/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#include "nsISupports.idl"
#include "nsIAutoCompleteController.idl"

interface nsIAutoCompletePopup;

[scriptable, uuid(B068E70F-F82C-4C12-AD87-82E271C5C180)]
interface nsIAutoCompleteInput : nsISupports
   * The result view that will be used to display results
  readonly attribute nsIAutoCompletePopup popup;

   * The controller.
  readonly attribute nsIAutoCompleteController controller;

   * Indicates if the popup is currently open
  attribute boolean popupOpen;

   * Option to disable autocomplete functionality
  attribute boolean disableAutoComplete;

   * If a search result has its defaultIndex set, this will optionally
   * try to complete the text in the textbox to the entire text of the
   * result at the default index as the user types
  attribute boolean completeDefaultIndex;

   * complete text in the textbox as the user selects from the dropdown
   * options if set to true
  attribute boolean completeSelectedIndex;

   * Option for completing to the default result whenever the user hits
   * enter or the textbox loses focus
  attribute boolean forceComplete;

   * Option to open the popup only after a certain number of results are available
  attribute unsigned long minResultsForPopup;

   * The maximum number of rows to show in the autocomplete popup.
  attribute unsigned long maxRows;

   * Option to show a second column in the popup which contains
   * the comment for each autocomplete result
  attribute boolean showCommentColumn;

   * Option to show a third column in the popup which contains
   * an additional image for each autocomplete result
  attribute boolean showImageColumn;

   * Number of milliseconds after a keystroke before a search begins
  attribute unsigned long timeout;

   * An extra parameter to configure searches with.
  attribute AString searchParam;

   * The number of autocomplete session to search
  readonly attribute unsigned long searchCount;

   * Get the name of one of the autocomplete search session objects
  ACString getSearchAt(in unsigned long index);

   * The value of text in the autocomplete textbox.
   * @note when setting a new value, the controller always first tries to use
   *       setTextboxValueWithReason, and only if that throws (unimplemented),
   *       fallbacks to the textValue's setter.  If a reason is not provided,
   *       the implementation should assume TEXTVALUE_REASON_UNKNOWN, but it
   *       should only happen in testing code.
  attribute AString textValue;

   * Set the value of text in the autocomplete textbox, providing a reason to
   * the autocomplete view.
  const unsigned short TEXTVALUE_REASON_UNKNOWN = 0;
  const unsigned short TEXTVALUE_REASON_COMPLETEDEFAULT = 1;
  const unsigned short TEXTVALUE_REASON_REVERT = 3;
  const unsigned short TEXTVALUE_REASON_ENTERMATCH = 4;

  void setTextValueWithReason(in AString aValue,
                              in unsigned short aReason);

   * Report the starting index of the cursor in the textbox
  readonly attribute long selectionStart;

   * Report the ending index of the cursor in the textbox
  readonly attribute long selectionEnd;

   * Select a range of text in the autocomplete textbox
  void selectTextRange(in long startIndex, in long endIndex);

   * Notification that the search has started
  void onSearchBegin();

   * Notification that the search concluded successfully
  void onSearchComplete();

   * Notification that the user selected and entered a result item
   * @param aEvent
   *        The event that triggered the enter.
   * @return True if the user wishes to prevent the enter
  boolean onTextEntered([optional] in nsIDOMEvent aEvent);

   * Notification that the user cancelled the autocomplete session
   * @return True if the user wishes to prevent the revert
  boolean onTextReverted();

   * This popup should consume or dispatch the rollup event.
   * TRUE: should consume; FALSE: should dispatch.
  readonly attribute boolean consumeRollupEvent;

   * Indicates whether this input is in a "private browsing" context.
   * nsIAutoCompleteSearches for these inputs should not persist any data to disk
   * (such as a history database).
  readonly attribute boolean inPrivateContext;

   * Don't rollup the popup when the caret is moved.
  readonly attribute boolean noRollupOnCaretMove;

   * The userContextId of the current browser.
  readonly attribute unsigned long userContextId;