Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/FormHistory.jsm"); const ENGINE_NAME = "engine-suggestions.xml"; const SERVER_PORT = 9000; const SUGGEST_PREF = "browser.urlbar.suggest.searches"; const SUGGEST_ENABLED_PREF = ""; const SUGGEST_RESTRICT_TOKEN = "$"; var suggestionsFn; var previousSuggestionsFn; function setSuggestionsFn(fn) { previousSuggestionsFn = suggestionsFn; suggestionsFn = fn; } function* cleanUpSuggestions() { yield cleanup(); if (previousSuggestionsFn) { suggestionsFn = previousSuggestionsFn; previousSuggestionsFn = null; } } add_task(function* setUp() { // Set up a server that provides some suggestions by appending strings onto // the search query. let server = makeTestServer(SERVER_PORT); server.registerPathHandler("/suggest", (req, resp) => { // URL query params are x-www-form-urlencoded, which converts spaces into // plus signs, so un-convert any plus signs back to spaces. let searchStr = decodeURIComponent(req.queryString.replace(/\+/g, " ")); let suggestions = suggestionsFn(searchStr); let data = [searchStr, suggestions]; resp.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json", false); resp.write(JSON.stringify(data)); }); setSuggestionsFn(searchStr => { let suffixes = ["foo", "bar"]; return => searchStr + " " + s); }); // Install the test engine. let oldCurrentEngine =; do_register_cleanup(() => = oldCurrentEngine); let engine = yield addTestEngine(ENGINE_NAME, server); = engine; }); add_task(function* disabled_urlbarSuggestions() { Services.prefs.setBoolPref(SUGGEST_PREF, false); Services.prefs.setBoolPref(SUGGEST_ENABLED_PREF, true); yield check_autocomplete({ search: "hello", searchParam: "enable-actions", matches: [ makeSearchMatch("hello", { engineName: ENGINE_NAME, heuristic: true }), ], }); yield cleanUpSuggestions(); }); add_task(function* disabled_allSuggestions() { Services.prefs.setBoolPref(SUGGEST_PREF, true); Services.prefs.setBoolPref(SUGGEST_ENABLED_PREF, false); yield check_autocomplete({ search: "hello", searchParam: "enable-actions", matches: [ makeSearchMatch("hello", { engineName: ENGINE_NAME, heuristic: true }), ], }); yield cleanUpSuggestions(); }); add_task(function* disabled_privateWindow() { Services.prefs.setBoolPref(SUGGEST_PREF, true); Services.prefs.setBoolPref(SUGGEST_ENABLED_PREF, true); yield check_autocomplete({ search: "hello", searchParam: "private-window enable-actions", matches: [ makeSearchMatch("hello", { engineName: ENGINE_NAME, heuristic: true }), ], }); yield cleanUpSuggestions(); }); add_task(function* singleWordQuery() { Services.prefs.setBoolPref(SUGGEST_PREF, true); Services.prefs.setBoolPref(SUGGEST_ENABLED_PREF, true); yield check_autocomplete({ search: "hello", searchParam: "enable-actions", matches: [ makeSearchMatch("hello", { engineName: ENGINE_NAME, heuristic: true }), { uri: makeActionURI(("searchengine"), { engineName: ENGINE_NAME, input: "hello foo", searchQuery: "hello", searchSuggestion: "hello foo", }), title: ENGINE_NAME, style: ["action", "searchengine"], icon: "", }, { uri: makeActionURI(("searchengine"), { engineName: ENGINE_NAME, input: "hello bar", searchQuery: "hello", searchSuggestion: "hello bar", }), title: ENGINE_NAME, style: ["action", "searchengine"], icon: "", }], }); yield cleanUpSuggestions(); }); add_task(function* multiWordQuery() { Services.prefs.setBoolPref(SUGGEST_PREF, true); Services.prefs.setBoolPref(SUGGEST_ENABLED_PREF, true); yield check_autocomplete({ search: "hello world", searchParam: "enable-actions", matches: [ makeSearchMatch("hello world", { engineName: ENGINE_NAME, heuristic: true }), { uri: makeActionURI(("searchengine"), { engineName: ENGINE_NAME, input: "hello world foo", searchQuery: "hello world", searchSuggestion: "hello world foo", }), title: ENGINE_NAME, style: ["action", "searchengine"], icon: "", }, { uri: makeActionURI(("searchengine"), { engineName: ENGINE_NAME, input: "hello world bar", searchQuery: "hello world", searchSuggestion: "hello world bar", }), title: ENGINE_NAME, style: ["action", "searchengine"], icon: "", }], }); yield cleanUpSuggestions(); }); add_task(function* suffixMatch() { Services.prefs.setBoolPref(SUGGEST_PREF, true); Services.prefs.setBoolPref(SUGGEST_ENABLED_PREF, true); setSuggestionsFn(searchStr => { let prefixes = ["baz", "quux"]; return => p + " " + searchStr); }); yield check_autocomplete({ search: "hello", searchParam: "enable-actions", matches: [ makeSearchMatch("hello", { engineName: ENGINE_NAME, heuristic: true }), { uri: makeActionURI(("searchengine"), { engineName: ENGINE_NAME, input: "baz hello", searchQuery: "hello", searchSuggestion: "baz hello", }), title: ENGINE_NAME, style: ["action", "searchengine"], icon: "", }, { uri: makeActionURI(("searchengine"), { engineName: ENGINE_NAME, input: "quux hello", searchQuery: "hello", searchSuggestion: "quux hello", }), title: ENGINE_NAME, style: ["action", "searchengine"], icon: "", }], }); yield cleanUpSuggestions(); }); add_task(function* queryIsNotASubstring() { Services.prefs.setBoolPref(SUGGEST_PREF, true); setSuggestionsFn(searchStr => { return ["aaa", "bbb"]; }); yield check_autocomplete({ search: "hello", searchParam: "enable-actions", matches: [ makeSearchMatch("hello", { engineName: ENGINE_NAME, heuristic: true }), { uri: makeActionURI(("searchengine"), { engineName: ENGINE_NAME, input: "aaa", searchQuery: "hello", searchSuggestion: "aaa", }), title: ENGINE_NAME, style: ["action", "searchengine"], icon: "", }, { uri: makeActionURI(("searchengine"), { engineName: ENGINE_NAME, input: "bbb", searchQuery: "hello", searchSuggestion: "bbb", }), title: ENGINE_NAME, style: ["action", "searchengine"], icon: "", }], }); yield cleanUpSuggestions(); }); add_task(function* restrictToken() { Services.prefs.setBoolPref(SUGGEST_PREF, true); Services.prefs.setBoolPref(SUGGEST_ENABLED_PREF, true); // Add a visit and a bookmark. Actually, make the bookmark visited too so // that it's guaranteed, with its higher frecency, to appear above the search // suggestions. yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits([ { uri: NetUtil.newURI(""), title: "hello visit", }, { uri: NetUtil.newURI(""), title: "hello bookmark", }, ]); yield addBookmark({ uri: NetUtil.newURI(""), title: "hello bookmark", }); // Do an unrestricted search to make sure everything appears in it, including // the visit and bookmark. yield check_autocomplete({ search: "hello", searchParam: "enable-actions", matches: [ makeSearchMatch("hello", { engineName: ENGINE_NAME, heuristic: true }), { uri: NetUtil.newURI(""), title: "hello visit", }, { uri: NetUtil.newURI(""), title: "hello bookmark", style: ["bookmark"], }, { uri: makeActionURI(("searchengine"), { engineName: ENGINE_NAME, input: "hello foo", searchQuery: "hello", searchSuggestion: "hello foo", }), title: ENGINE_NAME, style: ["action", "searchengine"], icon: "", }, { uri: makeActionURI(("searchengine"), { engineName: ENGINE_NAME, input: "hello bar", searchQuery: "hello", searchSuggestion: "hello bar", }), title: ENGINE_NAME, style: ["action", "searchengine"], icon: "", }, ], }); // Now do a restricted search to make sure only suggestions appear. yield check_autocomplete({ search: SUGGEST_RESTRICT_TOKEN + " hello", searchParam: "enable-actions", matches: [ // TODO (bug 1177895) This is wrong. makeSearchMatch(SUGGEST_RESTRICT_TOKEN + " hello", { engineName: ENGINE_NAME, heuristic: true }), { uri: makeActionURI(("searchengine"), { engineName: ENGINE_NAME, input: "hello foo", searchQuery: "hello", searchSuggestion: "hello foo", }), title: ENGINE_NAME, style: ["action", "searchengine"], icon: "", }, { uri: makeActionURI(("searchengine"), { engineName: ENGINE_NAME, input: "hello bar", searchQuery: "hello", searchSuggestion: "hello bar", }), title: ENGINE_NAME, style: ["action", "searchengine"], icon: "", } ], }); yield cleanUpSuggestions(); }); add_task(function* mixup_frecency() { Services.prefs.setBoolPref(SUGGEST_PREF, true); // Add a visit and a bookmark. Actually, make the bookmark visited too so // that