/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["ExtensionChild"]; /* * This file handles addon logic that is independent of the chrome process. * When addons run out-of-process, this is the main entry point. * Its primary function is managing addon globals. * * Don't put contentscript logic here, use ExtensionContent.jsm instead. */ const Ci = Components.interfaces; const Cc = Components.classes; const Cu = Components.utils; const Cr = Components.results; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "MessageChannel", "resource://gre/modules/MessageChannel.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "NativeApp", "resource://gre/modules/NativeMessaging.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "PromiseUtils", "resource://gre/modules/PromiseUtils.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Schemas", "resource://gre/modules/Schemas.jsm"); const CATEGORY_EXTENSION_SCRIPTS_ADDON = "webextension-scripts-addon"; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/ExtensionCommon.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/ExtensionUtils.jsm"); const { DefaultMap, EventManager, SingletonEventManager, SpreadArgs, defineLazyGetter, getInnerWindowID, getMessageManager, getUniqueId, injectAPI, } = ExtensionUtils; const { BaseContext, LocalAPIImplementation, SchemaAPIInterface, SchemaAPIManager, } = ExtensionCommon; var ExtensionChild; /** * Abstraction for a Port object in the extension API. * * @param {BaseContext} context The context that owns this port. * @param {nsIMessageSender} senderMM The message manager to send messages to. * @param {Array<nsIMessageListenerManager>} receiverMMs Message managers to * listen on. * @param {string} name Arbitrary port name as defined by the addon. * @param {string} id An ID that uniquely identifies this port's channel. * @param {object} sender The `port.sender` property. * @param {object} recipient The recipient of messages sent from this port. */ class Port { constructor(context, senderMM, receiverMMs, name, id, sender, recipient) { this.context = context; this.senderMM = senderMM; this.receiverMMs = receiverMMs; this.name = name; this.id = id; this.sender = sender; this.recipient = recipient; this.disconnected = false; this.disconnectListeners = new Set(); this.unregisterMessageFuncs = new Set(); // Common options for onMessage and onDisconnect. this.handlerBase = { messageFilterStrict: {portId: id}, filterMessage: (sender, recipient) => { return sender.contextId !== this.context.contextId; }, }; this.disconnectHandler = Object.assign({ receiveMessage: ({data}) => this.disconnectByOtherEnd(data), }, this.handlerBase); MessageChannel.addListener(this.receiverMMs, "Extension:Port:Disconnect", this.disconnectHandler); this.context.callOnClose(this); } api() { let portObj = Cu.createObjectIn(this.context.cloneScope); let portError = null; let publicAPI = { name: this.name, disconnect: () => { this.disconnect(); }, postMessage: json => { this.postMessage(json); }, onDisconnect: new EventManager(this.context, "Port.onDisconnect", fire => { return this.registerOnDisconnect(error => { portError = error && this.context.normalizeError(error); fire.withoutClone(portObj); }); }).api(), onMessage: new EventManager(this.context, "Port.onMessage", fire => { return this.registerOnMessage(msg => { msg = Cu.cloneInto(msg, this.context.cloneScope); fire.withoutClone(msg, portObj); }); }).api(), get error() { return portError; }, }; if (this.sender) { publicAPI.sender = this.sender; } injectAPI(publicAPI, portObj); return portObj; } postMessage(json) { if (this.disconnected) { throw new this.context.cloneScope.Error("Attempt to postMessage on disconnected port"); } this._sendMessage("Extension:Port:PostMessage", json); } /** * Register a callback that is called when the port is disconnected by the * *other* end. The callback is automatically unregistered when the port or * context is closed. * * @param {function} callback Called when the other end disconnects the port. * If the disconnect is caused by an error, the first parameter is an * object with a "message" string property that describes the cause. * @returns {function} Function to unregister the listener. */ registerOnDisconnect(callback) { let listener = error => { if (this.context.active && !this.disconnected) { callback(error); } }; this.disconnectListeners.add(listener); return () => { this.disconnectListeners.delete(listener); }; } /** * Register a callback that is called when a message is received. The callback * is automatically unregistered when the port or context is closed. * * @param {function} callback Called when a message is received. * @returns {function} Function to unregister the listener. */ registerOnMessage(callback) { let handler = Object.assign({ receiveMessage: ({data}) => { if (this.context.active && !this.disconnected) { callback(data); } }, }, this.handlerBase); let unregister = () => { this.unregisterMessageFuncs.delete(unregister); MessageChannel.removeListener(this.receiverMMs, "Extension:Port:PostMessage", handler); }; MessageChannel.addListener(this.receiverMMs, "Extension:Port:PostMessage", handler); this.unregisterMessageFuncs.add(unregister); return unregister; } _sendMessage(message, data) { let options = { recipient: Object.assign({}, this.recipient, {portId: this.id}), responseType: MessageChannel.RESPONSE_NONE, }; return this.context.sendMessage(this.senderMM, message, data, options); } handleDisconnection() { MessageChannel.removeListener(this.receiverMMs, "Extension:Port:Disconnect", this.disconnectHandler); for (let unregister of this.unregisterMessageFuncs) { unregister(); } this.context.forgetOnClose(this); this.disconnected = true; } /** * Disconnect the port from the other end (which may not even exist). * * @param {Error|{message: string}} [error] The reason for disconnecting, * if it is an abnormal disconnect. */ disconnectByOtherEnd(error = null) { if (this.disconnected) { return; } for (let listener of this.disconnectListeners) { listener(error); } this.handleDisconnection(); } /** * Disconnect the port from this end. * * @param {Error|{message: string}} [error] The reason for disconnecting, * if it is an abnormal disconnect. */ disconnect(error = null) { if (this.disconnected) { // disconnect() may be called without side effects even after the port is // closed - https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/runtime#type-Port return; } this.handleDisconnection(); if (error) { error = {message: this.context.normalizeError(error).message}; } this._sendMessage("Extension:Port:Disconnect", error); } close() { this.disconnect(); } } class NativePort extends Port { postMessage(data) { data = NativeApp.encodeMessage(this.context, data); return super.postMessage(data); } } /** * Each extension context gets its own Messenger object. It handles the * basics of sendMessage, onMessage, connect and onConnect. * * @param {BaseContext} context The context to which this Messenger is tied. * @param {Array<nsIMessageListenerManager>} messageManagers * The message managers used to receive messages (e.g. onMessage/onConnect * requests). * @param {object} sender Describes this sender to the recipient. This object * is extended further by BaseContext's sendMessage method and appears as * the `sender` object to `onConnect` and `onMessage`. * Do not set the `extensionId`, `contextId` or `tab` properties. The former * two are added by BaseContext's sendMessage, while `sender.tab` is set by * the ProxyMessenger in the main process. * @param {object} filter A recipient filter to apply to incoming messages from * the broker. Messages are only handled by this Messenger if all key-value * pairs match the `recipient` as specified by the sender of the message. * In other words, this filter defines the required fields of `recipient`. * @param {object} [optionalFilter] An additional filter to apply to incoming * messages. Unlike `filter`, the keys from `optionalFilter` are allowed to * be omitted from `recipient`. Only keys that are present in both * `optionalFilter` and `recipient` are applied to filter incoming messages. */ class Messenger { constructor(context, messageManagers, sender, filter, optionalFilter) { this.context = context; this.messageManagers = messageManagers; this.sender = sender; this.filter = filter; this.optionalFilter = optionalFilter; } _sendMessage(messageManager, message, data, recipient) { let options = { recipient, sender: this.sender, responseType: MessageChannel.RESPONSE_FIRST, }; return this.context.sendMessage(messageManager, message, data, options); } sendMessage(messageManager, msg, recipient, responseCallback) { let promise = this._sendMessage(messageManager, "Extension:Message", msg, recipient) .catch(error => { if (error.result == MessageChannel.RESULT_NO_HANDLER) { return Promise.reject({message: "Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist."}); } else if (error.result != MessageChannel.RESULT_NO_RESPONSE) { return Promise.reject({message: error.message}); } }); return this.context.wrapPromise(promise, responseCallback); } sendNativeMessage(messageManager, msg, recipient, responseCallback) { msg = NativeApp.encodeMessage(this.context, msg); return this.sendMessage(messageManager, msg, recipient, responseCallback); } onMessage(name) { return new SingletonEventManager(this.context, name, callback => { let listener = { messageFilterPermissive: this.optionalFilter, messageFilterStrict: this.filter, filterMessage: (sender, recipient) => { // Ignore the message if it was sent by this Messenger. return sender.contextId !