/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ // See // https://wiki.mozilla.org/Security/Features/Application_Reputation_Design_Doc // for a description of Chrome's implementation of this feature. #include "ApplicationReputation.h" #include "chrome/common/safe_browsing/csd.pb.h" #include "nsIArray.h" #include "nsIApplicationReputation.h" #include "nsIChannel.h" #include "nsICryptoHash.h" #include "nsIHttpChannel.h" #include "nsIIOService.h" #include "nsIPrefService.h" #include "nsISimpleEnumerator.h" #include "nsIStreamListener.h" #include "nsIStringStream.h" #include "nsITimer.h" #include "nsIUploadChannel2.h" #include "nsIURI.h" #include "nsIURL.h" #include "nsIUrlClassifierDBService.h" #include "nsIX509Cert.h" #include "nsIX509CertDB.h" #include "nsIX509CertList.h" #include "mozilla/ArrayUtils.h" #include "mozilla/BasePrincipal.h" #include "mozilla/ErrorNames.h" #include "mozilla/LoadContext.h" #include "mozilla/Preferences.h" #include "mozilla/Services.h" #include "mozilla/TimeStamp.h" #include "nsAutoPtr.h" #include "nsCOMPtr.h" #include "nsDebug.h" #include "nsError.h" #include "nsNetCID.h" #include "nsReadableUtils.h" #include "nsServiceManagerUtils.h" #include "nsString.h" #include "nsTArray.h" #include "nsThreadUtils.h" #include "nsXPCOMStrings.h" #include "nsIContentPolicy.h" #include "nsILoadInfo.h" #include "nsContentUtils.h" using mozilla::ArrayLength; using mozilla::BasePrincipal; using mozilla::DocShellOriginAttributes; using mozilla::PrincipalOriginAttributes; using mozilla::Preferences; using mozilla::TimeStamp; using safe_browsing::ClientDownloadRequest; using safe_browsing::ClientDownloadRequest_CertificateChain; using safe_browsing::ClientDownloadRequest_Resource; using safe_browsing::ClientDownloadRequest_SignatureInfo; // Preferences that we need to initialize the query. #define PREF_SB_APP_REP_URL "browser.safebrowsing.downloads.remote.url" #define PREF_SB_MALWARE_ENABLED "browser.safebrowsing.malware.enabled" #define PREF_SB_DOWNLOADS_ENABLED "browser.safebrowsing.downloads.enabled" #define PREF_SB_DOWNLOADS_REMOTE_ENABLED "browser.safebrowsing.downloads.remote.enabled" #define PREF_SB_DOWNLOADS_REMOTE_TIMEOUT "browser.safebrowsing.downloads.remote.timeout_ms" #define PREF_GENERAL_LOCALE "general.useragent.locale" #define PREF_DOWNLOAD_BLOCK_TABLE "urlclassifier.downloadBlockTable" #define PREF_DOWNLOAD_ALLOW_TABLE "urlclassifier.downloadAllowTable" // Preferences that are needed to action the verdict. #define PREF_BLOCK_DANGEROUS "browser.safebrowsing.downloads.remote.block_dangerous" #define PREF_BLOCK_DANGEROUS_HOST "browser.safebrowsing.downloads.remote.block_dangerous_host" #define PREF_BLOCK_POTENTIALLY_UNWANTED "browser.safebrowsing.downloads.remote.block_potentially_unwanted" #define PREF_BLOCK_UNCOMMON "browser.safebrowsing.downloads.remote.block_uncommon" // MOZ_LOG=ApplicationReputation:5 mozilla::LazyLogModule ApplicationReputationService::prlog("ApplicationReputation"); #define LOG(args) MOZ_LOG(ApplicationReputationService::prlog, mozilla::LogLevel::Debug, args) #define LOG_ENABLED() MOZ_LOG_TEST(ApplicationReputationService::prlog, mozilla::LogLevel::Debug) class PendingDBLookup; // A single use class private to ApplicationReputationService encapsulating an // nsIApplicationReputationQuery and an nsIApplicationReputationCallback. Once // created by ApplicationReputationService, it is guaranteed to call mCallback. // This class is private to ApplicationReputationService. class PendingLookup final : public nsIStreamListener, public nsITimerCallback, public nsIObserver { public: NS_DECL_ISUPPORTS NS_DECL_NSIREQUESTOBSERVER NS_DECL_NSISTREAMLISTENER NS_DECL_NSITIMERCALLBACK NS_DECL_NSIOBSERVER // Constructor and destructor. PendingLookup(nsIApplicationReputationQuery* aQuery, nsIApplicationReputationCallback* aCallback); // Start the lookup. The lookup may have 2 parts: local and remote. In the // local lookup, PendingDBLookups are created to query the local allow and // blocklists for various URIs associated with this downloaded file. In the // event that no results are found, a remote lookup is sent to the Application // Reputation server. nsresult StartLookup(); private: ~PendingLookup(); friend class PendingDBLookup; // Telemetry states. // Status of the remote response (valid or not). enum SERVER_RESPONSE_TYPES { SERVER_RESPONSE_VALID = 0, SERVER_RESPONSE_FAILED = 1, SERVER_RESPONSE_INVALID = 2, }; // Number of blocklist and allowlist hits we have seen. uint32_t mBlocklistCount; uint32_t mAllowlistCount; // The query containing metadata about the downloaded file. nsCOMPtr<nsIApplicationReputationQuery> mQuery; // The callback with which to report the verdict. nsCOMPtr<nsIApplicationReputationCallback> mCallback; // An array of strings created from certificate information used to whitelist // the downloaded file. nsTArray<nsCString> mAllowlistSpecs; // The source URI of the download, the referrer and possibly any redirects. nsTArray<nsCString> mAnylistSpecs; // When we started this query TimeStamp mStartTime; // The channel used to talk to the remote lookup server nsCOMPtr<nsIChannel> mChannel; // Timer to abort this lookup if it takes too long nsCOMPtr<nsITimer> mTimeoutTimer; // A protocol buffer for storing things we need in the remote request. We // store the resource chain (redirect information) as well as signature // information extracted using the Windows Authenticode API, if the binary is // signed. ClientDownloadRequest mRequest; // The response from the application reputation query. This is read in chunks // as part of our nsIStreamListener implementation and may contain embedded // NULLs. nsCString mResponse; // Returns true if the file is likely to be binary. bool IsBinaryFile(); // Returns the type of download binary for the file. ClientDownloadRequest::DownloadType GetDownloadType(const nsAString& aFilename); // Clean up and call the callback. PendingLookup must not be used after this // function is called. nsresult OnComplete(bool shouldBlock, nsresult rv, uint32_t verdict = nsIApplicationReputationService::VERDICT_SAFE); // Wrapper function for nsIStreamListener.onStopRequest to make it easy to // guarantee calling the callback nsresult OnStopRequestInternal(nsIRequest *aRequest, nsISupports *aContext, nsresult aResult, bool* aShouldBlock, uint32_t* aVerdict); // Return the hex-encoded hash of the whole URI. nsresult GetSpecHash(nsACString& aSpec, nsACString& hexEncodedHash); // Strip url parameters, fragments, and user@pass fields from the URI spec // using nsIURL. Hash data URIs and return blob URIs unfiltered. nsresult GetStrippedSpec(nsIURI* aUri, nsACString& spec); // Escape '/' and '%' in certificate attribute values. nsCString EscapeCertificateAttribute(const nsACString& aAttribute); // Escape ':' in fingerprint values. nsCString EscapeFingerprint(const nsACString& aAttribute); // Generate whitelist strings for the given certificate pair from the same // certificate chain. nsresult GenerateWhitelistStringsForPair( nsIX509Cert* certificate, nsIX509Cert* issuer); // Generate whitelist strings for the given certificate chain, which starts // with the signer and may go all the way to the root cert. nsresult GenerateWhitelistStringsForChain( const ClientDownloadRequest_CertificateChain& aChain); // For signed binaries, generate strings of the form: // http://sb-ssl.google.com/safebrowsing/csd/certificate/ // <issuer_cert_sha1_fingerprint>[/CN=<cn>][/O=<org>][/OU=<unit>] // for each (cert, issuer) pair in each chain of certificates that is // associated with the binary. nsresult GenerateWhitelistStrings(); // Parse the XPCOM certificate lists and stick them into the protocol buffer // version. nsresult ParseCertificates(nsIArray* aSigArray); // Adds the redirects to mAnylistSpecs to be looked up. nsresult AddRedirects(nsIArray* aRedirects); // Helper function to ensure that we call PendingLookup::LookupNext or // PendingLookup::OnComplete. nsresult DoLookupInternal(); // Looks up all the URIs that may be responsible for allowlisting or // blocklisting the downloaded file. These URIs may include whitelist strings // generated by certificates verifying the binary as well as the target URI // from which the file was downloaded. nsresult LookupNext(); // Sends a query to the remote application reputation service. Returns NS_OK // on success. nsresult SendRemoteQuery(); // Helper function to ensure that we always call the callback. nsresult SendRemoteQueryInternal(); }; // A single-use class for looking up a single URI in the safebrowsing DB. This // class is private to PendingLookup. class PendingDBLookup final : public nsIUrlClassifierCallback { public: NS_DECL_ISUPPORTS NS_DECL_NSIURLCLASSIFIERCALLBACK // Constructor and destructor explicit PendingDBLookup(PendingLookup* aPendingLookup); // Look up the given URI in the safebrowsing DBs, optionally on both the allow // list and the blocklist. If there is a match, call // PendingLookup::OnComplete. Otherwise, call PendingLookup::LookupNext. nsresult LookupSpec(const nsACString& aSpec, bool aAllowlistOnly); private: ~PendingDBLookup(); // The download appeared on the allowlist, blocklist, or no list (and thus // could trigger a remote query. enum LIST_TYPES { ALLOW_LIST = 0, BLOCK_LIST = 1, NO_LIST = 2, }; nsCString mSpec; bool mAllowlistOnly; RefPtr<PendingLookup> mPendingLookup; nsresult LookupSpecInternal(const nsACString& aSpec); }; NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(PendingDBLookup, nsIUrlClassifierCallback) PendingDBLookup::PendingDBLookup(PendingLookup* aPendingLookup) : mAllowlistOnly(false), mPendingLookup(aPendingLookup) { LOG(("Created pending DB lookup [this = %p]", this)); } PendingDBLookup::~PendingDBLookup() { LOG(("Destroying pending DB lookup [this = %p]", this)); mPendingLookup = nullptr; } nsresult PendingDBLookup::LookupSpec(const nsACString& aSpec, bool aAllowlistOnly) { LOG(("Checking principal %s [this=%p]", aSpec.Data(), this)); mSpec = aSpec; mAllowlistOnly = aAllowlistOnly; nsresult rv = LookupSpecInternal(aSpec); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { nsAutoCString errorName; mozilla::GetErrorName(rv, errorName); LOG(("Error in LookupSpecInternal() [rv = %s, this = %p]", errorName.get(), this)); return mPendingLookup->LookupNext(); // ignore this lookup and move to next } // LookupSpecInternal has called nsIUrlClassifierCallback.lookup, which is // guaranteed to call HandleEvent. return rv; } nsresult PendingDBLookup::LookupSpecInternal(const nsACString& aSpec) { nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> uri; nsCOMPtr<nsIIOService> ios = do_GetService(NS_IOSERVICE_CONTRACTID, &rv); rv = ios->NewURI(aSpec, nullptr, nullptr, getter_AddRefs(uri)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); PrincipalOriginAttributes attrs; nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal> principal = BasePrincipal::CreateCodebasePrincipal(uri, attrs); if (!principal) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } // Check local lists to see if the URI has already been whitelisted or // blacklisted. LOG(("Checking DB service for principal %s [this = %p]", mSpec.get(), this)); nsCOMPtr<nsIUrlClassifierDBService> dbService = do_GetService(NS_URLCLASSIFIERDBSERVICE_CONTRACTID, &rv); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsAutoCString tables; nsAutoCString allowlist; Preferences::GetCString(PREF_DOWNLOAD_ALLOW_TABLE, &allowlist); if (!allowlist.IsEmpty()) { tables.Append(allowlist); } nsAutoCString blocklist; Preferences::GetCString(PREF_DOWNLOAD_BLOCK_TABLE, &blocklist); if (!mAllowlistOnly && !blocklist.IsEmpty()) { tables.Append(','); tables.Append(blocklist); } return dbService->Lookup(principal, tables, this); } NS_IMETHODIMP PendingDBLookup::HandleEvent(const nsACString& tables) { // HandleEvent is guaranteed to call either: // 1) PendingLookup::OnComplete if the URL matches the blocklist, or // 2) PendingLookup::LookupNext if the URL does not match the blocklist. // Blocklisting trumps allowlisting. nsAutoCString blockList; Preferences::GetCString(PREF_DOWNLOAD_BLOCK_TABLE, &blockList); if (!mAllowlistOnly && FindInReadable(blockList, tables)) { mPendingLookup->mBlocklistCount++; LOG(("Found principal %s on blocklist [this = %p]", mSpec.get(), this)); return mPendingLookup->OnComplete(true, NS_OK, nsIApplicationReputationService::VERDICT_DANGEROUS); } nsAutoCString allowList; Preferences::GetCString(PREF_DOWNLOAD_ALLOW_TABLE, &allowList); if (FindInReadable(allowList, tables)) { mPendingLookup->mAllowlistCount++; LOG(("Found principal %s on allowlist [this = %p]", mSpec.get(), this)); // Don't call onComplete, since blocklisting trumps allowlisting } else { LOG(("Didn't find principal %s on any list [this = %p]", mSpec.get(), this)); } return mPendingLookup->LookupNext(); } NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(PendingLookup, nsIStreamListener, nsIRequestObserver, nsIObserver) PendingLookup::PendingLookup(nsIApplicationReputationQuery* aQuery, nsIApplicationReputationCallback* aCallback) : mBlocklistCount(0), mAllowlistCount(0), mQuery(aQuery), mCallback(aCallback) { LOG(("Created pending lookup [this = %p]", this)); } PendingLookup::~PendingLookup() { LOG(("Destroying pending lookup [this = %p]", this)); } static const char16_t* kBinaryFileExtensions[] = { // Extracted from the "File Type Policies" Chrome extension //u".001", //u".7z", //u".ace", //u".action", // Mac script //u".ad", // Windows u".ade", // MS Access u".adp", // MS Access u".apk", // Android package u".app", // Executable application u".application", // MS ClickOnce u".appref-ms", // MS ClickOnce //u".arc", //u".arj", u".as", // Mac archive u".asp", // Windows Server script u".asx", // Windows Media Player //u".b64", //u".balz", u".bas", // Basic script u".bash", // Linux shell u".bat", // Windows shell //u".bhx", //u".bin", u".bz", // Linux archive (bzip) u".bz2", // Linux archive (bzip2) u".bzip2", // Linux archive (bzip2) u".cab", // Windows archive u".cdr", // Mac disk image u".cfg", // Windows u".chi", // Windows Help u".chm", // Windows Help u".class", // Java u".cmd", // Windows executable u".com", // Windows executable u".command", // Mac script u".cpgz", // Mac archive //u".cpio", u".cpl", // Windows executable u".crt", // Windows signed certificate u".crx", // Chrome extensions u".csh", // Linux shell u".dart", // Mac disk image u".dc42", // Apple DiskCopy Image u".deb", // Linux package u".dex", // Android u".diskcopy42", // Apple DiskCopy Image u".dll", // Windows executable u".dmg", // Mac disk image u".dmgpart", // Mac disk image //u".docb", // MS Office //u".docm", // MS Word //u".docx", // MS Word //u".dotm", // MS Word //u".dott", // MS Office u".drv", // Windows driver u".dvdr", // Mac Disk image u".efi", // Firmware u".eml", // MS Outlook u".exe", // Windows executable //u".fat", u".fon", // Windows font u".fxp", // MS FoxPro u".gadget", // Windows u".grp", // Windows u".gz", // Linux archive (gzip) u".gzip", // Linux archive (gzip) u".hfs", // Mac disk image u".hlp", // Windows Help u".hqx", // Mac archive u".hta", // HTML trusted application u".htt", // MS HTML template u".img", // Mac disk image u".imgpart", // Mac disk image u".inf", // Windows installer u".ini", // Generic config file u".ins", // IIS config //u".inx", // InstallShield u".iso", // CD image u".isp", // IIS config //u".isu", // InstallShield u".jar", // Java u".jnlp", // Java //u".job", // Windows u".js", // JavaScript script u".jse", // JScript u".ksh", // Linux shell //u".lha", u".lnk", // Windows u".local", // Windows //u".lpaq1", //u".lpaq5", //u".lpaq8", //u".lzh", //u".lzma", u".mad", // MS Access u".maf", // MS Access u".mag", // MS Access u".mam", // MS Access u".manifest", // Windows u".maq", // MS Access u".mar", // MS Access u".mas", // MS Access u".mat", // MS Access u".mau", // Media attachment u".mav", // MS Access u".maw", // MS Access u".mda", // MS Access u".mdb", // MS Access u".mde", // MS Access u".mdt", // MS Access u".mdw", // MS Access u".mdz", // MS Access u".mht", // MS HTML u".mhtml", // MS HTML u".mim", // MS Mail u".mmc", // MS Office u".mof", // Windows u".mpkg", // Mac installer u".msc", // Windows executable u".msg", // MS Outlook u".msh", // Windows shell u".msh1", // Windows shell u".msh1xml", // Windows shell u".msh2", // Windows shell u".msh2xml", // Windows shell u".mshxml", // Windows u".msi", // Windows installer u".msp", // Windows installer u".mst", // Windows installer u".ndif", // Mac disk image //u".ntfs", // 7z u".ocx", // ActiveX u".ops", // MS Office //u".out", // Linux binary //u".paf", // PortableApps package //u".paq8f", //u".paq8jd", //u".paq8l", //u".paq8o", u".partial", // Downloads u".pax", // Mac archive u".pcd", // Microsoft Visual Test u".pdf", // Adobe Acrobat //u".pea", u".pet", // Linux package u".pif", // Windows u".pkg", // Mac installer u".pl", // Perl script u".plg", // MS Visual Studio //u".potx", // MS PowerPoint //u".ppam", // MS PowerPoint //u".ppsx", // MS PowerPoint //u".pptm", // MS PowerPoint //u".pptx", // MS PowerPoint u".prf", // MS Outlook u".prg", // Windows u".ps1", // Windows shell u".ps1xml", // Windows shell u".ps2", // Windows shell u".ps2xml", // Windows shell u".psc1", // Windows shell u".psc2", // Windows shell u".pst", // MS Outlook u".pup", // Linux package u".py", // Python script u".pyc", // Python binary u".pyw", // Python GUI //u".quad", //u".r00", //u".r01", //u".r02", //u".r03", //u".r04", //u".r05", //u".r06", //u".r07", //u".r08", //u".r09", //u".r10", //u".r11", //u".r12", //u".r13", //u".r14", //u".r15", //u".r16", //u".r17", //u".r18", //u".r19", //u".r20", //u".r21", //u".r22", //u".r23", //u".r24", //u".r25", //u".r26", //u".r27", //u".r28", //u".r29", //u".rar", u".rb", // Ruby script u".reg", // Windows Registry u".rels", // MS Office //u".rgs", // Windows Registry u".rpm", // Linux package //u".rtf", // MS Office //u".run", // Linux shell u".scf", // Windows shell u".scr", // Windows u".sct", // Windows shell u".search-ms", // Windows u".sh", // Linux shell u".shar", // Linux shell u".shb", // Windows u".shs", // Windows shell //u".sldm", // MS PowerPoint //u".sldx", // MS PowerPoint u".slp", // Linux package u".smi", // Mac disk image u".sparsebundle", // Mac disk image u".sparseimage", // Mac disk image u".spl", // Adobe Flash //u".squashfs", u".svg", u".swf", // Adobe Flash u".swm", // Windows Imaging u".sys", // Windows u".tar", // Linux archive u".taz", // Linux archive (bzip2) u".tbz", // Linux archive (bzip2) u".tbz2", // Linux archive (bzip2) u".tcsh", // Linux shell u".tgz", // Linux archive (gzip) //u".toast", // Roxio disk image //u".torrent", // Bittorrent u".tpz", // Linux