/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#include "nsISupports.idl"
 * Some utility methods used by the url classifier.

interface nsIURI;

[scriptable, uuid(e4f0e59c-b922-48b0-a7b6-1735c1f96fed)]
interface nsIUrlClassifierUtils : nsISupports
   * Get the lookup string for a given URI.  This normalizes the hostname,
   * url-decodes the string, and strips off the protocol.
   * @param uri URI to get the lookup key for.
   * @returns String containing the canonicalized URI.
  ACString getKeyForURI(in nsIURI uri);

   * Get the provider by table name.
   * @param tableName The table name that we want to lookup
   * @returns the provider name that the given table belongs.
  ACString getProvider(in ACString tableName);

   * Get the protocol version for the given provider.
   * @param provider String the provider name. e.g. "google"
   * @returns String to indicate the protocol version. e.g. "2.2"
  ACString getProtocolVersion(in ACString provider);

   * Convert threat type to list name.
   * @param Integer to indicate threat type.
   * @returns The list names separated by ','. For example,
   *          'goog-phish-proto,test-phish-proto'.
  ACString convertThreatTypeToListNames(in uint32_t threatType);

   * Convert list name to threat type.
   * @param The list name.
   * @returns The threat type in integer.
  uint32_t convertListNameToThreatType(in ACString listName);

   * Make update request for given lists and their states.
   * @param aListNames An array of list name represented in string.
   * @param aState An array of states (encoded in base64 format) for each list.
   * @param aCount The array length of aList and aState.
   * @returns A base64url encoded string.
  ACString makeUpdateRequestV4([array, size_is(aCount)] in string aListNames,
                               [array, size_is(aCount)] in string aStatesBase64,
                               in uint32_t aCount);