/* -*- Mode: indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set sts=2 sw=2 et tw=80: */ "use strict"; add_task(function* test_manifest_incognito() { let normalized = yield ExtensionTestUtils.normalizeManifest({ "incognito": "spanning", }); equal(normalized.error, undefined, "Should not have an error"); equal(normalized.errors.length, 0, "Should not have warnings"); equal(normalized.value.incognito, "spanning", "Should have the expected incognito string"); normalized = yield ExtensionTestUtils.normalizeManifest({ "incognito": "split", }); equal(normalized.error, undefined, "Should not have an error"); Assert.deepEqual(normalized.errors, ['Error processing incognito: Invalid enumeration value "split"'], "Should have the expected warning"); equal(normalized.value.incognito, null, "Invalid incognito string should be omitted"); });