we have two child nodes in a deck, with
  // the second child (index 1) selected. Removing the first node should
  // automatically set the selectedIndex at 0.
  let deck = $("deck3");
  let child = $("d3b1");
  is(deck.selectedIndex, "1", "Should have the deck element at index 1 selected");

  // Remove the child at the 0th index. The deck should automatically
  // set the selectedIndex to "0".
  is(deck.selectedIndex, "0", "Should have the deck element at index 0 selected");

  // Now scale it up by using a deck with 7 child nodes, and remove the
  // first three, making sure that the selectedIndex is decremented
  // each time.
  deck = $("deck4");
  let expectedIndex = 5;
  is(deck.selectedIndex, String(expectedIndex),
     "Should have the deck element at index " + expectedIndex + " selected");

  for (let i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
    is(deck.selectedIndex, String(expectedIndex),
       "Should have the deck element at index " + expectedIndex + " selected");

  // Check that removing the currently selected node doesn't change
  // behaviour.
  is(deck.selectedIndex, String(expectedIndex),
     "The selectedIndex should not change when removing the node " +
     "at the selected index.");

  // Finally, make sure we haven't changed the behaviour when removing
  // nodes at indexes greater than the selected node.
  deck = $("deck5");
  expectedIndex = 2;
  is(deck.selectedIndex, String(expectedIndex),
     "Should have the deck element at index " + expectedIndex + " selected");

  // And then remove all of the nodes, starting from last to first, making
  // sure that the selectedIndex does not change.
  while (deck.lastChild) {
    is(deck.selectedIndex, String(expectedIndex),
       "Should have the deck element at index " + expectedIndex + " selected");
