//* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#include "LookupCacheV4.h"
#include "HashStore.h"
#include "mozilla/Unused.h"
#include <string>

// MOZ_LOG=UrlClassifierDbService:5
extern mozilla::LazyLogModule gUrlClassifierDbServiceLog;
#define LOG(args) MOZ_LOG(gUrlClassifierDbServiceLog, mozilla::LogLevel::Debug, args)
#define LOG_ENABLED() MOZ_LOG_TEST(gUrlClassifierDbServiceLog, mozilla::LogLevel::Debug)


namespace mozilla {
namespace safebrowsing {

const int LookupCacheV4::VER = 4;

// Prefixes coming from updates and VLPrefixSet are both stored in the HashTable
// where the (key, value) pair is a prefix size and a lexicographic-sorted string.
// The difference is prefixes from updates use std:string(to avoid additional copies)
// and prefixes from VLPrefixSet use nsCString.
// This class provides a common interface for the partial update algorithm to make it
// easier to operate on two different kind prefix string map..
class VLPrefixSet
  explicit VLPrefixSet(const PrefixStringMap& aMap);
  explicit VLPrefixSet(const TableUpdateV4::PrefixStdStringMap& aMap);

  // This function will merge the prefix map in VLPrefixSet to aPrefixMap.
  void Merge(PrefixStringMap& aPrefixMap);

  // Find the smallest string from the map in VLPrefixSet.
  bool GetSmallestPrefix(nsDependentCSubstring& aOutString);

  // Return the number of prefixes in the map
  uint32_t Count() const { return mCount; }

  // PrefixString structure contains a lexicographic-sorted string with
  // a |pos| variable to indicate which substring we are pointing to right now.
  // |pos| increases each time GetSmallestPrefix finds the smallest string.
  struct PrefixString {
    PrefixString(const nsACString& aStr, uint32_t aSize)
     : pos(0)
     , size(aSize)
      data.Rebind(aStr.BeginReading(), aStr.Length());

    const char* get() {
      return pos < data.Length() ? data.BeginReading() + pos : nullptr;
    void next() { pos += size; }
    uint32_t remaining() { return data.Length() - pos; }

    nsDependentCSubstring data;
    uint32_t pos;
    uint32_t size;

  nsClassHashtable<nsUint32HashKey, PrefixString> mMap;
  uint32_t mCount;

  mVLPrefixSet = new VariableLengthPrefixSet();
  nsresult rv = mVLPrefixSet->Init(mTableName);

  return NS_OK;

LookupCacheV4::Has(const Completion& aCompletion,
                   bool* aHas, bool* aComplete)
  *aHas = false;

  uint32_t length = 0;
  nsDependentCSubstring fullhash;
  fullhash.Rebind((const char *)aCompletion.buf, COMPLETE_SIZE);

  nsresult rv = mVLPrefixSet->Matches(fullhash, &length);

  *aHas = length >= PREFIX_SIZE;
  *aComplete = length == COMPLETE_SIZE;

  if (LOG_ENABLED()) {
    uint32_t prefix = aCompletion.ToUint32();
    LOG(("Probe in V4 %s: %X, found %d, complete %d", mTableName.get(),
          prefix, *aHas, *aComplete));

  return NS_OK;

LookupCacheV4::Build(PrefixStringMap& aPrefixMap)
  return mVLPrefixSet->SetPrefixes(aPrefixMap);

LookupCacheV4::GetPrefixes(PrefixStringMap& aPrefixMap)
  return mVLPrefixSet->GetPrefixes(aPrefixMap);

  // Clear by seting a empty map
  PrefixStringMap map;
  return mVLPrefixSet->SetPrefixes(map);

LookupCacheV4::StoreToFile(nsIFile* aFile)
  return mVLPrefixSet->StoreToFile(aFile);

