/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
 * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

"use strict";

 * OS.File utilities used by all threads.
 * This module defines:
 * - logging;
 * - the base constants;
 * - base types and primitives for declaring new types;
 * - primitives for importing C functions;
 * - primitives for dealing with integers, pointers, typed arrays;
 * - the base class OSError;
 * - a few additional utilities.

// Boilerplate used to be able to import this module both from the main
// thread and from worker threads.

// Since const is lexically scoped, hoist the
// conditionally-useful definition ourselves.
const Cu = typeof Components != "undefined" ? Components.utils : undefined;
const Ci = typeof Components != "undefined" ? Components.interfaces : undefined;
const Cc = typeof Components != "undefined" ? Components.classes : undefined;

 * A constructor for messages that require transfers instead of copies.
 * See BasePromiseWorker.Meta.
 * @constructor
var Meta;
if (typeof Components != "undefined") {
  // Global definition of |exports|, to keep everybody happy.
  // In non-main thread, |exports| is provided by the module
  // loader.
  this.exports = {};

  Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm", this);
  Meta = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/PromiseWorker.jsm", {}).BasePromiseWorker.Meta;
} else {
  Meta = require("resource://gre/modules/workers/PromiseWorker.js").Meta;

  "OS" // Warning: this exported symbol will disappear

////////////////////// Configuration of OS.File

var Config = {
   * If |true|, calls to |LOG| are shown. Otherwise, they are hidden.
   * This configuration option is controlled by preference "toolkit.osfile.log".
  DEBUG: false,

   * TEST
  TEST: false
exports.Config = Config;

////////////////////// OS Constants

if (typeof Components != "undefined") {
  // On the main thread, OS.Constants is defined by a xpcom
  // component. On other threads, it is available automatically

exports.Constants = OS.Constants;

///////////////////// Utilities

// Define a lazy getter for a property
var defineLazyGetter = function defineLazyGetter(object, name, getter) {
  Object.defineProperty(object, name, {
    configurable: true,
    get: function lazy() {
      delete this[name];
      let value = getter.call(this);
      Object.defineProperty(object, name, {
        value: value
      return value;
exports.defineLazyGetter = defineLazyGetter;

///////////////////// Logging

 * The default implementation of the logger.
 * The choice of logger can be overridden with Config.TEST.
var gLogger;
if (typeof window != "undefined" && window.console && console.log) {
  gLogger = console.log.bind(console, "OS");
} else {
  gLogger = function(...args) {
    dump("OS " + args.join(" ") + "\n");

 * Attempt to stringify an argument into something useful for
 * debugging purposes, by using |.toString()| or |JSON.stringify|
 * if available.
 * @param {*} arg An argument to be stringified if possible.
 * @return {string} A stringified version of |arg|.
var stringifyArg = function stringifyArg(arg) {
  if (typeof arg === "string") {
    return arg;
  if (arg && typeof arg === "object") {
    let argToString = "" + arg;

     * The only way to detect whether this object has a non-default
     * implementation of |toString| is to check whether it returns
     * '[object Object]'. Unfortunately, we cannot simply compare |arg.toString|
     * and |Object.prototype.toString| as |arg| typically comes from another
     * compartment.
    if (argToString === "[object Object]") {
      return JSON.stringify(arg, function(key, value) {
        if (isTypedArray(value)) {
          return "["+ value.constructor.name + " " + value.byteOffset + " " + value.byteLength + "]";
        if (isArrayBuffer(arg)) {
          return "[" + value.constructor.name + " " + value.byteLength + "]";
        return value;
    } else {
      return argToString;
  return arg;

var LOG = function (...args) {
  if (!Config.DEBUG) {
    // If logging is deactivated, don't log

  let logFunc = gLogger;
  if (Config.TEST && typeof Components != "undefined") {
    // If _TESTING_LOGGING is set, and if we are on the main thread,
    // redirect logs to Services.console, for testing purposes
    logFunc = function logFunc(...args) {
      let message = ["TEST", "OS"].concat(args).join(" ");
      Services.console.logStringMessage(message + "\n");
  logFunc.apply(null, args.map(stringifyArg));

exports.LOG = LOG;

