Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/PlacesSyncUtils.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://testing-common/httpd.js"); Cu.importGlobalProperties(["crypto", "URLSearchParams"]); const DESCRIPTION_ANNO = "bookmarkProperties/description"; const LOAD_IN_SIDEBAR_ANNO = "bookmarkProperties/loadInSidebar"; const SYNC_PARENT_ANNO = "sync/parent"; function makeGuid() { return ChromeUtils.base64URLEncode(crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(9)), { pad: false, }); } function makeLivemarkServer() { let server = new HttpServer(); server.registerPrefixHandler("/feed/", do_get_file("./livemark.xml")); server.start(-1); return { server, get site() { let { identity } = server; let host = identity.primaryHost.includes(":") ? `[${identity.primaryHost}]` : identity.primaryHost; return `${identity.primaryScheme}://${host}:${identity.primaryPort}`; }, stopServer() { return new Promise(resolve => server.stop(resolve)); }, }; } function shuffle(array) { let results = []; for (let i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) { let randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1)); results[i] = results[randomIndex]; results[randomIndex] = array[i]; } return results; } function compareAscending(a, b) { if (a > b) { return 1; } if (a < b) { return -1; } return 0; } function assertTagForURLs(tag, urls, message) { let taggedURLs = PlacesUtils.tagging.getURIsForTag(tag).map(uri => uri.spec); deepEqual(taggedURLs.sort(compareAscending), urls.sort(compareAscending), message); } function assertURLHasTags(url, tags, message) { let actualTags = PlacesUtils.tagging.getTagsForURI(uri(url)); deepEqual(actualTags.sort(compareAscending), tags, message); } var populateTree = Task.async(function* populate(parentGuid, ...items) { let guids = {}; for (let index = 0; index < items.length; index++) { let item = items[index]; let guid = makeGuid(); switch (item.kind) { case "bookmark": case "query": yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({ type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK, url: item.url, title: item.title, parentGuid, guid, index, }); break; case "separator": yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({ type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_SEPARATOR, parentGuid, guid, }); break; case "folder": yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({ type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER, title: item.title, parentGuid, guid, }); if (item.children) { Object.assign(guids, yield* populate(guid, ...item.children)); } break; default: throw new Error(`Unsupported item type: ${item.type}`); } if (item.exclude) { let itemId = yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(guid); PlacesUtils.annotations.setItemAnnotation( itemId, PlacesUtils.EXCLUDE_FROM_BACKUP_ANNO, "Don't back this up", 0, PlacesUtils.annotations.EXPIRE_NEVER); } guids[item.title] = guid; } return guids; }); var syncIdToId = Task.async(function* syncIdToId(syncId) { let guid = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.syncIdToGuid(syncId); return PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(guid); }); add_task(function* test_order() { do_print("Insert some bookmarks"); let guids = yield populateTree(PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid, { kind: "bookmark", title: "childBmk", url: "", }, { kind: "bookmark", title: "siblingBmk", url: "", }, { kind: "folder", title: "siblingFolder", }, { kind: "separator", title: "siblingSep", }); do_print("Reorder inserted bookmarks"); { let order = [guids.siblingFolder, guids.siblingSep, guids.childBmk, guids.siblingBmk]; yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.order(PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid, order); let childSyncIds = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.fetchChildSyncIds(PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid); deepEqual(childSyncIds, order, "New bookmarks should be reordered according to array"); } do_print("Reorder with unspecified children"); { yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.order(PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid, [ guids.siblingSep, guids.siblingBmk, ]); let childSyncIds = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.fetchChildSyncIds( PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid); deepEqual(childSyncIds, [guids.siblingSep, guids.siblingBmk, guids.siblingFolder, guids.childBmk], "Unordered children should be moved to end"); } do_print("Reorder with nonexistent children"); { yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.order(PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid, [ guids.childBmk, makeGuid(), guids.siblingBmk, guids.siblingSep, makeGuid(), guids.siblingFolder, makeGuid()]); let childSyncIds = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.fetchChildSyncIds( PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid); deepEqual(childSyncIds, [guids.childBmk, guids.siblingBmk, guids.siblingSep, guids.siblingFolder], "Nonexistent children should be ignored"); } yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything(); }); add_task(function* test_changeGuid_invalid() { yield rejects(PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.changeGuid(makeGuid()), "Should require a new GUID"); yield rejects(PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.changeGuid(makeGuid(), "!