/*eslint-env es6:false*/ /* * DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE DIRECTLY! * * This is a shared library that is maintained in an external repo: * https://github.com/mozilla/readability */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /** * This is a relatively lightweight DOMParser that is safe to use in a web * worker. This is far from a complete DOM implementation; however, it should * contain the minimal set of functionality necessary for Readability.js. * * Aside from not implementing the full DOM API, there are other quirks to be * aware of when using the JSDOMParser: * * 1) Properly formed HTML/XML must be used. This means you should be extra * careful when using this parser on anything received directly from an * XMLHttpRequest. Providing a serialized string from an XMLSerializer, * however, should be safe (since the browser's XMLSerializer should * generate valid HTML/XML). Therefore, if parsing a document from an XHR, * the recommended approach is to do the XHR in the main thread, use * XMLSerializer.serializeToString() on the responseXML, and pass the * resulting string to the worker. * * 2) Live NodeLists are not supported. DOM methods and properties such as * getElementsByTagName() and childNodes return standard arrays. If you * want these lists to be updated when nodes are removed or added to the * document, you must take care to manually update them yourself. */ (function (global) { // XML only defines these and the numeric ones: var entityTable = { "lt": "<", "gt": ">", "amp": "&", "quot": '"', "apos": "'", }; var reverseEntityTable = { "<": "<", ">": ">", "&": "&", '"': """, "'": "'", }; function encodeTextContentHTML(s) { return s.replace(/[&<>]/g, function(x) { return reverseEntityTable[x]; }); } function encodeHTML(s) { return s.replace(/[&<>'"]/g, function(x) { return reverseEntityTable[x]; }); } function decodeHTML(str) { return str.replace(/&(quot|amp|apos|lt|gt);/g, function(match, tag) { return entityTable[tag]; }).replace(/&#(?:x([0-9a-z]{1,4})|([0-9]{1,4}));/gi, function(match, hex, numStr) { var num = parseInt(hex || numStr, hex ? 16 : 10); // read num return String.fromCharCode(num); }); } // When a style is set in JS, map it to the corresponding CSS attribute var styleMap = { "alignmentBaseline": "alignment-baseline", "background": "background", "backgroundAttachment": "background-attachment", "backgroundClip": "background-clip", "backgroundColor": "background-color", "backgroundImage": "background-image", "backgroundOrigin": "background-origin", "backgroundPosition": "background-position", "backgroundPositionX": "background-position-x", "backgroundPositionY": "background-position-y", "backgroundRepeat": "background-repeat", "backgroundRepeatX": "background-repeat-x", "backgroundRepeatY": "background-repeat-y", "backgroundSize": "background-size", "baselineShift": "baseline-shift", "border": "border", "borderBottom": "border-bottom", "borderBottomColor": "border-bottom-color", "borderBottomLeftRadius": "border-bottom-left-radius", "borderBottomRightRadius": "border-bottom-right-radius", "borderBottomStyle": "border-bottom-style", "borderBottomWidth": "border-bottom-width", "borderCollapse": "border-collapse", "borderColor": "border-color", "borderImage": "border-image", "borderImageOutset": "border-image-outset", "borderImageRepeat": "border-image-repeat", "borderImageSlice": "border-image-slice", "borderImageSource": "border-image-source", "borderImageWidth": "border-image-width", "borderLeft": "border-left", "borderLeftColor": "border-left-color", "borderLeftStyle": "border-left-style", "borderLeftWidth": "border-left-width", "borderRadius": "border-radius", "borderRight": "border-right", "borderRightColor": "border-right-color", "borderRightStyle": "border-right-style", "borderRightWidth": "border-right-width", "borderSpacing": "border-spacing", "borderStyle": "border-style", "borderTop": "border-top", "borderTopColor": "border-top-color", "borderTopLeftRadius": "border-top-left-radius", "borderTopRightRadius": "border-top-right-radius", "borderTopStyle": "border-top-style", "borderTopWidth": "border-top-width", "borderWidth": "border-width", "bottom": "bottom", "boxShadow": "box-shadow", "boxSizing": "box-sizing", "captionSide": "caption-side", "clear": "clear", "clip": "clip", "clipPath": "clip-path", "clipRule": "clip-rule", "color": "color", "colorInterpolation": "color-interpolation", "colorInterpolationFilters": "color-interpolation-filters", "colorProfile": "color-profile", "colorRendering": "color-rendering", "content": "content", "counterIncrement": "counter-increment", "counterReset": "counter-reset", "cursor": "cursor", "direction": "direction", "display": "display", "dominantBaseline": "dominant-baseline", "emptyCells": "empty-cells", "enableBackground": "enable-background", "fill": "fill", "fillOpacity": "fill-opacity", "fillRule": "fill-rule", "filter": "filter", "cssFloat": "float", "floodColor": "flood-color", "floodOpacity": "flood-opacity", "font": "font", "fontFamily": "font-family", "fontSize": "font-size", "fontStretch": "font-stretch", "fontStyle": "font-style", "fontVariant": "font-variant", "fontWeight": "font-weight", "glyphOrientationHorizontal": "glyph-orientation-horizontal", "glyphOrientationVertical": "glyph-orientation-vertical", "height": "height", "imageRendering": "image-rendering", "kerning": "kerning", "left": "left", "letterSpacing": "letter-spacing", "lightingColor": "lighting-color", "lineHeight": "line-height", "listStyle": "list-style", "listStyleImage": "list-style-image", "listStylePosition": "list-style-position", "listStyleType": "list-style-type", "margin": "margin", "marginBottom": "margin-bottom", "marginLeft": "margin-left", "marginRight": "margin-right", "marginTop": "margin-top", "marker": "marker", "markerEnd": "marker-end", "markerMid": "marker-mid", "markerStart": "marker-start", "mask": "mask", "maxHeight": "max-height", "maxWidth": "max-width", "minHeight": "min-height", "minWidth": "min-width", "opacity": "opacity", "orphans": "orphans", "outline": "outline", "outlineColor": "outline-color", "outlineOffset": "outline-offset", "outlineStyle": "outline-style", "outlineWidth": "outline-width", "overflow": "overflow", "overflowX": "overflow-x", "overflowY": "overflow-y", "padding": "padding", "paddingBottom": "padding-bottom", "paddingLeft": "padding-left", "paddingRight": "padding-right", "paddingTop": "padding-top", "page": "page", "pageBreakAfter": "page-break-after", "pageBreakBefore": "page-break-before", "pageBreakInside": "page-break-inside", "pointerEvents": "pointer-events", "position": "position", "quotes": "quotes", "resize": "resize", "right": "right", "shapeRendering": "shape-rendering", "size": "size", "speak": "speak", "src": "src", "stopColor": "stop-color", "stopOpacity": "stop-opacity", "stroke": "stroke", "strokeDasharray": "stroke-dasharray", "strokeDashoffset": "stroke-dashoffset", "strokeLinecap": "stroke-linecap", "strokeLinejoin": "stroke-linejoin", "strokeMiterlimit": "stroke-miterlimit", "strokeOpacity": "stroke-opacity", "strokeWidth": "stroke-width", "tableLayout": "table-layout", "textAlign": "text-align", "textAnchor": "text-anchor", "textDecoration": "text-decoration", "textIndent": "text-indent", "textLineThrough": "text-line-through", "textLineThroughColor": "text-line-through-color", "textLineThroughMode": "text-line-through-mode", "textLineThroughStyle": "text-line-through-style", "textLineThroughWidth": "text-line-through-width", "textOverflow": "text-overflow", "textOverline": "text-overline", "textOverlineColor": "text-overline-color", "textOverlineMode": "text-overline-mode", "textOverlineStyle": "text-overline-style", "textOverlineWidth": "text-overline-width", "textRendering": "text-rendering", "textShadow": "text-shadow", "textTransform": "text-transform", "textUnderline": "text-underline", "textUnderlineColor": "text-underline-color", "textUnderlineMode": "text-underline-mode", "textUnderlineStyle": "text-underline-style", "textUnderlineWidth": "text-underline-width", "top": "top", "unicodeBidi": "unicode-bidi", "unicodeRange": "unicode-range", "vectorEffect": "vector-effect", "verticalAlign": "vertical-align", "visibility": "visibility", "whiteSpace": "white-space", "widows": "widows", "width": "width", "wordBreak": "word-break", "wordSpacing": "word-spacing", "wordWrap": "word-wrap", "writingMode": "writing-mode", "zIndex": "z-index", "zoom": "zoom", }; // Elements that can be self-closing var voidElems = { "area": true, "base": true, "br": true, "col": true, "command": true, "embed": true, "hr": true, "img": true, "input": true, "link": true, "meta": true, "param": true, "source": true, "wbr": true }; var whitespace = [" ", "\t", "\n", "\r"]; // See