# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. // A helper class that knows how to parse from and serialize to // protocol4. This is a simple, historical format used by some Google // interfaces, for example the Toolbar (i.e., ancient services). // // Protocol4 consists of a newline-separated sequence of name/value // pairs (strings). Each line consists of the name, the value length, // and the value itself, all separated by colons. Example: // // foo:6:barbaz\n // fritz:33:issickofdynamicallytypedlanguages\n /** * This class knows how to serialize/deserialize maps to/from their * protocol4 representation. * * @constructor */ this.G_Protocol4Parser = function G_Protocol4Parser() { this.debugZone = "protocol4"; this.protocol4RegExp_ = new RegExp("([^:]+):\\d+:(.*)$"); this.newlineRegExp_ = new RegExp("(\\r)?\\n"); } /** * Create a map from a protocol4 string. Silently skips invalid lines. * * @param text String holding the protocol4 representation * * @returns Object as an associative array with keys and values * given in text. The empty object is returned if none * are parsed. */ G_Protocol4Parser.prototype.parse = function(text) { var response = {}; if (!text) return response; // Responses are protocol4: (repeated) name:numcontentbytes:content\n var lines = text.split(this.newlineRegExp_); for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) if (this.protocol4RegExp_.exec(lines[i])) response[RegExp.$1] = RegExp.$2; return response; } /** * Create a protocol4 string from a map (object). Throws an error on * an invalid input. * * @param map Object as an associative array with keys and values * given as strings. * * @returns text String holding the protocol4 representation */ G_Protocol4Parser.prototype.serialize = function(map) { if (typeof map != "object") throw new Error("map must be an object"); var text = ""; for (var key in map) { if (typeof map[key] != "string") throw new Error("Keys and values must be strings"); text += key + ":" + map[key].length + ":" + map[key] + "\n"; } return text; } #ifdef DEBUG /** * Cheesey unittests */ this.TEST_G_Protocol4Parser = function TEST_G_Protocol4Parser() { if (G_GDEBUG) { var z = "protocol4 UNITTEST"; G_debugService.enableZone(z); G_Debug(z, "Starting"); var p = new G_Protocol4Parser(); let isEmpty = function (map) { for (var key in map) return false; return true; }; G_Assert(z, isEmpty(p.parse(null)), "Parsing null broken"); G_Assert(z, isEmpty(p.parse("")), "Parsing nothing broken"); var t = "foo:3:bar"; G_Assert(z, p.parse(t)["foo"] === "bar", "Parsing one line broken"); t = "foo:3:bar\n"; G_Assert(z, p.parse(t)["foo"] === "bar", "Parsing line with lf broken"); t = "foo:3:bar\r\n"; G_Assert(z, p.parse(t)["foo"] === "bar", "Parsing with crlf broken"); t = "foo:3:bar\nbar:3:baz\r\nbom:3:yaz\n"; G_Assert(z, p.parse(t)["foo"] === "bar", "First in multiline"); G_Assert(z, p.parse(t)["bar"] === "baz", "Second in multiline"); G_Assert(z, p.parse(t)["bom"] === "yaz", "Third in multiline"); G_Assert(z, p.parse(t)[""] === undefined, "Nonexistent in multiline"); // Test serialization var original = { "1": "1", "2": "2", "foobar": "baz", "hello there": "how are you?" , }; var deserialized = p.parse(p.serialize(original)); for (var key in original) G_Assert(z, original[key] === deserialized[key], "Trouble (de)serializing " + key); G_Debug(z, "PASSED"); } } #endif