@#$"), "Should reject invalid GUIDs"); yield rejects(PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.changeGuid(makeGuid(), makeGuid()), "Should reject nonexistent item GUIDs"); yield rejects( PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.changeGuid(PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid, makeGuid()), "Should reject roots"); }); add_task(function* test_changeGuid() { let item = yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({ parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid, type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK, url: "", }); let id = yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(item.guid); let newGuid = makeGuid(); let result = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.changeGuid(item.guid, newGuid); equal(result, newGuid, "Should return new GUID"); equal(yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(newGuid), id, "Should map ID to new GUID"); yield rejects(PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(item.guid), "Should not map ID to old GUID"); equal(yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemGuid(id), newGuid, "Should map new GUID to ID"); }); add_task(function* test_order_roots() { let oldOrder = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.fetchChildSyncIds( PlacesUtils.bookmarks.rootGuid); yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.order(PlacesUtils.bookmarks.rootGuid, shuffle(oldOrder)); let newOrder = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.fetchChildSyncIds( PlacesUtils.bookmarks.rootGuid); deepEqual(oldOrder, newOrder, "Should ignore attempts to reorder roots"); yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything(); }); add_task(function* test_update_tags() { do_print("Insert item without tags"); let item = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.insert({ kind: "bookmark", url: "", syncId: makeGuid(), parentSyncId: "menu", }); do_print("Add tags"); { let updatedItem = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.update({ syncId: item.syncId, tags: ["foo", "bar"], }); deepEqual(updatedItem.tags, ["foo", "bar"], "Should return new tags"); assertURLHasTags("", ["bar", "foo"], "Should set new tags for URL"); } do_print("Add new tag, remove existing tag"); { let updatedItem = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.update({ syncId: item.syncId, tags: ["foo", "baz"], }); deepEqual(updatedItem.tags, ["foo", "baz"], "Should return updated tags"); assertURLHasTags("", ["baz", "foo"], "Should update tags for URL"); assertTagForURLs("bar", [], "Should remove existing tag"); } do_print("Tags with whitespace"); { let updatedItem = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.update({ syncId: item.syncId, tags: [" leading", "trailing ", " baz ", " "], }); deepEqual(updatedItem.tags, ["leading", "trailing", "baz"], "Should return filtered tags"); assertURLHasTags("", ["baz", "leading", "trailing"], "Should trim whitespace and filter blank tags"); } do_print("Remove all tags"); { let updatedItem = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.update({ syncId: item.syncId, tags: null, }); deepEqual(updatedItem.tags, [], "Should return empty tag array"); assertURLHasTags("", [], "Should remove all existing tags"); } yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything(); }); add_task(function* test_update_keyword() { do_print("Insert item without keyword"); let item = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.insert({ kind: "bookmark", parentSyncId: "menu", url: "", syncId: makeGuid(), }); do_print("Add item keyword"); { let updatedItem = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.update({ syncId: item.syncId, keyword: "moz", }); equal(updatedItem.keyword, "moz", "Should return new keyword"); let entryByKeyword = yield PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch("moz"); equal(entryByKeyword.url.href, "", "Should set new keyword for URL"); let entryByURL = yield PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch({ url: "", }); equal(entryByURL.keyword, "moz", "Looking up URL should return new keyword"); } do_print("Change item keyword"); { let updatedItem = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.update({ syncId: item.syncId, keyword: "m", }); equal(updatedItem.keyword, "m", "Should return updated keyword"); let newEntry = yield PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch("m"); equal(newEntry.url.href, "", "Should update keyword for URL"); let oldEntry = yield PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch("moz"); ok(!oldEntry, "Should remove old keyword"); } do_print("Remove existing keyword"); { let updatedItem = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.update({ syncId: item.syncId, keyword: null, }); ok(!updatedItem.keyword, "Should not include removed keyword in properties"); let entry = yield PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch({ url: "", }); ok(!entry, "Should remove new keyword from URL"); } do_print("Remove keyword for item without