 * Return a shallow clone of the enumerable properties of an object.
 * Utility used whenever normalizing options requires making (shallow)
 * changes to an option object. The copy ensures that we do not modify
 * a client-provided object by accident.
 * Note: to reference and not copy specific fields, provide an optional
 * |refs| argument containing their names.
 * @param {JSON} object Options to be cloned.
 * @param {Array} refs An optional array of field names to be passed by
 * reference instead of copying.
var clone = function (object, refs = []) {
  let result = {};
  // Make a reference between result[key] and object[key].
  let refer = function refer(result, key, object) {
    Object.defineProperty(result, key, {
      enumerable: true,
      get: function() {
        return object[key];
      set: function(value) {
        object[key] = value;
  for (let k in object) {
    if (refs.indexOf(k) < 0) {
      result[k] = object[k];
    } else {
      refer(result, k, object);
  return result;

exports.clone = clone;

///////////////////// Abstractions above js-ctypes

 * Abstraction above js-ctypes types.
 * Use values of this type to register FFI functions. In addition to the
 * usual features of js-ctypes, values of this type perform the necessary
 * transformations to ensure that C errors are handled nicely, to connect
 * resources with their finalizer, etc.
 * @param {string} name The name of the type. Must be unique.
 * @param {CType} implementation The js-ctypes implementation of the type.
 * @constructor
function Type(name, implementation) {
  if (!(typeof name == "string")) {
    throw new TypeError("Type expects as first argument a name, got: "
                        + name);
  if (!(implementation instanceof ctypes.CType)) {
    throw new TypeError("Type expects as second argument a ctypes.CType"+
                        ", got: " + implementation);
  Object.defineProperty(this, "name", { value: name });
  Object.defineProperty(this, "implementation", { value: implementation });
Type.prototype = {
   * Serialize a value of |this| |Type| into a format that can
   * be transmitted as a message (not necessarily a string).
   * In the default implementation, the method returns the
   * value unchanged.
  toMsg: function default_toMsg(value) {
    return value;
   * Deserialize a message to a value of |this| |Type|.
   * In the default implementation, the method returns the
   * message unchanged.
  fromMsg: function default_fromMsg(msg) {
    return msg;
   * Import a value from C.
   * In this default implementation, return the value
   * unchanged.
  importFromC: function default_importFromC(value) {
    return value;

   * A pointer/array used to pass data to the foreign function.
  get in_ptr() {
    delete this.in_ptr;
    let ptr_t = new PtrType(
      "[in] " + this.name + "*",
    Object.defineProperty(this, "in_ptr",
      get: function() {
        return ptr_t;
    return ptr_t;

   * A pointer/array used to receive data from the foreign function.
  get out_ptr() {
    delete this.out_ptr;
    let ptr_t = new PtrType(
      "[out] " + this.name + "*",
    Object.defineProperty(this, "out_ptr",
      get: function() {
        return ptr_t;
    return ptr_t;

   * A pointer/array used to both pass data to the foreign function
   * and receive data from the foreign function.
   * Whenever possible, prefer using |in_ptr| or |out_ptr|, which
   * are generally faster.
  get inout_ptr() {
    delete this.inout_ptr;
    let ptr_t = new PtrType(
      "[inout] " + this.name + "*",
    Object.defineProperty(this, "inout_ptr",
      get: function() {
        return ptr_t;
    return ptr_t;

   * Attach a finalizer to a type.
  releaseWith: function releaseWith(finalizer) {
    let parent = this;
    let type = this.withName("[auto " + this.name + ", " + finalizer + "] ");
    type.importFromC = function importFromC(value, operation) {
      return ctypes.CDataFinalizer(
        parent.importFromC(value, operation),
    return type;

