"crash" ping

This ping is captured after the main Firefox process crashes, whether or not the crash report is submitted to crash-stats.mozilla.org. It includes non-identifying metadata about the crash.

The environment block that is sent with this ping varies: if Firefox was running long enough to record the environment block before the crash, then the environment at the time of the crash will be recorded and ``hasCrashEnvironment`` will be true. If Firefox crashed before the environment was recorded, ``hasCrashEnvironment`` will be false and the recorded environment will be the environment at time of submission.

The client ID is submitted with this ping.


.. code-block:: js

      version: 1,
      type: "crash",
      ... common ping data
      clientId: <UUID>,
      environment: { ... },
      payload: {
        crashDate: "YYYY-MM-DD",
        sessionId: <UUID>, // may be missing for crashes that happen early
                           // in startup. Added in Firefox 48 with the
                           // intention of uplifting to Firefox 46
        crashId: <UUID>, // Optional, ID of the associated crash
        stackTraces: { ... }, // Optional, see below
        metadata: { // Annotations saved while Firefox was running. See nsExceptionHandler.cpp for more information
          ProductName: "Firefox",
          ReleaseChannel: <channel>,
          Version: <version number>,
          BuildID: "YYYYMMDDHHMMSS",
          AvailablePageFile: <size>, // Windows-only, available paging file
          AvailablePhysicalMemory: <size>, // Windows-only, available physical memory
          AvailableVirtualMemory: <size>, // Windows-only, available virtual memory
          BlockedDllList: <list>, // Windows-only, see WindowsDllBlocklist.cpp for details
          BlocklistInitFailed: 1, // Windows-only, present only if the DLL blocklist initialization failed
          CrashTime: <time>, // Seconds since the Epoch
          ContainsMemoryReport: 1, // Optional
          EventLoopNestingLevel: <levels>, // Optional, present only if >0
          IsGarbageCollecting: 1, // Optional, present only if set to 1
          MozCrashReason: <reason>, // Optional, contains the string passed to MOZ_CRASH()
          OOMAllocationSize: <size>, // Size of the allocation that caused an OOM
          SecondsSinceLastCrash: <duration>, // Seconds elapsed since the last crash occurred
          SystemMemoryUsePercentage: <percentage>, // Windows-only, percent of memory in use
          TelemetrySessionId: <id>, // Active telemetry session ID when the crash was recorded
          TextureUsage: <usage>, // Optional, usage of texture memory in bytes
          TotalPageFile: <size>, // Windows-only, paging file in use
          TotalPhysicalMemory: <size>, // Windows-only, physical memory in use
          TotalVirtualMemory: <size>, // Windows-only, virtual memory in use
          UptimeTS: <duration>, // Seconds since Firefox was started
          User32BeforeBlocklist: 1, // Windows-only, present only if user32.dll was loaded before the DLL blocklist has been initialized
        hasCrashEnvironment: bool

Stack Traces

The crash ping may contain a ``stackTraces`` field which has been populated
with stack traces for all threads in the crashed process. The format of this
field is similar to the one used by Socorro for representing a crash. The main
differences are that redundant fields are not stored and that the module a
frame belongs to is referenced by index in the module array rather than by its
file name.

Note that this field does not contain data from the application; only bare
stack traces and module lists are stored.

.. code-block:: js

      status: <string>, // Status of the analysis, "OK" or an error message
      crash_info: { // Basic crash information
        type: <string>, // Type of crash, SIGSEGV, assertion, etc...
        address: <addr>, // Crash address crash, hex format, see the notes below
        crashing_thread: <index> // Index in the thread array below
      main_module: <index>, // Index of Firefox' executable in the module list
      modules: [{
        base_addr: <addr>, // Base address of the module, hex format
        end_addr: <addr>, // End address of the module, hex format
        code_id: <string>, // Unique ID of this module, see the notes below
        debug_file: <string>, // Name of the file holding the debug information
        debug_id: <string>, // ID or hash of the debug information file
        filename: <string>, // File name
        version: <string>, // Library/executable version
      ... // List of modules ordered by base memory address
      threads: [{ // Stack traces for every thread
        frames: [{
          module_index: <index>, // Index of the module this frame belongs to
          ip: <ip>, // Program counter, hex format
          trust: <string> // Trust of this frame, see the notes below
        ... // List of frames, the first frame is the topmost


Memory addresses and instruction pointers are always stored as strings in
hexadecimal format (e.g. "0x4000"). They can be made of up to 16 characters for
64-bit addresses.

The crash type is both OS and CPU dependent and can be either a descriptive
string (e.g. SIGSEGV, EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION) or a raw numeric value. The
crash address meaning depends on the type of crash. In a segmentation fault the
crash address will be the memory address whose access caused the fault; in a
crash triggered by an illegal instruction exception the address will be the
instruction pointer where the invalid instruction resides.
See `breakpad <https://chromium.googlesource.com/breakpad/breakpad/+/c99d374dde62654a024840accfb357b2851daea0/src/processor/minidump_processor.cc#675>`_'s
relevant code for further information.

Since it's not always possible to establish with certainty the address of the
previous frame while walking the stack, every frame has a trust value that
represents how it was found and thus how certain we are that it's a real frame.
The trust levels are (from least trusted to most trusted):

| Trust         | Description                                       |
| context       | Given as instruction pointer in a context         |
| prewalked     | Explicitly provided by some external stack walker |
| cfi           | Derived from call frame info                      |
| frame_pointer | Derived from frame pointer                        |
| cfi_scan      | Found while scanning stack using call frame info  |
| scan          | Scanned the stack, found this                     |
| none          | Unknown, this is most likely not a valid frame    |

The ``code_id`` field holds a unique ID used to distinguish between different
versions and builds of the same module. See `breakpad <https://chromium.googlesource.com/breakpad/breakpad/+/24f5931c5e0120982c0cbf1896641e3ef2bdd52f/src/google_breakpad/processor/code_module.h#60>`_'s
description for further information. This field is populated only on Windows.