keyword"); { yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.update({ syncId: item.syncId, keyword: null, }); let entry = yield PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch({ url: "", }); ok(!entry, "Removing keyword for URL without existing keyword should succeed"); } yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything(); }); add_task(function* test_update_annos() { let guids = yield populateTree(PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid, { kind: "folder", title: "folder", }, { kind: "bookmark", title: "bmk", url: "", }); do_print("Add folder description"); { let updatedItem = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.update({ syncId: guids.folder, description: "Folder description", }); equal(updatedItem.description, "Folder description", "Should return new description"); let id = yield syncIdToId(updatedItem.syncId); equal(PlacesUtils.annotations.getItemAnnotation(id, DESCRIPTION_ANNO), "Folder description", "Should set description anno"); } do_print("Clear folder description"); { let updatedItem = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.update({ syncId: guids.folder, description: null, }); ok(!updatedItem.description, "Should not return cleared description"); let id = yield syncIdToId(updatedItem.syncId); ok(!PlacesUtils.annotations.itemHasAnnotation(id, DESCRIPTION_ANNO), "Should remove description anno"); } do_print("Add bookmark sidebar anno"); { let updatedItem = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.update({ syncId: guids.bmk, loadInSidebar: true, }); ok(updatedItem.loadInSidebar, "Should return sidebar anno"); let id = yield syncIdToId(updatedItem.syncId); ok(PlacesUtils.annotations.itemHasAnnotation(id, LOAD_IN_SIDEBAR_ANNO), "Should set sidebar anno for existing bookmark"); } do_print("Clear bookmark sidebar anno"); { let updatedItem = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.update({ syncId: guids.bmk, loadInSidebar: false, }); ok(!updatedItem.loadInSidebar, "Should not return cleared sidebar anno"); let id = yield syncIdToId(updatedItem.syncId); ok(!PlacesUtils.annotations.itemHasAnnotation(id, LOAD_IN_SIDEBAR_ANNO), "Should clear sidebar anno for existing bookmark"); } yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything(); }); add_task(function* test_update_move_root() { do_print("Move root to same parent"); { // This should be a no-op. let sameRoot = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.update({ syncId: "menu", parentSyncId: "places", }); equal(sameRoot.syncId, "menu", "Menu root GUID should not change"); equal(sameRoot.parentSyncId, "places", "Parent Places root GUID should not change"); } do_print("Try reparenting root"); yield rejects(PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.update({ syncId: "menu", parentSyncId: "toolbar", })); yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything(); }); add_task(function* test_insert() { do_print("Insert bookmark"); { let item = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.insert({ kind: "bookmark", syncId: makeGuid(), parentSyncId: "menu", url: "", }); let { type } = yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.fetch({ guid: item.syncId }); equal(type, PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK, "Bookmark should have correct type"); } do_print("Insert query"); { let item = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.insert({ kind: "query", syncId: makeGuid(), parentSyncId: "menu", url: "place:terms=term&folder=TOOLBAR&queryType=1", folder: "Saved search", }); let { type } = yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.fetch({ guid: item.syncId }); equal(type, PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK, "Queries should be stored as bookmarks"); } do_print("Insert folder"); { let item = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.insert({ kind: "folder", syncId: makeGuid(), parentSyncId: "menu", title: "New folder", }); let { type } = yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.fetch({ guid: item.syncId }); equal(type, PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER, "Folder should have correct type"); } do_print("Insert separator"); { let item = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.insert({ kind: "separator", syncId: makeGuid(), parentSyncId: "menu", }); let { type } = yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.fetch({ guid: item.syncId }); equal(type, PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_SEPARATOR, "Separator should have correct type"); } yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything(); }); add_task(function* test_insert_livemark() { let { site, stopServer } = makeLivemarkServer(); try { do_print("Insert livemark with feed URL"); { let livemark = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.insert({ kind: "livemark", syncId: makeGuid(), feed: site + "/feed/1", parentSyncId: "menu", }); let bmk = yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.fetch({ guid: yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.syncIdToGuid(livemark.syncId), }) equal(bmk.type, PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER, "Livemarks should be stored as folders"); } let livemarkSyncId; do_print("Insert livemark