http://www.w3schools.com/dom/dom_nodetype.asp var nodeTypes = { ELEMENT_NODE: 1, ATTRIBUTE_NODE: 2, TEXT_NODE: 3, CDATA_SECTION_NODE: 4, ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE: 5, ENTITY_NODE: 6, PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE: 7, COMMENT_NODE: 8, DOCUMENT_NODE: 9, DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: 10, DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: 11, NOTATION_NODE: 12 }; function getElementsByTagName(tag) { tag = tag.toUpperCase(); var elems = []; var allTags = (tag === "*"); function getElems(node) { var length = node.children.length; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { var child = node.children[i]; if (allTags || (child.tagName === tag)) elems.push(child); getElems(child); } } getElems(this); return elems; } var Node = function () {}; Node.prototype = { attributes: null, childNodes: null, localName: null, nodeName: null, parentNode: null, textContent: null, nextSibling: null, previousSibling: null, get firstChild() { return this.childNodes[0] || null; }, get firstElementChild() { return this.children[0] || null; }, get lastChild() { return this.childNodes[this.childNodes.length - 1] || null; }, get lastElementChild() { return this.children[this.children.length - 1] || null; }, appendChild: function (child) { if (child.parentNode) { child.parentNode.removeChild(child); } var last = this.lastChild; if (last) last.nextSibling = child; child.previousSibling = last; if (child.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { child.previousElementSibling = this.children[this.children.length - 1] || null; this.children.push(child); child.previousElementSibling && (child.previousElementSibling.nextElementSibling = child); } this.childNodes.push(child); child.parentNode = this; }, removeChild: function (child) { var childNodes = this.childNodes; var childIndex = childNodes.indexOf(child); if (childIndex === -1) { throw "removeChild: node not found"; } else { child.parentNode = null; var prev = child.previousSibling; var next = child.nextSibling; if (prev) prev.nextSibling = next; if (next) next.previousSibling = prev; if (child.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { prev = child.previousElementSibling; next = child.nextElementSibling; if (prev) prev.nextElementSibling = next; if (next) next.previousElementSibling = prev; this.children.splice(this.children.indexOf(child), 1); } child.previousSibling = child.nextSibling = null; child.previousElementSibling = child.nextElementSibling = null; return childNodes.splice(childIndex, 1)[0]; } }, replaceChild: function (newNode, oldNode) { var childNodes = this.childNodes; var childIndex = childNodes.indexOf(oldNode); if (childIndex === -1) { throw "replaceChild: node not found"; } else { // This will take care of updating the new node if it was somewhere else before: if (newNode.parentNode) newNode.parentNode.removeChild(newNode); childNodes[childIndex] = newNode; // update the new node's sibling properties, and its new siblings' sibling properties newNode.nextSibling = oldNode.nextSibling; newNode.previousSibling = oldNode.previousSibling; if (newNode.nextSibling) newNode.nextSibling.previousSibling = newNode; if (newNode.previousSibling) newNode.previousSibling.nextSibling = newNode; newNode.parentNode = this; // Now deal with elements before we clear out those values for the old node, // because it can help us take shortcuts here: if (newNode.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { if (oldNode.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { // Both were elements, which makes this easier, we just swap things out: newNode.previousElementSibling = oldNode.previousElementSibling; newNode.nextElementSibling = oldNode.nextElementSibling; if (newNode.previousElementSibling) newNode.previousElementSibling.nextElementSibling = newNode; if (newNode.nextElementSibling) newNode.nextElementSibling.previousElementSibling = newNode; this.children[this.children.indexOf(oldNode)] = newNode; } else { // Hard way: newNode.previousElementSibling = (function() { for (var i = childIndex - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (childNodes[i].nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) return childNodes[i]; } return null; })(); if (newNode.previousElementSibling) { newNode.nextElementSibling = newNode.previousElementSibling.nextElementSibling; } else { newNode.nextElementSibling = (function() { for (var i = childIndex + 1; i < childNodes.length; i++) { if (childNodes[i].nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) return childNodes[i]; } return null; })(); } if (newNode.previousElementSibling) newNode.previousElementSibling.nextElementSibling = newNode; if (newNode.nextElementSibling) newNode.nextElementSibling.previousElementSibling = newNode; if (newNode.nextElementSibling) this.children.splice(this.children.indexOf(newNode.nextElementSibling), 0, newNode); else this.children.push(newNode); } } else if (oldNode.