/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["CommonDialog"]; const Ci = Components.interfaces; const Cr = Components.results; const Cc = Components.classes; const Cu = Components.utils; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "EnableDelayHelper", "resource://gre/modules/SharedPromptUtils.jsm"); this.CommonDialog = function CommonDialog(args, ui) { this.args = args; this.ui = ui; } CommonDialog.prototype = { args : null, ui : null, hasInputField : true, numButtons : undefined, iconClass : undefined, soundID : undefined, focusTimer : null, onLoad : function(xulDialog) { switch (this.args.promptType) { case "alert": case "alertCheck": this.hasInputField = false; this.numButtons = 1; this.iconClass = ["alert-icon"]; this.soundID = Ci.nsISound.EVENT_ALERT_DIALOG_OPEN; break; case "confirmCheck": case "confirm": this.hasInputField = false; this.numButtons = 2; this.iconClass = ["question-icon"]; this.soundID = Ci.nsISound.EVENT_CONFIRM_DIALOG_OPEN; break; case "confirmEx": var numButtons = 0; if (this.args.button0Label) numButtons++; if (this.args.button1Label) numButtons++; if (this.args.button2Label) numButtons++; if (this.args.button3Label) numButtons++; if (numButtons == 0) throw "A dialog with no buttons? Can not haz."; this.numButtons = numButtons; this.hasInputField = false; this.iconClass = ["question-icon"]; this.soundID = Ci.nsISound.EVENT_CONFIRM_DIALOG_OPEN; break; case "prompt": this.numButtons = 2; this.iconClass = ["question-icon"]; this.soundID = Ci.nsISound.EVENT_PROMPT_DIALOG_OPEN; this.initTextbox("login", this.args.value); // Clear the label, since this isn't really a username prompt. this.ui.loginLabel.setAttribute("value", ""); break; case "promptUserAndPass": this.numButtons = 2; this.iconClass = ["authentication-icon", "question-icon"]; this.soundID = Ci.nsISound.EVENT_PROMPT_DIALOG_OPEN; this.initTextbox("login", this.args.user); this.initTextbox("password1", this.args.pass); break; case "promptPassword": this.numButtons = 2; this.iconClass = ["authentication-icon", "question-icon"]; this.soundID = Ci.nsISound.EVENT_PROMPT_DIALOG_OPEN; this.initTextbox("password1", this.args.pass); // Clear the label, since the message presumably indicates its purpose. this.ui.password1Label.setAttribute("value", ""); break; default: Cu.reportError("commonDialog opened for unknown type: " + this.args.promptType); throw "unknown dialog type"; } // set the document title let title = this.args.title; // OS X doesn't have a title on modal dialogs, this is hidden on other platforms. let infoTitle = this.ui.infoTitle; infoTitle.appendChild(infoTitle.ownerDocument.createTextNode(title)); if (xulDialog) xulDialog.ownerDocument.title = title; // Set button labels and visibility // // This assumes that button0 defaults to a visible "ok" button, and // button1 defaults to a visible "cancel" button. The other 2 buttons // have no default labels (and are hidden). switch (this.numButtons) { case 4: this.setLabelForNode(this.ui.button3, this.args.button3Label); this.ui.button3.hidden = false; // fall through case 3: this.setLabelForNode(this.ui.button2, this.args.button2Label); this.ui.button2.hidden = false; // fall through case 2: // Defaults to a visible "cancel" button if (this.args.button1Label) this.setLabelForNode(this.ui.button1, this.args.button1Label); break; case 1: this.ui.button1.hidden = true; break; } // Defaults to a visible "ok" button if (this.args.button0Label) this.setLabelForNode(this.ui.button0, this.args.button0Label); // display the main text let croppedMessage = ""; if (this.args.text) { // Bug 317334 - crop string length as a workaround. croppedMessage = this.args.text.substr(0, 10000); } let infoBody = this.ui.infoBody; infoBody.appendChild(infoBody.ownerDocument.createTextNode(croppedMessage)); let label = this.args.checkLabel; if (label) { // Only show the checkbox if label has a value. this.ui.checkboxContainer.hidden = false; this.setLabelForNode(this.ui.checkbox, label); this.ui.checkbox.checked = this.args.checked; } // set the icon let icon = this.ui.infoIcon; if (icon) this.iconClass.forEach((el, idx, arr) => icon.classList.add(el)); // set default result to cancelled this.args.ok = false; this.args.buttonNumClicked = 1; // Set the default button let b = (this.args.defaultButtonNum || 0); let button = this.ui["button" + b]; if (xulDialog) xulDialog.defaultButton = ['accept', 'cancel', 'extra1', 'extra2'][b]; else button.setAttribute("default", "true"); // Set default focus / selection. this.setDefaultFocus(true); if (this.args.enableDelay) { this.delayHelper = new EnableDelayHelper({ disableDialog: () => this.setButtonsEnabledState(false), enableDialog: () => this.setButtonsEnabledState(true), focusTarget: this.ui.focusTarget }); } // Play a sound (unless we're tab-modal -- don't want those to feel like OS prompts). try { if (xulDialog && this.soundID) { Cc["@mozilla.org/sound;1"]. createInstance(Ci.nsISound). playEventSound(this.soundID); } } catch (e) { Cu.reportError("Couldn't play common dialog event sound: " + e); } let topic = "common-dialog-loaded"; if (!xulDialog) topic = "tabmodal-dialog-loaded"; Services.obs.notifyObservers(this.ui.prompt, topic, null); }, setLabelForNode: function(aNode, aLabel) { // This is for labels which may contain embedded access keys. // If we end in (&X) where X represents the access key, optionally preceded // by spaces and/or followed by the ':' character, store the access key and // remove the access key placeholder + leading spaces from the label. // Otherwise a character preceded by one but not two &s is the access key. // Store it and remove the &. // Note that if you change the following code, see the comment of // nsTextBoxFrame::UpdateAccessTitle. var accessKey = null; if (/ *\(\&([^&])\)(:?)$/.test(aLabel)) { aLabel = RegExp.leftContext + RegExp.$2; accessKey = RegExp.$1; } else if (/^([^&]*)\&(([^&]).*$)/.test(aLabel)) { aLabel = RegExp.$1 + RegExp.$2; accessKey = RegExp.$3; } // && is the magic sequence to embed an & in your label. aLabel = aLabel.replace(/\&\&/g, "&"); aNode.label = aLabel; // XXXjag bug 325251 // Need to set this after aNode.setAttribute("value", aLabel); if (accessKey) aNode.accessKey = accessKey; }, initTextbox : function (aName, aValue) { this.ui[aName + "Container"].hidden = false; this.ui[aName + "Textbox"].setAttribute("value", aValue !== null ? aValue : ""); }, setButtonsEnabledState : function(enabled) { this.ui.button0.disabled = !enabled; // button1 (cancel) remains enabled. this.ui.button2.disabled = !enabled; this.ui.button3.disabled = !enabled; }, setDefaultFocus : function(isInitialLoad) { let b = (this.args.defaultButtonNum || 0); let button = this.ui["button" + b]; if (!this.hasInputField) { let isOSX = ("nsILocalFileMac" in Components.interfaces); if (isOSX) this.ui.infoBody.focus(); else button.focus(); } else if (this.args.promptType == "promptPassword") { // When the prompt is initialized, focus and select the textbox // contents. Afterwards, only focus the textbox. if (isInitialLoad) this.ui.password1Textbox.select(); else this.ui.password1Textbox.focus(); } else if (isInitialLoad) { this.ui.loginTextbox.select(); } else { this.ui.loginTextbox.focus(); } }, onCheckbox : function() { this.args.checked = this.ui.checkbox.checked; }, onButton0 : function() { this.args.promptActive = false; this.args.ok = true; this.args.buttonNumClicked = 0; let username = this.ui.loginTextbox.value; let password = this.ui.password1Textbox.value; // Return textfield values switch (this.args.promptType) { case "prompt": this.args.value = username; break; case "promptUserAndPass": this.args.user = username; this.args.pass = password; break; case "promptPassword": this.args.pass = password; break; } }, onButton1 : function() { this.args.promptActive = false; this.args.buttonNumClicked = 1; }, onButton2 : function() { this.args.promptActive = false; this.args.buttonNumClicked = 2; }, onButton3 : function() { this.args.promptActive = false; this.args.buttonNumClicked = 3; }, abortPrompt : function() { this.args.promptActive = false; this.args.promptAborted = true; }, };