it's guaranteed, with its higher frecency, to appear above the search // suggestions. yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits([ { uri: NetUtil.newURI(""), title: "low frecency 0" }, { uri: NetUtil.newURI(""), title: "low frecency 1" }, { uri: NetUtil.newURI(""), title: "low frecency 2" }, { uri: NetUtil.newURI(""), title: "low frecency 3" }, { uri: NetUtil.newURI(""), title: "low frecency 4" }, ]); for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { let href = `${i}`; let frecency = frecencyForUrl(href); Assert.ok(frecency < FRECENCY_DEFAULT, `frecency for ${href}: ${frecency}, should be lower than ${FRECENCY_DEFAULT}`); } for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits([ { uri: NetUtil.newURI(""), title: "high frecency 0", transition: TRANSITION_TYPED }, { uri: NetUtil.newURI(""), title: "high frecency 1", transition: TRANSITION_TYPED }, { uri: NetUtil.newURI(""), title: "high frecency 2", transition: TRANSITION_TYPED }, { uri: NetUtil.newURI(""), title: "high frecency 3", transition: TRANSITION_TYPED }, ]); } for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { let href = `${i}`; yield addBookmark({ uri: href, title: `high frecency ${i}` }); let frecency = frecencyForUrl(href); Assert.ok(frecency > FRECENCY_DEFAULT, `frecency for ${href}: ${frecency}, should be higher than ${FRECENCY_DEFAULT}`); } // Do an unrestricted search to make sure everything appears in it, including // the visit and bookmark. yield check_autocomplete({ checkSorting: true, search: "frecency", searchParam: "enable-actions", matches: [ makeSearchMatch("frecency", { engineName: ENGINE_NAME, heuristic: true }), { uri: NetUtil.newURI(""), title: "high frecency 3", style: [ "bookmark" ] }, { uri: NetUtil.newURI(""), title: "high frecency 2", style: [ "bookmark" ] }, { uri: NetUtil.newURI(""), title: "high frecency 1", style: [ "bookmark" ] }, { uri: NetUtil.newURI(""), title: "high frecency 0", style: [ "bookmark" ] }, { uri: NetUtil.newURI(""), title: "low frecency 4" }, { uri: makeActionURI(("searchengine"), { engineName: ENGINE_NAME, input: "frecency foo", searchQuery: "frecency", searchSuggestion: "frecency foo", }), title: ENGINE_NAME, style: ["action", "searchengine"], icon: "", }, { uri: makeActionURI(("searchengine"), { engineName: ENGINE_NAME, input: "frecency bar", searchQuery: "frecency", searchSuggestion: "frecency bar", }), title: ENGINE_NAME, style: ["action", "searchengine"], icon: "", }, { uri: NetUtil.newURI(""), title: "low frecency 3" }, { uri: NetUtil.newURI(""), title: "low frecency 2" }, { uri: NetUtil.newURI(""), title: "low frecency 1" }, { uri: NetUtil.newURI(""), title: "low frecency 0" }, ], }); yield cleanUpSuggestions(); }); add_task(function* prohibit_suggestions() { Services.prefs.setBoolPref(SUGGEST_PREF, true); yield check_autocomplete({ search: "localhost", searchParam: "enable-actions", matches: [ makeSearchMatch("localhost", { engineName: ENGINE_NAME, heuristic: true }), { uri: makeActionURI(("searchengine"), { engineName: ENGINE_NAME, input: "localhost foo", searchQuery: "localhost", searchSuggestion: "localhost foo", }), title: ENGINE_NAME, style: ["action", "searchengine"], icon: "", }, { uri: makeActionURI(("searchengine"), { engineName: ENGINE_NAME, input: "localhost bar", searchQuery: "localhost", searchSuggestion: "localhost bar", }), title: ENGINE_NAME, style: ["action", "searchengine"], icon: "", }, ], }); Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.fixup.domainwhitelist.localhost", true); do_register_cleanup(() => { Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.fixup.domainwhitelist.localhost"); }); yield check_autocomplete({ search: "localhost", searchParam: "enable-actions", matches: [ makeVisitMatch("localhost", "http://localhost/", { heuristic: true }), makeSearchMatch("localhost", { engineName: ENGINE_NAME, heuristic: false }) ], }); // When using multiple words, we should still get suggestions: yield check_autocomplete({ search: "localhost