const DIRECTORY_PATH = "/browser/toolkit/components/passwordmgr/test/browser/"; Cu.import("resource://testing-common/LoginTestUtils.jsm", this); Cu.import("resource://testing-common/ContentTaskUtils.jsm", this); registerCleanupFunction(function* cleanup_removeAllLoginsAndResetRecipes() { Services.logins.removeAllLogins(); let recipeParent =; if (!recipeParent) { // No need to reset the recipes if the recipe module wasn't even loaded. return; } yield recipeParent.then(recipeParentResult => recipeParentResult.reset()); }); /** * Loads a test page in `DIRECTORY_URL` which automatically submits to formsubmit.sjs and returns a * promise resolving with the field values when the optional `aTaskFn` is done. * * @param {String} aPageFile - test page file name which auto-submits to formsubmit.sjs * @param {Function} aTaskFn - task which can be run before the tab closes. * @param {String} [aOrigin=""] - origin of the server to use * to load `aPageFile`. */ function testSubmittingLoginForm(aPageFile, aTaskFn, aOrigin = "") { return BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab({ gBrowser, url: aOrigin + DIRECTORY_PATH + aPageFile, }, function*(browser) { ok(true, "loaded " + aPageFile); let fieldValues = yield ContentTask.spawn(browser, undefined, function*() { yield ContentTaskUtils.waitForCondition(() => { return content.location.pathname.endsWith("/formsubmit.sjs") && content.document.readyState == "complete"; }, "Wait for form submission load (formsubmit.sjs)"); let username = content.document.getElementById("user").textContent; let password = content.document.getElementById("pass").textContent; return { username, password, }; }); ok(true, "form submission loaded"); if (aTaskFn) { yield* aTaskFn(fieldValues); } return fieldValues; }); } function checkOnlyLoginWasUsedTwice({ justChanged }) { // Check to make sure we updated the timestamps and use count on the // existing login that was submitted for the test. let logins = Services.logins.getAllLogins(); is(logins.length, 1, "Should only have 1 login"); ok(logins[0] instanceof Ci.nsILoginMetaInfo, "metainfo QI"); is(logins[0].timesUsed, 2, "check .timesUsed for existing login submission"); ok(logins[0].timeCreated < logins[0].timeLastUsed, "timeLastUsed bumped"); if (justChanged) { is(logins[0].timeLastUsed, logins[0].timePasswordChanged, "timeLastUsed == timePasswordChanged"); } else { is(logins[0].timeCreated, logins[0].timePasswordChanged, "timeChanged not updated"); } } // Begin popup notification (doorhanger) functions // const REMEMBER_BUTTON = 0; const NEVER_BUTTON = 1; const CHANGE_BUTTON = 0; const DONT_CHANGE_BUTTON = 1; /** * Checks if we have a password capture popup notification * of the right type and with the right label. * * @param {String} aKind The desired `passwordNotificationType` * @param {Object} [popupNotifications = PopupNotifications] * @return the found password popup notification. */ function getCaptureDoorhanger(aKind, popupNotifications = PopupNotifications) { ok(true, "Looking for " + aKind + " popup notification"); let notification = popupNotifications.getNotification("password"); if (notification) { is(notification.options.passwordNotificationType, aKind, "Notification type matches."); if (aKind == "password-change") { is(notification.mainAction.label, "Update", "Main action label matches update doorhanger."); } else if (aKind == "password-save") { is(notification.mainAction.label, "Remember", "Main action label matches save doorhanger."); } } return notification; } /** * Clicks the specified popup notification button. * * @param {Element} aPopup Popup Notification element * @param {Number} aButtonIndex Number indicating which button to click. * See the constants in this file. */ function clickDoorhangerButton(aPopup, aButtonIndex) { ok(true, "Looking for action at index " + aButtonIndex); let notifications = aPopup.owner.panel.childNodes; ok(notifications.length > 0, "at least one notification displayed"); ok(true, notifications.length + " notification(s)"); let notification = notifications[0]; if (aButtonIndex == 0) { ok(true, "Triggering main action"); notification.button.doCommand(); } else if (aButtonIndex <= aPopup.secondaryActions.length) { ok(true, "Triggering secondary action " + aButtonIndex); notification.childNodes[aButtonIndex].doCommand(); } } /** * Checks the doorhanger's username and password. * * @param {String} username The username. * @param {String} password The password. */ function* checkDoorhangerUsernamePassword(username, password) { yield BrowserTestUtils.waitForCondition(() => { return document.getElementById("password-notification-username").value == username; }, "Wait for nsLoginManagerPrompter writeDataToUI()"); is(document.getElementById("password-notification-username").value, username, "Check doorhanger username"); is(document.getElementById("password-notification-password").value, password, "Check doorhanger password"); } // End popup notification (doorhanger) functions //