   * Lazy variant of releaseWith.
   * Attach a finalizer lazily to a type.
   * @param {function} getFinalizer The function that
   * returns finalizer lazily.
  releaseWithLazy: function releaseWithLazy(getFinalizer) {
    let parent = this;
    let type = this.withName("[auto " + this.name + ", (lazy)] ");
    type.importFromC = function importFromC(value, operation) {
      return ctypes.CDataFinalizer(
        parent.importFromC(value, operation),
    return type;

   * Return an alias to a type with a different name.
  withName: function withName(name) {
    return Object.create(this, {name: {value: name}});

   * Cast a C value to |this| type.
   * Throw an error if the value cannot be casted.
  cast: function cast(value) {
    return ctypes.cast(value, this.implementation);

   * Return the number of bytes in a value of |this| type.
   * This may not be defined, e.g. for |void_t|, array types
   * without length, etc.
  get size() {
    return this.implementation.size;

 * Utility function used to determine whether an object is a typed array
var isTypedArray = function isTypedArray(obj) {
  return obj != null && typeof obj == "object"
    && "byteOffset" in obj;
exports.isTypedArray = isTypedArray;

 * Utility function used to determine whether an object is an ArrayBuffer.
var isArrayBuffer = function(obj) {
  return obj != null && typeof obj == "object" &&
    obj.constructor.name == "ArrayBuffer";
exports.isArrayBuffer = isArrayBuffer;

 * A |Type| of pointers.
 * @param {string} name The name of this type.
 * @param {CType} implementation The type of this pointer.
 * @param {Type} targetType The target type.
function PtrType(name, implementation, targetType) {
  Type.call(this, name, implementation);
  if (targetType == null || !targetType instanceof Type) {
    throw new TypeError("targetType must be an instance of Type");
   * The type of values targeted by this pointer type.
  Object.defineProperty(this, "targetType", {
    value: targetType
PtrType.prototype = Object.create(Type.prototype);

 * Convert a value to a pointer.
 * Protocol:
 * - |null| returns |null|
 * - a string returns |{string: value}|
 * - a typed array returns |{ptr: address_of_buffer}|
 * - a C array returns |{ptr: address_of_buffer}|
 * everything else raises an error
PtrType.prototype.toMsg = function ptr_toMsg(value) {
  if (value == null) {
    return null;
  if (typeof value == "string") {
    return { string: value };
  if (isTypedArray(value)) {
    // Automatically transfer typed arrays
    return new Meta({data: value}, {transfers: [value.buffer]});
  if (isArrayBuffer(value)) {
    // Automatically transfer array buffers
    return new Meta({data: value}, {transfers: [value]});
  let normalized;
  if ("addressOfElement" in value) { // C array
    normalized = value.addressOfElement(0);
  } else if ("isNull" in value) { // C pointer
    normalized = value;
  } else {
    throw new TypeError("Value " + value +
      " cannot be converted to a pointer");
  let cast = Type.uintptr_t.cast(normalized);
  return {ptr: cast.value.toString()};

 * Convert a message back to a pointer.
PtrType.prototype.fromMsg = function ptr_fromMsg(msg) {
  if (msg == null) {
    return null;
  if ("string" in msg) {
    return msg.string;
  if ("data" in msg) {
    return msg.data;
  if ("ptr" in msg) {
    let address = ctypes.uintptr_t(msg.ptr);
    return this.cast(address);
  throw new TypeError("Message " + msg.toSource() +
    " does not represent a pointer");

exports.Type = Type;

 * Some values are large integers on 64 bit platforms. Unfortunately,
 * in practice, 64 bit integers cannot be manipulated in JS. We
 * therefore project them to regular numbers whenever possible.