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { // new node is not an element node. // if the old one was, update its element siblings: if (oldNode.previousElementSibling) oldNode.previousElementSibling.nextElementSibling = oldNode.nextElementSibling; if (oldNode.nextElementSibling) oldNode.nextElementSibling.previousElementSibling = oldNode.previousElementSibling; this.children.splice(this.children.indexOf(oldNode), 1); // If the old node wasn't an element, neither the new nor the old node was an element, // and the children array and its members shouldn't need any updating. } oldNode.parentNode = null; oldNode.previousSibling = null; oldNode.nextSibling = null; if (oldNode.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { oldNode.previousElementSibling = null; oldNode.nextElementSibling = null; } return oldNode; } }, __JSDOMParser__: true, }; for (var nodeType in nodeTypes) { Node[nodeType] = Node.prototype[nodeType] = nodeTypes[nodeType]; } var Attribute = function (name, value) { this.name = name; this._value = value; }; Attribute.prototype = { get value() { return this._value; }, setValue: function(newValue) { this._value = newValue; delete this._decodedValue; }, setDecodedValue: function(newValue) { this._value = encodeHTML(newValue); this._decodedValue = newValue; }, getDecodedValue: function() { if (typeof this._decodedValue === "undefined") { this._decodedValue = (this._value && decodeHTML(this._value)) || ""; } return this._decodedValue; }, }; var Comment = function () { this.childNodes = []; }; Comment.prototype = { __proto__: Node.prototype, nodeName: "#comment", nodeType: Node.COMMENT_NODE }; var Text = function () { this.childNodes = []; }; Text.prototype = { __proto__: Node.prototype, nodeName: "#text", nodeType: Node.TEXT_NODE, get textContent() { if (typeof this._textContent === "undefined") { this._textContent = decodeHTML(this._innerHTML || ""); } return this._textContent; }, get innerHTML() { if (typeof this._innerHTML === "undefined") { this._innerHTML = encodeTextContentHTML(this._textContent || ""); } return this._innerHTML; }, set innerHTML(newHTML) { this._innerHTML = newHTML; delete this._textContent; }, set textContent(newText) { this._textContent = newText; delete this._innerHTML; }, }; var Document = function () { this.styleSheets = []; this.childNodes = []; this.children = []; }; Document.prototype = { __proto__: Node.prototype, nodeName: "#document", nodeType: Node.DOCUMENT_NODE, title: "", getElementsByTagName: getElementsByTagName, getElementById: function (id) { function getElem(node) { var length = node.children.length; if (node.id === id) return node; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { var el = getElem(node.children[i]); if (el) return el; } return null; } return getElem(this); }, createElement: function (tag) { var node = new Element(tag); return node; }, createTextNode: function (text) { var node = new Text(); node.textContent = text; return node; }, }; var Element = function (tag) { this.attributes = []; this.childNodes = []; this.children = []; this.nextElementSibling = this.previousElementSibling = null; this.localName = tag.toLowerCase(); this.tagName = tag.toUpperCase(); this.style = new Style(this); }; Element.prototype = { __proto__: Node.prototype, nodeType: Node.ELEMENT_NODE, getElementsByTagName: getElementsByTagName, get className() { return this.getAttribute("class") || ""; }, set className(str) { this.setAttribute("class", str); }, get id() { return this.getAttribute("id") || ""; }, set id(str) { this.setAttribute("id", str); }, get href() { return this.getAttribute("href") || ""; }, set href(str) { this.setAttribute("href", str); }, get src() { return this.getAttribute("src") || ""; }, set src(str) { this.setAttribute("src", str); }, get