LookupCacheV4::LoadFromFile(nsIFile* aFile)
  nsresult rv = mVLPrefixSet->LoadFromFile(aFile);
  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
    return rv;

  nsCString state, checksum;
  rv = LoadMetadata(state, checksum);
  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
    return rv;

  rv = VerifyChecksum(checksum);
  return rv;

  return mVLPrefixSet->SizeOfIncludingThis(moz_malloc_size_of);

static void
AppendPrefixToMap(PrefixStringMap& prefixes, nsDependentCSubstring& prefix)
  if (!prefix.Length()) {

  nsCString* prefixString = prefixes.LookupOrAdd(prefix.Length());
  prefixString->Append(prefix.BeginReading(), prefix.Length());

// Read prefix into a buffer and also update the hash which
// keeps track of the checksum
static void
UpdateChecksum(nsICryptoHash* aCrypto, const nsACString& aPrefix)

// Please see https://bug1287058.bmoattachments.org/attachment.cgi?id=8795366
// for detail about partial update algorithm.
LookupCacheV4::ApplyUpdate(TableUpdateV4* aTableUpdate,
                           PrefixStringMap& aInputMap,
                           PrefixStringMap& aOutputMap)

  nsCOMPtr<nsICryptoHash> crypto;
  nsresult rv = InitCrypto(crypto);
  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
    return rv;

  // oldPSet contains prefixes we already have or we just merged last round.
  // addPSet contains prefixes stored in tableUpdate which should be merged with oldPSet.
  VLPrefixSet oldPSet(aInputMap);
  VLPrefixSet addPSet(aTableUpdate->Prefixes());

  // RemovalIndiceArray is a sorted integer array indicating the index of prefix we should
  // remove from the old prefix set(according to lexigraphic order).
  // |removalIndex| is the current index of RemovalIndiceArray.
  // |numOldPrefixPicked| is used to record how many prefixes we picked from the old map.
  TableUpdateV4::RemovalIndiceArray& removalArray = aTableUpdate->RemovalIndices();
  uint32_t removalIndex = 0;
  int32_t numOldPrefixPicked = -1;

  nsDependentCSubstring smallestOldPrefix;
  nsDependentCSubstring smallestAddPrefix;

  bool isOldMapEmpty = false, isAddMapEmpty = false;

  // This is used to avoid infinite loop for partial update algorithm.
  // The maximum loops will be the number of old prefixes plus the number of add prefixes.
  int32_t index = oldPSet.Count() + addPSet.Count() + 1;
  for(;index > 0; index--) {
    // Get smallest prefix from the old prefix set if we don't have one
    if (smallestOldPrefix.IsEmpty() && !isOldMapEmpty) {
      isOldMapEmpty = !oldPSet.GetSmallestPrefix(smallestOldPrefix);

    // Get smallest prefix from add prefix set if we don't have one
    if (smallestAddPrefix.IsEmpty() && !isAddMapEmpty) {
      isAddMapEmpty = !addPSet.GetSmallestPrefix(smallestAddPrefix);

    bool pickOld;

    // If both prefix sets are not empty, then compare to find the smaller one.
    if (!isOldMapEmpty && !isAddMapEmpty) {
      if (smallestOldPrefix == smallestAddPrefix) {
        LOG(("Add prefix should not exist in the original prefix set."));
        return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

      // Compare the smallest string in old prefix set and add prefix set,
      // merge the smaller one into new map to ensure merged string still
      // follows lexigraphic order.
      pickOld = smallestOldPrefix < smallestAddPrefix;
    } else if (!isOldMapEmpty && isAddMapEmpty) {
      pickOld = true;
    } else if (isOldMapEmpty && !isAddMapEmpty) {
      pickOld = false;
    // If both maps are empty, then partial update is complete.
    } else {

    if (pickOld) {

      // If the number of picks from old map matches the removalIndex, then this prefix
      // will be removed by not merging it to new map.
      if (removalIndex < removalArray.Length() &&
          numOldPrefixPicked == removalArray[removalIndex]) {
      } else {
        AppendPrefixToMap(aOutputMap, smallestOldPrefix);
        UpdateChecksum(crypto, smallestOldPrefix);
    } else {
      AppendPrefixToMap(aOutputMap, smallestAddPrefix);
      UpdateChecksum(crypto, smallestAddPrefix);