== this.context.contextId; }, receiveMessage: ({target, data: message, sender, recipient}) => { if (!this.context.active) { return; } let sendResponse; let response = undefined; let promise = new Promise(resolve => { sendResponse = value => { resolve(value); response = promise; }; }); message = Cu.cloneInto(message, this.context.cloneScope); sender = Cu.cloneInto(sender, this.context.cloneScope); sendResponse = Cu.exportFunction(sendResponse, this.context.cloneScope); // Note: We intentionally do not use runSafe here so that any // errors are propagated to the message sender. let result = callback(message, sender, sendResponse); if (result instanceof this.context.cloneScope.Promise) { return result; } else if (result === true) { return promise; } return response; }, }; MessageChannel.addListener(this.messageManagers, "Extension:Message", listener); return () => { MessageChannel.removeListener(this.messageManagers, "Extension:Message", listener); }; }).api(); } _connect(messageManager, port, recipient) { let msg = { name: port.name, portId: port.id, }; this._sendMessage(messageManager, "Extension:Connect", msg, recipient).catch(error => { if (error.result === MessageChannel.RESULT_NO_HANDLER) { error = {message: "Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist."}; } else if (error.result === MessageChannel.RESULT_DISCONNECTED) { error = null; } port.disconnectByOtherEnd(error); }); return port.api(); } connect(messageManager, name, recipient) { let portId = getUniqueId(); let port = new Port(this.context, messageManager, this.messageManagers, name, portId, null, recipient); return this._connect(messageManager, port, recipient); } connectNative(messageManager, name, recipient) { let portId = getUniqueId(); let port = new NativePort(this.context, messageManager, this.messageManagers, name, portId, null, recipient); return this._connect(messageManager, port, recipient); } onConnect(name) { return new SingletonEventManager(this.context, name, callback => { let listener = { messageFilterPermissive: this.optionalFilter, messageFilterStrict: this.filter, filterMessage: (sender, recipient) => { // Ignore the port if it was created by this Messenger. return sender.contextId !== this.context.contextId; }, receiveMessage: ({target, data: message, sender}) => { let {name, portId} = message; let mm = getMessageManager(target); let recipient = Object.assign({}, sender); if (recipient.tab) { recipient.tabId = recipient.tab.id; delete recipient.tab; } let port = new Port(this.context, mm, this.messageManagers, name, portId, sender, recipient); this.context.runSafeWithoutClone(callback, port.api()); return true; }, }; MessageChannel.addListener(this.messageManagers, "Extension:Connect", listener); return () => { MessageChannel.removeListener(this.messageManagers, "Extension:Connect", listener); }; }).api(); } } var apiManager = new class extends SchemaAPIManager { constructor() { super("addon"); this.initialized = false; } generateAPIs(...args) { if (!this.initialized) { this.initialized = true; for (let [/* name */, value] of XPCOMUtils.enumerateCategoryEntries(CATEGORY_EXTENSION_SCRIPTS_ADDON)) { this.loadScript(value); } } return super.generateAPIs(...args); } registerSchemaAPI(namespace, envType, getAPI) { if (envType == "addon_child") { super.registerSchemaAPI(namespace, envType, getAPI); } } }(); /** * An object that runs an remote implementation of an API. */ class ProxyAPIImplementation extends SchemaAPIInterface { /** * @param {string} namespace The full path to the namespace that contains the * `name` member. This may contain dots, e.g. "storage.local". * @param {string} name The name of the method or property. * @param {ChildAPIManager} childApiManager The owner of this implementation. */ constructor(namespace, name, childApiManager) { super(); this.path = `${namespace}.${name}`; this.childApiManager = childApiManager; } callFunctionNoReturn(args) { this.childApiManager.callParentFunctionNoReturn(this.path, args); } callAsyncFunction(args, callback) { return this.childApiManager.callParentAsyncFunction(this.path, args, callback); } addListener(listener, args) { let map = this.childApiManager.listeners.get(this.path); if (map.listeners.has(listener)) { // TODO: Called with different args? return; } let id = getUniqueId(); map.ids.set(id, listener); map.listeners.set(listener, id); this.childApiManager.messageManager.sendAsyncMessage("API:AddListener", { childId: this.childApiManager.id, listenerId: id, path: this.path, args, }); } removeListener(listener) { let map = this.childApiManager.listeners.get(this.path); if (!map.listeners.has(listener)) { return; } let id = map.listeners.get(listener); map.listeners.delete(listener); map.ids.delete(id); this.childApiManager.messageManager.sendAsyncMessage("API:RemoveListener", { childId: this.childApiManager.id, listenerId: id, path: this.path, }); } hasListener(listener) { let map = this.childApiManager.listeners.get(this.path); return map.listeners.has(listener); } } // We create one instance of this class for every extension context that // needs to use remote APIs. It uses the message manager to communicate // with the ParentAPIManager singleton in ExtensionParent.jsm. It // handles asynchronous function calls as well as event listeners. class ChildAPIManager { constructor(context, messageManager, localApis, contextData) { this.context = context; this.messageManager = messageManager; this.url = contextData.url; // The root namespace of all locally implemented APIs. If an extension calls // an API that does not exist in this object, then the implementation is // delegated to the ParentAPIManager. this.localApis = localApis; this.id = `${context.extension.id}.