nodeName() { return this.tagName; }, get innerHTML() { function getHTML(node) { var i = 0; for (i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) { var child = node.childNodes[i]; if (child.localName) { arr.push("<" + child.localName); // serialize attribute list for (var j = 0; j < child.attributes.length; j++) { var attr = child.attributes[j]; // the attribute value will be HTML escaped. var val = attr.value; var quote = (val.indexOf('"') === -1 ? '"' : "'"); arr.push(" " + attr.name + '=' + quote + val + quote); } if (child.localName in voidElems && !child.childNodes.length) { // if this is a self-closing element, end it here arr.push("/>"); } else { // otherwise, add its children arr.push(">"); getHTML(child); arr.push("</" + child.localName + ">"); } } else { // This is a text node, so asking for innerHTML won't recurse. arr.push(child.innerHTML); } } } // Using Array.join() avoids the overhead from lazy string concatenation. // See http://blog.cdleary.com/2012/01/string-representation-in-spidermonkey/#ropes var arr = []; getHTML(this); return arr.join(""); }, set innerHTML(html) { var parser = new JSDOMParser(); var node = parser.parse(html); var i; for (i = this.childNodes.length; --i >= 0;) { this.childNodes[i].parentNode = null; } this.childNodes = node.childNodes; this.children = node.children; for (i = this.childNodes.length; --i >= 0;) { this.childNodes[i].parentNode = this; } }, set textContent(text) { // clear parentNodes for existing children for (var i = this.childNodes.length; --i >= 0;) { this.childNodes[i].parentNode = null; } var node = new Text(); this.childNodes = [ node ]; this.children = []; node.textContent = text; node.parentNode = this; }, get textContent() { function getText(node) { var nodes = node.childNodes; for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { var child = nodes[i]; if (child.nodeType === 3) { text.push(child.textContent); } else { getText(child); } } } // Using Array.join() avoids the overhead from lazy string concatenation. // See http://blog.cdleary.com/2012/01/string-representation-in-spidermonkey/#ropes var text = []; getText(this); return text.join(""); }, getAttribute: function (name) { for (var i = this.attributes.length; --i >= 0;) { var attr = this.attributes[i]; if (attr.name === name) return attr.getDecodedValue(); } return undefined; }, setAttribute: function (name, value) { for (var i = this.attributes.length; --i >= 0;) { var attr = this.attributes[i]; if (attr.name === name) { attr.setDecodedValue(value); return; } } this.attributes.push(new Attribute(name, encodeHTML(value))); }, removeAttribute: function (name) { for (var i = this.attributes.length; --i >= 0;) { var attr = this.attributes[i]; if (attr.name === name) { this.attributes.splice(i, 1); break; } } } }; var Style = function (node) { this.node = node; }; // getStyle() and setStyle() use the style attribute string directly. This // won't be very efficient if there are a lot of style manipulations, but // it's the easiest way to make sure the style attribute string and the JS // style property stay in sync. Readability.js doesn't do many style // manipulations, so this should be okay. Style.prototype = { getStyle: function (styleName) { var attr = this.node.getAttribute("style"); if (!attr) return undefined; var styles = attr.split(";"); for (var i = 0; i < styles.length; i++) { var style = styles[i].split(":"); var name = style[0].trim(); if (name === styleName) return style[1].trim(); } return undefined; }, setStyle: function (styleName, styleValue) { var value = this.node.getAttribute("style") || ""; var index = 0; do { var next = value.indexOf(";", index) + 1; var length = next - index - 1; var style = (length > 0 ? value.substr(index, length) : value.substr(index)); if (style.substr(0, style.indexOf(":")).trim() === styleName) { value = value.substr(0, index).trim() + (next ? " " + value.substr(next).trim() : ""); break; } index = next; } while (index); value += " " + styleName + ": " + styleValue + ";"; this.node.setAttribute("style", value.trim()); } }; // For each item in styleMap, define a getter and setter on the style // property. for (var jsName in styleMap) { (function (cssName) { Style.prototype.__defineGetter__(jsName, function () { return this.getStyle(cssName); }); Style.prototype.