var projectLargeInt = function projectLargeInt(x) {
  let str = x.toString();
  let rv = parseInt(str, 10);
  if (rv.toString() !== str) {
    throw new TypeError("Number " + str + " cannot be projected to a double");
  return rv;
var projectLargeUInt = function projectLargeUInt(x) {
  return projectLargeInt(x);
var projectValue = function projectValue(x) {
  if (!(x instanceof ctypes.CData)) {
    return x;
  if (!("value" in x)) { // Sanity check
    throw new TypeError("Number " + x.toSource() + " has no field |value|");
  return x.value;

function projector(type, signed) {
  LOG("Determining best projection for", type,
    "(size: ", type.size, ")", signed?"signed":"unsigned");
  if (type instanceof Type) {
    type = type.implementation;
  if (!type.size) {
    throw new TypeError("Argument is not a proper C type");
  // Determine if type is projected to Int64/Uint64
  if (type.size == 8           // Usual case
      // The following cases have special treatment in js-ctypes
      // Regardless of their size, the value getter returns
      // a Int64/Uint64
      || type == ctypes.size_t // Special cases
      || type == ctypes.ssize_t
      || type == ctypes.intptr_t
      || type == ctypes.uintptr_t
      || type == ctypes.off_t) {
    if (signed) {
      LOG("Projected as a large signed integer");
      return projectLargeInt;
    } else {
      LOG("Projected as a large unsigned integer");
      return projectLargeUInt;
  LOG("Projected as a regular number");
  return projectValue;
exports.projectValue = projectValue;

 * Get the appropriate type for an unsigned int of the given size.
 * This function is useful to define types such as |mode_t| whose
 * actual width depends on the OS/platform.
 * @param {number} size The number of bytes requested.
Type.uintn_t = function uintn_t(size) {
  switch (size) {
  case 1: return Type.uint8_t;
  case 2: return Type.uint16_t;
  case 4: return Type.uint32_t;
  case 8: return Type.uint64_t;
    throw new Error("Cannot represent unsigned integers of " + size + " bytes");

 * Get the appropriate type for an signed int of the given size.
 * This function is useful to define types such as |mode_t| whose
 * actual width depends on the OS/platform.
 * @param {number} size The number of bytes requested.
Type.intn_t = function intn_t(size) {
  switch (size) {
  case 1: return Type.int8_t;
  case 2: return Type.int16_t;
  case 4: return Type.int32_t;
  case 8: return Type.int64_t;
    throw new Error("Cannot represent integers of " + size + " bytes");

 * Actual implementation of common C types.

 * The void value.
Type.void_t =
  new Type("void",

 * Shortcut for |void*|.
Type.voidptr_t =
  new PtrType("void*",

// void* is a special case as we can cast any pointer to/from it
// so we have to shortcut |in_ptr|/|out_ptr|/|inout_ptr| and
// ensure that js-ctypes' casting mechanism is invoked directly
["in_ptr", "out_ptr", "inout_ptr"].forEach(function(key) {
  Object.defineProperty(Type.void_t, key,
    value: Type.voidptr_t

 * A Type of integers.
 * @param {string} name The name of this type.
 * @param {CType} implementation The underlying js-ctypes implementation.
 * @param {bool} signed |true| if this is a type of signed integers,
 * |false| otherwise.
 * @constructor
function IntType(name, implementation, signed) {
  Type.call(this, name, implementation);
  this.importFromC = projector(implementation, signed);
  this.project = this.importFromC;
IntType.prototype = Object.create(Type.prototype);
IntType.prototype.toMsg = function toMsg(value) {
  if (typeof value == "number") {
    return value;
  return this.project(value);

 * A C char (one byte)
Type.char =
  new Type("char",

 * A C wide char (two bytes)
Type.char16_t =
  new Type("char16_t",

  * Base string types.
Type.cstring = Type.char.in_ptr.withName("[in] C string");
Type.wstring = Type.char16_t.in_ptr.withName("[in] wide string");
Type.out_cstring = Type.char.out_ptr.withName("[out] C string");
Type.out_wstring = Type.char16_t.out_ptr.withName("[out] wide string");

 * A C integer (8-bits).
Type.int8_t =
  new IntType("int8_t", ctypes.int8_t, true);

Type.uint8_t =
  new IntType("uint8_t", ctypes.uint8_t, false);