${context.contextId}`; MessageChannel.addListener(messageManager, "API:RunListener", this); messageManager.addMessageListener("API:CallResult", this); this.messageFilterStrict = {childId: this.id}; this.listeners = new DefaultMap(() => ({ ids: new Map(), listeners: new Map(), })); // Map[callId -> Deferred] this.callPromises = new Map(); let params = { childId: this.id, extensionId: context.extension.id, principal: context.principal, }; Object.assign(params, contextData); this.messageManager.sendAsyncMessage("API:CreateProxyContext", params); } receiveMessage({name, messageName, data}) { if (data.childId != this.id) { return; } switch (name || messageName) { case "API:RunListener": let map = this.listeners.get(data.path); let listener = map.ids.get(data.listenerId); if (listener) { return this.context.runSafe(listener, ...data.args); } Cu.reportError(`Unknown listener at childId=${data.childId} path=${data.path} listenerId=${data.listenerId}\n`); break; case "API:CallResult": let deferred = this.callPromises.get(data.callId); if ("error" in data) { deferred.reject(data.error); } else { deferred.resolve(new SpreadArgs(data.result)); } this.callPromises.delete(data.callId); break; } } /** * Call a function in the parent process and ignores its return value. * * @param {string} path The full name of the method, e.g. "tabs.create". * @param {Array} args The parameters for the function. */ callParentFunctionNoReturn(path, args) { this.messageManager.sendAsyncMessage("API:Call", { childId: this.id, path, args, }); } /** * Calls a function in the parent process and returns its result * asynchronously. * * @param {string} path The full name of the method, e.g. "tabs.create". * @param {Array} args The parameters for the function. * @param {function(*)} [callback] The callback to be called when the function * completes. * @returns {Promise|undefined} Must be void if `callback` is set, and a * promise otherwise. The promise is resolved when the function completes. */ callParentAsyncFunction(path, args, callback) { let callId = getUniqueId(); let deferred = PromiseUtils.defer(); this.callPromises.set(callId, deferred); this.messageManager.sendAsyncMessage("API:Call", { childId: this.id, callId, path, args, }); return this.context.wrapPromise(deferred.promise, callback); } /** * Create a proxy for an event in the parent process. The returned event * object shares its internal state with other instances. For instance, if * `removeListener` is used on a listener that was added on another object * through `addListener`, then the event is unregistered. * * @param {string} path The full name of the event, e.g. "tabs.onCreated". * @returns {object} An object with the addListener, removeListener and * hasListener methods. See SchemaAPIInterface for documentation. */ getParentEvent(path) { path = path.split("."); let name = path.pop(); let namespace = path.join("."); let impl = new ProxyAPIImplementation(namespace, name, this); return { addListener: (listener, ...args) => impl.addListener(listener, args), removeListener: (listener) => impl.removeListener(listener), hasListener: (listener) => impl.hasListener(listener), }; } close() { this.messageManager.sendAsyncMessage("API:CloseProxyContext", {childId: this.id}); } get cloneScope() { return this.context.cloneScope; } get principal() { return this.context.principal; } shouldInject(namespace, name, allowedContexts) { // Do not generate content script APIs, unless explicitly allowed. if (this.context.envType === "content_child" && !allowedContexts.includes("content")) { return false; } if (allowedContexts.includes("addon_parent_only")) { return false; } return true; } getImplementation(namespace, name) { let obj = namespace.split(".").reduce( (object, prop) => object && object[prop], this.localApis); if (obj && name in obj) { return new LocalAPIImplementation(obj, name, this.context); } return this.getFallbackImplementation(namespace, name); } getFallbackImplementation(namespace, name) { // No local API found, defer implementation to the parent. return new ProxyAPIImplementation(namespace, name, this); } hasPermission(permission) { return this.context.extension.hasPermission(permission); } } class ExtensionPageContextChild extends BaseContext { /** * This ExtensionPageContextChild represents a privileged addon * execution environment