__defineSetter__(jsName, function (value) { this.setStyle(cssName, value); }); })(styleMap[jsName]); } var JSDOMParser = function () { this.currentChar = 0; // In makeElementNode() we build up many strings one char at a time. Using // += for this results in lots of short-lived intermediate strings. It's // better to build an array of single-char strings and then join() them // together at the end. And reusing a single array (i.e. |this.strBuf|) // over and over for this purpose uses less memory than using a new array // for each string. this.strBuf = []; // Similarly, we reuse this array to return the two arguments from // makeElementNode(), which saves us from having to allocate a new array // every time. this.retPair = []; this.errorState = ""; }; JSDOMParser.prototype = { error: function(m) { dump("JSDOMParser error: " + m + "\n"); this.errorState += m + "\n"; }, /** * Look at the next character without advancing the index. */ peekNext: function () { return this.html[this.currentChar]; }, /** * Get the next character and advance the index. */ nextChar: function () { return this.html[this.currentChar++]; }, /** * Called after a quote character is read. This finds the next quote * character and returns the text string in between. */ readString: function (quote) { var str; var n = this.html.indexOf(quote, this.currentChar); if (n === -1) { this.currentChar = this.html.length; str = null; } else { str = this.html.substring(this.currentChar, n); this.currentChar = n + 1; } return str; }, /** * Called when parsing a node. This finds the next name/value attribute * pair and adds the result to the attributes list. */ readAttribute: function (node) { var name = ""; var n = this.html.indexOf("=", this.currentChar); if (n === -1) { this.currentChar = this.html.length; } else { // Read until a '=' character is hit; this will be the attribute key name = this.html.substring(this.currentChar, n); this.currentChar = n + 1; } if (!name) return; // After a '=', we should see a '"' for the attribute value var c = this.nextChar(); if (c !== '"' && c !== "'") { this.error("Error reading attribute " + name + ", expecting '\"'"); return; } // Read the attribute value (and consume the matching quote) var value = this.readString(c); node.attributes.push(new Attribute(name, value)); return; }, /** * Parses and returns an Element node. This is called after a '<' has been * read. * * @returns an array; the first index of the array is the parsed node; * the second index is a boolean indicating whether this is a void * Element */ makeElementNode: function (retPair) { var c = this.nextChar(); // Read the Element tag name var strBuf = this.strBuf; strBuf.length = 0; while (whitespace.indexOf(c) == -1 && c !== ">" && c !== "/") { if (c === undefined) return false; strBuf.push(c); c = this.nextChar(); } var tag = strBuf.join(''); if (!tag) return false; var node = new Element(tag); // Read Element attributes while (c !== "/" && c !== ">") { if (c === undefined) return false; while (whitespace.indexOf(this.html[this.currentChar++]) != -1); this.currentChar--; c = this.nextChar(); if (c !== "/" && c !== ">") { --this.currentChar; this.readAttribute(node); } } // If this is a self-closing tag, read '/>' var closed = false; if (c === "/") { closed = true; c = this.nextChar(); if (c !== ">") { this.error("expected '>' to close " + tag); return false; } } retPair[0] = node; retPair[1] = closed; return true; }, /** * If the current input matches this string, advance the input index; * otherwise, do nothing. * * @returns whether input matched string */ match: function (str) { var strlen = str.length; if (this.html.substr(this.currentChar, strlen).toLowerCase() === str.toLowerCase()) { this.currentChar += strlen; return true; } return false; }, /** * Searches the input until a string is found and discards all input up to * and including the matched string. */ discardTo: function (str) { var index = this.html.indexOf(str, this.currentChar) + str.length; if (index === -1) this.currentChar = this.html.length; this.currentChar = index; }, /** * Reads child nodes for the given node. */ readChildren: function (node) { var child; while ((child = this.readNode())) { // Don't keep Comment nodes if (child.nodeType !