 * A C integer (16-bits).
 * Also known as WORD under Windows.
Type.int16_t =
  new IntType("int16_t", ctypes.int16_t, true);

Type.uint16_t =
  new IntType("uint16_t", ctypes.uint16_t, false);

 * A C integer (32-bits).
 * Also known as DWORD under Windows.
Type.int32_t =
  new IntType("int32_t", ctypes.int32_t, true);

Type.uint32_t =
  new IntType("uint32_t", ctypes.uint32_t, false);

 * A C integer (64-bits).
Type.int64_t =
  new IntType("int64_t", ctypes.int64_t, true);

Type.uint64_t =
  new IntType("uint64_t", ctypes.uint64_t, false);

 * A C integer
 * Size depends on the platform.
Type.int = Type.intn_t(ctypes.int.size).

Type.unsigned_int = Type.intn_t(ctypes.unsigned_int.size).
  withName("unsigned int");

 * A C long integer.
 * Size depends on the platform.
Type.long =

Type.unsigned_long =
  Type.intn_t(ctypes.unsigned_long.size).withName("unsigned long");

 * An unsigned integer with the same size as a pointer.
 * Used to cast a pointer to an integer, whenever necessary.
Type.uintptr_t =

 * A boolean.
 * Implemented as a C integer.
Type.bool = Type.int.withName("bool");
Type.bool.importFromC = function projectBool(x) {
  return !!(x.value);

 * A user identifier.
 * Implemented as a C integer.
Type.uid_t =

 * A group identifier.
 * Implemented as a C integer.
Type.gid_t =

 * An offset (positive or negative).
 * Implemented as a C integer.
Type.off_t =
  new IntType("off_t", ctypes.off_t, true);

 * A size (positive).
 * Implemented as a C size_t.
Type.size_t =
  new IntType("size_t", ctypes.size_t, false);

 * An offset (positive or negative).
 * Implemented as a C integer.
Type.ssize_t =
  new IntType("ssize_t", ctypes.ssize_t, true);

 * Encoding/decoding strings
Type.uencoder =
  new Type("uencoder", ctypes.StructType("uencoder"));
Type.udecoder =
  new Type("udecoder", ctypes.StructType("udecoder"));

 * Utility class, used to build a |struct| type
 * from a set of field names, types and offsets.
 * @param {string} name The name of the |struct| type.
 * @param {number} size The total size of the |struct| type in bytes.
function HollowStructure(name, size) {
  if (!name) {
    throw new TypeError("HollowStructure expects a name");
  if (!size || size < 0) {
    throw new TypeError("HollowStructure expects a (positive) size");

  // A mapping from offsets in the struct to name/type pairs
  // (or nothing if no field starts at that offset).
  this.offset_to_field_info = [];

  // The name of the struct
  this.name = name;

  // The size of the struct, in bytes
  this.size = size;

  // The number of paddings inserted so far.
  // Used to give distinct names to padding fields.
  this._paddings = 0;
HollowStructure.prototype = {
   * Add a field at a given offset.
   * @param {number} offset The offset at which to insert the field.
   * @param {string} name The name of the field.
   * @param {CType|Type} type The type of the field.
  add_field_at: function add_field_at(offset, name, type) {
    if (offset == null) {
      throw new TypeError("add_field_at requires a non-null offset");
    if (!name) {
      throw new TypeError("add_field_at requires a non-null name");
    if (!type) {
      throw new TypeError("add_field_at requires a non-null type");
    if (type instanceof Type) {
      type = type.implementation;
    if (this.offset_to_field_info[offset]) {
      throw new Error("HollowStructure " + this.name +
                      " already has a field at offset " + offset);
    if (offset + type.size > this.size) {
      throw new Error("HollowStructure " + this.name +
                      " cannot place a value of type " + type +
                      " at offset " + offset +
                      " without exceeding its size of " + this.size);
    let field = {name: name, type:type};
    this.offset_to_field_info[offset] = field;