archive (gzip) u".txz", // Linux archive (xz) u".tz", // Linux archive (gzip) //u".u3p", // U3 Smart Apps u".udf", // MS Excel u".udif", // Mac disk image u".url", // Windows //u".uu", //u".uue", u".vb", // Visual Basic script u".vbe", // Visual Basic script u".vbs", // Visual Basic script //u".vbscript", // Visual Basic script u".vhd", // Windows virtual hard drive u".vhdx", // Windows virtual hard drive u".vmdk", // VMware virtual disk u".vsd", // MS Visio u".vsmacros", // MS Visual Studio u".vss", // MS Visio u".vst", // MS Visio u".vsw", // MS Visio u".website", // Windows u".wim", // Windows Imaging //u".workflow", // Mac Automator //u".wrc", // FreeArc archive u".ws", // Windows script u".wsc", // Windows script u".wsf", // Windows script u".wsh", // Windows script u".xar", // MS Excel u".xbap", // XAML Browser Application u".xip", // Mac archive //u".xlsm", // MS Excel //u".xlsx", // MS Excel //u".xltm", // MS Excel //u".xltx", // MS Excel u".xml", u".xnk", // MS Exchange u".xrm-ms", // Windows u".xsl", // XML Stylesheet //u".xxe", u".xz", // Linux archive (xz) u".z", // InstallShield #ifdef XP_WIN // disable on Mac/Linux, see 1167493 u".zip", // Generic archive #endif u".zipx", // WinZip //u".zpaq", }; bool PendingLookup::IsBinaryFile() { nsString fileName; nsresult rv = mQuery->GetSuggestedFileName(fileName); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { LOG(("No suggested filename [this = %p]", this)); return false; } LOG(("Suggested filename: %s [this = %p]", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(fileName).get(), this)); for (size_t i = 0; i < ArrayLength(kBinaryFileExtensions); ++i) { if (StringEndsWith(fileName, nsDependentString(kBinaryFileExtensions[i]))) { return true; } } return false; } ClientDownloadRequest::DownloadType PendingLookup::GetDownloadType(const nsAString& aFilename) { MOZ_ASSERT(IsBinaryFile()); // From https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/chrome/common/safe_browsing/download_protection_util.cc?l=17 if (StringEndsWith(aFilename, NS_LITERAL_STRING(".zip"))) { return ClientDownloadRequest::ZIPPED_EXECUTABLE; } else if (StringEndsWith(aFilename, NS_LITERAL_STRING(".apk"))) { return ClientDownloadRequest::ANDROID_APK; } else if (StringEndsWith(aFilename, NS_LITERAL_STRING(".app")) || StringEndsWith(aFilename, NS_LITERAL_STRING(".cdr")) || StringEndsWith(aFilename, NS_LITERAL_STRING(".dart")) || StringEndsWith(aFilename, NS_LITERAL_STRING(".dc42")) || StringEndsWith(aFilename, NS_LITERAL_STRING(".diskcopy42")) || StringEndsWith(aFilename, NS_LITERAL_STRING(".dmg")) || StringEndsWith(aFilename, NS_LITERAL_STRING(".dmgpart")) || StringEndsWith(aFilename, NS_LITERAL_STRING(".dvdr")) || StringEndsWith(aFilename, NS_LITERAL_STRING(".img")) || StringEndsWith(aFilename, NS_LITERAL_STRING(".imgpart")) || StringEndsWith(aFilename, NS_LITERAL_STRING(".iso")) || StringEndsWith(aFilename, NS_LITERAL_STRING(".mpkg")) || StringEndsWith(aFilename, NS_LITERAL_STRING(".ndif")) || StringEndsWith(aFilename, NS_LITERAL_STRING(".pkg")) || StringEndsWith(aFilename, NS_LITERAL_STRING(".smi")) || StringEndsWith(aFilename, NS_LITERAL_STRING(".sparsebundle")) || StringEndsWith(aFilename, NS_LITERAL_STRING(".sparseimage")) || StringEndsWith(aFilename, NS_LITERAL_STRING(".toast")) || StringEndsWith(aFilename, NS_LITERAL_STRING(".udif"))) { return ClientDownloadRequest::MAC_EXECUTABLE; } return ClientDownloadRequest::WIN_EXECUTABLE; // default to Windows binaries } nsresult PendingLookup::LookupNext() { // We must call LookupNext or SendRemoteQuery upon return. // Look up all of the URLs that could allow or block this download. // Blocklist first. if (mBlocklistCount > 0) { return OnComplete(true, NS_OK, nsIApplicationReputationService::VERDICT_DANGEROUS); } int index = mAnylistSpecs.Length() - 1; nsCString spec; if (index >= 0) { // Check the source URI, referrer and redirect chain. spec = mAnylistSpecs[index]; mAnylistSpecs.RemoveElementAt(index); RefPtr<PendingDBLookup> lookup(new PendingDBLookup(this)); return lookup->LookupSpec(spec, false); } // If any of mAnylistSpecs matched the blocklist, go ahead and block. if (mBlocklistCount > 0) { return OnComplete(true, NS_OK, nsIApplicationReputationService::VERDICT_DANGEROUS); } // If any of mAnylistSpecs matched the allowlist, go ahead and pass. if (mAllowlistCount > 0) { return OnComplete(false, NS_OK); } // Only binary signatures remain. index = mAllowlistSpecs.Length() - 1; if (index >= 0) { spec = mAllowlistSpecs[index]; LOG(("PendingLookup::LookupNext: checking %s on allowlist", spec.get())); mAllowlistSpecs.RemoveElementAt(index); RefPtr<PendingDBLookup> lookup(new PendingDBLookup(this)); return lookup->LookupSpec(spec, true); } // There are no more URIs to check against local list. If the file is // not eligible for remote lookup, bail. if (!IsBinaryFile()) { LOG(("Not eligible for remote lookups [this=%x]", this)); return OnComplete(false, NS_OK); } nsresult rv = SendRemoteQuery(); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return OnComplete(false, rv); } return NS_OK; } nsCString PendingLookup::EscapeCertificateAttribute(const nsACString& aAttribute) { // Escape '/' because it's a field separator, and '%' because Chrome does nsCString escaped; escaped.SetCapacity(aAttribute.Length()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < aAttribute.Length(); ++i) { if (aAttribute.Data()[i] == '%') { escaped.AppendLiteral("%25"); } else if (aAttribute.Data()[i] == '/') { escaped.AppendLiteral("%2F"); } else if (aAttribute.Data()[i] == ' ') { escaped.AppendLiteral("%20"); } else { escaped.Append(aAttribute.Data()[i]); } } return escaped; } nsCString PendingLookup::EscapeFingerprint(const nsACString& aFingerprint) { // Google's fingerprint doesn't have colons nsCString escaped; escaped.SetCapacity(aFingerprint.Length()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < aFingerprint.Length(); ++i) { if (aFingerprint.Data()[i] != ':') { escaped.Append(aFingerprint.Data()[i]); } } return escaped; } nsresult PendingLookup::GenerateWhitelistStringsForPair( nsIX509Cert* certificate, nsIX509Cert* issuer) { // The whitelist paths have format: // http://sb-ssl.google.com/safebrowsing/csd/certificate/<issuer_cert_fingerprint>[/CN=<cn>][/O=<org>][/OU=<unit>] // Any