== 8) { node.appendChild(child); } } }, readScript: function (node) { while (this.currentChar < this.html.length) { var c = this.nextChar(); var nextC = this.peekNext(); if (c === "<") { if (nextC === "!" || nextC === "?") { // We're still before the ! or ? that is starting this comment: this.currentChar++; node.appendChild(this.discardNextComment()); continue; } if (nextC === "/" && this.html.substr(this.currentChar, 8 /*"/script>".length */).toLowerCase() == "/script>") { // Go back before the '<' so we find the end tag. this.currentChar--; // Done with this script tag, the caller will close: return; } } // Either c wasn't a '<' or it was but we couldn't find either a comment // or a closing script tag, so we should just parse as text until the next one // comes along: var haveTextNode = node.lastChild && node.lastChild.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE; var textNode = haveTextNode ? node.lastChild : new Text(); var n = this.html.indexOf("<", this.currentChar); // Decrement this to include the current character *afterwards* so we don't get stuck // looking for the same < all the time. this.currentChar--; if (n === -1) { textNode.innerHTML += this.html.substring(this.currentChar, this.html.length); this.currentChar = this.html.length; } else { textNode.innerHTML += this.html.substring(this.currentChar, n); this.currentChar = n; } if (!haveTextNode) node.appendChild(textNode); } }, discardNextComment: function() { if (this.match("--")) { this.discardTo("-->"); } else { var c = this.nextChar(); while (c !== ">") { if (c === undefined) return null; if (c === '"' || c === "'") this.readString(c); c = this.nextChar(); } } return new Comment(); }, /** * Reads the next child node from the input. If we're reading a closing * tag, or if we've reached the end of input, return null. * * @returns the node */ readNode: function () { var c = this.nextChar(); if (c === undefined) return null; // Read any text as Text node if (c !== "<") { --this.currentChar; var textNode = new Text(); var n = this.html.indexOf("<", this.currentChar); if (n === -1) { textNode.innerHTML = this.html.substring(this.currentChar, this.html.length); this.currentChar = this.html.length; } else { textNode.innerHTML = this.html.substring(this.currentChar, n); this.currentChar = n; } return textNode; } c = this.peekNext(); // Read Comment node. Normally, Comment nodes know their inner // textContent, but we don't really care about Comment nodes (we throw // them away in readChildren()). So just returning an empty Comment node // here is sufficient. if (c === "!" || c === "?") { // We're still before the ! or ? that is starting this comment: this.currentChar++; return this.discardNextComment(); } // If we're reading a closing tag, return null. This means we've reached // the end of this set of child nodes. if (c === "/") { --this.currentChar; return null; } // Otherwise, we're looking at an Element node var result = this.makeElementNode(this.retPair); if (!result) return null; var node = this.retPair[0]; var closed = this.retPair[1]; var localName = node.localName; // If this isn't a void Element, read its child nodes if (!closed) { if (localName == "script") { this.readScript(node); } else { this.readChildren(node); } var closingTag = "</" + localName + ">"; if (!this.match(closingTag)) { this.error("expected '" + closingTag + "' and got " + this.html.substr(this.currentChar, closingTag.length)); return null; } } // Only use the first title, because SVG might have other // title elements which we don't care about (medium.com // does this, at least). if (localName === "title" && !this.doc.title) { this.doc.title = node.textContent.trim(); } else if (localName === "head") { this.doc.head = node; } else if (localName === "body") { this.doc.body = node; } else if (localName === "html") { this.doc.documentElement = node; } return node; }, /** * Parses an HTML string and returns a JS implementation of the Document. */ parse: function (html) { this.html = html; var doc = this.doc = new Document(); this.readChildren(doc); // If this is an HTML document, remove root-level children except for the // <html> node if (doc.documentElement) { for (var i = doc.childNodes.length; --i >= 0;) { var child = doc.childNodes[i]; if (child !== doc.documentElement) { doc.removeChild(child); } } } return doc; } }; // Attach the standard DOM types to the global scope global.Node = Node; global.Comment = Comment; global.Document = Document; global.Element = Element; global.Text = Text; // Attach JSDOMParser to the global scope global.JSDOMParser = JSDOMParser; })(this);