# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # Write out histogram information for C++. The histograms are defined # in a file provided as a command-line argument. from __future__ import print_function from shared_telemetry_utils import StringTable, static_assert import sys import histogram_tools import itertools banner = """/* This file is auto-generated, see gen-histogram-data.py. */ """ def print_array_entry(output, histogram, name_index, exp_index, label_index, label_count): cpp_guard = histogram.cpp_guard() if cpp_guard: print("#if defined(%s)" % cpp_guard, file=output) print(" { %s, %s, %s, %s, %d, %d, %s, %d, %d, %s }," \ % (histogram.low(), histogram.high(), histogram.n_buckets(), histogram.nsITelemetry_kind(), name_index, exp_index, histogram.dataset(), label_index, label_count, "true" if histogram.keyed() else "false"), file=output) if cpp_guard: print("#endif", file=output) def write_histogram_table(output, histograms): string_table = StringTable() label_table = [] label_count = 0 print("const HistogramInfo gHistograms[] = {", file=output) for histogram in histograms: name_index = string_table.stringIndex(histogram.name()) exp_index = string_table.stringIndex(histogram.expiration()) labels = histogram.labels() label_index = 0 if len(labels) > 0: label_index = label_count label_table.append((histogram.name(), string_table.stringIndexes(labels))) label_count += len(labels) print_array_entry(output, histogram, name_index, exp_index, label_index, len(labels)) print("};\n", file=output) strtab_name = "gHistogramStringTable" string_table.writeDefinition(output, strtab_name) static_assert(output, "sizeof(%s) <= UINT32_MAX" % strtab_name, "index overflow") print("\nconst uint32_t gHistogramLabelTable[] = {", file=output) for name,indexes in label_table: print("/* %s */ %s," % (name, ", ".join(map(str, indexes))), file=output) print("};", file=output) # Write out static asserts for histogram data. We'd prefer to perform # these checks in this script itself, but since several histograms # (generally enumerated histograms) use compile-time constants for # their upper bounds, we have to let the compiler do the checking. def static_asserts_for_boolean(output, histogram): pass def static_asserts_for_flag(output, histogram): pass def static_asserts_for_count(output, histogram): pass def static_asserts_for_enumerated(output, histogram): n_values = histogram.high() static_assert(output, "%s > 2" % n_values, "Not enough values for %s" % histogram.name()) def shared_static_asserts(output, histogram): name = histogram.name() low = histogram.low() high = histogram.high() n_buckets = histogram.n_buckets() static_assert(output, "%s < %s" % (low, high), "low >= high for %s" % name) static_assert(output, "%s > 2" % n_buckets, "Not enough values for %s" % name) static_assert(output, "%s >= 1" % low, "Incorrect low value for %s" % name) static_assert(output, "%s > %s" % (high, n_buckets), "high must be > number of buckets for %s; you may want an enumerated histogram" % name) def static_asserts_for_linear(output, histogram): shared_static_asserts(output, histogram) def static_asserts_for_exponential(output, histogram): shared_static_asserts(output, histogram) def write_histogram_static_asserts(output, histograms): print(""" // Perform the checks at the beginning of HistogramGet at // compile time, so that incorrect histogram definitions // give compile-time errors, not runtime errors.""", file=output) table = { 'boolean' : static_asserts_for_boolean, 'flag' : static_asserts_for_flag, 'count': static_asserts_for_count, 'enumerated' : static_asserts_for_enumerated, 'categorical' : static_asserts_for_enumerated, 'linear' : static_asserts_for_linear, 'exponential' : static_asserts_for_exponential, } for histogram in histograms: histogram_tools.table_dispatch(histogram.kind(), table, lambda f: f(output, histogram)) def write_debug_histogram_ranges(output, histograms): ranges_lengths = [] # Collect all the range information from individual histograms. # Write that information out as well. print("#ifdef DEBUG", file=output) print("const int gBucketLowerBounds[] = {", file=output) for histogram in histograms: ranges = [] try: ranges = histogram.ranges() except histogram_tools.DefinitionException: pass ranges_lengths.append(len(ranges)) # Note that we do not test cpp_guard here. We do this so we # will have complete information about all the histograms in # this array. Just having information about the ranges of # histograms is not platform-specific; if there are histograms # that have platform-specific constants in their definitions, # those histograms will fail in the .ranges() call above and # we'll have a zero-length array to deal with here. if len(ranges) > 0: print(','.join(map(str, ranges)), ',', file=output) else: print('/* Skipping %s */' % histogram.name(), file=output) print("};", file=output) # Write the offsets into gBucketLowerBounds. print("struct bounds { int offset; int length; };", file=output) print("const struct bounds gBucketLowerBoundIndex[] = {", file=output) offset = 0 for (histogram, range_length) in itertools.izip(histograms, ranges_lengths): cpp_guard = histogram.cpp_guard() # We do test cpp_guard here, so that histogram IDs are valid # indexes into this array. if cpp_guard: print("#if defined(%s)" % cpp_guard, file=output) print("{ %d, %d }," % (offset, range_length), file=output) if cpp_guard: print("#endif", file=output) offset += range_length print("};", file=output) print("#endif", file=output) def main(output, *filenames): histograms = list(histogram_tools.from_files(filenames)) print(banner, file=output) write_histogram_table(output, histograms) write_histogram_static_asserts(output, histograms) write_debug_histogram_ranges(output, histograms) if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.stdout, *sys.argv[1:])