  // We expect index will be greater to 0 because max number of runs will be
  // the number of original prefix plus add prefix.
  if (index <= 0) {
    LOG(("There are still prefixes remaining after reaching maximum runs."));
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  if (removalIndex < removalArray.Length()) {
    LOG(("There are still prefixes to remove after exhausting the old PrefixSet."));
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  nsAutoCString checksum;
  crypto->Finish(false, checksum);
  if (aTableUpdate->Checksum().IsEmpty()) {
    LOG(("Update checksum missing."));

    // Generate our own checksum to tableUpdate to ensure there is always
    // checksum in .metadata
    std::string stdChecksum(checksum.BeginReading(), checksum.Length());

  } else if (aTableUpdate->Checksum() != checksum){
    LOG(("Checksum mismatch after applying partial update"));
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  return NS_OK;

LookupCacheV4::InitCrypto(nsCOMPtr<nsICryptoHash>& aCrypto)
  nsresult rv;
  aCrypto = do_CreateInstance(NS_CRYPTO_HASH_CONTRACTID, &rv);
  if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
    return rv;

  rv = aCrypto->Init(nsICryptoHash::SHA256);
  NS_WARNING_ASSERTION(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv), "InitCrypto failed");

  return rv;

LookupCacheV4::VerifyChecksum(const nsACString& aChecksum)
  nsCOMPtr<nsICryptoHash> crypto;
  nsresult rv = InitCrypto(crypto);
  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
    return rv;

  PrefixStringMap map;

  VLPrefixSet loadPSet(map);
  uint32_t index = loadPSet.Count() + 1;
  for(;index > 0; index--) {
    nsDependentCSubstring prefix;
    if (!loadPSet.GetSmallestPrefix(prefix)) {
    UpdateChecksum(crypto, prefix);

  nsAutoCString checksum;
  crypto->Finish(false, checksum);

  if (checksum != aChecksum) {
    LOG(("Checksum mismatch when loading prefixes from file."));

  return NS_OK;

// A set of lightweight functions for reading/writing value from/to file.

namespace {

template<typename T>
struct ValueTraits
  static uint32_t Length(const T& aValue) { return sizeof(T); }
  static char* WritePtr(T& aValue, uint32_t aLength) { return (char*)&aValue; }
  static const char* ReadPtr(const T& aValue) { return (char*)&aValue; }
  static bool IsFixedLength() { return true; }

struct ValueTraits<nsACString>
  static bool IsFixedLength() { return false; }

  static uint32_t Length(const nsACString& aValue)
    return aValue.Length();

  static char* WritePtr(nsACString& aValue, uint32_t aLength)
    return aValue.BeginWriting();

  static const char* ReadPtr(const nsACString& aValue)
    return aValue.BeginReading();

template<typename T> static nsresult
WriteValue(nsIOutputStream *aOutputStream, const T& aValue)
  uint32_t writeLength = ValueTraits<T>::Length(aValue);
  if (!ValueTraits<T>::IsFixedLength()) {
    // We need to write out the variable value length.
    nsresult rv = WriteValue(aOutputStream, writeLength);
    NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);

  // Write out the value.
  auto valueReadPtr = ValueTraits<T>::ReadPtr(aValue);
  uint32_t written;
  nsresult rv = aOutputStream->Write(valueReadPtr, writeLength, &written);
  if (NS_FAILED(rv) || written != writeLength) {
    LOG(("Failed to write the value."));
    return NS_FAILED(rv) ? rv : NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  return rv;

template<typename T> static nsresult
ReadValue(nsIInputStream* aInputStream, T& aValue)
  nsresult rv;

  uint32_t readLength;
  if (ValueTraits<T>::IsFixedLength()) {
    readLength = ValueTraits<T>::Length(aValue);
  } else {
    // Read the variable value length from file.
    nsresult rv = ReadValue(aInputStream, readLength);
    NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);

  // Read the value.
  uint32_t read;
  auto valueWritePtr = ValueTraits<T>::WritePtr(aValue, readLength);
  rv = aInputStream->Read(valueWritePtr, readLength, &read);
  if (NS_FAILED(rv) || read != readLength) {
    LOG(("Failed to read the value."));
    return NS_FAILED(rv) ? rv : NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  return rv;

} // end of unnamed namespace.