that has full access to the WebExtensions * APIs (provided that the correct permissions have been requested). * * This is the child side of the ExtensionPageContextParent class * defined in ExtensionParent.jsm. * * @param {BrowserExtensionContent} extension This context's owner. * @param {object} params * @param {nsIDOMWindow} params.contentWindow The window where the addon runs. * @param {string} params.viewType One of "background", "popup" or "tab". * "background" and "tab" are used by `browser.extension.getViews`. * "popup" is only used internally to identify page action and browser * action popups and options_ui pages. * @param {number} [params.tabId] This tab's ID, used if viewType is "tab". */ constructor(extension, params) { super("addon_child", extension); if (Services.appinfo.processType != Services.appinfo.PROCESS_TYPE_DEFAULT) { // This check is temporary. It should be removed once the proxy creation // is asynchronous. throw new Error("ExtensionPageContextChild cannot be created in child processes"); } let {viewType, uri, contentWindow, tabId} = params; this.viewType = viewType; this.uri = uri || extension.baseURI; this.setContentWindow(contentWindow); // This is the MessageSender property passed to extension. // It can be augmented by the "page-open" hook. let sender = {id: extension.uuid}; if (viewType == "tab") { sender.tabId = tabId; this.tabId = tabId; } if (uri) { sender.url = uri.spec; } this.sender = sender; Schemas.exportLazyGetter(contentWindow, "browser", () => { let browserObj = Cu.createObjectIn(contentWindow); Schemas.inject(browserObj, this.childManager); return browserObj; }); Schemas.exportLazyGetter(contentWindow, "chrome", () => { let chromeApiWrapper = Object.create(this.childManager); chromeApiWrapper.isChromeCompat = true; let chromeObj = Cu.createObjectIn(contentWindow); Schemas.inject(chromeObj, chromeApiWrapper); return chromeObj; }); this.extension.views.add(this); } get cloneScope() { return this.contentWindow; } get principal() { return this.contentWindow.document.nodePrincipal; } get windowId() { if (this.viewType == "tab" || this.viewType == "popup") { let globalView = ExtensionChild.contentGlobals.get(this.messageManager); return globalView ? globalView.windowId : -1; } } // Called when the extension shuts down. shutdown() { this.unload(); } // This method is called when an extension page navigates away or // its tab is closed. unload() { // Note that without this guard, we end up running unload code // multiple times for tab pages closed by the "page-unload" handlers // triggered below. if (this.unloaded) { return; } if (this.contentWindow) { this.contentWindow.close(); } super.unload(); this.extension.views.delete(this); } } defineLazyGetter(ExtensionPageContextChild.prototype, "messenger", function() { let filter = {extensionId: this.extension.id}; let optionalFilter = {}; // Addon-generated messages (not necessarily from the same process as the // addon itself) are sent to the main process, which forwards them via the // parent process message manager. Specific replies can be sent to the frame // message manager. return new Messenger(this, [Services.cpmm, this.messageManager], this.sender, filter, optionalFilter); }); defineLazyGetter(ExtensionPageContextChild.prototype, "childManager", function() { let localApis = {}; apiManager.generateAPIs(this, localApis); if (this.viewType == "background") { apiManager.global.initializeBackgroundPage(this.contentWindow); } let childManager = new ChildAPIManager(this, this.messageManager, localApis, { envType: "addon_parent", viewType: this.viewType, url: this.uri.spec, incognito: this.incognito, }); this.callOnClose(childManager); return childManager; }); // All subframes in a tab, background page, popup, etc. have the same view type. // This class keeps track of such global state. // Note that this is created even for non-extension tabs because at present we // do not have a way to distinguish regular tabs from extension tabs at the // initialization of a frame script. class ContentGlobal { /** * @param {nsIContentFrameMessageManager} global The frame script's global. */ constructor(global) { this.global = global; // Unless specified otherwise assume that the extension page is in a tab, // because the majority of all class instances are going to be a tab. Any // special views (background page, extension popup) will immediately send an // Extension:InitExtensionView message to change the viewType. this.viewType = "tab"; this.tabId = -1; this.windowId = -1; this.initialized = false; this.global.addMessageListener("Extension:InitExtensionView", this); this.global.addMessageListener("Extension:SetTabAndWindowId", this); this.initialDocuments = new WeakSet(); } uninit() { this.global.removeMessageListener("Extension:InitExtensionView", this); this.global.removeMessageListener("Extension:SetTabAndWindowId", this); this.global.