add_task(function* setup() { yield SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({"set": [ ["signon.rememberSignons.visibilityToggle", true] ]}); }); /** * Test that the doorhanger main action button is disabled * when the password field is empty. * * Also checks that submiting an empty password throws an error. */ add_task(function* test_empty_password() { yield BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab({ gBrowser, url: "" + "passwordmgr/test/browser/form_basic.html", }, function* (browser) { // Submit the form in the content page with the credentials from the test // case. This will cause the doorhanger notification to be displayed. let promiseShown = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(PopupNotifications.panel, "popupshown", (event) => == PopupNotifications.panel); yield ContentTask.spawn(browser, null, function* () { let doc = content.document; doc.getElementById("form-basic-username").value = "username"; doc.getElementById("form-basic-password").value = "p"; doc.getElementById("form-basic").submit(); }); yield promiseShown; let notificationElement = PopupNotifications.panel.childNodes[0]; let passwordTextbox = notificationElement.querySelector("#password-notification-password"); let toggleCheckbox = notificationElement.querySelector("#password-notification-visibilityToggle"); // Synthesize input to empty the field passwordTextbox.focus(); yield EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_RIGHT", {}); yield EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_BACK_SPACE", {}); let mainActionButton = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(notificationElement.button, "anonid", "button"); Assert.ok(mainActionButton.disabled, "Main action button is disabled"); // Makes sure submiting an empty password throws an error Assert.throws(notificationElement.button.doCommand(), "Can't add a login with a null or empty password.", "Should fail for an empty password"); }); }); /** * Test that the doorhanger password field shows plain or * text * when the checkbox is checked. */ add_task(function* test_toggle_password() { yield BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab({ gBrowser, url: "" + "passwordmgr/test/browser/form_basic.html", }, function* (browser) { // Submit the form in the content page with the credentials from the test // case. This will cause the doorhanger notification to be displayed. let promiseShown = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(PopupNotifications.panel, "popupshown", (event) => == PopupNotifications.panel); yield ContentTask.spawn(browser, null, function* () { let doc = content.document; doc.getElementById("form-basic-username").value = "username"; doc.getElementById("form-basic-password").value = "p"; doc.getElementById("form-basic").submit(); }); yield promiseShown; let notificationElement = PopupNotifications.panel.childNodes[0]; let passwordTextbox = notificationElement.querySelector("#password-notification-password"); let toggleCheckbox = notificationElement.querySelector("#password-notification-visibilityToggle"); yield EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(toggleCheckbox, {}); Assert.ok(toggleCheckbox.checked); Assert.equal(passwordTextbox.type, "", "Password textbox changed to plain text"); yield EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(toggleCheckbox, {}); Assert.ok(!toggleCheckbox.checked); Assert.equal(passwordTextbox.type, "password", "Password textbox changed to * text"); }); }); /** * Test that the doorhanger password toggle checkbox is disabled * when the master password is set. */ add_task(function* test_checkbox_disabled_if_has_master_password() { yield BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab({ gBrowser, url: "" + "passwordmgr/test/browser/form_basic.html", }, function* (browser) { // Submit the form in the content page with the credentials from the test // case. This will cause the doorhanger notification to be displayed. let promiseShown = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(PopupNotifications.panel, "popupshown", (event) => == PopupNotifications.panel); LoginTestUtils.masterPassword.enable(); yield ContentTask.spawn(browser, null, function* () { let doc = content.document; doc.getElementById("form-basic-username").value = "username"; doc.getElementById("form-basic-password").value = "p"; doc.getElementById("form-basic").submit(); }); yield promiseShown; let notificationElement = PopupNotifications.panel.childNodes[0]; let passwordTextbox = notificationElement.querySelector("#password-notification-password"); let toggleCheckbox = notificationElement.querySelector("#password-notification-visibilityToggle"); Assert.equal(passwordTextbox.type, "password", "Password textbox should show * text"); Assert.ok(toggleCheckbox.getAttribute("hidden"), "checkbox is hidden when master password is set"); }); LoginTestUtils.masterPassword.disable(); });