LookupCacheV4::WriteMetadata(TableUpdateV4* aTableUpdate)
  if (nsUrlClassifierDBService::ShutdownHasStarted()) {
    return NS_ERROR_ABORT;

  nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> metaFile;
  nsresult rv = mStoreDirectory->Clone(getter_AddRefs(metaFile));

  rv = metaFile->AppendNative(mTableName + METADATA_SUFFIX);

  nsCOMPtr<nsIOutputStream> outputStream;
  rv = NS_NewLocalFileOutputStream(getter_AddRefs(outputStream), metaFile,
                                   PR_WRONLY | PR_TRUNCATE | PR_CREATE_FILE);
  if (!NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
    LOG(("Unable to create file to store metadata."));
    return rv;

  // Write the state.
  rv = WriteValue(outputStream, aTableUpdate->ClientState());
  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
    LOG(("Failed to write the list state."));
    return rv;

  // Write the checksum.
  rv = WriteValue(outputStream, aTableUpdate->Checksum());
  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
    LOG(("Failed to write the list checksum."));
    return rv;

  return rv;

LookupCacheV4::LoadMetadata(nsACString& aState, nsACString& aChecksum)
  nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> metaFile;
  nsresult rv = mStoreDirectory->Clone(getter_AddRefs(metaFile));

  rv = metaFile->AppendNative(mTableName + METADATA_SUFFIX);

  nsCOMPtr<nsIInputStream> localInFile;
  rv = NS_NewLocalFileInputStream(getter_AddRefs(localInFile), metaFile,
                                  PR_RDONLY | nsIFile::OS_READAHEAD);
  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
    LOG(("Unable to open metadata file."));
    return rv;

  // Read the list state.
  rv = ReadValue(localInFile, aState);
  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
    LOG(("Failed to read state."));
    return rv;

  // Read the checksum.
  rv = ReadValue(localInFile, aChecksum);
  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
    LOG(("Failed to read checksum."));
    return rv;

  return rv;

VLPrefixSet::VLPrefixSet(const PrefixStringMap& aMap)
  : mCount(0)
  for (auto iter = aMap.ConstIter(); !iter.Done(); iter.Next()) {
    uint32_t size = iter.Key();
    mMap.Put(size, new PrefixString(*iter.Data(), size));
    mCount += iter.Data()->Length() / size;

VLPrefixSet::VLPrefixSet(const TableUpdateV4::PrefixStdStringMap& aMap)
  : mCount(0)
  for (auto iter = aMap.ConstIter(); !iter.Done(); iter.Next()) {
    uint32_t size = iter.Key();
    mMap.Put(size, new PrefixString(iter.Data()->GetPrefixString(), size));
    mCount += iter.Data()->GetPrefixString().Length() / size;

VLPrefixSet::Merge(PrefixStringMap& aPrefixMap) {
  for (auto iter = mMap.ConstIter(); !iter.Done(); iter.Next()) {
    nsCString* prefixString = aPrefixMap.LookupOrAdd(iter.Key());
    PrefixString* str = iter.Data();

    if (str->get()) {
      prefixString->Append(str->get(), str->remaining());

VLPrefixSet::GetSmallestPrefix(nsDependentCSubstring& aOutString) {
  PrefixString* pick = nullptr;
  for (auto iter = mMap.ConstIter(); !iter.Done(); iter.Next()) {
    PrefixString* str = iter.Data();

    if (!str->get()) {

    if (aOutString.IsEmpty()) {
      aOutString.Rebind(str->get(), iter.Key());
      pick = str;

    nsDependentCSubstring cur(str->get(), iter.Key());
    if (cur < aOutString) {
      aOutString.Rebind(str->get(), iter.Key());
      pick = str;

  if (pick) {

  return pick != nullptr;

} // namespace safebrowsing
} // namespace mozilla