of CN, O, or OU may be omitted from the whitelist entry. Unfortunately // this is not publicly documented, but the Chrome implementation can be found // here: // https://code.google.com/p/chromium/codesearch#search/&q=GetCertificateWhitelistStrings nsCString whitelistString( "http://sb-ssl.google.com/safebrowsing/csd/certificate/"); nsString fingerprint; nsresult rv = issuer->GetSha1Fingerprint(fingerprint); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); whitelistString.Append( EscapeFingerprint(NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(fingerprint))); nsString commonName; rv = certificate->GetCommonName(commonName); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); if (!commonName.IsEmpty()) { whitelistString.AppendLiteral("/CN="); whitelistString.Append( EscapeCertificateAttribute(NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(commonName))); } nsString organization; rv = certificate->GetOrganization(organization); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); if (!organization.IsEmpty()) { whitelistString.AppendLiteral("/O="); whitelistString.Append( EscapeCertificateAttribute(NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(organization))); } nsString organizationalUnit; rv = certificate->GetOrganizationalUnit(organizationalUnit); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); if (!organizationalUnit.IsEmpty()) { whitelistString.AppendLiteral("/OU="); whitelistString.Append( EscapeCertificateAttribute(NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(organizationalUnit))); } LOG(("Whitelisting %s", whitelistString.get())); mAllowlistSpecs.AppendElement(whitelistString); return NS_OK; } nsresult PendingLookup::GenerateWhitelistStringsForChain( const safe_browsing::ClientDownloadRequest_CertificateChain& aChain) { // We need a signing certificate and an issuer to construct a whitelist // entry. if (aChain.element_size() < 2) { return NS_OK; } // Get the signer. nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr<nsIX509CertDB> certDB = do_GetService(NS_X509CERTDB_CONTRACTID, &rv); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsCOMPtr<nsIX509Cert> signer; rv = certDB->ConstructX509( const_cast<char *>(aChain.element(0).certificate().data()), aChain.element(0).certificate().size(), getter_AddRefs(signer)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); for (int i = 1; i < aChain.element_size(); ++i) { // Get the issuer. nsCOMPtr<nsIX509Cert> issuer; rv = certDB->ConstructX509( const_cast<char *>(aChain.element(i).certificate().data()), aChain.element(i).certificate().size(), getter_AddRefs(issuer)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = GenerateWhitelistStringsForPair(signer, issuer); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } return NS_OK; } nsresult PendingLookup::GenerateWhitelistStrings() { for (int i = 0; i < mRequest.signature().certificate_chain_size(); ++i) { nsresult rv = GenerateWhitelistStringsForChain( mRequest.signature().certificate_chain(i)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } return NS_OK; } nsresult PendingLookup::AddRedirects(nsIArray* aRedirects) { uint32_t length = 0; aRedirects->GetLength(&length); LOG(("ApplicationReputation: Got %u redirects", length)); nsCOMPtr<nsISimpleEnumerator> iter; nsresult rv = aRedirects->Enumerate(getter_AddRefs(iter)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); bool hasMoreRedirects = false; rv = iter->HasMoreElements(&hasMoreRedirects); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); while (hasMoreRedirects) { nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> supports; rv = iter->GetNext(getter_AddRefs(supports)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal> principal = do_QueryInterface(supports, &rv); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> uri; rv = principal->GetURI(getter_AddRefs(uri)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); // Add the spec to our list of local lookups. The most recent redirect is // the last element. nsCString spec; rv = GetStrippedSpec(uri, spec); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); mAnylistSpecs.AppendElement(spec); LOG(("ApplicationReputation: Appending redirect %s\n", spec.get())); // Store the redirect information in the remote request. ClientDownloadRequest_Resource* resource = mRequest.add_resources(); resource->set_url(spec.get()); resource->set_type(ClientDownloadRequest::DOWNLOAD_REDIRECT); rv = iter->HasMoreElements(&hasMoreRedirects); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } return NS_OK; } nsresult PendingLookup::StartLookup() { mStartTime = TimeStamp::Now(); nsresult rv = DoLookupInternal(); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return OnComplete(false, NS_OK); } return rv; } nsresult PendingLookup::GetSpecHash(nsACString& aSpec, nsACString& hexEncodedHash) { nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr<nsICryptoHash> cryptoHash = do_CreateInstance("@mozilla.org/security/hash;1", &rv); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = cryptoHash->Init(nsICryptoHash::SHA256); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = cryptoHash->Update(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(aSpec.BeginReading()), aSpec.Length()); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsAutoCString binaryHash; rv = cryptoHash->Finish(false, binaryHash); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); // This needs to match HexEncode() in Chrome's // src/base/strings/string_number_conversions.cc static const char* const hex = "0123456789ABCDEF"; hexEncodedHash.SetCapacity(2 * binaryHash.Length()); for (size_t i = 0; i < binaryHash.Length(); ++i) { auto c = static_cast<unsigned char>(binaryHash[i]); hexEncodedHash.Append(hex[(c >> 4) & 0x0F]); hexEncodedHash.Append(hex[c & 0x0F]); } return NS_OK; } nsresult PendingLookup::GetStrippedSpec(nsIURI* aUri, nsACString& escaped) { if (NS_WARN_IF(!aUri)) { return NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG; } nsresult rv; rv = aUri->GetScheme(escaped); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); if (escaped.EqualsLiteral("blob")) { aUri->GetSpec(escaped); LOG(("PendingLookup::GetStrippedSpec(): blob