/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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#include "nsISupports.idl"

[scriptable, uuid(20d8eb40-c494-497f-b2a6-aaa32f807ebd)]

 * An object containing metainfo for a login stored by the login manager.
 * Code using login manager can generally ignore this interface. When adding
 * logins, default value will be created. When modifying logins, these
 * properties will be unchanged unless a change is explicitly requested [by
 * using modifyLogin() with a nsIPropertyBag]. When deleting a login or
 * comparing logins, these properties are ignored.
interface nsILoginMetaInfo : nsISupports {
   * The GUID to uniquely identify the login. This can be any arbitrary
   * string, but a format as created by nsIUUIDGenerator is recommended.
   * For example, "{d4e1a1f6-5ea0-40ee-bff5-da57982f21cf}"
   * addLogin will generate a random value unless a value is provided.
   * addLogin and modifyLogin will throw if the GUID already exists.
  attribute AString guid;

   * The time, in Unix Epoch milliseconds, when the login was first created.
  attribute unsigned long long timeCreated;

   * The time, in Unix Epoch milliseconds, when the login was last submitted
   * in a form or used to begin an HTTP auth session.
  attribute unsigned long long timeLastUsed;

   * The time, in Unix Epoch milliseconds, when the login was last modified.
   * Contrary to what the name may suggest, this attribute takes into account
   * not only the password but also the username attribute.
  attribute unsigned long long timePasswordChanged;

   * The number of times the login was submitted in a form or used to begin
   * an HTTP auth session.
  attribute unsigned long timesUsed;