with site and feed URLs"); { let livemark = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.insert({ kind: "livemark", syncId: makeGuid(), site, feed: site + "/feed/1", parentSyncId: "menu", }); livemarkSyncId = livemark.syncId; } do_print("Try inserting livemark into livemark"); { let livemark = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.insert({ kind: "livemark", syncId: makeGuid(), site, feed: site + "/feed/1", parentSyncId: livemarkSyncId, }); ok(!livemark, "Should not insert livemark as child of livemark"); } } finally { yield stopServer(); } yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything(); }); add_task(function* test_update_livemark() { let { site, stopServer } = makeLivemarkServer(); let feedURI = uri(site + "/feed/1"); try { // We shouldn't reinsert the livemark if the URLs are the same. do_print("Update livemark with same URLs"); { let livemark = yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.addLivemark({ parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid, feedURI, siteURI: uri(site), index: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX, }); yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.update({ syncId: livemark.guid, feed: feedURI, }); // `nsLivemarkService` returns references to `Livemark` instances, so we // can compare them with `==` to make sure they haven't been replaced. equal(yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.getLivemark({ guid: livemark.guid, }), livemark, "Livemark with same feed URL should not be replaced"); yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.update({ syncId: livemark.guid, site, }); equal(yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.getLivemark({ guid: livemark.guid, }), livemark, "Livemark with same site URL should not be replaced"); yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.update({ syncId: livemark.guid, feed: feedURI, site, }); equal(yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.getLivemark({ guid: livemark.guid, }), livemark, "Livemark with same feed and site URLs should not be replaced"); } do_print("Change livemark feed URL"); { let livemark = yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.addLivemark({ parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid, feedURI, index: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX, }); // Since we're reinserting, we need to pass all properties required // for a new livemark. `update` won't merge the old and new ones. yield rejects(PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.update({ syncId: livemark.guid, feed: site + "/feed/2", }), "Reinserting livemark with changed feed URL requires full record"); let newLivemark = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.update({ kind: "livemark", parentSyncId: "menu", syncId: livemark.guid, feed: site + "/feed/2", }); equal(newLivemark.syncId, livemark.guid, "GUIDs should match for reinserted livemark with changed feed URL"); equal(newLivemark.feed.href, site + "/feed/2", "Reinserted livemark should have changed feed URI"); } do_print("Add livemark site URL"); { let livemark = yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.addLivemark({ parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid, feedURI, }); ok(livemark.feedURI.equals(feedURI), "Livemark feed URI should match"); ok(!livemark.siteURI, "Livemark should not have site URI"); yield rejects(PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.update({ syncId: livemark.guid, site, }), "Reinserting livemark with new site URL requires full record"); let newLivemark = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.update({ kind: "livemark", parentSyncId: "menu", syncId: livemark.guid, feed: feedURI, site, }); notEqual(newLivemark, livemark, "Livemark with new site URL should replace old livemark"); equal(newLivemark.syncId, livemark.guid, "GUIDs should match for reinserted livemark with new site URL"); equal(, site + "/", "Reinserted livemark should have new site URI"); equal(newLivemark.feed.href, feedURI.spec, "Reinserted livemark with new site URL should have same feed URI"); } do_print("Remove livemark site URL"); { let livemark = yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.addLivemark({ parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid, feedURI, siteURI: uri(site), index: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX, }); yield rejects(PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.update({ syncId: livemark.guid, site: null, }), "Reinserting livemark witout site URL requires full record"); let newLivemark = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.update({ kind: "livemark", parentSyncId: "menu", syncId: livemark.guid, feed: feedURI, site: null, }); notEqual(newLivemark, livemark, "Livemark without site URL should replace old livemark"); equal(newLivemark.syncId, livemark.guid, "GUIDs should match for reinserted livemark without site URL"); ok(!, "Reinserted livemark should not have site URI"); } do_print("Change livemark site URL"); { let livemark = yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.addLivemark({ parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid, feedURI, siteURI: uri(site), index: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX, }); yield