   * Create a pseudo-field that will only serve as padding.
   * @param {number} size The number of bytes in the field.
   * @return {Object} An association field-name => field-type,
   * as expected by |ctypes.StructType|.
  _makePaddingField: function makePaddingField(size) {
    let field = ({});
    field["padding_" + this._paddings] =
      ctypes.ArrayType(ctypes.uint8_t, size);
    return field;

   * Convert this |HollowStructure| into a |Type|.
  getType: function getType() {
    // Contents of the structure, in the format expected
    // by ctypes.StructType.
    let struct = [];

    let i = 0;
    while (i < this.size) {
      let currentField = this.offset_to_field_info[i];
      if (!currentField) {
        // No field was specified at this offset, we need to
        // introduce some padding.

        // Firstly, determine how many bytes of padding
        let padding_length = 1;
        while (i + padding_length < this.size
            && !this.offset_to_field_info[i + padding_length]) {

        // Then add the padding

        // And proceed
        i += padding_length;
      } else {
        // We have a field at this offset.

        // Firstly, ensure that we do not have two overlapping fields
        for (let j = 1; j < currentField.type.size; ++j) {
          let candidateField = this.offset_to_field_info[i + j];
          if (candidateField) {
            throw new Error("Fields " + currentField.name +
              " and " + candidateField.name +
              " overlap at position " + (i + j));

        // Then add the field
        let field = ({});
        field[currentField.name] = currentField.type;

        // And proceed
        i += currentField.type.size;
    let result = new Type(this.name, ctypes.StructType(this.name, struct));
    if (result.implementation.size != this.size) {
      throw new Error("Wrong size for type " + this.name +
          ": expected " + this.size +
          ", found " + result.implementation.size +
          " (" + result.implementation.toSource() + ")");
    return result;
exports.HollowStructure = HollowStructure;

 * Representation of a native library.
 * The native library is opened lazily, during the first call to its
 * field |library| or whenever accessing one of the methods imported
 * with declareLazyFFI.
 * @param {string} name A human-readable name for the library. Used
 * for debugging and error reporting.
 * @param {string...} candidates A list of system libraries that may
 * represent this library. Used e.g. to try different library names
 * on distinct operating systems ("libxul", "XUL", etc.).
 * @constructor
function Library(name, ...candidates) {
  this.name = name;
  this._candidates = candidates;
Library.prototype = Object.freeze({
   * The native library as a js-ctypes object.
   * @throws {Error} If none of the candidate libraries could be opened.
  get library() {
    let library;
    delete this.library;
    for (let candidate of this._candidates) {
      try {
        library = ctypes.open(candidate);
      } catch (ex) {
        LOG("Could not open library", candidate, ex);
    this._candidates = null;
    if (library) {
      Object.defineProperty(this, "library", {
        value: library
      return library;
    let error = new Error("Could not open library " + this.name);
    Object.defineProperty(this, "library", {
      get: function() {
        throw error;
    throw error;

   * Declare a function, lazily.
   * @param {object} The object containing the function as a field.
   * @param {string} The name of the field containing the function.
   * @param {string} symbol The name of the function, as defined in the
   * library.
   * @param {ctypes.abi} abi The abi to use, or |null| for default.
   * @param {Type} returnType The type of values returned by the function.
   * @param {...Type} argTypes The type of arguments to the function.
  declareLazyFFI: function(object, field, ...args) {
    let lib = this;
    Object.defineProperty(object, field, {
      get: function() {
        delete this[field];
        let ffi = declareFFI(lib.library, ...args);
        if (ffi) {
          return this[field] = ffi;
        return undefined;
      configurable: true,
      enumerable: true

