<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="chrome://global/skin"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"?>
<window title="about:memory"
  <script type="application/javascript" src="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"/>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js"></script>

  <!-- This file tests the loading of memory reports from file when specified
       in about:memory's URL (via the "file=" suffix). -->

  <!-- test results are displayed in the html:body -->
  <body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"></body>

  <!-- test code goes here -->
  <script type="application/javascript">
  "use strict";

  function makePathname(aFilename) {
    let file = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/file/directory_service;1"]
               .get("CurWorkD", Components.interfaces.nsIFile);
    return file.path;

  // Load the given file into the frame, then copy+paste the entire frame and
  // check that the cut text matches what we expect.
  function test(aFilename, aExpected, aNext) {
    let frame = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "iframe")
    frame.height = 300;
    frame.src = "about:memory?file=" + makePathname(aFilename);

    // Initialize the clipboard contents.
    SpecialPowers.clipboardCopyString("initial clipboard value");

    let numFailures = 0, maxFailures = 30;

    // Because the file load is async, we don't know when it will finish and
    // the output will show up.  So we poll.
    function copyPasteAndCheck() {
      // Copy and paste frame contents, and filter out non-deterministic
      // differences.
      synthesizeKey("A", {accelKey: true});
      synthesizeKey("C", {accelKey: true});
      let actual = SpecialPowers.getClipboardData("text/unicode");
      actual = actual.replace(/\(pid \d+\)/, "(pid NNN)");

      if (actual.trim() === aExpected.trim()) {
        SimpleTest.ok(true, "Clipboard has the expected contents");
      } else {
        if (numFailures === maxFailures) {
          ok(false, "pasted text doesn't match");
        } else {
          setTimeout(copyPasteAndCheck, 100);

  // Returns a function that chains together multiple test() calls.
  function chain(aFrameIds) {
    let x = aFrameIds.shift();
    if (x) {
      return function() { test(x.filename, x.expected, chain(aFrameIds)); }
    } else {
      return function() { SimpleTest.finish(); };

  // This is pretty simple output, but that's ok;  this file is about testing
  // the loading of data from file.  If we got this far, we're doing fine.
  let expectedGood =
Explicit-only process\n\
WARNING: the 'heap-allocated' memory reporter does not work for this platform and/or configuration. This means that 'heap-unclassified' is not shown and the 'explicit' tree shows less memory than it should.\n\
Explicit Allocations\n\
0.10 MB (100.0%) -- explicit\n\
└──0.10 MB (100.0%) ── a/b\n\
Other Measurements\n\
End of Explicit-only process\n\
Heap-unclassified process\n\
Explicit Allocations\n\
250.00 MB (100.0%) -- explicit\n\
├──200.00 MB (80.00%) ── heap-unclassified\n\
└───50.00 MB (20.00%) ── a/b\n\
Other Measurements\n\
250.00 MB ── heap-allocated\n\
End of Heap-unclassified process\n\
Main Process (pid NNN)\n\
Explicit Allocations\n\
250.00 MB (100.0%) -- explicit\n\
├──200.00 MB (80.00%) ── heap-unclassified\n\
└───50.00 MB (20.00%) ── a/b\n\
Other Measurements\n\
0.00 MB (100.0%) -- compartments\n\
└──0.00 MB (100.0%) ── system/a\n\
0.00 MB (100.0%) -- ghost-windows\n\
└──0.00 MB (100.0%) ── a\n\
0.30 MB (100.0%) -- other\n\
├──0.20 MB (66.67%) ── a\n\
└──0.10 MB (33.33%) ── b\n\
0.00 MB (100.0%) -- pss\n\
└──0.00 MB (100.0%) ── a\n\
0.00 MB (100.0%) -- rss\n\
└──0.00 MB (100.0%) ── a\n\
0.00 MB (100.0%) -- size\n\
└──0.00 MB (100.0%) ── a\n\
0.00 MB (100.0%) -- swap\n\
└──0.00 MB (100.0%) ── a\n\
250.00 MB ── heap-allocated\n\
End of Main Process (pid NNN)\n\
Other-only process\n\
Other Measurements\n\
0.19 MB (100.0%) -- a\n\
├──0.10 MB (50.00%) ── b\n\
└──0.10 MB (50.00%) ── c\n\
0.48 MB ── heap-allocated\n\
End of Other-only process\n\

  // This is the output for a malformed data file.
  let expectedBad =
Error: Invalid memory report(s): missing 'hasMozMallocUsableSize' property";

  let frames = [
    // This loads a pre-existing file that is valid.
    { filename: "memory-reports-good.json", expected: expectedGood },

    // This loads a pre-existing file that is valid.
    { filename: "memory-reports-bad.json", expected: expectedBad }