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", this); } ensureInitialized() { if (!this.initialized) { // Request tab and window ID in case "Extension:InitExtensionView" is not // sent (e.g. when `viewType` is "tab"). let reply = this.global.sendSyncMessage("Extension:GetTabAndWindowId"); this.handleSetTabAndWindowId(reply[0] || {}); } return this; } receiveMessage({name, data}) { switch (name) { case "Extension:InitExtensionView": // The view type is initialized once and then fixed. this.global.removeMessageListener("Extension:InitExtensionView", this); let {viewType, url} = data; this.viewType = viewType; this.global.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", this); if (url) { // TODO(robwu): Remove this check. It is only here because the popup // implementation does not always load a URL at the initialization, // and the logic is too complex to fix at once. let {document} = this.global.content; this.initialDocuments.add(document); document.location.replace(url); } /* Falls through to allow these properties to be initialized at once */ case "Extension:SetTabAndWindowId": this.handleSetTabAndWindowId(data); break; } } handleSetTabAndWindowId(data) { let {tabId, windowId} = data; if (tabId) { // Tab IDs are not expected to change. if (this.tabId !== -1 && tabId !== this.tabId) { throw new Error("Attempted to change a tabId after it was set"); } this.tabId = tabId; } if (windowId !== undefined) { // Window IDs may change if a tab is moved to a different location. // Note: This is the ID of the browser window for the extension API. // Do not confuse it with the innerWindowID of DOMWindows! this.windowId = windowId; } this.initialized = true; } // "DOMContentLoaded" event. handleEvent(event) { let {document} = this.global.content; if (event.target === document) { // If the document was still being loaded at the time of navigation, then // the DOMContentLoaded event is fired for the old document. Ignore it. if (this.initialDocuments.has(document)) { this.initialDocuments.delete(document); return; } this.global.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", this); this.global.sendAsyncMessage("Extension:ExtensionViewLoaded"); } } } ExtensionChild = { // Map<nsIContentFrameMessageManager, ContentGlobal> contentGlobals: new Map(), // Map<innerWindowId, ExtensionPageContextChild> extensionContexts: new Map(), initOnce() { // This initializes the default message handler for messages targeted at // an addon process, in case the addon process receives a message before // its Messenger has been instantiated. For example, if a content script // sends a message while there is no background page. MessageChannel.setupMessageManagers([Services.cpmm]); }, init(global) { this.contentGlobals.set(global, new ContentGlobal(global)); }, uninit(global) { this.contentGlobals.get(global).uninit(); this.contentGlobals.delete(global); }, /** * Create a privileged context at document-element-inserted. * * @param {BrowserExtensionContent} extension * The extension for which the context should be created. * @param {nsIDOMWindow} contentWindow The global of the page. */ createExtensionContext(extension, contentWindow) { let windowId = getInnerWindowID(contentWindow); let context = this.extensionContexts.get(windowId); if (context) { if (context.extension !== extension) { // Oops. This should never happen. Cu.reportError("A different extension context already exists in this frame!"); } else { // This should not happen either. Cu.reportError("The extension context was already initialized in this frame."); } return; } let mm = contentWindow .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIDocShell) .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIContentFrameMessageManager); let {viewType, tabId} = this.contentGlobals.get(mm).ensureInitialized(); let uri = contentWindow.document.documentURIObject; context = new ExtensionPageContextChild(extension, {viewType, contentWindow, uri, tabId}); this.extensionContexts.set(windowId, context); }, /** * Close the ExtensionPageContextChild belonging to the given window, if any. * * @param {number} windowId The inner window ID of the destroyed context. */ destroyExtensionContext(windowId) { let context = this.extensionContexts.get(windowId); if (context) { context.unload(); this.extensionContexts.delete(windowId); } }, shutdownExtension(extensionId) { for (let [windowId, context] of this.extensionContexts) { if (context.extension.id == extensionId) { context.shutdown(); this.extensionContexts.delete(windowId); } } }, }; // TODO(robwu): Change this condition when addons move to a separate process. if (Services.appinfo.processType != Services.appinfo.PROCESS_TYPE_DEFAULT) { Object.keys(ExtensionChild).forEach(function(key) { if (typeof ExtensionChild[key] == "function") { // :/ ExtensionChild[key] = () => {}; } }); } Object.assign(ExtensionChild, { ChildAPIManager, Messenger, Port, });