rejects(PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.update({ syncId: livemark.guid, site: site + "/new", }), "Reinserting livemark with changed site URL requires full record"); let newLivemark = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.update({ kind: "livemark", parentSyncId: "menu", syncId: livemark.guid, feed:feedURI, site: site + "/new", }); notEqual(newLivemark, livemark, "Livemark with changed site URL should replace old livemark"); equal(newLivemark.syncId, livemark.guid, "GUIDs should match for reinserted livemark with changed site URL"); equal(, site + "/new", "Reinserted livemark should have changed site URI"); } // Livemarks are stored as folders, but have different kinds. We should // remove the folder and insert a livemark with the same GUID instead of // trying to update the folder in-place. do_print("Replace folder with livemark"); { let folder = yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({ type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER, parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid, title: "Plain folder", }); let livemark = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.update({ kind: "livemark", parentSyncId: "menu", syncId: folder.guid, feed: feedURI, }); equal(livemark.guid, folder.syncId, "Livemark should have same GUID as replaced folder"); } } finally { yield stopServer(); } yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything(); }); add_task(function* test_insert_tags() { yield Promise.all([{ kind: "bookmark", url: "", syncId: makeGuid(), parentSyncId: "menu", tags: ["foo", "bar"], }, { kind: "bookmark", url: "", syncId: makeGuid(), parentSyncId: "toolbar", tags: ["foo", "baz"], }, { kind: "query", url: "place:queryType=1&sort=12&maxResults=10", syncId: makeGuid(), parentSyncId: "toolbar", folder: "bar", tags: ["baz", "qux"], title: "bar", }].map(info => PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.insert(info))); assertTagForURLs("foo", ["", ""], "2 URLs with new tag"); assertTagForURLs("bar", [""], "1 URL with existing tag"); assertTagForURLs("baz", ["", "place:queryType=1&sort=12&maxResults=10"], "Should support tagging URLs and tag queries"); assertTagForURLs("qux", ["place:queryType=1&sort=12&maxResults=10"], "Should support tagging tag queries"); yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything(); }); add_task(function* test_insert_tags_whitespace() { do_print("Untrimmed and blank tags"); let taggedBlanks = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.insert({ kind: "bookmark", url: "", syncId: makeGuid(), parentSyncId: "menu", tags: [" untrimmed ", " ", "taggy"], }); deepEqual(taggedBlanks.tags, ["untrimmed", "taggy"], "Should not return empty tags"); assertURLHasTags("", ["taggy", "untrimmed"], "Should set trimmed tags and ignore dupes"); do_print("Dupe tags"); let taggedDupes = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.insert({ kind: "bookmark", url: "", syncId: makeGuid(), parentSyncId: "toolbar", tags: [" taggy", "taggy ", " taggy ", "taggy"], }); deepEqual(taggedDupes.tags, ["taggy", "taggy", "taggy", "taggy"], "Should return trimmed and dupe tags"); assertURLHasTags("", ["taggy"], "Should ignore dupes when setting tags"); assertTagForURLs("taggy", ["", ""], "Should exclude falsy tags"); yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything(); }); add_task(function* test_insert_keyword() { do_print("Insert item with new keyword"); { yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.insert({ kind: "bookmark", parentSyncId: "menu", url: "", keyword: "moz", syncId: makeGuid(), }); let entry = yield PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch("moz"); equal(entry.url.href, "", "Should add keyword for item"); } do_print("Insert item with existing keyword"); { yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.insert({ kind: "bookmark", parentSyncId: "menu", url: "", keyword: "moz", syncId: makeGuid(), }); let entry = yield PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch("moz"); equal(entry.url.href, "", "Should reassign keyword to new item"); } yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything(); }); add_task(function* test_insert_annos() { do_print("Bookmark with description"); let descBmk = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.insert({ kind: "bookmark", url: "", syncId: makeGuid(), parentSyncId: "menu", description: "Bookmark description", }); { equal(descBmk.description, "Bookmark description", "Should return new bookmark description"); let id = yield syncIdToId(descBmk.syncId); equal(PlacesUtils.annotations.getItemAnnotation(id, DESCRIPTION_ANNO), "Bookmark description", "Should set new bookmark description"); } do_print("Folder with description"); let descFolder = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.insert({ kind: "folder", syncId: makeGuid(), parentSyncId: "menu", description: "Folder description", }); { equal(descFolder.description, "Folder description", "Should return new folder description"); let id = yield syncIdToId(descFolder.syncId); equal(PlacesUtils.annotations.getItemAnnotation(id, DESCRIPTION_ANNO), "Folder description", "Should set new folder description"); } do_print("Bookmark with