   * Define a js-ctypes function lazily using ctypes method declare.
   * @param {object} The object containing the function as a field.
   * @param {string} The name of the field containing the function.
   * @param {string} symbol The name of the function, as defined in the
   * library.
   * @param {ctypes.abi} abi The abi to use, or |null| for default.
   * @param {ctypes.CType} returnType The type of values returned by the function.
   * @param {...ctypes.CType} argTypes The type of arguments to the function.
  declareLazy: function(object, field, ...args) {
    let lib = this;
    Object.defineProperty(object, field, {
      get: function() {
        delete this[field];
        let ffi = lib.library.declare(...args);
        if (ffi) {
          return this[field] = ffi;
        return undefined;
      configurable: true,
      enumerable: true

   * Define a js-ctypes function lazily using ctypes method declare,
   * with a fallback library to use if this library can't be opened
   * or the function cannot be declared.
   * @param {fallbacklibrary} The fallback Library object.
   * @param {object} The object containing the function as a field.
   * @param {string} The name of the field containing the function.
   * @param {string} symbol The name of the function, as defined in the
   * library.
   * @param {ctypes.abi} abi The abi to use, or |null| for default.
   * @param {ctypes.CType} returnType The type of values returned by the function.
   * @param {...ctypes.CType} argTypes The type of arguments to the function.
  declareLazyWithFallback: function(fallbacklibrary, object, field, ...args) {
    let lib = this;
    Object.defineProperty(object, field, {
      get: function() {
        delete this[field];
        try {
          let ffi = lib.library.declare(...args);
          if (ffi) {
            return this[field] = ffi;
        } catch (ex) {
          // Use the fallback library and get the symbol from there.
          fallbacklibrary.declareLazy(object, field, ...args);
          return object[field];
        return undefined;
      configurable: true,
      enumerable: true

  toString: function() {
    return "[Library " + this.name + "]";
exports.Library = Library;

 * Declare a function through js-ctypes
 * @param {ctypes.library} lib The ctypes library holding the function.
 * @param {string} symbol The name of the function, as defined in the
 * library.
 * @param {ctypes.abi} abi The abi to use, or |null| for default.
 * @param {Type} returnType The type of values returned by the function.
 * @param {...Type} argTypes The type of arguments to the function.
 * @return null if the function could not be defined (generally because
 * it does not exist), or a JavaScript wrapper performing the call to C
 * and any type conversion required.
var declareFFI = function declareFFI(lib, symbol, abi,
                                     returnType /*, argTypes ...*/) {
  LOG("Attempting to declare FFI ", symbol);
  // We guard agressively, to avoid any late surprise
  if (typeof symbol != "string") {
    throw new TypeError("declareFFI expects as first argument a string");
  abi = abi || ctypes.default_abi;
  if (Object.prototype.toString.call(abi) != "[object CABI]") {
    // Note: This is the only known manner of checking whether an object
    // is an abi.
    throw new TypeError("declareFFI expects as second argument an abi or null");
  if (!returnType.importFromC) {
    throw new TypeError("declareFFI expects as third argument an instance of Type");
  let signature = [symbol, abi];
  let argtypes  = [];
  for (let i = 3; i < arguments.length; ++i) {
    let current = arguments[i];
    if (!current) {
      throw new TypeError("Missing type for argument " + ( i - 3 ) +
                          " of symbol " + symbol);
    if (!current.implementation) {
      throw new TypeError("Missing implementation for argument " + (i - 3)
                          + " of symbol " + symbol
                          + " ( " + current.name + " )" );
  try {
    let fun = lib.declare.apply(lib, signature);
    let result = function ffi(...args) {
      for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
        if (typeof args[i] == "undefined") {
          throw new TypeError("Argument " + i + " of " + symbol + " is undefined");
      let result = fun.apply(fun, args);
      return returnType.importFromC(result, symbol);
    LOG("Function", symbol, "declared");
    return result;
  } catch (x) {
    // Note: Not being able to declare a function is normal.
    // Some functions are OS (or OS version)-specific.
    LOG("Could not declare function ", symbol, x);
    return null;
exports.declareFFI = declareFFI;

