/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /** * Test for bug 401869 to allow multiple words separated by spaces to match in * the page title, page url, or bookmark title to be considered a match. All * terms must match but not all terms need to be in the title, etc. * * Test bug 424216 by making sure bookmark titles are always shown if one is * available. Also bug 425056 makes sure matches aren't found partially in the * page title and partially in the bookmark. */ add_task(function* test_match_beginning() { let uri1 = NetUtil.newURI("http://a.b.c/d-e_f/h/t/p"); let uri2 = NetUtil.newURI("http://d.e.f/g-h_i/h/t/p"); let uri3 = NetUtil.newURI("http://g.h.i/j-k_l/h/t/p"); let uri4 = NetUtil.newURI("http://j.k.l/m-n_o/h/t/p"); yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits([ { uri: uri1, title: "f(o)o br" }, { uri: uri2, title: "b(a)r bz" }, { uri: uri3, title: "f(o)o br" }, { uri: uri4, title: "f(o)o br" } ]); yield addBookmark({ uri: uri3, title: "f(o)o br" }); yield addBookmark({ uri: uri4, title: "b(a)r bz" }); do_print("Match 2 terms all in url"); yield check_autocomplete({ search: "c d", matches: [ { uri: uri1, title: "f(o)o br" } ] }); do_print("Match 1 term in url and 1 term in title"); yield check_autocomplete({ search: "b e", matches: [ { uri: uri1, title: "f(o)o br" }, { uri: uri2, title: "b(a)r bz" } ] }); do_print("Match 3 terms all in title; display bookmark title if matched"); yield check_autocomplete({ search: "b a z", matches: [ { uri: uri2, title: "b(a)r bz" }, { uri: uri4, title: "b(a)r bz", style: [ "bookmark" ] } ] }); do_print("Match 2 terms in url and 1 in title; make sure bookmark title is used for search"); yield check_autocomplete({ search: "k f t", matches: [ { uri: uri3, title: "f(o)o br", style: [ "bookmark" ] } ] }); do_print("Match 3 terms in url and 1 in title"); yield check_autocomplete({ search: "d i g z", matches: [ { uri: uri2, title: "b(a)r bz" } ] }); do_print("Match nothing"); yield check_autocomplete({ search: "m o z i", matches: [ ] }); yield cleanup(); });