sidebar anno"); let sidebarBmk = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.insert({ kind: "bookmark", url: "", syncId: makeGuid(), parentSyncId: "menu", loadInSidebar: true, }); { ok(sidebarBmk.loadInSidebar, "Should return sidebar anno for new bookmark"); let id = yield syncIdToId(sidebarBmk.syncId); ok(PlacesUtils.annotations.itemHasAnnotation(id, LOAD_IN_SIDEBAR_ANNO), "Should set sidebar anno for new bookmark"); } do_print("Bookmark without sidebar anno"); let noSidebarBmk = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.insert({ kind: "bookmark", url: "", syncId: makeGuid(), parentSyncId: "toolbar", loadInSidebar: false, }); { ok(!noSidebarBmk.loadInSidebar, "Should not return sidebar anno for new bookmark"); let id = yield syncIdToId(noSidebarBmk.syncId); ok(!PlacesUtils.annotations.itemHasAnnotation(id, LOAD_IN_SIDEBAR_ANNO), "Should not set sidebar anno for new bookmark"); } yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything(); }); add_task(function* test_insert_tag_query() { let tagFolder = -1; do_print("Insert tag query for new tag"); { deepEqual(PlacesUtils.tagging.allTags, [], "New tag should not exist yet"); let query = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.insert({ kind: "query", syncId: makeGuid(), parentSyncId: "toolbar", url: "place:type=7&folder=90", folder: "taggy", title: "Tagged stuff", }); notEqual(query.url.href, "place:type=7&folder=90", "Tag query URL for new tag should differ"); [, tagFolder] = /\bfolder=(\d+)\b/.exec(query.url.pathname); ok(tagFolder > 0, "New tag query URL should contain valid folder"); deepEqual(PlacesUtils.tagging.allTags, ["taggy"], "New tag should exist"); } do_print("Insert tag query for existing tag"); { let url = "place:type=7&folder=90&maxResults=15"; let query = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.insert({ kind: "query", url, folder: "taggy", title: "Sorted and tagged", syncId: makeGuid(), parentSyncId: "menu", }); notEqual(query.url.href, url, "Tag query URL for existing tag should differ"); let params = new URLSearchParams(query.url.pathname); equal(params.get("type"), "7", "Should preserve query type"); equal(params.get("maxResults"), "15", "Should preserve additional params"); equal(params.get("folder"), tagFolder, "Should update tag folder"); deepEqual(PlacesUtils.tagging.allTags, ["taggy"], "Should not duplicate existing tags"); } do_print("Use the public tagging API to ensure we added the tag correctly"); { yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({ parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid, type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK, url: "", title: "Mozilla", }); PlacesUtils.tagging.tagURI(uri(""), ["taggy"]); assertURLHasTags("", ["taggy"], "Should set tags using the tagging API"); } do_print("Removing the tag should clean up the tag folder"); { PlacesUtils.tagging.untagURI(uri(""), null); deepEqual(PlacesUtils.tagging.allTags, [], "Should remove tag folder once last item is untagged"); } yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything(); }); add_task(function* test_insert_orphans() { let grandParentGuid = makeGuid(); let parentGuid = makeGuid(); let childGuid = makeGuid(); let childId; do_print("Insert an orphaned child"); { let child = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.insert({ kind: "bookmark", parentSyncId: parentGuid, syncId: childGuid, url: "", }); equal(child.syncId, childGuid, "Should insert orphan with requested GUID"); equal(child.parentSyncId, "unfiled", "Should reparent orphan to unfiled"); childId = yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(childGuid); equal(PlacesUtils.annotations.getItemAnnotation(childId, SYNC_PARENT_ANNO), parentGuid, "Should set anno to missing parent GUID"); } do_print("Insert the grandparent"); { yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.insert({ kind: "folder", parentSyncId: "menu", syncId: grandParentGuid, }); equal(PlacesUtils.annotations.getItemAnnotation(childId, SYNC_PARENT_ANNO), parentGuid, "Child should still have orphan anno"); } // Note that only `PlacesSyncUtils` reparents orphans, though Sync adds an // observer that removes the orphan anno if the orphan is manually moved. do_print("Insert the missing parent"); { let parent = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.insert({ kind: "folder", parentSyncId: grandParentGuid, syncId: parentGuid, }); equal(parent.syncId, parentGuid, "Should insert parent with requested GUID"); equal(parent.parentSyncId, grandParentGuid, "Parent should be child of grandparent"); ok(!PlacesUtils.annotations.itemHasAnnotation(childId, SYNC_PARENT_ANNO), "Orphan anno should be removed after reparenting"); let child = yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.fetch({ guid: childGuid }); equal(child.parentGuid, parentGuid, "Should reparent child after inserting missing parent"); } yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything(); }); add_task(function* test_fetch() { let folder = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.insert({ syncId: makeGuid(), parentSyncId: "menu", kind: "folder", description: "Folder description", }); let bmk = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.insert({ syncId: makeGuid(), parentSyncId: "menu", kind: "bookmark", url: "", description: "Bookmark description", loadInSidebar: true, tags: ["taggy"], }); let folderBmk = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.insert({ syncId: makeGuid(), parentSyncId: folder.syncId, kind: "bookmark", url: "", keyword: "kw", }); let folderSep = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.insert({ syncId: makeGuid(), parentSyncId: folder.syncId, kind: "separator", }); let tagQuery = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.insert({ kind: "query", syncId: makeGuid(), parentSyncId: "toolbar", url: "place:type=7&folder=90", folder: "taggy", title: "Tagged stuff", }); let [, tagFolderId] = /\bfolder=(\d+)\b/.exec(tagQuery.url.pathname); let smartBmk = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.insert({ kind: "query", syncId: makeGuid(), parentSyncId: "toolbar", url: "place:folder=TOOLBAR", query: "BookmarksToolbar", title: "Bookmarks toolbar query", }); do_print("Fetch empty folder with description"); { let item = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.fetch(folder.syncId); deepEqual(item, { syncId: folder.syncId, kind: "folder", parentSyncId: "menu", description: "Folder description", childSyncIds: [folderBmk.syncId, folderSep.syncId], parentTitle: "Bookmarks Menu", title: "", }, "Should include description, children, title, and parent title in folder"); } do_print("Fetch bookmark with description, sidebar anno, and tags"); { let item = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.fetch(bmk.syncId); deepEqual(Object.keys(item).sort(), ["syncId", "kind", "parentSyncId", "url", "tags", "description", "loadInSidebar", "parentTitle", "title"].sort(), "Should include bookmark-specific properties"); equal(item.syncId, bmk.syncId, "Sync ID should match"); equal(item.url.href, "", "Should return URL"); equal(item.parentSyncId, "menu", "Should return parent sync ID"); deepEqual(item.tags, ["taggy"], "Should return tags"); equal(item.description, "Bookmark description", "Should return bookmark description"); strictEqual(item.loadInSidebar, true, "Should return sidebar anno"); equal(item.parentTitle, "Bookmarks Menu", "Should return parent title"); strictEqual(item.title, "", "Should return empty title"); } do_print("Fetch bookmark with keyword; without parent title or annos"); { let item = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.fetch(folderBmk.syncId); deepEqual(Object.keys(item).sort(), ["syncId", "kind", "parentSyncId", "url", "keyword", "tags", "loadInSidebar", "parentTitle", "title"].sort(), "Should omit blank bookmark-specific properties"); strictEqual(item.loadInSidebar, false, "Should not load bookmark in sidebar"); deepEqual(item.tags, [], "Tags should be empty"); equal(item.keyword, "kw", "Should return keyword"); strictEqual(item.parentTitle, "", "Should include parent title even if empty"); strictEqual(item.title, "", "Should include bookmark title even if empty"); } do_print("Fetch separator"); { let item = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.fetch(folderSep.syncId); strictEqual(item.index, 1, "Should return separator position"); } do_print("Fetch tag query"); { let item = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.fetch(tagQuery.syncId); deepEqual(Object.keys(item).sort(), ["syncId", "kind", "parentSyncId", "url", "title", "folder", "parentTitle"].sort(), "Should include query-specific properties"); equal(item.url.href, `place:type=7&folder=${tagFolderId}`, "Should not rewrite outgoing tag queries"); equal(item.folder, "taggy", "Should return tag name for tag queries"); } do_print("Fetch smart bookmark"); { let item = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.fetch(smartBmk.syncId); deepEqual(Object.keys(item).sort(), ["syncId", "kind", "parentSyncId", "url", "title", "query", "parentTitle"].sort(), "Should include smart bookmark-specific properties"); equal(item.query, "BookmarksToolbar", "Should return query name for smart bookmarks"); } yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything(); }); add_task(function* test_fetch_livemark() { let { site, stopServer } = makeLivemarkServer(); try { do_print("Create livemark"); let livemark = yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.addLivemark({ parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid, feedURI: uri(site + "/feed/1"), siteURI: uri(site), index: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX, }); PlacesUtils.annotations.setItemAnnotation(, DESCRIPTION_ANNO, "Livemark description", 0, PlacesUtils.annotations.EXPIRE_NEVER); do_print("Fetch livemark"); let item = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.fetch(livemark.guid); deepEqual(Object.keys(item).sort(), ["syncId", "kind", "parentSyncId", "description", "feed", "site", "parentTitle", "title"].sort(), "Should include livemark-specific properties"); equal(item.description, "Livemark description", "Should return description"); equal(item.feed.href, site + "/feed/1", "Should return feed URL"); equal(, site + "/", "Should return site URL"); strictEqual(item.title, "", "Should include livemark title even if empty"); } finally { yield stopServer(); } yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything(); });