URL left unstripped as '%s' [this = %p]", PromiseFlatCString(escaped).get(), this)); return NS_OK; } else if (escaped.EqualsLiteral("data")) { // Replace URI with "data:<everything before comma>,SHA256(<whole URI>)" aUri->GetSpec(escaped); int32_t comma = escaped.FindChar(','); if (comma > -1 && static_cast<nsCString::size_type>(comma) < escaped.Length() - 1) { MOZ_ASSERT(comma > 4, "Data URIs start with 'data:'"); nsAutoCString hexEncodedHash; rv = GetSpecHash(escaped, hexEncodedHash); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { escaped.Truncate(comma + 1); escaped.Append(hexEncodedHash); } } LOG(("PendingLookup::GetStrippedSpec(): data URL stripped to '%s' [this = %p]", PromiseFlatCString(escaped).get(), this)); return NS_OK; } // If aURI is not an nsIURL, we do not want to check the lists or send a // remote query. nsCOMPtr<nsIURL> url = do_QueryInterface(aUri, &rv); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { LOG(("PendingLookup::GetStrippedSpec(): scheme '%s' is not supported [this = %p]", PromiseFlatCString(escaped).get(), this)); return rv; } nsCString temp; rv = url->GetHostPort(temp); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); escaped.Append("://"); escaped.Append(temp); rv = url->GetFilePath(temp); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); // nsIUrl.filePath starts with '/' escaped.Append(temp); LOG(("PendingLookup::GetStrippedSpec(): URL stripped to '%s' [this = %p]", PromiseFlatCString(escaped).get(), this)); return NS_OK; } nsresult PendingLookup::DoLookupInternal() { // We want to check the target URI, its referrer, and associated redirects // against the local lists. nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> uri; nsresult rv = mQuery->GetSourceURI(getter_AddRefs(uri)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsCString sourceSpec; rv = GetStrippedSpec(uri, sourceSpec); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); mAnylistSpecs.AppendElement(sourceSpec); ClientDownloadRequest_Resource* resource = mRequest.add_resources(); resource->set_url(sourceSpec.get()); resource->set_type(ClientDownloadRequest::DOWNLOAD_URL); nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> referrer = nullptr; rv = mQuery->GetReferrerURI(getter_AddRefs(referrer)); if (referrer) { nsCString referrerSpec; rv = GetStrippedSpec(referrer, referrerSpec); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); mAnylistSpecs.AppendElement(referrerSpec); resource->set_referrer(referrerSpec.get()); } nsCOMPtr<nsIArray> redirects; rv = mQuery->GetRedirects(getter_AddRefs(redirects)); if (redirects) { AddRedirects(redirects); } else { LOG(("ApplicationReputation: Got no redirects [this=%p]", this)); } // Extract the signature and parse certificates so we can use it to check // whitelists. nsCOMPtr<nsIArray> sigArray; rv = mQuery->GetSignatureInfo(getter_AddRefs(sigArray)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); if (sigArray) { rv = ParseCertificates(sigArray); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } rv = GenerateWhitelistStrings(); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); // Start the call chain. return LookupNext(); } nsresult PendingLookup::OnComplete(bool shouldBlock, nsresult rv, uint32_t verdict) { MOZ_ASSERT(!shouldBlock || verdict != nsIApplicationReputationService::VERDICT_SAFE); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { nsAutoCString errorName; mozilla::GetErrorName(rv, errorName); LOG(("Failed sending remote query for application reputation " "[rv = %s, this = %p]", errorName.get(), this)); } if (mTimeoutTimer) { mTimeoutTimer->Cancel(); mTimeoutTimer = nullptr; } double t = (TimeStamp::Now() - mStartTime).ToMilliseconds(); LOG(("Application Reputation verdict is %lu, obtained in %f ms [this = %p]", verdict, t, this)); if (shouldBlock) { LOG(("Application Reputation check failed, blocking bad binary [this = %p]", this)); } else { LOG(("Application Reputation check passed [this = %p]", this)); } nsresult res = mCallback->OnComplete(shouldBlock, rv, verdict); return res; } nsresult PendingLookup::ParseCertificates(nsIArray* aSigArray) { // If we haven't been set for any reason, bail. NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aSigArray); // Binaries may be signed by multiple chains of certificates. If there are no // chains, the binary is unsigned (or we were unable to extract signature // information on a non-Windows platform) nsCOMPtr<nsISimpleEnumerator> chains; nsresult rv = aSigArray->Enumerate(getter_AddRefs(chains)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); bool hasMoreChains = false; rv = chains->HasMoreElements(&hasMoreChains); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); while (hasMoreChains) { nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> chainSupports; rv = chains->GetNext(getter_AddRefs(chainSupports)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsCOMPtr<nsIX509CertList> certList = do_QueryInterface(chainSupports, &rv); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); safe_browsing::ClientDownloadRequest_CertificateChain* certChain = mRequest.mutable_signature()->add_certificate_chain(); nsCOMPtr<nsISimpleEnumerator> chainElt; rv = certList->GetEnumerator(getter_AddRefs(chainElt)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); // Each chain may have multiple certificates. bool hasMoreCerts = false; rv = chainElt->HasMoreElements(&hasMoreCerts); while (hasMoreCerts) { nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> certSupports; rv = chainElt->GetNext(getter_AddRefs(certSupports)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsCOMPtr<nsIX509Cert> cert = do_QueryInterface(certSupports, &rv); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); uint8_t* data = nullptr; uint32_t len = 0; rv = cert->GetRawDER(&len, &data); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); // Add this certificate to the protobuf to send remotely. certChain->add_element()->set_certificate(data, len); free(data); rv = chainElt->HasMoreElements(&hasMoreCerts); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } rv = chains->HasMoreElements(&hasMoreChains); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } if (mRequest.signature().certificate_chain_size() > 0) { mRequest.mutable_signature()->set_trusted(true); } return NS_OK; } nsresult PendingLookup::SendRemoteQuery() { nsresult rv = SendRemoteQueryInternal(); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return OnComplete(false, rv); } // SendRemoteQueryInternal has fired off the query and we call OnComplete in // the nsIStreamListener.onStopRequest. return rv; } nsresult PendingLookup::SendRemoteQueryInternal() { // If we aren't supposed to do remote lookups, bail. if (!Preferences::GetBool(PREF_SB_DOWNLOADS_REMOTE_ENABLED, false)) { LOG(("Remote lookups are disabled [this = %p]", this)); return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } // If the remote lookup URL is empty or absent, bail. nsCString serviceUrl; NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(Preferences::GetCString(PREF_SB_APP_REP_URL, &serviceUrl), NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE); if (serviceUrl.IsEmpty()) { LOG(("Remote lookup URL is empty [this = %p]", this)); return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } // If the blocklist or allowlist is empty (so we couldn't do local lookups), // bail { nsAutoCString table; NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(Preferences::GetCString(PREF_DOWNLOAD_BLOCK_TABLE, &table), NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE); if (table.IsEmpty()) { LOG(("Blocklist is empty [this = %p]", this)); return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } } #ifdef XP_WIN // The allowlist is only needed to do signature verification on Windows { nsAutoCString table; NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(Preferences::GetCString(PREF_DOWNLOAD_ALLOW_TABLE, &table), NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE); if (table.IsEmpty()) { LOG(("Allowlist is empty [this = %p]", this)); return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } } #endif LOG(("Sending remote query for application reputation [this = %p]", this)); // We did not find a local result, so fire off the query to the // application reputation service. nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> uri; nsresult rv; rv = mQuery->GetSourceURI(getter_AddRefs(uri)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsCString spec; rv = GetStrippedSpec(uri, spec); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); mRequest.set_url(spec.get()); uint32_t fileSize; rv = mQuery->GetFileSize(&fileSize); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); mRequest.set_length(fileSize); // We have no way of knowing whether or not a user initiated the // download. Set it to true to lessen the chance of false positives. mRequest.set_user_initiated(true); nsCString locale; NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(Preferences::GetCString(PREF_GENERAL_LOCALE, &locale), NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE); mRequest.set_locale(locale.get()); nsCString sha256Hash; rv = mQuery->GetSha256Hash(sha256Hash); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); mRequest.mutable_digests()->set_sha256(sha256Hash.Data()); nsString fileName; rv = mQuery->GetSuggestedFileName(fileName); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); mRequest.set_file_basename(NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(fileName).get()); mRequest.set_download_type(GetDownloadType(fileName)); if (mRequest.signature().trusted()) { LOG(("Got signed binary for remote application reputation check " "[this = %p]", this)); } else { LOG(("Got unsigned binary for remote application reputation check " "[this = %p]", this)); } // Serialize the protocol buffer to a string. This can only fail if we are // out of memory, or if the protocol buffer req is missing required fields // (only the URL for now). std::string serialized; if (!mRequest.SerializeToString(&serialized)) { return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } LOG(("Serialized protocol buffer [this = %p]: (length=%d) %s", this, serialized.length(), serialized.c_str())); // Set the input stream to the serialized protocol buffer nsCOMPtr<nsIStringInputStream> sstream = do_CreateInstance("@mozilla.org/io/string-input-stream;1", &rv); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = sstream->SetData(serialized.c_str(), serialized.length()); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); // Set up the channel to transmit the request to the service. nsCOMPtr<nsIIOService> ios = do_GetService(NS_IOSERVICE_CONTRACTID, &rv); rv = ios->NewChannel2(serviceUrl, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, // aLoadingNode nsContentUtils::GetSystemPrincipal(), nullptr, // aTriggeringPrincipal nsILoadInfo::SEC_ALLOW_CROSS_ORIGIN_DATA_IS_NULL, nsIContentPolicy::TYPE_OTHER, getter_AddRefs(mChannel)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsCOMPtr<nsILoadInfo> loadInfo = mChannel->GetLoadInfo(); if (loadInfo) { loadInfo->SetOriginAttributes( mozilla::NeckoOriginAttributes(NECKO_SAFEBROWSING_APP_ID, false)); } nsCOMPtr<nsIHttpChannel> httpChannel(do_QueryInterface(mChannel, &rv)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); mozilla::Unused << httpChannel; // Upload the protobuf to the application reputation service. nsCOMPtr<nsIUploadChannel2> uploadChannel = do_QueryInterface(mChannel, &rv); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = uploadChannel->ExplicitSetUploadStream(sstream, NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("application/octet-stream"), serialized.size(), NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("POST"), false); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); // Set the Safebrowsing cookie jar, so that the regular Google cookie is not // sent with this request. See bug 897516. DocShellOriginAttributes attrs; attrs.mAppId = NECKO_SAFEBROWSING_APP_ID; nsCOMPtr<nsIInterfaceRequestor> loadContext = new mozilla::LoadContext(attrs); rv = mChannel->SetNotificationCallbacks(loadContext); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); uint32_t timeoutMs = Preferences::GetUint(PREF_SB_DOWNLOADS_REMOTE_TIMEOUT, 10000); mTimeoutTimer = do_CreateInstance(NS_TIMER_CONTRACTID); mTimeoutTimer->InitWithCallback(this, timeoutMs, nsITimer::TYPE_ONE_SHOT); rv = mChannel->AsyncOpen2(this); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP PendingLookup::Notify(nsITimer* aTimer) { LOG(("Remote lookup timed out [this = %p]", this)); MOZ_ASSERT(aTimer == mTimeoutTimer); mChannel->Cancel(NS_ERROR_NET_TIMEOUT); mTimeoutTimer->Cancel(); return NS_OK; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // nsIObserver implementation NS_IMETHODIMP PendingLookup::Observe(nsISupports *aSubject, const char *aTopic, const char16_t *aData) { if (!strcmp(aTopic, "quit-application")) { if (mTimeoutTimer) { mTimeoutTimer->Cancel(); mTimeoutTimer = nullptr; } if (mChannel) { mChannel->Cancel(NS_ERROR_ABORT); } } return NS_OK; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// nsIStreamListener static nsresult AppendSegmentToString(nsIInputStream* inputStream, void *closure, const char *rawSegment, uint32_t toOffset, uint32_t count, uint32_t *writeCount) { nsAutoCString* decodedData = static_cast<nsAutoCString*>(closure); decodedData->Append(rawSegment, count); *writeCount = count; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP PendingLookup::OnDataAvailable(nsIRequest *aRequest, nsISupports *aContext, nsIInputStream *aStream, uint64_t offset, uint32_t count) { uint32_t read; return aStream->ReadSegments(AppendSegmentToString, &mResponse, count, &read); } NS_IMETHODIMP PendingLookup::OnStartRequest(nsIRequest *aRequest, nsISupports *aContext) { return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP PendingLookup::OnStopRequest(nsIRequest *aRequest, nsISupports *aContext, nsresult aResult) { NS_ENSURE_STATE(mCallback); bool shouldBlock = false; uint32_t verdict = nsIApplicationReputationService::VERDICT_SAFE; nsresult rv = OnStopRequestInternal(aRequest, aContext, aResult, &shouldBlock, &verdict); OnComplete(shouldBlock, rv, verdict); return rv; } nsresult PendingLookup::OnStopRequestInternal(nsIRequest *aRequest, nsISupports *aContext, nsresult aResult, bool* aShouldBlock, uint32_t* aVerdict) { if (NS_FAILED(aResult)) { return aResult; } *aShouldBlock = false; *aVerdict = nsIApplicationReputationService::VERDICT_SAFE; nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr<nsIHttpChannel> channel = do_QueryInterface(aRequest, &rv); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } uint32_t status = 0; rv = channel->GetResponseStatus(&status); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } if (status != 200) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } std::string buf(mResponse.Data(), mResponse.Length()); safe_browsing::ClientDownloadResponse response; if (!response.ParseFromString(buf)) { LOG(("Invalid protocol buffer response [this = %p]: %s", this, buf.c_str())); return NS_ERROR_CANNOT_CONVERT_DATA; } switch(response.verdict()) { case safe_browsing::ClientDownloadResponse::DANGEROUS: *aShouldBlock = Preferences::GetBool(PREF_BLOCK_DANGEROUS, true); *aVerdict = nsIApplicationReputationService::VERDICT_DANGEROUS; break; case safe_browsing::ClientDownloadResponse::DANGEROUS_HOST: *aShouldBlock = Preferences::GetBool(PREF_BLOCK_DANGEROUS_HOST, true); *aVerdict = nsIApplicationReputationService::VERDICT_DANGEROUS_HOST; break; case safe_browsing::ClientDownloadResponse::POTENTIALLY_UNWANTED: *aShouldBlock = Preferences::GetBool(PREF_BLOCK_POTENTIALLY_UNWANTED, false); *aVerdict = nsIApplicationReputationService::VERDICT_POTENTIALLY_UNWANTED; break; case safe_browsing::ClientDownloadResponse::UNCOMMON: *aShouldBlock = Preferences::GetBool(PREF_BLOCK_UNCOMMON, false); *aVerdict = nsIApplicationReputationService::VERDICT_UNCOMMON; break; default: // Treat everything else as safe break; } return NS_OK; } NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(ApplicationReputationService, nsIApplicationReputationService) ApplicationReputationService* ApplicationReputationService::gApplicationReputationService = nullptr; ApplicationReputationService* ApplicationReputationService::GetSingleton() { if (gApplicationReputationService) { NS_ADDREF(gApplicationReputationService); return gApplicationReputationService; } // We're not initialized yet. gApplicationReputationService = new ApplicationReputationService(); if (gApplicationReputationService) { NS_ADDREF(gApplicationReputationService); } return gApplicationReputationService; } ApplicationReputationService::ApplicationReputationService() { LOG(("Application reputation service started up")); } ApplicationReputationService::~ApplicationReputationService() { LOG(("Application reputation service shutting down")); MOZ_ASSERT(gApplicationReputationService == this); gApplicationReputationService = nullptr; } NS_IMETHODIMP ApplicationReputationService::QueryReputation( nsIApplicationReputationQuery* aQuery, nsIApplicationReputationCallback* aCallback) { LOG(("Starting application reputation check [query=%p]", aQuery)); NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aQuery); NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aCallback); nsresult rv = QueryReputationInternal(aQuery, aCallback); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { aCallback->OnComplete(false, rv, nsIApplicationReputationService::VERDICT_SAFE); } return NS_OK; } nsresult ApplicationReputationService::QueryReputationInternal( nsIApplicationReputationQuery* aQuery, nsIApplicationReputationCallback* aCallback) { nsresult rv; // If malware checks aren't enabled, don't query application reputation. if (!Preferences::GetBool(PREF_SB_MALWARE_ENABLED, false)) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } if (!Preferences::GetBool(PREF_SB_DOWNLOADS_ENABLED, false)) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> uri; rv = aQuery->GetSourceURI(getter_AddRefs(uri)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); // Bail if the URI hasn't been set. NS_ENSURE_STATE(uri); // Create a new pending lookup and start the call chain. RefPtr<PendingLookup> lookup(new PendingLookup(aQuery, aCallback)); NS_ENSURE_STATE(lookup); // Add an observer for shutdown nsCOMPtr<nsIObserverService> observerService = mozilla::services::GetObserverService(); if (!observerService) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } observerService->AddObserver(lookup, "quit-application", false); return lookup->StartLookup(); }