/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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#include "nsISupports.idl"
interface nsIFeedResult;
interface nsIFeedEntry;

 * nsIFeedResultListener defines a callback used when feed processing
 * completes.
[scriptable, uuid(4d2ebe88-36eb-4e20-bcd1-997b3c1f24ce)]
interface nsIFeedResultListener : nsISupports 
   * Always called, even after an error. There could be new feed-level
   * data available at this point, if it followed or was interspersed
   * with the items. Fire-and-Forget implementations only need this.
   * @param result
   *        An object implementing nsIFeedResult representing the feed 
   *        and its metadata. 
   void handleResult(in nsIFeedResult result);

 * nsIFeedProgressListener defines callbacks used during feed
 * processing.
[scriptable, uuid(ebfd5de5-713c-40c0-ad7c-f095117fa580)]
interface nsIFeedProgressListener : nsIFeedResultListener {
   * ReportError will be called in the event of fatal
   * XML errors, or if the document is not a feed. The bozo 
   * bit will be set if the error was due to a fatal error. 
   * @param errorText
   *        A short description of the error.
   * @param lineNumber
   *        The line on which the error occurred.
   void reportError(in AString errorText, in long lineNumber, 
                    in boolean bozo);
   * StartFeed will be called as soon as a reasonable start to
   * a feed is detected. 
   * @param result
   *        An object implementing nsIFeedResult representing the feed 
   *        and its metadata. At this point, the result has version 
   *        information.
   void handleStartFeed(in nsIFeedResult result);

   * Called when the first entry/item is encountered. In Atom, all
   * feed data is required to preceed the entries. In RSS, the data
   * usually does. If the type is one of the entry/item-only types,
   * this event will not be called.
   * @param result
   *        An object implementing nsIFeedResult representing the feed 
   *        and its metadata. At this point, the result will likely have
   *        most of its feed-level metadata.
   void handleFeedAtFirstEntry(in nsIFeedResult result); 

   * Called after each entry/item. If the document is a standalone
   * item or entry, this HandleFeedAtFirstEntry will not have been
   * called. Also, this entry's parent field will be null.
   * @param entry
   *        An object implementing nsIFeedEntry that represents the latest
   *        entry encountered.
   * @param result
   *        An object implementing nsIFeedResult representing the feed 
   *        and its metadata. 
   void handleEntry(in nsIFeedEntry entry, in nsIFeedResult result);