 * Define a lazy getter to a js-ctypes function using declareFFI.
 * @param {object} The object containing the function as a field.
 * @param {string} The name of the field containing the function.
 * @param {ctypes.library} lib The ctypes library holding the function.
 * @param {string} symbol The name of the function, as defined in the
 * library.
 * @param {ctypes.abi} abi The abi to use, or |null| for default.
 * @param {Type} returnType The type of values returned by the function.
 * @param {...Type} argTypes The type of arguments to the function.
function declareLazyFFI(object, field, ...declareFFIArgs) {
  Object.defineProperty(object, field, {
    get: function() {
      delete this[field];
      let ffi = declareFFI(...declareFFIArgs);
      if (ffi) {
        return this[field] = ffi;
      return undefined;
    configurable: true,
    enumerable: true
exports.declareLazyFFI = declareLazyFFI;

 * Define a lazy getter to a js-ctypes function using ctypes method declare.
 * @param {object} The object containing the function as a field.
 * @param {string} The name of the field containing the function.
 * @param {ctypes.library} lib The ctypes library holding the function.
 * @param {string} symbol The name of the function, as defined in the
 * library.
 * @param {ctypes.abi} abi The abi to use, or |null| for default.
 * @param {ctypes.CType} returnType The type of values returned by the function.
 * @param {...ctypes.CType} argTypes The type of arguments to the function.
function declareLazy(object, field, lib, ...declareArgs) {
  Object.defineProperty(object, field, {
    get: function() {
      delete this[field];
      try {
        let ffi = lib.declare(...declareArgs);
        return this[field] = ffi;
      } catch (ex) {
        // The symbol doesn't exist
        return undefined;
    configurable: true
exports.declareLazy = declareLazy;

 * Utility function used to sanity check buffer and length arguments.  The
 * buffer must be a Typed Array.
 * @param {Typed array} candidate The buffer.
 * @param {number} bytes The number of bytes that |candidate| should contain.
 * @return number The bytes argument clamped to the length of the buffer.
function normalizeBufferArgs(candidate, bytes) {
  if (!candidate) {
    throw new TypeError("Expecting a Typed Array");
  if (!isTypedArray(candidate)) {
    throw new TypeError("Expecting a Typed Array");
  if (bytes == null) {
    bytes = candidate.byteLength;
  } else if (candidate.byteLength < bytes) {
    throw new TypeError("Buffer is too short. I need at least " +
                       bytes +
                       " bytes but I have only " +
                       candidate.byteLength +
  return bytes;
exports.normalizeBufferArgs = normalizeBufferArgs;

///////////////////// OS interactions

 * An OS error.
 * This class is provided mostly for type-matching. If you need more
 * details about an error, you should use the platform-specific error
 * codes provided by subclasses of |OS.Shared.Error|.
 * @param {string} operation The operation that failed.
 * @param {string=} path The path of the file on which the operation failed,
 * or nothing if there was no file involved in the failure.
 * @constructor
function OSError(operation, path = "") {
  this.operation = operation;
  this.path = path;
OSError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);
exports.OSError = OSError;

///////////////////// Temporary boilerplate
// Boilerplate, to simplify the transition to require()
// Do not rely upon this symbol, it will disappear with
// bug 883050.
exports.OS = {
  Constants: exports.Constants,
  Shared: {
    LOG: LOG,
    clone: clone,
    Type: Type,
    HollowStructure: HollowStructure,
    Error: OSError,
    declareFFI: declareFFI,
    projectValue: projectValue,
    isTypedArray: isTypedArray,
    defineLazyGetter: defineLazyGetter

Object.defineProperty(exports.OS.Shared, "DEBUG", {
  get: function() {
    return Config.DEBUG;
  set: function(x) {
    return Config.DEBUG = x;
Object.defineProperty(exports.OS.Shared, "TEST", {
  get: function() {
    return Config.TEST;
  set: function(x) {
    return Config.TEST = x;

///////////////////// Permanent boilerplate
if (typeof Components != "undefined") {
  for (let symbol of EXPORTED_SYMBOLS) {
    this[symbol] = exports[symbol];