/* * Test the password manager context menu. */ "use strict"; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/LoginManagerContextMenu.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "_stringBundle", function() { return Services.strings. createBundle("chrome://passwordmgr/locale/passwordmgr.properties"); }); /** * Prepare data for the following tests. */ add_task(function* test_initialize() { for (let login of loginList()) { Services.logins.addLogin(login); } }); /** * Tests if the LoginManagerContextMenu returns the correct login items. */ add_task(function* test_contextMenuAddAndRemoveLogins() { const DOCUMENT_CONTENT = "<form><input id='pw' type=password></form>"; const INPUT_QUERY = "input[type='password']"; let testHostnames = [ "http://www.example.com", "http://www2.example.com", "http://www3.example.com", "http://empty.example.com", ]; for (let hostname of testHostnames) { do_print("test for hostname: " + hostname); // Get expected logins for this test. let logins = getExpectedLogins(hostname); // Create the logins menuitems fragment. let {fragment, document} = createLoginsFragment(hostname, DOCUMENT_CONTENT, INPUT_QUERY); if (!logins.length) { Assert.ok(fragment === null, "Null returned. No logins where found."); continue; } let items = [...fragment.querySelectorAll("menuitem")]; // Check if the items are those expected to be listed. Assert.ok(checkLoginItems(logins, items), "All expected logins found."); document.body.appendChild(fragment); // Try to clear the fragment. LoginManagerContextMenu.clearLoginsFromMenu(document); Assert.equal(fragment.querySelectorAll("menuitem").length, 0, "All items correctly cleared."); } Services.logins.removeAllLogins(); }); /** * Create a fragment with a menuitem for each login. */ function createLoginsFragment(url, content, elementQuery) { const CHROME_URL = "chrome://mock-chrome"; // Create a mock document. let document = MockDocument.createTestDocument(CHROME_URL, content); let inputElement = document.querySelector(elementQuery); MockDocument.mockOwnerDocumentProperty(inputElement, document, url); // We also need a simple mock Browser object for this test. let browser = { ownerDocument: document }; let URI = Services.io.newURI(url, null, null); return { document, fragment: LoginManagerContextMenu.addLoginsToMenu(inputElement, browser, URI), }; } /** * Check if every login have it's corresponding menuitem. * Duplicates and empty usernames have a date appended. */ function checkLoginItems(logins, items) { function findDuplicates(unfilteredLoginList) { var seen = new Set(); var duplicates = new Set(); for (let login of unfilteredLoginList) { if (seen.has(login.username)) { duplicates.add(login.username); } seen.add(login.username); } return duplicates; } let duplicates = findDuplicates(logins); let dateAndTimeFormatter = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(undefined, { day: "numeric", month: "short", year: "numeric" }); for (let login of logins) { if (login.username && !duplicates.has(login.username)) { // If login is not duplicate and we can't find an item for it, fail. if (!items.find(item => item.label == login.username)) { return false; } continue; } let meta = login.QueryInterface(Ci.nsILoginMetaInfo); let time = dateAndTimeFormatter.format(new Date(meta.timePasswordChanged)); // If login is duplicate, check if we have a login item with appended date. if (login.username && !items.find(item => item.label == login.username + " (" + time + ")")) { return false; } // If login is empty, check if we have a login item with appended date. if (!login.username && !items.find(item => item.label == _stringBundle.GetStringFromName("noUsername") + " (" + time + ")")) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Gets the list of expected logins for a hostname. */ function getExpectedLogins(hostname) { return Services.logins.getAllLogins().filter(entry => entry["hostname"] === hostname); } function loginList() { return [ new LoginInfo("http://www.example.com", "http://www.example.com", null, "username1", "password", "form_field_username", "form_field_password"), new LoginInfo("http://www.example.com", "http://www.example.com", null, "username2", "password", "form_field_username", "form_field_password"), new LoginInfo("http://www2.example.com", "http://www.example.com", null, "username", "password", "form_field_username", "form_field_password"), new LoginInfo("http://www2.example.com", "http://www2.example.com", null, "username", "password2", "form_field_username", "form_field_password"), new LoginInfo("http://www2.example.com", "http://www2.example.com", null, "username2", "password2", "form_field_username", "form_field_password"), new LoginInfo("http://www3.example.com", "http://www.example.com", null, "", "password", "form_field_username", "form_field_password"), new LoginInfo("http://www3.example.com", "http://www3.example.com", null, "", "password2", "form_field_username", "form_field_password"), ]; }