/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#include "nsISupports.idl"

interface nsIURI;

[function, scriptable, uuid(e4089e21-71b6-40af-b546-33c21b90e874)]
interface mozIRepresentativeColorCallback : nsISupports
   * Will be called when color analysis finishes.
   * @param success
   *        True if analysis was successful, false otherwise.
   *        Analysis can fail if the image is transparent, imageURI doesn't
   *        resolve to a valid image, or the image is too big.
   * @param color
   *        The representative color as an integer in RGB form.
   *        e.g. 0xFF0102 == rgb(255,1,2)
   *        If success is false, color is not provided.
  void onComplete(in boolean success, [optional] in unsigned long color);

[scriptable, uuid(d056186c-28a0-494e-aacc-9e433772b143)]
interface mozIColorAnalyzer : nsISupports
   * Given an image URI, find the most representative color for that image
   * based on the frequency of each color.  Preference is given to colors that
   * are more interesting.  Avoids the background color if it can be
   * discerned.  Ignores sufficiently transparent colors.
   * This is intended to be used on favicon images.  Larger images take longer
   * to process, especially those with a larger number of unique colors.  If
   * imageURI points to an image that has more than 128^2 pixels, this method
   * will fail before analyzing it for performance reasons.
   * @param imageURI
   *        A URI pointing to the image - ideally a data: URI, but any scheme
   *        that will load when setting the src attribute of a DOM img element
   *        should work.
   * @param callback
   *        Function to call when the representative color is found or an
   *        error occurs.
  void findRepresentativeColor(in nsIURI imageURI,
                               in mozIRepresentativeColorCallback callback);