other", searchParam: "enable-actions", matches: [ makeSearchMatch("localhost other", { engineName: ENGINE_NAME, heuristic: true }), { uri: makeActionURI(("searchengine"), { engineName: ENGINE_NAME, input: "localhost other foo", searchQuery: "localhost other", searchSuggestion: "localhost other foo", }), title: ENGINE_NAME, style: ["action", "searchengine"], icon: "", }, { uri: makeActionURI(("searchengine"), { engineName: ENGINE_NAME, input: "localhost other bar", searchQuery: "localhost other", searchSuggestion: "localhost other bar", }), title: ENGINE_NAME, style: ["action", "searchengine"], icon: "", }, ], }); // Clear the whitelist for localhost, and try preferring DNS for any single // word instead: Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.fixup.domainwhitelist.localhost"); Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.fixup.dns_first_for_single_words", true); do_register_cleanup(() => { Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.fixup.dns_first_for_single_words"); }); yield check_autocomplete({ search: "localhost", searchParam: "enable-actions", matches: [ makeVisitMatch("localhost", "http://localhost/", { heuristic: true }), makeSearchMatch("localhost", { engineName: ENGINE_NAME, heuristic: false }) ], }); yield check_autocomplete({ search: "somethingelse", searchParam: "enable-actions", matches: [ makeVisitMatch("somethingelse", "http://somethingelse/", { heuristic: true }), makeSearchMatch("somethingelse", { engineName: ENGINE_NAME, heuristic: false }) ], }); // When using multiple words, we should still get suggestions: yield check_autocomplete({ search: "localhost other", searchParam: "enable-actions", matches: [ makeSearchMatch("localhost other", { engineName: ENGINE_NAME, heuristic: true }), { uri: makeActionURI(("searchengine"), { engineName: ENGINE_NAME, input: "localhost other foo", searchQuery: "localhost other", searchSuggestion: "localhost other foo", }), title: ENGINE_NAME, style: ["action", "searchengine"], icon: "", }, { uri: makeActionURI(("searchengine"), { engineName: ENGINE_NAME, input: "localhost other bar", searchQuery: "localhost other", searchSuggestion: "localhost other bar", }), title: ENGINE_NAME, style: ["action", "searchengine"], icon: "", }, ], }); Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.fixup.dns_first_for_single_words"); yield check_autocomplete({ search: "", searchParam: "enable-actions", matches: [ makeVisitMatch("", "", { heuristic: true }), ], }); yield check_autocomplete({ search: "[2001::1]:30", searchParam: "enable-actions", matches: [ makeVisitMatch("[2001::1]:30", "http://[2001::1]:30/", { heuristic: true }), ], }); yield check_autocomplete({ search: "user:pass@test", searchParam: "enable-actions", matches: [ makeVisitMatch("user:pass@test", "http://user:pass@test/", { heuristic: true }), ], }); yield check_autocomplete({ search: "test/test", searchParam: "enable-actions", matches: [ makeVisitMatch("test/test", "http://test/test", { heuristic: true }), ], }); yield check_autocomplete({ search: "data:text/plain,Content", searchParam: "enable-actions", matches: [ makeVisitMatch("data:text/plain,Content", "data:text/plain,Content", { heuristic: true }), ], }); yield check_autocomplete({ search: "a", searchParam: "enable-actions", matches: [ makeSearchMatch("a", { engineName: ENGINE_NAME, heuristic: true }), ], }); yield cleanUpSuggestions(); }); add_task(function* avoid_url_suggestions() { Services.prefs.setBoolPref(SUGGEST_PREF, true); setSuggestionsFn(searchStr => { let suffixes = [".com", "/test", ":1]", "@test", ". com"]; return => searchStr + s); }); yield check_autocomplete({ search: "test", searchParam: "enable-actions", matches: [ makeSearchMatch("test", { engineName: ENGINE_NAME, heuristic: true }), { uri: makeActionURI(("searchengine"), { engineName: ENGINE_NAME, input: "test. com", searchQuery: "test", searchSuggestion: "test. com", }), title: ENGINE_NAME, style: ["action", "searchengine"], icon: "", }, ], }); yield cleanUpSuggestions(); });